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25/02/09. StablePackages Review and Other News



Hi everybody! Well after last weeks marathon of autosurf reviews I’m glad to say we’ll finally have a break from that and start getting back to what I know (according to the recent poll anyway) is what most of you prefer. And that is short term high return HYIPs. The one I want to look at today is called StablePackages and it launched just last Saturday.

I usually leave this bit until the end of any review but as too many of you seek to stop reading when you get to it, I’m going to start this review with a warning. Don’t start throwing around ridiculous amounts of money that you can’t afford to lose on any online program. They all have limited lifespans so keep that in mind when you invest and it will benefit your entire portfolio in the long run. And now that I’ve said it you can continue ignoring it, lol!

StablePackages looks to be a quality program all round and has three investment plans to consider. They all have their merits and so much so in fact that I joined all three of them. Not something I usually do but in this case they are all good and all affordable.

First of all we have The Silver Package. This offers you 30% interest on your deposit paid daily for 4 days. Your principal is not returned and your total return is 120% of your initial investment.

Next is The Gold Package. This one runs for 5 days and will pay you 25% of your investment daily or a grand total of 125% and also does not return your principal. This option will see you break even after four days and in profit after five.

And thirdly we have The Platinum Package which having an investment term of 7 days is the riskiest option. But with an offer of 140% paid on expiry it’s also the most profitable. Principal is also not returned.

There’s a risk involved with every program anyway, it just depends on if you think the reward is worth it. And in StablePackages I think it is well worth it. That’s why I joined all three plans. I should just point out at this stage that my investment in the first one, The Silver Plan expired today and I received my final payment so that put a big smile on my face I can tell you.

The minimum and maximum amounts to invest are the same in all three plans with the smallest investment starting at just a single dollar. The maximum is a bit more serious at $3500. Payments have been processed quite fast so far, including the all important final one which sees me in profit. I didn’t reinvest today but I probably will do tomorrow. The payment options are a bit limited in StablePackages and consist of just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. No word is available on if more will be added but as it is a short term program I suspect not. Withdrawals are not automatic here so you will need to request them manually.

The security of StablePackages is quite good by the way and I think investors should have few doubts on that front. First of all it’s hosted on a dedicated server by DdoSWiz. Their reputation is growing by the week as one of the best in the business with excellent protection and support services. They also have a secure SSL certificate which I think we should all expect as a minimum requirement in any program anyway. Even more pleasing though is that I see they are using a licensed script from Waylex. I am glad that this script is beginning to get more popular now and I hope I will see a lot more programs using it in the future as it is the best choice by some distance. Don’t be too surprised if you see a lot more of them because the quality cannot be denied. I don’t mean to get too far off-topic here, this is a review of StablePackages and not Waylex after all, but as a lot of you will be unfamiliar with this script I just want to make a brief mention of how it works. It’s really not complicated at all and quite easy to use, but some people new to this business may be a little confused when seeing it for the first time. When logging in the first thing you will see is a virtual on-screen keyboard where you will write your password rather than typing it in the usual manner. Always a good start in my opinion. After that you will see two buttons in the middle of the page marked “Manage balance” and “Make a deposit”. First you need to click “Manage balance” and then you will see the options to “Add funds” or “Withdraw”. The first thing you will be doing obviously is adding funds. This will open a new window where you will see your choice of payment processor (you will have to pick an option at registration) and be asked to decide the amount to invest. When you proceed you will then be brought securely to the site of your chosen payment processor to confirm the transaction. After that you are ready to deposit. You just click on the “Make a Deposit” tab and you will then see the available plans. First choose your plan and proceed. You will then be asked for an amount. Click confirm and that’s about it really. The same procedure applies to making a withdrawal, which as I mentioned is a manual process.

As you may have gathered by now, I am quite enthusiastic about StablePackages. And why not? I’m already in profit from the first plan and am totally confident about being in profit from the second plan when it expires tomorrow. Such high ROI short term programs as this do tend to be much higher risk though, and have a typically shorter life span than the longer term low paying alternatives. Experienced players in this industry know this well and there is no use in denying it. The admin of StablePackages though is trying to keep it all a bit more low-key and help to prolong the life of the program as much as possible. (His name is Robert by the way and I’m hoping he might agree to answer a few questions on the program for an interview sometime in the next few days. So keep an eye out for that).

Some forum members have observed some distinct similarities between StablePackages and the recently defunct CentFusion. That’s another thing that can’t be denied but to me it looks to be purely cosmetic comparisons. They use the same script and they have the same hosting provider but what does that mean? Those are two high quality companies with an excellent product on offer so does that mean that all there clients are actually the same person? A bit unlikely. That said, remember that the risk of failure is never far away in this industry and you need to approach every program with the same level of caution.

So the final word on StablePackages? I like it. I think it will grow in popularity and if you join early, behave sensibly and invest money you can spare, treat it like any other HYIP make it part of a diversified portfolio you should see a tidy little profit for yourself and your investment.

Other news for today.

For those who were concerned about AggeroInvestment‘s performance after PAC was closed I have to say that they were mistaken. The thing is Roger pays fast and I have seen no complaints on the forums regarding this. Moreover, AggeroInvestment has reached 8,000 members and continues to grow. What can I say regarding that? It’s a phenomenal success for the program and Roger – a man whom I have the utmost respect for (read my interview with him here). Not only is he managing to pay manually LR payouts to thousands of members of AggeroInvestment (the script is yet to be adjusted to meet the new LR API interface) but also he’s running his own exchanger where you can change three e-currencies: StrictPay, SolidTrustPay and LibertyReserve with minimal fees. And another surprise: tomorrow I will have another interview with Roger, about his exchanger this time which you can join already now by clicking here. I hope this interview will be as useful and informative for you as other two interviews I did with him before. I would only emphasize and repeat again that I am delighted at how smoothly Roger is running things with his program AggeroInvestment and now in addition with his newly opened exchanger. I just know how much effort he’s putting into it and that’s why I’m totally sure AggeroInvestment will be here for months ahead. By the way, I would like to share with all of you some interesting remark Roger left on MMG forum which I think will be of interest to those who still consider AggeroInvestment as a ponzi-program not backed up by real investments as well as for those which want to find the real reasons behind temporary privatizations of the site:
The one and only reason we privatize is because I want to teach and train the current members how our program works… so that in turn, when we open up again, they can teach and train their future downlines. It is called delegation. Once that is achieved, I can go focus more on the other important things that the program demands like quick payouts, account support, and outside investments. If I wanted to completely privatize, then I am not going to open and close the program like what I was doing. BUT we are an “advertising” company, advertisers would want to introduce their products to as many people as possible, thus we need members, the more the better it is for the advertiser. Which begs to answer your other question, “do you need new members and there inflow of cash to support Aggero?”, the answer is NO. I’ve mentioned it many times, our outside investments make me more money than what I pay. I will repeat this from one of my updates before, I do not mind if every single member of this program pulls out their money because I already made money from their money many times over. In fact, that would be a big relief for me. Many members have asked me what these outside investments are? I do not need to discuss that with anybody, blind faith you may call it if you want. I’ve proven myself already from Day 1 that I will be here to make my members money and that honesty and frequent communication are two of my best qualities. That is what “Aggero” means!
Right now, our target would be about 10,000 members by our 7th or 8th anniversary . That would be the time we will close again to train the new members.

Let’s hope Roger will take this seriously because the recent LibertyReserve difficulties with API and other things had some very negative effect on some programs that were listed and reviewed by my blog. It seems now LibertyReserve is back to normal and published this update on its blog:
Dear Friends, We are updating our server configuration in order to fix some incompatibilities some users experienced while accessing our web site via API.
This update will not take longer than 1 hour. We apologize for this minor inconvenience.

Although the long issues with fixing API interface was the last nail in the coffin of many HYI programs which might have lasted longer if not for this accident. I’m talking about ImokTrade (the HYIP the demise of which I predicted on my blog a couple of days ago when they introduced the short-term plan), ANOI and TrustCapital. All those programs are now having Not Paying status on my monitoring page and investing in them now would certainly not be a wise investment decision. I’m now sure about the main reason why they stopped paying but I guess it can only be a shortage of funds. 16DailyPay seems to have stopped payments as well and the admin disappeared again after some strange remarks about the program’s great growth. I know for sure that 16DailyPay had many members but I guess only very few of them were upgraded ones. Was it the main reason for its demise? I guess so.

By the way, if you like me experienced an issue with accessing your LibertyReserve account recently (due to increased security) and tried to access it via a different IP address than you usually use there is no need to worry. Just contact LR support (which seems to become much better and active) via the contact form on their site or their live chat and provide the information they require from you to restore the access to your account. It took me only a couple of hours to get it done. So don’t hesitate and do what you’re asked as I suppose LR knows what its doing (or does it, lol?)

Anyway, my IP address have changed because from now on I’m in London and am going to stay here for a while. So if you have some program claiming to have a London address you can ask me and I can verify the info for you. It will not be difficult for me to do especially if a program claiming to have an office in the center of the city.

Anyway, let’s get back to business. As you know from the interview with the admin of Nova-Surf Irina published yesterday on my blog (read it here) she intended to add PerfectMoney and EvoWallet as the additional payment processors and she really did it according to the update I received last night:
Due to members requests I have added EvoWallet and PerfectMoney as additional payment options today. EvoWallet might not work automatically though so please email me if you will use it to upgrade to can add it manually if that will be the case. PerfectMoney is working ok. I hope you will enjoy these new options. I am doing my best to please all our members. Thank you all who supported me.
That was great news until just a couple of hours ago today I received another pretty strange update in which Irina dropped such popular payment processors like StrictPay and LibertyReserve due to the supposed unpopularity of these processors among the members of Nova-Surf:
Because of too low deposits on LR and SP, i have decided to drop these payments options and will keep only AP. So please all members who deposited with LR or SP to add their AP, PM or EvoWallet accounts on the site so that I can make the payments from now on. I would like to keep all options but if there is no interest from the members for them I need to drop them. I hope you can understand. Thank you all for your support and understanding.”
Well, to tell you the truth I doubt very much that EvoWallet which has not been even officially launched or PerfectMoney can compete with LR and SP in terms of popularity but I will leave this decision for you to judge. In my opinion, such actions can harm Nova-Surf in the long run and reduced the number of members and the amount of funds coming in respectively. Anyway, so far Nova-Surf is still paying and you are welcome to specify your accounts in different e-currencies in order to be paid.
By the way, as you might have noticed the server time in Nova-Surf has been changed and if for some reason you were unable to surf yesterday please let Irina know about this and she will gladly credit your account for the missed day. That is what I received from Irina last night:
Because of the attacks on the server, the time server changed and went back with almost 24 hours. So I have decided to give everybody a surf holiday for today so that anybody to not loose anything. I think that the script will just extend the time with one day but in the eventually this would not happen, I just wanted to you to know that I will anyway give a surf holiday for today to everybody if this will be the case.

Other autosurfs seem to be doing quite well. For instance just recently added to my listing program 10DailyIncome (reviewed here) really pays 10% daily and there were no complaints so far about missed payouts. Remember that ref contest is open now in 10DailyIncome so you can definitely benefit from the prizes as well. Here is the latest update from the admin of 10DailyIncome Susan:
I, Susan Wright welcome all new members to 10DailyIncome where you brake your way into passive income just by surfing 10 sites daily.
I write to inform you that all payment for today have been completed, all paid members should please go to the below links and cast a vote each, it’s very necessary for the growth and image of the program.
All free members should please upgrade their account or will be deleted from the system within 3days.
Finally, Remember the Ref contest is still open for everyone.

SteadyDailyProfit (reviewed here) is also doing well and with the first payouts on expiry processed yesterday it gained even more confidence among the members. The admin of the program is very active and sending updates to the members of SteadyDailyProfit on a daily basis. These are the last updates:
I am pleased to inform you that our first batch of payment have starting rolling out. So far, it has been very smooth and encouraging. All payments at this time has been fulfilled without anyone experiencing delay.
Kindly leave your comments on forums and monitor sites if you have been paid.
With over 770 members in 10 days and still growing, i think we are on the right track. You are the ones to make SteadyDailyProfit work. Make sure you give all the support you can.
For the second time today, we are informing you about payment update. All payments has been fulfilled except for 2 members who added wrong PerfectMoney accounts.
Please, ensure that you send your comments and vote on our forums. This will help program credibility.
I have paid a Total of $2972.2 so far. This is aproximately $3000.
It means we are doing well and waxing stronger by the day. All I need for this program to be bigger than it is right now is your support. We will all make money at the end of the day. Thanks for your courage and confidence so far.

And here is what the admin of SteadyDailyProfit told about the new contest for the larger investors:
The Max Out Contest: We have planned a very interesting contest that will run from 26th Feb till 7th of March. Any member who upgrades the maximum for the day will be awarded a Bonus of $50, which will be directly added to their account. The award will be added to the Payment processor they have upgraded with that day. Winner will be announced everyday. So here is your chance to earn $50 everyday for next 10 days….. any one could be a winner….make your move!

CrazyCashSurf (reviewed here) is also doing good and they accomplished the first round of payouts on expiry as well. Moreover, recently the admin published the rules of their newly-launched contest which they called March Madness. Well, it’s not March yet but the results of the contest will be drawn then hence the name I suppose. These are the rules for those interested to participate in the new contest from CrazyCashSurf:
March Madness Contests!!
Hello to all CCS Friends, As stated in our news column, we completed the first cycle of payouts this morning, most within an hour or two, and some within only a few minutes. Please everyone, we encourage all who received rebates to POST in the forums and /or monitors, as only YOU can ensure the longevity of CrazyCashSurf. Your support will not only show appreciation for our hard work, but will help CCS — YOUR surf– grow stronger.
1) To reward our upgraded members, this part is for YOU only !
Bring in 3 paying members and receive 1 adpack free.
Bring in 6 paying members and receive 2 adpacks free
2) Build your downline to 25+ members (free or paying) and receive 5 free adpacks!
3) The TOP sponsor between today and March 10th will receive $100 CASH!
** FREE MEMBERS: if you wish to join in the fun, be sure to purchase at least 1 $5 adpack asap, as your numbers will only count after your upgrade !
Post an HONEST testimony about CCS in a forum of your choice. Include a CCS banner in your post. (You’ll find these in your members area). Send the link to your post to If acceptable, we’ll pay you $1 to your CCS account, so please do include your member ID in both your post and your email to us.
What can you post about ? Any good support help you’ve received; fast payout of either ref comms or expired adpacks; anything else you sincerely appreciate about CCS. Lets make this program rock ‘n roll!!
The first 5 members to copy and paste the URL of this Crazy Cash blog in the subject field of an email to us ( will receive 1 free upgrade to your accounts!! Let’s see how many members read this update through to the end!

I hope the members of CrazyCashSurf will enjoy this new contest together with those who are enjoying their first payouts on expiry. I must say I didn’t join CrazyCashSurf from day one so my first payment is still to be processed. That will be done in a couple of days and of course I will inform all the readers of my blog when that happens.

Let’s move back to HYIPs again. Good news for the members of TradeContract! It survived its first 100 days online. To tell you the truth the site experienced some serious issues with accessibility during this period of time but it seems nothing could stop the administration of TradeContract (reviewed here). I congratulate them on this anniversary and wish them many more days online:
Hello Dear members. We had a excellent and successful work in 100 days online running and all of your dear investors was glad and satisfied about our work, support and profits. We hope with your help we could be more successful for the future and thanks our member for support us. We will do best work for our clients.
It’s really an impressive achievement especially considering the plans TradeContract is offering to the investors: 112% after 10 days, 130% after 20 days and 150% after 30 days.

BVIuion (reviewed here) is also doing great. It successfully managed to survive all LibertyReserve‘s adjustments and today it came to the investors with the following update (by the way, PerfectMoney payments should also be instant from now on):
First, because LibertyReserve have made a few minor adjustments to its system, so we have forced to processed manually for past few days. But now, the problem of automatic payment system solved. And secondly, we also have a good news for our member: we have updated our script and that means the automatic payment system also accepted PerfectMoney now!

And finally the important announcement from the admin of ResidualForexIncome: due to inability to process LR withdrawals automatically it will take a longer than usual time to receive your payout requests to LR accounts. Therefore you can speed up the process by providing your AlertPay account to the admin of ResidualForexIncome (reviewed here). This is the update from the program I got last night:
Kindly be informed that due to technical problems lying on LibertyReserve side RFI is unable to process payouts in a timely manner. API interface has not been working for 4 days so far which means automatic procession is not available. Once the the issue is fixed on LR side we will start processing pending payouts. This goes in compliance with RFI Terms of service as the project is not responsible for any downtimes or any other technical issues of payment processors which rest out of RFI control and will.
Whereas LR administration call this maintenance period a minor inconvenience we strongly believe that this has a harmful impact on the majority of webmasters relying on LR services.
Our staff are processing pending payouts manually but we are not physically able to process hundreds of them in a timely manner. So please be patient and wait till all the issues are fixed on LR side.
We are giving a helping hand to those who under no circumstances can wait by suggesting conversion of pending LR payouts into AlertPay. All you have to do is to contact attaching your member’s email, the amount pending in LR and your AlertPay account.
The payout will be processed within 24 business hours. Thanks for your understanding.

For those interested in payout stats you are welcome to know that I was paid from the following programs over the rest 48 hours: AggeroInvestment, StablePackages, GoldNuggetInvest, 4BrothersInvestments, FloatingFastProfit, Nova-Surf, ResidualForexIncome, ForexInv, SteadyDailyProfit, 10DailyIncome, IntensifyFunds, CapitalCorpex, BVIuion, MajorBarter and 13Daily.Pro

I have joined another program today which launched two weeks ago and is currently being widely advertised on many forums and monitors. I guess this is happening because Capital-4You doesn’t offer ref commissions unlike many HYIPs out there. The plans are quite reasonable as well imho (only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted by the way). The first plan is 10 day plan (the minimum to invest in it is $10, you will be paid 25% after 5 days and your 100% principal will be returned on expiry – total profit is 125%). Then there is 15 day plan (the minimum to invest is $50, you will be paid 50% profit after 10 days and your 100% principal will be returned after the program’s completion – total profit is 150% for this plan). And finally, there is 22 day plan (the minimum to invest is $100 and you will be paid 100% profit after 17 days and the rest 100% of your principal on completion of the plan – in 22 days). The payouts are made directly to your LR or PM accounts so there’s no need to request a payout in Capital-4You. The program claims to be registered in Mauritius but you must know by now that I’m very skeptical about possible fake registrations so just treat it with a grain of salt until their registration is proven to be true. Anyway, I should receive my first payout in 5 days as I invested in both 10 day and 15 day plans. This is when I’m going to review Capital-4You in a bit more detail. Stay tuned for that and see you on my blog tomorrow with the interview which will be very useful for sure!

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