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14/12/08. Giant-Investment Review and Other News


Hi everybody. Well I hope you’re all having a good weekend so far, and if you’re not I hope I can improve it a little with this new HYIP program I joined recently. It’s called Giant-Investment and I’d like to review it for you today. The program has been running for about five days now and has a pretty big advertising campaign to spread the word. More about my thoughts on that later. First though to the most important part. The investment plans. All of which accept either Dollars or Euros by the way, but I’ll stick with Dollars here for review purposes. I think it’s what most readers work with anyway.

Giant-Investment is a low-ROI HYIP and has three plans for you to consider, including a test plan. The Test plan runs for fifteen days, longer than most but really not so unusual for low ROI program. It pays 0.8% daily for 15 days with your principal returned on expiry. That will get you 12% profit on top of your initial investment, e.g. invest $100 and get back $112. The minimum amount you can invest here is $10.

Next is the Standard plan. This one runs for sixty days and will pay you up to 2.2% daily depending on the size of your investment. Minimum spend here is also $10. Here’s what they pay: $10 to $1000 – 1.4%, $1001 to $5000 – 1.8%, $5001 and upwards – 2.2%.

And finally there is the Premium plan. This is my own personal choice here. Once you do the math you’ll see that it can actually get you in profit in a shorter time than the Standard plan, 56 days in my case, and is therefore less of a risk. As with the other two, the minimum spend here is also $10 with no maximum. It runs for 120 days and can potentially net you up to 2.6% daily. Here are the figures: $10 to $1000 – 1.8%, $1001 to $5000 – 2.2%, .$5001 and upwards – 2.6%

I should also point out that interest on all plans is paid seven days per week and your principal is returned after your chosen plan has been completed. There are just two payment processors being accepted at the moment and they are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Payments are made seven days per week and in the absence of a script, they are made direct to your account.

Giant-Investment is also hosted by BlackLotus and would seem to have an acceptable level of anti-DDoS protection from them.

The fact that I am putting Giant-Investment on my recommended list at all might raise a few eyebrows, but to be honest it’s there for the lack of serious competition in the current unstable season. Not that I want to detract from the program too much, but I wouldn’t start investing huge amounts there either. They do claim to be an investment company founded in the UK, with an address that has somehow found it’s way to Switzerland. As they have no phone support and no real evidence on offer to back up their claims, I have no choice but to treat it like any other HYIP. But that’s not entirely a bad thing. I think the plans are quite sustainable and given the fact that, as I said at the start, they seem to have a sizable advertising budget, I’m not expecting Giant-Investment to disappear anytime soon. Coupled with the fact that they have only been online for five days, now is the time to join as the earlier you get into any program, the better your chances are of turning a profit. Just, as with everything else at this time, be cautious and test it out first if you have doubts.

Other news for today.

This is an important reminder from Money-News-Online! Time is fast running out and you have just a matter of hours left to sign-up under me in the best surfing program of 2008, AggeroInvestment. The admin of the program Roger (read my interview with him here) sent out another important newsletter last night to make sure that everything is perfectly clear to all the investors. It seems that some of his previous emails caused some confusion in the minds of potential investors and made them think that the principal is not returned at the end of the investment term of 15 days. Well, I must tell you with all certainty that if you surf daily you will get 127.5% on expiry of your upgrade in AggeroInvestment (your total profit will be 27.5% plus the return of the original upgrade). I think this model already proved to be highly successful with more than 3 months of enormous success behind AggeroInvestment and its professional admin Roger. Here’s the latest update from him:
Wow! Are you excited yet? I’m so pumped-up right now! In less than 12 hours, we will open up registrations again! That’s 48 hours of complete non-stop action this saturday and Sunday! Great things are in store for you and for our new members so buckle up and enjoy the ride. we are going to start our industry’s future….. NOW!
With that, let me finish up some of the training materials I want you all to learn.
1. SIGNING-UP SOMEONE TO BE YOUR DOWNLINE – When you log-in to your member’s area, you will see the big-bold-red text saying ‘YOUR REFERRAL LINKS’ on top. Under it where it says, where xxxxxxx is your USERNAME, is what you will use to sign-up people. They have to click on the entire link for the script to capture your username as their referrer. Once they clicked on it, they have to click ‘Register’ on the site and they just have to fill out the registration form. It should appear on the form that you are their referrer/upline. You can then check on your ‘Your Downline’ link if they appear as your downline.
* Take note that on this weekend’s registration, all those who will register SHOULD HAVE an upline.
2. SIGNING-UP SOMEONE ON THE SAME IP-ADDRESS OR HOUSEHOLD – This is the only exception this weekend. You can send me their DESIRED USERNAME, EMAIL ADDRESS and FULL NAME at I will allow them but THEY CANNOT BE your downline OR anybody else for that matter. They are going to be your responsibility and not your upline (if you have one).
* Take note that the script was designed to catch IP-address cheaters and if caught, all related accounts will be disabled automatically. So please do not surf on the same IP if one is a downline of the other. We are looking at adding thousands more of members this weekend so I wouldn’t entertain reasons regarding this issue.
3. MANUAL SURFING – The reason for manual surfing is I actually want you to see what our advertiser’s are promoting. Some of our major advertisers would pay money to advertise a product. Some could be interesting, some could be not. But the bottom line is, you are earning an additional 1.5% on your rebates if you manual surf, so that should be reason enough to spend a few minutes to see what others have to offer.
To start manual surfing, click on ‘View Ads’ on your member’s menu. The site rotation will start. You have to view somewhere between none to a maximum of 5 premium ads in the beginning. Premium ads are from some of our paying advertisers. They paid money for that spot. That is also the reason you do not earn site credits for viewing them.
Our timer is set at 25 seconds per site. Once the timer expires, you will click on the ‘Click for next site’ button to go to the next one. After the premium sites, you will then see the banner site, then the regular member sites. Regular sites are picked randomly by the script. You will have to manual surf AT LEAST 15 sites to earn your daily rebate the following day. The maximum to surf is 40 sites. You earn site credits with regular sites because the other advertiser is just transferring you the site credit he/she is using.
* Take note that with regular, not all will see your site. That is the difference between a premium and a regular site. Everybody sees the premium and not all sees the regular, thus a spot in the premium is paid.
You will also see all the surfing statistics on the surf bar at the top while you are surfing. Once you are done surfing the required number of sites, click on ‘Go to member’s area’ to go back to your main menu. Once again, I suggest that you go to ‘Surf Stats’ to make sure that you finished all your surfing duties for the day. It should have a green check mark beside today’s date. If it’s a red X then you should go back to surf again.
By the way, the server date and time is shown at the bottom-leftmost corner of the screen. You have 24-hours per day based on that time to do your manual surfing. The only time surfing is disabled is between 11:55PM and 00:05AM the following day, where the system is backing-up the database and running random security measures.
I believe that’s about it! I suggest you head-on over to the HELP section and re-read and refresh your memory on how the program works. You should be ready for the influx of downlines you should be getting. First and foremost, welcome them to our family! Then do not forget to email them and give them some pointers, tips and links (forums, help, FAQs, reviews, interviews, etc.) to help them out with our program. Remember that you are going to be rewarded with a nice commission if they get comfortable easily and quickly.
Enjoy your coming weekend! It’s gonna be busy on my side, but it’s all good!

DailyDiamondSurf (reviewed here) is growing very fast and, mostly because of the dedication of the admin and fast payouts, it deserves a good reputation among investors. A reputation which will only grow after the first payouts on the 12 day cycle are processed. I remind you that from yesterday you can also make upgrades into DailyDiamondSurf also via PerfectMoney and StrictPay. Moreover, SolidTrustPay is on the way as well. Here’s the latest update from DailyDiamondSurf:
We added StrictPay and PerfectMoney as payment processors. We accept now : AlertPay, LibertyReserve, StrictPay and PerfectMoney. SolidTrustPay will be added in few days. DailyDiamondSurf reached today 600 members!!! We are preparing the first active referrals contest.

Speaking of SolidTrustPay I’m sure you will be pleased to know that last night I received detailed answers to my interview questions from Stella. So the interview with Stella, the admin of SolidTrustPay payment processor will be published on my blog next week, probably Tuesday. So don’t miss it!

Commoditex (reviewed here) also started accepting StrictPay deposits and the admin already reported this event in his update:
We announce that since December 12th, we are accepting StrictPay deposits. Now you are able to send and receive payments in StrictPay from your Commoditex Account. Welcome StrictPay Customers!”
Also the admin of Commoditex apologized for the delays with payouts and promised to become a better HYIP in the future. Since Commoditex is not a registered company as they stated on their website you should take it with a grain of salt and play this game only with amounts you can afford to lose. Anyway, here’s the latest update from Commoditex admin:
“Due to holidays coming, trading exercise have been delayed because the Exchange problem, for making a correct trading we manage funds on e-currency and physical money.
Our exchange agents around the globe are having inconvenient issues to make the e-currency/currency exchange on time, and for this reason some customers haven’t receive their payments as scheduled.
We as a serious program, and the best online nowadays, can assure that functions of our financial cycle is going on, but we ask for your comprehension and understanding about this problem.
We have great expectative for next year, that will be definitively an amazing trading year.
Please accept our sincerely apologize for customers that are having some delays with withdrawal requests, sometimes this kind of involuntary situation can’t be solved in the time we like, but takes few days to restore all balance.
For 2009 we are upgrading our financial services, accepting new payment processors, offering new investment plans, and sophisticated service, please check our new MAIN page where is an advance of what is coming and what is fully available now.
We anticipate our grateful thanks for your support and trust in the best online program: Commoditex.

As you can see many programs are adding new payment processors in the hope of attracting new investors. Therefore the decision to cancel a payment processor is viewed in a negative way and at first may seem highly illogical. Well, the admin of SurfPal Enrique (interviewed here) tried to reject two payment processors: LibertyReserve and SolidTrustPay and explained his decision in a very detailed manner in his latest newsletter to all the members of SurfPal. So please read it carefully and try to understand the reasons behind this decision:
“Due to current trends in the Surf Market, here at SurfPal We have decided to cease taking the following processors: LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay.
Effective immediately going forward members may use the following: AlertPay, StrictPay.
Some questions that you will ask.
1) Why is this change being made?
A) These two processors that are being eliminated are used very little. Due to cost of exchanging funds to them, there becomes no cost effective way to continue. Due to this fact we have decided to cease using them effective immediately
2) What about our current upgrades with these processors?
A) Everyone who used LR or STP to upgrade will be paid out to AlertPay or StrictPay.
Remember this is being done for the longevity and the stability of the program and for the benefit of all members. All members who have current upgrades with either LR or STP please submit a support with your new processor information.
Support tickets should include the following: Member id#, AlertPay E-mail address, StrictPay account #
All running upgrades for LR or STP will be paid in the order of expiry from earliest to latest. Please allow some time for us to do this as we will have to make some exchanges on our end to fulfill this.
3) If I used STP or LR can I continue to use AP or StrictPay?
A ) Of course you can, Just remember that old upgrades with LR or STP will be paid as stated above in #2
4) What if I want to upgrade NEW with LR or STP and agree to be paid to AP or StrictPay.
A) This will not be possible. You will need to make sure that you have upgraded with one of the 2 current ones to avoid any issues or doubt that your in fact a client of ours.
5) Why did you choose to take StrictPay over STP?
A) StrictPay offers funding by STP as well as LR and also allows withdrawal to STP. This proved to be the best option that would accommodate the most people.
6) At a later time will you be adding STP and LR back again?
A) Maybe in the future but with the ability to fund StrictPay via LR and STP as well as CC and ACH for AP deposits we feel we have covered all angles.
I know that this will not affect everyone but only a small portion of our members that use these processors. We are here to stay and we will continue to prove to you that success is in team work….. After all we are your pal.

The admin of W-MTFund (read my interview with him here) sent out another weekly newsletter where he reported the performance for the previous week and touched some other important topics. I remind you that W-MTFund is paying variable weekly rates to investors (for more details read my review published here). Here is the newsletter for your attention:
We are pleased to keep you informed on the new interest rate, the current referral commission and all the other news relating to W-MT Fund.
A) Weekly interest rate:
– from Mon, Dec. 15 to Sun, Dec. 21: +0.33%
– MT Basic: 9.16% (=1.83% daily x 5 bd)
– MT Standard: 9.66% (=1.93% daily x 5 bd)
– MT Silver: 10.16% (=2.03% daily x 5 bd)
– MT Gold: 11.16% (=2.23% daily x 5 bd)
B) MT Basic: average weekly rate
– last 4 weeks: 8.44% (=1.69% daily x 5 bd)
– last 26 weeks: 9.14% (=1.82 daily x 5 bd)
C) Current referral commission: +0.50% (6.00%)
NOTICE #1 – This week our customers will receive a plain text newsletter. Sorry for this inconvenience: the HTML newsletter will be active again as from next week.
NOTICE #2 – CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY: we will stop trading for about 2 weeks. Our reserve fund will guarantee the minimum weekly profit (5%) and the referral commission will rise up to 10-12%.
NOTICE #3- The User Agreement has been brought up to date (read, § 2.1, 2.6, 5.6 and 5.7): the new rules will take effect on December, 15. As from that date, each new member will be allowed to open a single account and our policy toward the investor opening several accounts with the purpose to obtain the referral bonus will be more severe.

LargeSum (reviewed here) is changing rules for accepting Bank Wires transactions to provide better security on them. From now on all deposits via Bank Wire will be completed via third-party exchanger. By the way, I had another deposit expired in LargeSum yesterday and I reinvested it back to another 30 day plan without having any doubts about it. I’m pretty sure that LargeSum, which is online for 3 years by the way, will not let me down in this unstable Christmas season. Here is the latest update from them:
Dear Customers! The procedure of processing the bankwire transactions to LargeSum programs has been updated. For the purpose of providing extra security to your bank transactions, we agreed upon the cooperation with our exchange partner From now on after pressing the DEPOSIT button below the ON-WIRE FLY and WIRE-ON-FIRE programs you will be immediately redirected to the secured order page on the site of, where the information and the deposit amount should be checked. Pressing the SUBMIT button, your invoice is formed and you are redirected to the next page, where you can download the invoice to your PC, as well as you can see the bank credentials of our partner Omtron Limited, following which you should proceed with the bank transfer. In case of queries, don’t hesitate to contact the support service for the details.

Let’s talk about the programs that were down recently. And first of all let’s take InoFund which was offline for several hours last night. Fortunately it took less than 24 hours to get the site back up. I think this downtime was connected with some troubles that their hosting provider Dragonara was having at the same time. You might have noticed that PerfectMoney payment processor was also offline and as they are also hosted by Dragonara I could draw that conclusion. Anyway, InoFund is back online and paying instantly all LibertyReserve withdrawals. InoFund still can be considered as one of the best HYIPs now. Offering 1% for 3 days, 2% for 7 days and 3% for 31 days with the principal return on expiry InoFund (reviewed here) is an extremely popular program. So it’s no wonder that many people were worried when it suddenly went offline without any explanation. Now when it’s back and all the payouts are on schedule I can confirm InoFund‘s Paying status on my monitoring page and return it to #1 among the HYIPs where it belongs.

2008-N program (reviewed here) had some deposit problems last night but it was fixed very fast by the admin (read my interview with him here). Surely this small glitch won’t affect the program’s performance too negatively and I must say that 2008-N still pays pretty fast after requesting a withdrawal. Here’s the latest update:
You may have problems when make a deposit in the last 10 hours. We have fixed this little bug. You can make a deposit now. And I also give special thanks to Marie who reported this bug to me. Sorry for this inconvenience.

The newest addition to my list of Paying autosurfs is Surf-Solution. It happened to be offline for most of yesterday because of a big DDoS-attack on their servers. Finally their provider managed to cope with it and got it back online. Unfortunately, the bandwidth was also exceeded by this DDoS which caused the admin of Surf-Solution to buy more traffic. I really hope this will be the last attack on Surf-Solution. The program just started a few days ago and is paying 11% for 11 days with payouts on expiry or 9% for 13 days with daily payouts. I am going to publish a detailed review of Surf-Solution on my blog tomorrow and meanwhile please read the following update from the admin that explains these unfortunate events:
Today I was called by hosting support. They told that there had been a DDoS attack on our site, that’s why it was unaccessible about 2 hours. DDoS shield automatically blocked some IP addresses which tried to load site. So if you or your friends can’t access site now, please contact us.
Due to DDoS attack we have exceeded bandwidth limit. Everybody who hasn’t surfed this day will be credited.
I’ve processed all pending payouts. Now everything must be working fine. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Attack was made by admin of
We had 20GB of prepaid traffic for first month. DDoS has eaten about 16GB of traffic because our hosting provider guarantees 90% uptime during DDoS attack, that’s why you can see this message. Now I’ve contacted them to add 30 GB more.

I would like to add that I moved DailyProfitPond and MegaDollarSurf to Waiting status on my monitoring page, because the former makes selective payouts and the latter stopped communicating a long time ago. I would suggest you to stop upgrading in both programs: DailyProfitPond and MegaDollarSurf are on hold.

To wrap up, here’s the payment report as usual. For the last two days I was paid from the following programs: InoFund, MutualForexFund, 12DailyHits, SummitReserve, AggeroInvestment, BestFXWorld, Surf-Solution, FXOIC, SurfPal, Olympex-Group, 2008-N, PrivateOffshoreCapital, EmeraldProLtd, DailyDiamondSurf, Commoditex, EKOFunds, SafeAtom, Youmilex, URInvest, ANOI, W-MTFund, NoRiskInvestment, MajorBarter, SilverInvest, CapitalCorpex, GoldNuggetInvest, ResidualForexIncome, Giant-Investment (the first payouts) and GrandTrade (the first payouts).

GrandTrade is the newest addition to the list of HYIP programs monitored by MNO. GrandTrade is a short-term program which is paying 27%-30% for 4 days (the rates depend on the amount invested). The minimum to invest in GrandTrade is $5 and you can make investments via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. As you know such programs with the profit starting with only 8% for 4 days can last for quite a long time. I have kinda mixed feelings towards GrandTrade which I will describe in my review of the program next week. The most important thing is payouts though. And I must tell you that I received two payouts from them already. And they were processed within 24 hours of making the withdrawal request. That’s it for today! See you on my blog tomorrow, guys!

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