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13/07/2009. BestInv Review and Other News



Hi everyone! As promised yesterday I want to talk about a new program called BestInv. Now I’ve come across a number of good programs for the first time recently, although not all of them were exactly new. But from all the new programs I’ve joined I have to say that BestInv is the one I’m most excited about and I’m really looking forward to what I am convinced will be a rich and rewarding experience with them. And I know that my enthusiasm isn’t out of place either. This is a view shared by many others if the feedback I am seeing is anything to go by. I joined a couple of days ago but waited for the first payments to be made. That having been done, I honestly can’t think of a better way to start the working week than sharing this with the readers.

To start with it’s quite clearly been subject to a lot of groundwork. Some good planning and research went into this, and while that by itself guarantees nothing it is a clear indication of the admin’s intentions to manage a successful, stable, and professional program.

We’ll start as usual with a brief overview of the plans. There are three of them available, all of which I’d say are best described as short term, and all of which stand to be very lucrative to those investors sharp enough to get in at the right time. First of all there is the so called Starter Plan. You can join this for just $5 and you may invest anything up to $32,000. The investment term runs for 5 days and on expiry you will receive 120% of your deposit back. That’s your principal plus 20% clear profit, or in other words spend $100 and get back $120.

The next option for you to choose from is the Gold Plan. Maybe “choose from” isn’t quite the best way to put it as you are freely entitled to join any of the three plans at the same time. You are only allowed one actual account of course, but from that account you may direct your own funds to where you prefer. Anyway, this Gold Plan runs for ten days making it that little bit more risky. But as should be the case, risk gets reward and the returns on this plan are a bit more enticing. You will be paid 145% of your deposit back on expiry, after 10 days, this time on amounts starting at a minimum of $50 and increasing to the same maximum figure as the last plan at $32,000. And the math is pretty obvious here too, with an investment of $100 yielding a return of $45 profit plus you original principal.

And finally there is the Special Plan. I want to say first that I’m pleased that the admin hasn’t given into the temptation to price this beyond the reach of the average HYIP player which is so often the case. Granted at a minimum spend of $100 it’s a bit rich for many, but achievable for more than enough people to make it a viable and workable plan. The maximum remains unchanged at $32,000. So what do you get for your money here? A return of 175% paid on expiry. Except this time the investment term is 15 days. But again high rewards go hand in hand with high risks so consider that when deciding what it really is that you want to achieve by investing here. Your $100 investment here should net you $75 pure profit on top of your principal.

The other thing I want to especially highlight about BestInv is the selection of payment options. The choice is, in a word, superb. Included here are PerfectMoney, StrictPay, AlertPay, C-Gold, SolidTrustPay, and LibertyReserve. Enough to be the envy of any online investment project I think you’ll agree and further evidence of BestInv being a meticulously planned and organized operation. Of course there is also the obvious advantage of making the program as accessible as possible to a greater number of people, and the added security that comes with the knowledge that some of those processors take a very dim view of fraud and will have no hesitation of implementing their charge back policy should the need arise. One more thing you need to remember is that payments are not automatic. You will need to request them and you are asked to wait for 24 hours before you can expect receipt.

As far as the design and security of BestInv is concerned, it’s well up to standard. A professional HYIP player will know that you simply have to get this right and get it right from the very beginning as well. It’s not really that difficult to do but it does speak volumes about both the abilities of the admin and his long term intentions. So to start with we can see that BestInv is hosted on a dedicated server and that’s something always worth knowing. This time it’s hosted and protected by DdosWiz who are a company of some repute. And the script is also licensed from GoldCoders. Overall in fact the design is quite slick and professional in appearance while all the time remaining user friendly and well explained. Customer support should you need it comes in the form of an online e-mail ticketing system, and also a selection of more dedicated e-mail addresses for inquires relating to specific matters. And so far they’ve been quick enough to respond to my own questions.

The only other thing I can think of commenting on is their alleged outside business interests in the sphere of major international stock markets. Well, let’s just say my feelings on this are no different to my feelings about the same claims made throughout this industry. In fact I think the truth does leak out a little if you go to BestInv‘s FAQ page. Under the question “Are you a legally registered company?” I was kinda curious, almost amused in fact, to note that their answer does not explicitly contain either the word “yes” or the word “no” anywhere. The texts are stolen from all over the place anyway and anybody can check that for themselves. They’re also claiming to be in business for the last eight years which makes it look even doubly unusual that they only started taking deposits last Thursday via a website created two weeks ago. Go into this with your eyes open, OK? But I still like my chances of turning a good profit from this program, legitimate business entity or not.

So always remain aware of the dangers of handing money over to complete strangers, but also remain aware that that is essentially how this business works so if you want to be in profit from playing HYIPs then there is no other nice way to do it. Also keep in mind that this is a short term program so timing is everything here and I just can’t stress that point strongly enough. The sooner you get into BestInv the better. By all means don’t rush into anything and if you don’t consider them suitable for you needs then that’s fine. But if you are interested then don’t stand around looking at it all day procrastinating over it. You need to make a decision about it one way or the other and if your decision is yes, then act on it today. Personally speaking I decided to join last week and I have no regrets. The profits are high and fast. What more do you want? As the program is still so new the first payments on expiry have yet to be made. I’m expecting this to happen soon so keep an eye on my blog for confirmation of that when it does.

Other news for today.

There is much news to report today. I would like to start with the update from SolidTrustPay. I know that many investors (including me) are quite frustrated that they had such a long downtime and intermittent work recently, prevented program admins from paying their investors. GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here) has already notified the members of the reasons of the possible delay with STP withdrawal requests. I still have two STP requests pending from GoldNuggetInvest. Today the admin of another popular program InvestiMates (interviewed here) informed us about his difficulties transferring money to members’ accounts. However Transfer button works fine for me I am aware that for some members the SolidTrustPay site itself is still unaccessible and that’s why I’m not worried by this delay. Hopefully STP will be back to normal soon for everybody and the pending payments will be processed ASAP then. At the time of writing this I was paid to SolidTrustPay by InvestiMates so I’m sure that everything is working fine now but anyway I will publish this update just to let you know about the reason of the payment delays in InvestiMates (reviewed here):
Dear Mates, Sent this e-mail to inform everyone who has SolidTrustPay pending withdrawal that SolidTrustPay is still under maintenance and I will process the withdrawals as soon as the website is accessible already.
I tried logging in just a few minutes ago and I got in my account but upon clicking the Transfer Money link, it bounced me back to their maintenance notice page.
Rest assured that as soon as STP is back to normal then your withdrawals will be processed. All other withdrawals with other payment processors are processed normally.

It seems Veolex program (reviewed here) was not affected by these STP issues at all as I received all my pending payments to my SolidTrustPay account last night. The admin was not very active recently but today he decided to add another short-term plan for potential investors. I believe the main reason to introduce this new plan of 108% after 10 days (which will be limited in time by the way) will be to encourage new investors more used to playing with short-term HYIPs to try out Veolex‘s service and make sure they are a good program. In my opinion it’s a very wise move which will definitely bring more investors on board. Here is what the admin (read my interview with him here) told us about the new plan in his latest update:
Since the launch Veolex is running perfectly and is growing very fast. I would as usual, thanks everybody for this great support. Veolex reached 230 active members in one month which is pretty awesome! Today this is the “one month anniversary” for Veolex.
For this special date, I also decided to add a special “test plan” which run for a period of 10 days with a return of 108% after 10 days. I know many of you are little worried about long period, and I think this test plan based on a small period; will give you the possibility to test Veolex with seeing result in shortest time. You are allowed to deposit on this plan until 25th July 2009 only.
The maximum allowed for this plan is 1000$ by member. Have a nice week.

AsianInvestGroup (reviewed here) announced their weekly rates for the previous week. I’d like you to notice that they stayed almost the same as the week before. Well, the stability means a lot in the investment business and I’m glad that AsianInvestGroup keeps the rates quite high which definitely attracts new investors every day providing the stable growth necessary for running the program for a longer time:
Our rates for current week are the following:
Optimized Portfolio – 8.6% weekly (+0.1)
Aggressive Portfolio – 9.8% weekly (-0.4)
Optimized Portfolio Premium (for investments of $1000 and above) – 11.6% weekly
Aggressive Portfolio Premium (for investments of $1000 and above) – 12.8% weekly

For those that are interested in program stats I would encourage also to look into the trading results sent today by GermanEinsteinTrust program (reviewed here). The newsletter was pretty convincing and at least they are very good in explaining how they make profits on the market. Here is the today’s update from GermanEinsteinTrust with daily rates for all three plans:
02.48 pm CET: We sold our Singulus Technologies AG (ISIN DE0007238909) shares today with a profit of 4.78%. I think a good start for the week! The SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG will focus on the segments Optical Disc and Solar in the future. In the Optical Disc segment the spotlight will be on global market leadership for Blu-ray production equipment as well as the market launch of the new inline mastering system for Blu-ray.
With STANGL continuing to experience very strong growth rates, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES has taken the decision to rapidly expand the Solar segment. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES developed a new solar coating machine named SINGULAR in 2008. The new machine is based on the know-how gained in the Optical Disc core area.
Corporate Information Founding year: 1996 Fiscal year end: 31/12 Accounting: IFRS Total stock 37,355,471.00 €
Today’s Profits are!
Profit 3 week Investors: + 1.91%
Profit 6 week Investors: + 2.39%
Profit 10 day Investors: + 3.35% (will be added to the 10 day plan)

YesICanSurf (reviewed here) reached the important milestone of 600 members and as far as I know the Sunday promotional offer is over by now and some of the members were rewarded already. It seems YesICanSurf is not going to stop with the promotions though, and the next one should be announced later today:
We are so delighted with our progress in YesICanSurf. Our growth is steady, and your investments strengthen us daily. Thank you for your encouragement, your support in the forums, and your trust. They are all much appreciated.
All payouts have been fulfilled for Sunday.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone…..tomorrow we’ll announce our new referral contest!! Sarah and Phil

Remember yesterday I warned about the strange email allegedly coming from the admin of ProInvestex? Well, it seems my worst expectations came true as I just found out that the admin’s cPanel was hacked and now when logging in to your account in Resources tab you will notice the following:
Yeah you bet it. I am a real scammer. I just exchanged all my cash now. I did not expect that this time I am so success in scamming. So I decided to close this program now. Thanks for your kindness.
Well, isn’t it strange to post such a statement if the admin really decided to scam? If he wanted to do it he would just leave the site open in hope that many unsuspecting members will continue to deposit into his already dead program. So after noticing this I immediately contacted the admin and received the following email from him:
Yes the cpanel was hacked and i have been trying to fix it up, but no cause for worries i would fix all soon.
Well, after that email I asked when the pending payouts are going to be processed because it’s the most vital question for any program’s survival but I haven’t got a response to that so far. So I can conclude only one thing: ProInvestex was hacked and couldn’t recover. It’s a real shame because this program had a lot of potential and could have become a huge hit. Unfortunately, it seems the admin was a real amateur and couldn’t provide the standard security to avoid any attacks.
I can’t stand for sure but I have an idea who could stay behind the such sudden collapse of ProInvestex. I have received a couple of emails from the designer who obviously had not been paid from the admin of ProInvestex for the design in full. So as for my understanding he started to threaten the admin to pay him otherwise the script will be hacked by him. I don’t take sides in this dispute because my only desire was that the admin of ProInvestex paid to his members and sorry, but I don’t really care about the designer who shouldn’t have sold the site to the admin of ProInvestex without receiving payment first. And if he was so stupid to provide his work without getting paid, then starting a public crusade against the admin and hacking the script eventually (or restricted the admin’s access) it’s hard to sympathize. And it’s hard to say afterwards whom to blame in this fast failure but it’s a fact already. I can only add the things that the designer told me about the admin: “Admin Proinvestex Is BomnY Eplat (Bome Ashehe) from Nigeria phone number is +2348033119867“. Really, I don’t know how it would help to get our money back and if the admin is really the one to blame but maybe it will be of some use for somebody.
I don’t know anything else about the program so please don’t ask me about it anymore. Probably a dispute between two Nigerians can bury any promising program, lol.

I finally decided to move three programs: XagaEnterprise, VentureFundsGroup and LloydFunds to Not Paying status on my monitoring page. It seems it takes much longer than first was promised to get the programs back online. I will be watching though and if I see the signs of a coming recovery from any of the programs I will return it to Paying status immediately but with every passing day the chances are getting slimmer in my opinion.

By the way, if you were somehow encouraged by the withdrawal button that appeared in your SilverLodge account please don’t be. Nobody got paid this time and I’m 100% sure that this time SilverLodge is really gone. There is no contact with the admin who keeps silent all this time and the chances that you will get paid from them are close to zero. I remind you that I predicted their impending collapse some time ago but they somehow managed to stay afloat for these last few months which almost made me think that they were unsinkable. Alas, it appears SilverLodge was just a ponzi-game (what else you could name it after my investigation which was published here). However to the admin’s credit I must say I was pretty impressed by such a long lifespan that paid from October 2008. Anyway, all good things come to end some day and SilverLodge unfortunately became another program that demised this hot summer. R.I.P. SilverLodge! It was great while it lasted.

I got paid today from the following programs: BestInv, Veolex, CorpusTrust, PanaMoney, GeniusFunds, StableInterest, EnscoOffshore, InvestiMates, NovalexFinance, OnisGroup, SteadyGrowthInvest, Merchandies, ExcellentProfit and CoolReturn. That’s it for today! Have a nice evening and see you on my blog tomorrow!

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