08/02/09. Z-Finance Review and Other News
Hi everybody! Well I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend so far. Of course the work never stops for money-news-online. Not even on Sunday, lol! Well as promised yesterday (actually I’ve been promising this for a while now) I have a review of a new HYIP called Z-Finance. Before we start I’d just like to get one minor issue out of the way. Many people continue to question if there may be some link between Z-Finance and the recently closed program CentFusion. They are basing this on the fact that both programs are hosted on the same server. This in fact is quite a common practice and actually beyond the control of Z-Finance. Once CentFusion have vacated the server it is up to the host, in this case DdoSWiz, to decide where they allocate the newly freed spot. You should address all further questions on this matter to them and not Z-Finance. I agree that there is only a finite number of spaces available for HYIPs as only a certain number of hosts will accept them, so I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here.
And so now that that’s out of the way, let’s start with a look at the available plans. There is a choice of four mostly short term investment options available here. And being, or at least claiming to be, European based it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that Z-Finance is accepting Euros as well as Dollars. As most readers here continue to deal in dollars then that is what I shall use in my description. All the same rules and returns apply. Just use a straight swap for the currencies at a rate of 1:1.
The first one I should mention here is the Test Plan. Self explanatory I suppose, it’s just a little something for you to check out for a minimal cast and see how everything works. All you need to deposit in this is $2, or you can deposit anything up to $100. It runs for just 2 days and on expiry will pay you 102% of your principal. I tried it out and it all went very smoothly.
So if you like that how about something a bit more serious? The Starter Plan is offering a total return of 110% after 1 week. It has a minimum investment amount of $10 and a maximum of $500. As with the Test plan payment is on expiry and your principal is not returned.
For bigger investors Z-Finance offers the Advanced Plan. The minimum spend if you want to invest here is $100 and the maximum is $1000. This plan will run for 2 weeks and if you invest here your return will be 130% paid on expiry with no principal returned. I should point out here that one very simple feature that I like in Z-Finance but sadly lacking in so many other programs is how the investment amounts in the Starter Plan and the Advanced Plan overlap, i.e the maximum in the first one is $500 but the minimum in the next one drops back to $100. I think this really throws the program open to a much wider range of people and by making participation in the bigger plan more affordable to a greater number of people the admin will help ensure longer term stability and a better all round cash flow for the program. Sometimes the simplest ideas really are the best.
And finally for all the big spenders out there, there is the Ultimate Plan which runs for 1 month. Invest in this one and you will be offered the chance to earn a return of 190% on your principal. It will also cost you a minimum of $1000 to find out if that offer is genuine. So the Ultimate plan requires the ultimate risk. Maximum amount to invest is $10,000. Again payment is on expiry and no principal is returned. Apart from that there are also some pros and cons concerning the payment options. Only two are available and they are predictably enough LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. On the plus side however direct payouts are made straight into your account of choice and all payouts are made automatically.
And so moving on to the security. I suppose I’m repeating this but anyway, Z-Finance is hosted by DdoSWiz on a dedicated server with full DdoS protection. I am aware that because of the negative connotations with being on the same IP address previously occupied by CentFusion, the admin of Z-Finance has requested a move. Also there is no script involved but it’s not really necessary as the database is offline and as I said payments are direct to your payment processor account. So no need to worry about hackers.
Now as most long term readers will be aware I put little faith myself in all the fanciful claims from the admins of online HYIPs to be involved in all manner of stock market activities. Z-Finance will be no exception. The usual jargon about equities, futures markets and the like can be found on their “about us” page. As usual no evidence is offered and as usual a high school economics or business studies student could tell you it’s nonsense. So do yourself a favor and just skip that piece. It’s an online HYIP from an unverifiable source so please go into this with your eyes open and treat it as such. Some interesting points were raised on one of the forums earlier concerning the address in Holland of Z-Finance as published on their home page with one Dutch speaking member claiming he can not get his questions answered in the dutch language and so will check out the authenticity of the address himself. I shall definitely keep an eye on that one! Make up your own minds on all of that.
Of course none of that means you can’t make any money out of Z-Finance. I think as short term HYIPs go this isn’t a bad one at all. I personally won’t be putting up the big bucks required to play their Ultimate Plan but I’ll have a gamble with the other two options. There are no guarantees here but it’s a chance I am prepared to take. I also know that there is a sizable advertising budget behind this program which would always encourage me to think that they will not even start getting serious until they have recouped these expenses. It’s still a new program too so if you do like short term HYIPs, and I know most of you do, and you want to join, maximize your chances by joining now.
Other news for today.
There was another newsletter from the admin of URInvest Paul Sartori (interviewed here). In his latest update he reported the news about the process of implementation AlertPay and SolidTrustPay, increased the minimum deposit into URInvest to $20 and finally forgave one member’s behavior he got mad at and restored his account. Read the latest news from the admin of URInvest here:
“If you are receiving this email for the first time, warm welcome to URInvest !
Let us start this scheduled program update from mentioning our latest email related to one account suspension accident. While, most users understood and agreed with our actions, we would like to report that after deeper consideration, we made a decision to fully restore that user’s account functionality and he will continue receiving earnings as scheduled. A number of factors were considered in our decision and we are very glad that we could avoid the extreme measures.
Our previously announced consideration of adding other payment processors is expected to be made, hopefully during the upcoming week. We must apologize to those interested in program participation, for whom currently offered options may not be convenient, but we hope to meet understanding of the fact that we also have to account for program’s capacity to handle several payment processing options at once, which is not as simple as it may seem.
We would also like to let users know that our internal capacity to accept and send payments via direct bank deposits is in action, but full procedure was not yet completely finalized. This option is in testing mode and we wanted to take this chance and thank selected users, who are already using this option, therefore are very helpful in the process. Those interested, may inquire about the requirements on direct bank deposit processings via support requests (in writing, with corresponding subject line).
Another minor (investment plans) change we would like to mention today, is that in consideration of increase in user base of our program (therefore increased staff workload), the minimum amount allowed for program participation has now been increased from $10, to $20.
We know you have many choices and we are truly proud having been chosen to serve your investment needs.”
I am finding some strange attitudes on public forums and some blogs towards the situation with BigBangSurf. I remind you that last night it was announced that AlertPay has been discontinued from BigBangSurf and all the adpacks made via AlertPay have been removed from the system. I don’t understand why somebody started screaming “scam” already as the program is still paying. I myself have been paid some ref commissions today to StrictPay. There is an update on BigBangSurf available and everybody can see the reasons why it became impossible for the program to operate using AlertPay anymore. The same situation happened with 12DailyShares program recently and the program keeps paying until now and accepting all other payment processors except AlertPay. Remember that all the autosurfs are highly depending on the cashflow and crying “scam” while the problem with AlertPay is out of the admins’ control will only help hasten the end of the program. Yes, there are some problems but since the programs are still paying I think we shouldn’t kill them prematurely with unnecessary and deceitful statements from some members. Eventually those members will be blamed if a program collapses. This is my personal opinion and you’re free to agree or disagree with it.
There is no room for panic for the members of 24over7 (reviewed here) as well. Although the payouts to SolidTrustPay are currently delayed the admin of 24over7 Jim (read my interview with him here) explained the reasons for it perfectly clearly:
“I got an e-mail yesterday from STP that I have to fill out my profile fields completely and then they will put back my Verified status as soon as I e-mail them back after I did this. But it is a weekend so cashouts will be processed for STP, most probably on Monday. If you wish, I can make your pending STP cashouts into new upgrades to your account. Please email me.”
Since Jim was quite upfront with the members regarding the pending STP cashouts I don’t see any reason to make a big issue out of it especially considering that 24over7 is considered by many of the experienced investors as the next big thing which will be running at least for a couple of months. By the way, payouts to other payment processors are being made on time and the growth of 24over7 keeps going from strength to strength with the membership already reached 1,700 mark.
Sometimes though we should learn to separate true statements from false ones. In the case of 2008-N it became obvious for me that the program is dying after I received an explanation from the admin regarding some delayed payouts (i.e. selective payments):
“I’m sorry for this condition. One of our team member has stolen all the money away from our LR account. So I’m still waiting for new funds from our trading company to overcome this difficulty. In fact, I have lost more than $100,000 in this program. You know I have tried my best to run 2008-N. I only slept 3-4 hours everyday. It really an unexpected result. I hope the more than $200,000 funds will be transfered from our trading company in the next 48 hours. I’m really sorry for this condition.”
Well, I think it’s a pretty lame excuse especially if you consider that first he blamed moving servers for some payout delays. It’s obvious of course that the admin of 2008-N is lying about the real issues with payouts and there is much more behind this story than server issues and stolen funds. I suspect he is greedy, and you, guys? Anyway, I have to move 2008-N program to Waiting status and will wait the promised 48 hours if the payouts resume. So far it is NOT recommended to invest in 2008-N, please don’t do it until the further announcement!
InstantPayments program (which will be reviewed on my blog next week) is still paying me instantly 8.6% daily to my LR account. The admin is pretty responsive to all the challenges and recently made it clear to everybody that he would not tolerate any threats especially from some scammers like the hyip365 website. Here is an open reply to this scammer from the admin of InstantPayments:
“Hello, members! Wanna notice all of you about below: Mail quote:
“payment not recived I STOP NEGATIV VOTES AFTER YOU APY MEE Payment not recived if not pay $10 for monitoring fee to acc.U6669655 hyip365 we atack your site add daily 10 or more negativ votes to all your monitors.”
Some kind of raiders attack, huh? Please ignore this piece of shit votes, hopefully he understand our answer. Our program is fine. All members are paid! Thank you.”
By the way, I believe that after such a harsh reply we should expect some DDoS-attacks from the infamous hyip365 site but I think the site can survive them.
I’m not sure what happened to Online7Trades website which just launched a couple of days ago. I believe it’s under some type of DdoS attack. Yesterday it was not stable throughout the day as well but I was paid my first payment so I do believe that the admin of Online7Trades will fix the situation soon.
Unfortunately I have to move HermisCapital and BestFXWorld to Not Paying status on my monitoring page. It seems those sites both went down after some selective payouts being made for some time.
I would like to say “thanks” to everybody who took part in the most recent poll that lasted for two weeks. I remind you that the question was: “What is your favorite type of investment program?” Total we had 179 votes and 45% of them (81 votes) were given to “Short-term HYIPs”, 31% (or 55 votes) cast for “Long-term HYIP” and 20% (or 36 votes) got an “Autosurf” option. 4% voters have no preference when it comes to their preferred program type. Well, for me it was a kinda strange result as I believed that autosurfs could be the more popular option. Anyway, since the majority of you prefer HYIPs (both long-term and short-term) I promise to pay more attention to reviewing and interviewing HYIPs in the near future. Short-term HYIPs as the most favorite option will also be presented more widely on my blog. Again thanks to everybody who made themselves heard and today I would like to launch a new poll. And the question is:
“How many HYIPs do you think are involved in genuine investment activities?
a) Most of them. They must have some source of income.
b) Not most but a lot are genuine.
c) A few have some limited investment activity.
d) A large majority are full or partial pyramid schemes.”
Despite today being Sunday I have received some payments from different programs including: BigBangSurf, NordicMutualFunds, AggeroInvestment, ComradeFinance, ImmenseInvest, TrustCapital, ImokTrade, 24over7, InstantPayments, Giant-Investment, IntensifyFunds, NanoMoneyCorp, URInvest, SilverInvest, ANOI, 12Dreams, 13Daily.Pro (the first payment received) and Online7Trades (the first payment received). I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow with another review and more news from the industry. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 8th, 2009.