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22/04/09. ProfitROI Review and Other News



Hi guys! As promised yesterday I’m going to have a closer look today at another HYIP that I have just joined. Hardly surprising that I seem to be looking almost exclusively at HYIPs right now, given the state of the autosurf side of the industry. But this isn’t the time for that debate. This is all about ProfitROI. Something of a departure from the recent programs I have been covering, ProfitROI is a short term high rate of interest program.

I guess I’ll start as usual with the plans. But before I do let’s get one thing straight here. ProfitROI is a high risk venture. If you like what you see then join but go into this one with your eyes open. Somebody is going to make a lot of money from this but if that somebody isn’t you then don’t cry about it later. Don’t take that as a warning or anything, I can only comment on what I’ve seen from ProfitROI so far and up to now I was impressed with their performance.

Anyway, before I get too far from the point, ProfitROI offers one plan where for a minimum investment of $5 you will be paid a daily rate of interest of 25% for five days. On expiry your principal will not be returned. So if we are to take a sample investment of a nice round figure of $100 you get paid $25 per day for five days. Which means you break even after four days and see your final payment that brings your total earnings to $125 on the fifth day. All quite simple (to those of you who didn’t sleep your way through junior school maths anyway, lol!).

You may invest in multiples of $5 all the way up to $1000. However you are allowed to have five accounts running simultaneously so effectively the maximum investment you can actually have is $5000. Payments are made daily but remember they are not automatic so you will need to log in and request them. They are also made on weekends and you are requested to allow a maximum of 48 hours until it gets processed. Although it is reasonable to expect to see it a lot sooner than that.

The list of payment processors isn’t bad for an HYIP. The admin has included SolidTrustPay so that should provide you with some avenue of complaint if things don’t quite work out the way you had hoped for. That is something I must admit always calms the nerves of the more skeptical investors and is usually a welcome sight anyway. If STP is not an option for you then the other accepted processors include PerfectMoney, StrictPay and LibertyReserve.

Moving on to security and support, ProfitROI is hosted on a dedicated server protected by DdosWiz. A familiar name to many of us by now I think and a dependable and respected one at that. The script is licensed from Neversay, so ProfitROI joins the growing list of HYIP utilizing this traditional autosurf feature. Nothing wrong with that either I suppose. Neversay is well known to most of you by now. Customer support comes in the usual form of an online e-mail ticketing system and there is the added feature of live chat for when the admin is logged in the design is also quite attractive. Not that I rate that as being of any importance by itself, I simply mention it here because it makes the program more user friendly and a big easier to navigate for newbies. It was designed by the same team who did the rather wonderful ImperialFinances recently, so you can be sure it’s a professional job.

So what’s verdict? Well to be honest I would say I have a feeling of guarded optimism here. But I just can’t get past the feeling that this may be a better bet for some of the more experienced players reading this instead of people new to this industry. Experienced investors will instantly recognize this site is not without its fair share of risks. No disrespect to the admin of ProfitROI here, he’s done a fine job so far but the simple fact of the matter is that short term high ROI programs carry the highest risk and good as his program is, ProfitROI is no exception. It has already completed two cycles which is great but people playing this field as long as I am will know that there is a limit to how long this will run. I do however take enormous encouragement from some of the steps taken by the admin in setting this program up. A lot of effort went into this and a lot of money was spent on it, not to mention the advertising budget which as far as I can see must have been substantial.

My final word on ProfitROI is that it has every chance of outlasting many other short term programs that offer similar returns. Just remember that that’s not going to be forever either. Play it smart and I think you are in with a good chance here. But I would recommend it mostly to those players who like a gamble. By the way I almost forgot to mention, a massive bonus point goes to the admin for his candor and honesty in not wasting our time with pages of nonsensical claims about hedge funds or stock markets or Forex trading. It’s presented to you as it is. An HYIP game in which there are no guarantees. One for those who like a gamble I think, but is that really so different from any other program? You have an equal chance of winning or losing so join if you enjoy the game and enter with your eyes open.

Other news for today.

First let’s discuss some good news for those involved with ImperialFinances program (reviewed here). If you’re were in the 115% after 10 days plan and joined on the first you should have been paid already. Well, I received my first withdrawal on expiry very fast and am now thinking about redepositing in the daily plan which was introduced by the admin of ImperialFinances yesterday. If you invest in this new plan you may withdraw 1.5% daily for 30 calendar days and in the end of the investment term you will get your deposit back. This plan will definitely become the most popular one although I can’t exclude the fact that some members of ImperialFinances will still prefer the old plans: 115% after 10 days, 135% after 20 days, 160% after 30 days or 35% for 4 weeks. Considering the fact that ImperialFinances is widely advertised on major forums and monitors and is providing the opportunity to invest via the six most popular payment processors I can state that ImperialFinances is already a success. Well, I think if things are going right it can last for a couple of more months at least, and with members’ support for an even longer time. Of course, such issues like the most recent one with the SCI interface of LibertyReserve made the task tougher to achieve but there is no easy way to success without some bumps on the road. I appreciate the fact that the admin of ImperialFinances always has the time to update his members on the latest news and improvements from his program. I’m gladly publishing the latest update I received from him last night below:
Hello everybody, How are you all doing? Things sure have been going truly amazing here at ImperialFinances.
We have done some updates and would like you to know about them. There are many things to tell you so let’s get started.
First of which and the most important is that ImperialFinances first poll has closed.
We have now officially added the winner (101 votes -64%). You can see the results here. The new daily plan is “1.5% daily for 30 days + principal”.
If you are one of the happy voters that wanted a daily payout plan be sure to check it out. It is integrated into our plans and is now available. Thanks to all members for making this poll run very smoothly and well organized. It’s nice to have ImperialFinances operating with the most acknowledged staff and supportive members.
Also an another important news for today is that the 10 days plan has finally reached 10 days now and many of the first deposits have been paid. As I have said before this isn’t even the most popular plan. The majority of deposits are in the 30 day plan and it is very nice to have all this TRUST!
What do you think about LibertyReserve? There SCI is having problems and is not currently working. What does this mean? You cannot deposit through the member panel using LR. If you would like to get in while waiting for LR to fix this problem you still have the option to manually deposit into our LR account U9269356 (imperialfinances). After you deposit please email us with your username and batch number. We will take care of adding the deposit to your account.
We will keep moving forward no matter what comes in our way! ImperialFinances is growing nicely. Our member count is now at 334! Again would like to welcome our new members and wish a happy stay with ImperialFinances.
This will be all for today, hope you all are getting out and having some free time to enjoy our own activities.
If you need any further assistance please use our support center and we will get back to you promptly.

The most popular program among low-ROI HYIPs is undoubtedly GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here) and I realized this again when the program had some accessing issues and literally dozens of members sent me some very worried emails regarding this. Well, as I mentioned yesterday there was no reason to worry as all the payouts have been processing in a timely manner and all we lacked was an update from the admin. And finally it came from Robert, the admin of GoldNuggetInvest (you can read my interview with him here) where he comforted all the members and assured us that they were just temporary issues with their hosting provider BlackLotus. In his latest update he also emphasized the necessity to provide security for the accounts and for the responsibility of the members to use all the methods to prevent compromising of their accounts in GoldNuggetInvest:
As some of you know and others don’t, there is difficulty by some of you accessing GoldNuggetInvest. We have confirmed with our host, Black Lotus, this has resulted from outages within the network and some current changes to our protection shield (proxy).
While they are working on this issue, we have been provided with a simple workaround which will alleviate any difficulties accessing your accounts. Instead of inputting the standard ‘’, simply input our IP, ‘‘ which will bring you directly to the website; proceed as you otherwise would, means you can withdraw, manage or deposit funds.
We’d like to take a moment to remind all of our trusted members security precautions should never be compromised; always be addressed as a priority.
At this time we would remind all members to please change their password regularly and to NEVER utilize the same password for their GNI, corresponding Email and other investment sites (accounts).
Finally, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of regular computer maintenance such as deleting temporary passwords, and keeping the latest security software current, in force and to run regular scans for viruses, phishing software and trojan horses.
If the prescribed security precautions are implemented regularly, you should never have to confront any requisite security breach.
We thank you for your ongoing support and are always anxious to receive feedback from you, our trusted members. Please look out for our next newsletter coming later this week.

You may have noticed that the site of NorthBizz (reviewed here) is not accessible for the last 24 hours now. Therefore it was good to hear something from the admin regarding this and the promise to get back online as soon as possible:
Sorry for downtime and delay in notification
The HDD failed and caused this downtime. We are working hard to fix this issue.

Since LibertyReserve haven’t fixed the issues with their SCI interface yet more and more programs offer their members the option to send the funds via LibertyReserve manually. So one of the currently most popular programs SilverLodge (reviewed here) which is going private in just a couple of days gave the instructions on how to proceed if you want to deposit into SilverLodge using LibertyReserve:
Please be informed that LibertyReserve has still a sci problem for deposits. Therefore, if you like to invest using LR please send money direct to our LibertyReserve Account: U8906982 and send us an email with the Batch and plan you like to invest the money, we will manually update your LibertyReserve investments.

FinancialProfitsCorp (reviewed here) keeps doing well and all the payouts are on schedule. Of course the program was also affected by LR issues and the admin of FinancialprofitsCorp Kevin proposed to make manual deposits as well:
At the moment, LibertyReserve SCI is not working. If you want to make a deposit, you can send it manually to our LR account U0626109.
Please add your username to memo and it will be credited to your account promptly.

Hassan-Al-Fadi (reviewed here) also asked investors to make their deposits via LR manually. Here is the email I received from him last night:
Hallo Investors, I have Problems with LR since weeks. Now sci and transfer problems. Very annoying. I hope to add STP soon and will let you know. If you are a Investor wire LR please make all new deposits Manual (see Invest Now page) until LR solved they new problems…

As you know I have just reviewed ProfitROI on my blog today. The issue with LibertyReserve obviously is affecting many programs and especially it’s dangerous for such short-term and high-risk programs like ProfitROI. Although the admin of the program continues to pay to all the payment processors including LibertyReserve he also had to issue another newsletter containing the offer to deposit via LR manually. You can read more in your member’s area in ProfitROI:
I’ve just processed again all pending payouts. Although LibertyReserve is still having a problem with their SCI, you can deposit – by sending the funds manually. Please login to your ProfitROI account and you will find more info on your profile’s index page. Please let me know if you have any questions.

AsianInvestGroup (reviewed here) seems to have contacted LR already with a request as to when SCI interface will work and this is what they got:
Dear clients, LibertyReserve SCI (shopping cart interface) is not working last 2 days, so it is not possible to make LR investment.
We contacted LibertyReserve support about 10 hours ago and they claimed the problem will be fixed soon. But it still does not work.
If you wish to make an investment in LibertyReserve and is not opening you can make a transfer from your account to our LR account U8860498. In memo filed please indicate your username in our program and plan you would like to invest into (you can just put 1 for Optimized Portfolio and 2 for Aggressive portfolio).
Your deposit will be added manually within 12 hours.
This does not affect LR payments. Payment interface is working fine.

If you have received some strange emails allegedly from CascoFunds program (reviewed here) with some “special plans” that are available only if you invest the money directly to specific LR and PM accounts please ignore them. These are so called spoofing emails trying to get money out of you. Usually the original program doesn’t have a clue about such emails and if you make deposits in such “special plans” you will not see your money again. So be aware of that and don’t become a victim of scammers. Here is the official reaction on that published on CascoFunds site:
CascoFunds does not send emails with special plans. Our plans are always on our website. If you receive an email with “special” or “bonus” plans be always critical and take a look at our website.

I have just received an email from one of my readers informing me that apparently InfrastructureInv is making selective payouts and not many people actually received their profit payments yesterday. I was not aware of that and would like to thank this person for his contribution in fighting scammers. I have already moved InfrastructureInv to Problematic status on my monitoring page so please don’t invest there anymore!

It seems MesirowFinance has also somehow been affected by those LibertyReserve issues because I have some complaints regarding the delaying of payouts. I have contacted the admin but haven’t heard from him since. So I would advise you to be cautious with this program and not to deposit until everything is clear. I have moved MesirowFinance to Waiting status on my monitoring page. By the way, DukasFund is back to Paying status as the program paid me today.

Finally, in the end I would like to mention the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours. Among them are: ImperialFinances, EwoCapital, FlowBroker, NanoMoneyCorp, EdwardBrownInvestments, PanaMoney, GeniusFunds, FinancialProfitsCorp, Nexelim, ProfitROI, DukasFund, YenStock, CascoFunds, EnscoOffshore, Treckswana, MajorBarter, AsianInvestGroup, DimensionalWealthFund, OakCash, NovalexFinance and SilverLodge.

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