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08/11/08. Youmilex Review and Other News



Today I’m reviewing Youmilex – a program that’s been paying for about three weeks seems to be a good choice for diversifying your investment portfolio.

Though Youmilex program is based on the popular Neversay script it’s not an autosurf and you don’t need to surf in order to receive your daily earnings. They will be accrued to your account daily (12.5% every day) and you will be paid 125% on your investment automatically on expiry within 48 hours. This feature makes Youmilex look very similar to autosurf programs but there’s one catch: there’s no need to surf.

There are four payment processors accepted by Youmilex: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and AlertPay. Something else in common with autosurfs as not many HYIPs accept AP and STP. There are deposit fees charged by the admin and you should be aware that if you deposit via SolidTrustPay you will be charged 1.60% + $0.25 fee in addition. An even bigger fee applies to AlertPay deposits – 2.60% + $0.25. And finally, LibertyReserve deposits are subject to an additional 1% deposit fee. There are no fees for PerfectMoney deposits though. As you might have noticed, those fees comply with the fees charged by the relevent payment processors on receiving the funds. So actually the admin of Youmilex is making things simpler – he will make sure that it’s you who will pay the fees and not him. Since you will be charged again on receiving the funds from the program, your actual return from different payment processors will be different as well. For example, after 10 days you will get about 120% on your AlertPay deposit, about 122% on your SolidTrustPay deposit, 123% on your LibertyReserve deposit and the whole 125% on your PerfectMoney deposit.

These returns are not as high as they may seem at first glance and I’m sure Youmilex can be sustainable in the long run. Really, three weeks online is not a long term for such programs as Youmilex especially if you consider that the payouts are paid on expiry only.

There are some limitations on the maximum deposits set up by the admin to make the program more stable and avoid “hit-n-runner” issues. The minimum deposit you can make is $5 and all the deposits must be divisible by 5 as per the script requirements. The maximum deposit shouldn’t exceed 200 units ($1,000) and you can’t have more than 5 deposits running simultaneously.

I would like give a special mention to the site’s protection. It’s just perfect as the site is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and the DdoS-protection is provided by DdoSWiz. Provided the admin’s intentions are good, Youmilex can run for a very long time in my opinion. I’m hoping to hold an interview with the admin once I receive my first cashout. But so far I’ve heard no bad feedback about the program and I hope it will continue to bring the profits to the investors.

Other news for today.

As you might have have noticed I announced the launch of DailyProfitPond yesterday and I was right about the program being a total success for the first 3 days online. More than 600 members joined already and it’s a very impressive figure I must say. I’m currently investigating this 12% for 12 days program and the review of DailyProfitPond will be published on my blog by Monday. But I advise you to join today and experience a new script and a new approach from the program’s admin. By the way, the admin of DailyProfitPond has already sent out the first newsletter and you can read it here:
First of all welcome to DailyProfitPond and thank you for helping us to make this program a real success since first day. I’m bringing this e-mail to you because I checked there is some fuzz on support of the site. First days of operation were very workful, site membership is having a great growth on daily basis, I ask you please consider first days of a new business are hard. We are working and all pendind tickets are now responded. Feel free to contact us back if you have further issues. Currently over 600 members joined us, and we could realise new members have been very committed to refer, it means we can expect 1,000 mark really soon. In the next newsletter I should bring some news about our point for sharing updates, news and ideas: our forum. This is another solution that may ease things for all of us.

It seems that the recent LibertyReserve issue that hit many autosurf programs will be a thing of the past soon as many programs are accepting LibertyReserve deposits once more. SurfExchange was one such program. Here’s what the admin (read my interview with him here) had to say on the matter:
It is with great Joy that I announce to you today that our LibertyReserve account has been release ans we can now make all pending LibertyReserve payment.
From this moment, we have started accepting LibertyReserve deposits to same account again. I discussed with LibertyReserve staffs and they promised to always resolve our issues as quickly as possible.
I thank you all for your patience and confidence on SurfExchange. We will always do our possible best to serve you better.
Please don’t forget that our activity contest winners will be announced in about 72 hours. All payments have been made, please remember that we will never send you a link to click.
It’s always good to work with sincere, patient and confident people like you who will not give up the fight for success.
SurfExchange will bring success to your door steps.
Once again, thank you for maing SurfExchange work.

The admin of 8DailyForever Susan (reviewed here) also returned LibertyReserve to the list of their accepted processors. You should remember that 8DailyForever has been paying since May 2008 (don’t forget that 13% for 13 days limited plan is also still on) and so the admin decided to start an aggressive banner advertising campaign in order to increase the number of members of 8DailyForever program to 10,000 by Christmas. Isn’t it amazing? Well, in my opinion this is what we call an inventive admin. Here’s the latest update from Susan:
A Challenge for Everyone!!
Our GOAL is to flood the forums, monitors and all high traffic sites with 8DF banners, and our target is 10,000 members before Christmas! Can we do it? TOGETHER, you BET we can!!
Would anyone like to team with William and I on reaching this goal? Here’s an idea: If you know of a good, receptive site to place one of our banners….the bigger, the better!…..we will pay the banner placement cost for a week to a month. ($50 limit please. If more than that, you pay the difference!) You may use your ref URL and reap the commissions benefits.
Your job is to find the high traffic site (monitor, forum, popular surf etc.), negotiate with the admin and arrange for banner placement.
When the banner is “up”, please send us the URL and your receipt and we’ll reimburse you. To sweeten the deal, we’ll also throw in a free $8 adpack! Now THAT’s a win-win situation!
Oh and by the way, if we DO reach our 10,000 target before Christmas, well all celebrate bigtime and are open for ideas to do so guys!!
Are you up for the challenge ???

The admin of FastProfitSurf Paul (read my interview with him here) seems to have got many interesting ideas from the members of his program and recently started another contest for the best article about FastProfitSurf. Please read the rules of the contest carefully and you are welcome to take part in it and win some sweet prizes:
We’re launching today a new contest. Any of you can participate in this contest, including free members. It will be for the best article wrote about FPS. You may think that this is a contest for bloggers but it’s not. Any of you can write a good article about FPS. The first 3 places will be awarded like this:
1 – 700$, 2- 200$ and 3 -100$ in cash paid directly to winners accounts.
So please write the best article about FPS and send it to me either on contact form or to Contest will last for a week, so will end on 14th of November. The best article will be published on all major blogs and forums where we can put it. I hope you’ll enjoy this contest as well! So go ahead and start writing.

The admin of AggeroInvestment Roger (read my interview with him here) sent out his regular Friday weekly newsletter yesterday and all the news was positive by the way. AggeroInvestment is growing strong and all issues are being dealt with very fast by the admin. You really have to read this newsletter to see that AggeroInvestment is simply great:
Another great week has passed, I am so looking forward to another great weekend and the days ahead. Not a lot of things to discuss today as our program is running smoothly as ever. Our membership base is growing nicely, I believe we are set to have around a thousand members by the time we go private on Nov. 27th. Yes, that’s less than 3 weeks now. Ok, here’s a few things I want to discuss:
1. Both our LibertyReserve and SolidTrustPay accounts are running normally. No blocks from LR, and STP works fine with Firefox now. I had a couple of withdrawals yesterday on LR that didn’t go through instantly. If that happens, that is not a problem on our side, it is LR’s. Sometimes, a hiccup now and then can occur on their servers. Many still do get their payments instantly everyday. So no worries, I will pay them as I see them. Right now, there are NO pending payments whatsoever on ALL payment processors.
2. ‘BEST OF THE BEST!’ contest ends in 2 days, Nov.9th! We have 4 members who maxed-out their accounts, and they are all winners already. I also have a list of the winners in the other categories already, but hey, there’s still 2 days for you to try and change my list! So c’mon and be the best! For our new members, the rules and categories can be found on the ‘Contests’ tab on the top menu. All prized will be awarded on the 10th or 11th.
3. On Saturday, I will be spending time with my family and friends on an outing. If there’s a slight delay on your payment requests, know that I will be right on it as soon as I get back. Remember that it is in our T.O.S. that I do not have to pay during the weekends, BUT I still do. I mentioned this because some members gets scared when they don’t get paid within a few minutes or within the hour. You do not have to be scared here, there’s no reason for that, you will get your payments. Our investments are giving us awesome returns and me and my wife are doing this all for you.
Well, I think that’s about it! Like me, I hope you do spend quality time with your families also. They are VERY important to me and I hope yours is too. Have a great weekend!
If there’s anything I forgot, I will as usual send you quick notes or reminders.

Let’s talk about HYIPs now. All the them are running smoothly as well except InoFund that’s been suffering an enormous DdoS-attack for the last number of hours. I hope their hosting provider Dragonara will take care of it and get them back online soon. So far the site is quite slow at my end and there is a sign on the website informing me of the reason: “We are under ddos atack, please click here to enter site.” I think there is nothing to worry about InoFund because I received my withdrawal again instantly despite the site’s slugishness and I believe the site will be much better soon after the DdoS-attack is mitigated. Here’s the update from the admin (by the way you can read my review of the program here):
Good day Dear InoFund Members,
The fact that our project is gaining popularity and success and at the moment we are fighting with multi-pronged distributed denial of service (DDoS) in our secure server.
This time website working fine, but there is a possibility that our website will be unavailable on Monday because DDoS attack is becoming more and more. We are working on it and we already ordered more protected solaris machine and more bandwidth, so the situation is under our control.
Our payment and administration systems are working, safe and secure, but the networks around them are being flooded with requests on a huge scale, causing ‘service denials’.
We are processing payments, but far slower and fewer than we normally would.
* We strongly ask all InoFund Inc customers, please do not worry and do not create panic, we fully control the situation and we hope that it would not be repeated.
If InoFund Inc website will be unavailable for You, please read news in our public forums threads.
The origin of the attack is unknown so far and InoFund is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the attacker.
We apologise unreservedly for any inconvenience caused. InoFund’s techies are working overtime to restore normal service but can’t say when normal service will be restored.
Thank You for cooperating with InoFund Inc.

TopProfitWorld program experienced some issues recently with their profit withdrawals and deposit history functions that seemed not to be working correctly. So the admin of TopProfitWorld (read my review of the program here) decided to explain what you have to do if you noticed some discrepancies in your TopProfitWorld account:
Deposit Not Showing
If you deposited money between October 19 and November 3 and your deposit is not showing then send us email with your deposit detail and give us 24 hours to add this to your account.
Extra Account Balance
It is possible that you find some extra balance that is already paid during last 2 weeks. If you withdraw extra balance (Already Paid) and actual (Non-Paid) balance together then your withdrawal request will be deleted. Withdraw extra balance (Already Paid) separately and your actual (Non-Paid) balance separately. Withdrawals might be delay than usual processing time because we will reconcile each member data before processing withdrawals so please keep patience. Admin

Since I haven’t received an answer from the admin of Commoditex Mark I consider this program has something to hide. I remind you that in the review published here I expressed my doubt that the program is really registered in New Zealand. I suppose it would be easy enough for him to answer this simple question: why neither Commoditex, nor Primefa has no registration records on the following link. I believe his desire to avoid answering some obvious doubts leave me no choice but to assume that Commoditex is actually another HYIP with fake registration details. I’m not saying that the program is bad or not paying (it’s actually paying on time) but you should just treat it like any other ponzi-game and not as a regular enterprise. As with every ponzi-game, Commoditex needs to grow and the admin recently asked the investors to vote for his program if you receive your payment from them:
Commoditex INC as the most serious investment online program is hardly working to provide you the best service.
As a Commoditex Client, we require your support to rate our company on different Monitor sites to have better reference of us.
If you as an active investor are receiving your daily payments we kindly ask you to vote.
We hope you can vote us, as personal thanks for our performance and service quality.

One of the most interesting new HYIPs, W-MTFund (reviewed here) issued yet another weekly newsletter where it informed it’s investors about the site’s performance over the last week:
a) Weekly interest rate from Mon, Nov. 10 to Sun, Nov. 16: -1.84%
– MT Basic: 9.16% (=1.83% daily x 5 business days)
– MT Standard +0.5%; MT Silver: +1%; MT Gold: +2%.
b) Average weekly rate:
– last 4 weeks: 9.71% (+)
– last 26 weeks: 8.83% (+)
c) Referral commission: +0.25/3.50%”.
By the way, W-MTFund recently announced a referral contest for its members with some very good prizes and if you’re capable of referring other members to W-MTFund and build your downline fast you’re advised to take the most active part in this contest. The rules are described below and the winners will be announced after November, 21:
“We used to periodically share our extra-cash with our VIP (off-line) members: as promised, from now on we will do it for our online members too, holding a series of contests.
So, it is time to multiply your profit taking advantage of all the possibilities offered by W-MTFund: let your imagination run wild and spread your referral link on the Internet!
Feel free to show us your skill in promoting W-MTFund, as you wish: publish a review to introduce W-MTFund to new investors, talk about us in forums and put W-MTFund in your signature, use our banner code with your referral link inside, etc. For instance, let people know the benefits that “variable interest rates” and “variable refcom” involve in terms of stability or other features that, in your opinion, make W-MTFund reliable.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in our first amazing contest: “W-MT LEAGUE”.
W-MT LEAGUE will last 14 days: from November, 7th to November 21st.
You must observe three rules:
1) do not use spam;
2) do not create several accounts with the purpose to obtain the referral commission;
3) at the end of the contest (11-21-2008) write a detailed report on your promotional activities and send it to
The 10 members who refer the highest number of investors will win the following prizes: 1st: $ 350 LR 2nd: $ 280 LR 3rd: $ 220 LR 4th: $ 180 LR 5th: $ 120 LR 6th: $ 90 LR 7th: $ 80 LR 8th: $ 70 LR 9th: $ 60 LR 10th: $ 50 LR
All our member will earn a special increasing referral commission:
– from 1 to 5 referrals: 6.75% – from 6 to 10 referrals: 7.50% – from 11 to 30 referrals: 8.25% – from 31 to 50 referrals: 9.00% – from 51+ referals: 10.00%
Good luck!

That’s all the news for today except to add that I was paid today from the following programs: MegaLido, Tradelite, FastProfitSurf, Frogress, AggeroInvestment, NoRiskInvestment, ResidualForexIncome, W-MTFund, GoldNuggetInvest, TopProfitWorld, BlueBorgartFunds, WSSavior, InoFund, MajorBarter, SafeAtom, SilverInvest, 8DailyForever, Commoditex, VolcanoInvest, MaxShare, Olympex-Group, DailyProfitPond (the first ref commissions have been received) and StabilitySurf (the first payout).

And speaking of StabilitySurf, I only joined it today and have already received my first payment already. StabilitySurf is paying you 4% for 30 days of surfing. The best part is that you can request your payouts daily and be paid within 48 hours of your request. LibertyReserve and AlertPay are accepted for upgrades. The cost of one ad unit is $5. I’m going to review StabilitySurf later next week. So far the program seems good to me. I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow with another interview!

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