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10/04/09. MNO Top 5 Best Programs and More News


Hi, guys! Are you ready for the Easter holidays? I certainly am and it means I will probably take a day off tomorrow and the next post will be published on my blog on Sunday. But to compensate you for the loss (I know you’lll miss me, won’t you, lol?) I prepared not the usual review today but rather a summary of my Top 5 favorite programs at the moment. Why Top 5 you might ask? Because they are the best of the best and deserve your close attention despite that you might be busy for the next few days chasing an Easter bunny or chocolate eggs with your parents, lol. I know that there is a Personal Favorites list already where I list my favorite programs but these five definitely represent the cream on the top of the industry if you know what I mean.

Let’s start with #5 on my list and this is GeniusFunds. As you might remember I joined this one quite late but was never sorry for a single moment that I joined it at all. The review of the program was published here but if you’re too lazy to read I will remind you that GeniusFunds is just too good to be missed. The program is paying 1.0%-1.9% variable daily and 6%-9% variable weekly interest and the lock-in period after which you can withdraw your principal is from 150 to 180 days. LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, PerfectMoney and BankWires are currently accepted as payment options. It can be considered low-ROI HYIP but at the same time GeniusFunds is highly professional and after being many months online and still growing GeniusFunds proved that it’s now of the best HYI programs on the Net.

Onto #4 and I would put PanaMoney here. I have both the review of this program (published here) and the interview with the admin (published here). Moreover, since today it was 6 months from publishing the interview I decided to conduct another one which will be published on my blog pretty soon. PanaMoney is high quality and (allegedly) based in Panama and involved in forex trading. Judging by the results they are doing it quite professionally which allows them to pay up to 2.8% variable daily (depending on the chosen plan and the amount deposited). PanaMoney accepts LibertyReserve, V-Money and Bank Wires. From the moment of the review was published on my blog they also added PerfectMoney and StrictPay so now the payment options can satisfy every investor. I like their live support which is very professional and always ready to help. All in all, PanaMoney is a very high quality program with almost no drawbacks.

But there is still a way to be higher in my rankings. And #3 in my Top 5 is firmly occupied by NovalexFinance. This program is definitely one of the biggest events in HYIP world and possibly one of the best in 2009. The best thing is that having no script you will not have to make your withdrawals at all. Be sure that the sophisticated system NovalexFinance obtains will not allow it to miss your payments which can be made via PerfectMoney, StrictPay, EcuMoney or Bank Wires. There will be only two payments after you make a deposit into NovalexFinance: on the 30th day you will get 100% your principal back and on the 50th day – 100% profit. Isn’t it simple? 200% profit on your investment just in 50 calendar days. The program is really worth a closer look and my honest opinion about NovalexFinance program has been given in the review published on my blog here.

#2 is SilverLodge which is trading in silver fabricating it into jewellery and subsequently selling it to their clients. Since silver prices are quite low now due to the global recession it allows the admins to make huge profits for themselves and for the investors. SilverLodge program offers multiple investment plans starting from 0.7% daily to 22%-30% bi-weekly. The choice of payment processors is also huge and includes SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, LibertyReserve, StrictPay and PerfectMoney. In addition Bank Wires and Credit Card payments are accepted and just recently their own MasterCard was launched which will allow the investors to withdraw their money straight to this card. The members of SilverLodge can request the card within their investment area. SilverLodge has been paying for many months already and supposedly has been officially incorporated in the UK. The owners of the program Louise and Dominique will be meeting me in London in the end of April and if everything goes as planned I hope to deliver you a detailed report on my blog regarding the results of the meeting. But you should really hurry up because the doors of SilverLodge will be closed to regular investors after the 15th of April when the program will go private. I don’t know if it will be permanent or if it will open again so to reserve your place in SilverLodge please join and deposit within the next few days because the inactive members will be also deleted from the system soon. More can be heard straight from the admin of SilverLodge Louise in the interview which I published on my blog here.

#1 in my current Top 5 is undoubtedly GoldNuggetInvest. It’s certainly one of the best HYIPs I have ever seen making profit from arbitrage betting. You may wonder what it is and how it’s done? Well, the admin of GoldNuggetInvest RobertSpearman answered all my questions to him in such detail that even my grandmother was able to understand it, lol. You can read the interview here by the way. Actually it’s not so hard to make money if you’re a real professional operating with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yes, GoldNuggetInvest is a million-dollar empire paying it’s investors for over 2 years now. The rates are not so high but stable and since it’s a real profitable company (phone support and legal incorporation will be introduced pretty soon) even 6% weekly or 0.7% – 1.1% is quite a good profit especially considering that you can withdraw your principal at any time. But why on Earth you would have to do it if GoldNuggetInvest is on Top of my list, lol?

Seriously speaking, no guarantees can be provided that these five will last for the months ahead because past performance is no indicator of future performance. But all these programs were really constructed to be online for a long time and they are way ahead of their competitors. I just wanted to remind you about them today and hopefully you will make good profits with them. Remember though not to sell your house or even your bike to get into them if you know what I mean!

Other news for today.

There is almost no news today (I wonder why). OakCash (reviewed here) paid my principal back today. Well, it’s not such a huge achievement but after all the recent scams you might be interested to look into OakCash program paying 2.9%-4.2% daily for 31 calendar days. Your principal is returned back and OakCash accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with the minimum to invest is set at $10 which is not so high at all.

SilverLodge is back to normal and no glitchs in the system have been noticed by myself today. And of course, all payments have been made. Thanks, Louise!

Other than SilverLodge and OakCash I was paid by the following programs today: GeniusFunds, ProjectSurf (only one payment was done so the program will still stay on Waiting status), RobusTrade, NovalexFinance, Nexelim, UnionFunds, MajorBarter, NanoMoneyCorp, NewDayInvestment, InfrastructureInv, TradeContract, PanaMoney, EwoCapital, YenStock, MesirowFinance, NorthBizz, EnscoOffshore and FlowBroker. That’s it for today. I wish you a good weekend and a Happy Easter. See you all on Sunday!

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