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05/09/09. InvesTomato Review and Other News


Hi everyone! Hope your weekend is going according to plan wherever you you may be. Anyway, as promised last night I’m going to be taking a closer look at the new program just launched by Roger Miller of InvestiMates and USDozen fame. It’s called InvesTomato and already it’s not without its fair share of controversy. That has been explained elsewhere so I don’t really feel the need to go back into that in too much detail for a second time today. Although I even had (albeit very brief) second thoughts about covering this one myself. Not for the reasons you might think however.

The thing is, and I really can’t let this go without mentioning it, is that Roger could really have handled the launch of InvesTomato a lot more tactfully than he did. A lot of people made a lot of money from his previous project so sending a mass e-mail to the former members may at first have seemed like a bright idea. The problem that arises now however that as well as going out to those in profit, the mail also went out to those in loss. And despite those people being well informed of the rules and the risks this kind of thing does not, understandably, sit well with them. And a number of those people felt a bit insulted by the suggestion that they join this new program. Taunted almost.

Anyway, without wanting to waffle on about it all day, my point is that the whole thing could have been done with a bit more tact and subtlety. So now that I’ve gotten that out of the way let me also say that there is little room for sentiment in the online investments industry and let me assure you that none of this will affect my judgment as to whether or not I can make a fast buck out of InvesTomato. And please be honest with yourself when I ask isn’t that the reason you are reading my blog at all?

So let’s put that behind us now and press ahead with the facts. InvesTomato is a brand new HYIP coming from a highly skilled admin with much experience in generating a lot of profit. Mostly for himself of course (that’s the whole point of the entire industry!) but also for a huge number of other people along the way. There are two plans available here which have proved to be extremely popular in the past. They do bear more than just a passing resemblance to those typically associated with autosurfs, but InvesTomato offers them to you here on a purely passive HYIP basis.

One of them offers to pay you a daily interest rate and the other more risky option offers you a slightly improved profit that gets paid on expiry. Starting with the daily plan InvesTomato offers you 10% interest per day for 12 consecutive days on investments between $5 and $5,000 with your original principal already factored into the payments. So in practical terms an investment of $100 will see you earn $10 per day for 12 days. You break even on day number 10, and finish the cycle with a total of $120. 100% principal plus 20% profit.

The other plan is as I said a bigger risk but that brings with it a bigger reward. InvesTomato offers to pay you 144% of your investment on expiry of the plan. Again it runs for 12 days and again it’s open to deposits between $5 and $5,000. Your first and only payment includes your principal so for a $100 investment here you can expect a once off payment of $144 on expiry.

The other points I need to make about the plans are that once you deposit the minimum amount of $5 you may then increase your deposit in increments of $1. I just mention that because several sites require you to invest in “blocks” of $5 or more. The other thing is the payment options. It’s excellent as we have come to expect from Roger and includes all the old options from his last program with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all accepted. So between the affordable minimum deposit and the most popular payment processors all being listed we can say that InvesTomato is open to the widest variety of investor possible.

The security of InvesTomato is pretty much on a par with InvestiMates. Any body with experience there will vouch for the fact that it was pretty much flawless with little downtime that I can remember worthy of mention here. The new site remains on a dedicated server hosted and protected to good effect by HushHosting. And the script remains licensed from Neversay.

Communication remains of paramount importance and as far as can be expected of one man he has done a better than average job of keeping members up to date with what’s happening and has been dependable when it comes to answering customer inquires. You may contact the admin via an online e-mail ticketing system and he is also often to be found on the main investment forums where InvesTomato has its own discussion thread. And as for the design, well simplicity is an art form as the saying goes and InvesTomato, like its predecessor is remarkably easy to use and even comes with similar quirky cartoon style graphics to make it stand out from the rest.

So the million dollar question now is can InvesTomato repeat the success of InvestiMates? To be honest I doubt it. It will be successful to a certain degree I am sure but my own expectations will be a lot more modest this time around. The reasons are many but amongst them would be the growth rate. As I write this the membership is fast approaching 900 and nobody can deny that is mighty impressive. But is that all too much too soon? I mean by contacting all the former InvestiMates members at the same time I wonder has Roger gotten everybody who wants to join InvesTomato to all join at the same time? Upon receiving their payment on expiry, I wonder just how many of those members will jump ship and how many will make the re-investment that will be necessary to sustain the program. Personally I prefer to look for stable and consistent growth rather than the explosive growth we see here. The very same rule applies to invesTomato as Roger’s other projects. There is no real income being generated here so the program is dependent on new money coming in at all times to pay existing members. The fact that he has removed all monitors already because of a deluge of bad votes from those still bearing grudges against InvestiMates proves that the appeal of InvesTomato will be more limited, and I have little doubt that the army of members there is most likely awash with Hit and Runners.

So the bottom line? InvesTomato is a gamble as has been spelled out for you a million times already. This time however it’s a bigger gamble than InvestiMates. Don’t be afraid of it though, there is money to be made here and lots of it. But have more modest expectations this time.

Other news for today.

It’s weird that straight after I reviewed MetaStocks yesterday the site went offline. I was paid yesterday and I will inform you when the site is back for me. I have contacted the admin of MetaStocks already but have yet to receive a reply.

Another site – LiberalTrade – which seems to have experienced some issues with DDoS-attacks and payouts finally paid me two pendings. The admin of the program has contacted me and asked to move his program to Paying status again. I have moved LiberalTrade to Paying selectively status as I can still see too many negative votes on the forums. I would not like to rate the program as Paying until I’m sure that all my readers are being paid as well. So please help me decide on the program’s status by submitting your payment / non-payment report to my email address or leave a message on my ShoutBox. Thanks in advance!

Two programs at a time announced today that they will have to temporarily stop accepting deposits via PerfectMoney. The first program is NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) who explained this was because of the issues PerfectMoney is experiencing right now with API but promised that despite this the withdrawals to PerfectMoney will still be honored. Here is the update from NanoMoneyCorp which is one of the very few programs that has been online for over 3 years now and is paying 1.2% for 30 business days, 1.5% for 50 business days and 1.8% for 100 business days:
Please read this.
We temporarily stop accepting PerfectMoney as investment option. Until they solve their problems with transferring and API and gain the previous stability.
PerfectMoney withdrawals would be processed if PerfectMoney allows that action. We do not stop calculating profits on the programs opened in PM. Unfortunately we can’t influence that situation more then that.

The second program to announce the temporary dropping of PerfectMoney is StableInterest (reviewed here). This is the program that has been online for about a year now offering the following plans: 36% in 30 days, 102% in 60 days, 264% in 120 days and 500% in 200 days with the principal back on expiry. StableInterest made it clear that the reasons for dropping PerfectMoney relate to problems with the site’s uptime and the processing of payouts. I myself would advise you to keep only the necessary small amounts in PerfectMoney as definitely they still haven’t overcome the issues they had in the past. Surely at this point PerfectMoney is in decline. Anyway, here is the update from StableInterest regarding this:
Dear investors, PerfectMoney is having problems recently with the site uptime and payouts processing.
So starting from now all incoming deposits from PerfectMoney accounts are temporally put on hold.
Please mind, once PerfectMoney re-establish the proper work of all the systems, the deposits via PerfectMoney will be renewed.
Your sincerely, StableInterest.

SazaInvestments (reviewed here) paid all the weekly withdrawals except a couple that should be expected soon. The next batch of withdrawals is scheduled on next Friday as usual:
All payments has been done again except 6 pendings on STP where we can’t login again. Those will be made as soon as we will be able to login to our STP account again. We sent an email to STP and ask them to fix this. Next payday will be on Friday again. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

It’s good to see that sometimes HYIP admins listen to my advice. So recently the admin of FortixCapital (reviewed here) reduced the minimum amounts to deposit with the program’s plans. From now on the minimum to deposit in for 2.2% for 45 days is $50 (instead of the previous $500) and the minimum for 2.8% for 60 days plan is $100 (instead of the huge $2,000). The minimum to invest in the first plan offering 1.6% for 25 days still remains at the same affordable level of $10. All in all FortixCapital seems to be doing nicely having reached over 260 members for 6 days online. The payouts are also quite fast so hopefully the program will get bigger with time.

It seems TenTraders (reviewed here) continues to surprise us. I can see that they are catching up with the payouts as I have received almost all of them just a few hours ago. I have reports from members that have also been paid so hopefully TenTraders is back on track now. This is the extreme high-ROI program that is really having a huge level of success with thousands of members. I would like to get your payment reports as well so please write something on my ShoutBox if you got your payment from TenTraders today.

There was another quite lengthy newsletter received from the admin of PTVPartner Garrett last night. Despite this I really enjoy reading his updates. It’s not the same old nonsense sent by so many other admins to their members but rather revelations of a seasoned investor and thoughts of a professional admin who will ensure the program’s stable growth for the long haul. I remind you that PTVPartner is a program with four investment plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. You can read more about that program in my detailed review published here. I would just like to remind you that the first payouts on expiry are scheduled to be processed in a few days as PTVPartner is quite a new program that has started just recently. Although with such a professional approach to his business I think PTVPartner can be expected to be a success soon enough. Here is the newsletter from PTVPartner:
It has been another fantastic day here in Belize. The humidity is high, but the breeze has been so nice. Most of the time, when I am online, you can find me with my laptop, on the veranda, watching the gulls and waves come and go. It is so peaceful here. Stunning really! I rarely have the desire to leave this absolute paradise. The island life, what once was only a passion and desire has for years been our lifestyle.
And now, our new passion has become PTVPartner. I have to say, we are addicted. I spend the better part of the day, planning the future of this project. My wife says I am obsessed. Perhaps she’s right. I want so badly for the success of the program and our members that I can’t help it.
Recently, I was speaking with a group of our moderators, (currently we have 9 and are adding more as we meet those interested and qualified), and the question came up, what should a client expect to profit on a monthly basis with PTV? How large of a monthly return will the program support? My response was a simply honest one. Our clients can develop 4, 5 or even 6 figure monthly returns if that is what they desire. But we want them to do it wisely. I feel a deep obligation to explain a principle that should already be common knowledge, but cannot be emphasized enough, especially when so many programs come and go faster than the rise and fall of the tide outside my door.
All Investment programs should only be participated in with ‘Risk Capital’. By Risk Capital I mean money that can only be afforded to be lost. That includes our program as well. Many would remind me that we have stated we have a principle guarantee, and we do. That does not excuse this principle being practiced. The principle of wise investing.
We personally have survived now, for many years, off the return we earn via the PTV Group programs investments. Our investors do a fantastic job and our profit is presented like clockwork. That does not mean I leave my profits in the program any longer than it takes to develop the level of participation I desire. My profits, once acquired, are removed and placed in zero or low to medium risk endeavors. All High Yield endeavors have risk! Risks can be minimized, but they cannot be removed.
One of my biggest fears is that we will enlist new members that have no HYIP savvy, they will participate here, earn huge profits and in their own minds become gurus. Then they will strut around the net investing in every ponzi scheme online and lose ‘Non-Risk Capital’, capital that was needed for the sustaining of their families and lifestyle.
If our members learn nothing from us other than this principle we will feel as though we have succeeded in our educational efforts. Participation with ‘Risk capital is the only way, we, including myself, participate in any endeavor.
Some may say, “What if we have no risk capital?” The answer would be …Create some! “How?” you might ask. “Get a second job!” “Cut back on frivolous activities for a time!” “Reduce your alcohol consumption!” “Stop smoking!” “Stop gambling!” “Sell all the horded content in your garage!” There are a thousand ways. But whatever you do, Do Not participate in any online or offline Investment strategy that you cannot afford to participate in!!! …………. Including Ours!!!
We have designed a simple to understand and quick to return program that will enable you to develop additional risk capital in a matter of a few weeks or months. Start small. You do not need to come here and have a 6 figure income next month. It is unnecessary. As you can see, we did not post an unlimited investment opportunity. We are not looking for the seasoned investor with the 100 Million dollars to participate or even 100K. We set the limit at 10K because we are here to provide the ‘would-be’ seasoned investor with a way to accomplish His or Her dreams and goals. Don’t rush this. You have time. Learn this and learn it well. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Once you have sufficiently obtained the level of participation that creates the monthly return you desire. Take the rest out! Keep it! Spend It! Enjoy It! Save it! Create trust accounts, for your future, that participate in low or no risk returns. Establish Life Insurance policies to protect your loved ones should something ever unfortunate happen to you. Be slow to upgrade your lifestyle.
I know, …you deserve a break. You need a vacation. You got to get away. You need a new car and a new house, and a new wardrobe, I understand. Just take it slow. Success will come. We will be here to help. You can accomplish all of that, if you follow these principles and be frugal.
You will find, that at PTVPartner, you will accomplish your goals and dreams and at the same time Start to Experience the PT mentality. What is the PT mentality? ….. ’Laid Back Jack’!
Ok. I will get off my soap box and get back to work now.
PTVPartner is growing rapidly. Our member count increases daily. Ventures will begin to mature in a few more days. We are hiring moderators still if anyone is interested. Our chat room continues to be a wise choice for us and a very wise choice for you. Be sure and support us there by dropping by and saying hello. You don’t have to talk on the Microphone if you don’t desire. Your webcam is only operational if you select it to be. You can simply come in relax and enjoy the company or participate in a text chat if you want. Besides, you might learn something. It is much better than reading the banter at all the HYIP forums…well…most of time anyway.
Drop by, check us out, there’s a new HYIP in your future.
Start the Experience… join PTVPartner… and Free your Life!!!
Garrett PTVPartner Admin

I have joined two new programs today and I would like to introduce them both to you here. The first one is SensibleInvest. It’s a program with three investment plans all paid on expiry: 115% after 7 days, 135% after 14 days and 160% after 20 days. There are four payment processors accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney. AlertPay and StrictPay. The minimum to invest is different for each plan: $3 for 7 day plan, $50 for 14 day plan and $100 for 20 day plan. SensibleInvest is using licensed GoldCoders script, nice design from Leadcapturemaster and DDoS-protected from DdoSWiz (hosted on a dedicated Staminus server). SensibleInvest has just been launched a few hours ago and the admin asked me to announce it on the major investment forums. I’m going to review the program on my blog pretty soon so stay tuned for that.

The second program is called EquiFex. It’s been online for a couple of days already and also looks good. There are a bigger variety of plans here with 6 of them on offer: 22% for 5 days (110%), 120% after 5 days, 10% for 12 days (120%), 144% after 12 days, 5% for 30 days (150%) and 210% after 30 days. There is different minimum to invest in every plan starting from $10. By the way, $10 is the price of one unit in EquiFex and you can make your deposit into the program only in increments of $10 as it’s based on a licensed NeverSay script more more commonly associated with autosurfs. There are six payment processors you can use in EquiFex: SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and RoutePay. By the way, I can see EquiFex is the first program on my list that accepts RoutePay – the new payment processor that I’m going to review on my blog pretty soon. After 2 days online EquiFex program already has 350 members and keeps growing. It looks like an interesting choice to diversify your investment portfolio so I will definitely get back to EquiFex soon enough and review it on my blog.

I guess that’s it for today. Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow with more news and reviews from the industry!

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