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06/10/09. XomFund Review and Other News



Hi guys! Today I want to get back to some more familiar territory and take a closer look at a program I have been watching for a while. It’s called XomFund and some of you will no doubt have noticed it on my monitoring page already. And it’s no coincidence either as a lot of people have been asking me recently about new low ROI long term programs in general, and not just this one.

And at a time when there is a gradual but still very noticeable swing in people’s preferences away from the high risk short term programs that achieved such enormous popularity over the last few months, I guess interest in XomFund and programs like it will be all the more enthusiastic. And in time it may even become one of the leaders. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves just yet, as there is still a bit of work to be done.

Starting as we usually do with the plans, on the face of it there is a decent enough spread for investors to choose from with both daily and weekly payments being available. On closer inspection however we can see that a lot of the available options are perhaps priced beyond the range of many smaller investors. And in some cases if let’s say a $1000 minimum spend is affordable to you, it might still be asking a bit much for you to sink that kind of cash into a program that although looks good at first glance, still has to establish a reputation for itself before deposits of that magnitude become the acceptable norm. But anyway, you’ll be the ones doing the spending so why don’t I just get on with the description.

The first investment option we come to is the Daily Plans. There are four different but they all share a number of common characteristics. To start with they all have a variable rate of interest. There is no maximum to the amount you may invest in any one option and also, and I’m not sure if this will be a permanent feature or just a temporary promotional one, but a 10% bonus will be added to your first deposit. Compounding, though not a feature I’d bother with myself (not just in XomFund, but in any online HYIP) is available should you wish to use it. And finally your principal will be returned on expiry of your plan.

The individual plans work out as follows:
The Daily Starter Plan runs for 90 business days, has a minimum investment figure of $20, and pays between 1.1% and 1.4% interest per day on business days only.
The Daily General Plan also runs for 90 business days and accepts deposits upwards of $200. Here you will earn between 1.3% to 1.5% interest per business day.
The Daily Advance plan is for a somewhat longer period of 120 business days and is open to investors willing to spend $1000 and more. In exchange you will be paid between 1.6% and 1.9% interest per business day.
And finally there is the Daily Premium Plan. Minimum spend in this one is $5000 so it’s clearly not for everyone but if you like it anyway then expect to earn from 2.1% to 2.4% interest per business day.
As I said the payment rates can fluctuate from day to day making any practical example of what you might earn a little tricky. But you can view the recent payment history of all the plans over the previous five days so that at least will give you some idea of how XomFund has been performing recently. You also have an investment calculator which should help to give you some indication of your potential earnings.

Maybe you would prefer a slightly improved and more stable fixed weekly payment? Well if you would then expect to pay for it but you options will be from the following three. But keep in mind first that all three weekly payment options also share a number of common features. Namely that there is also no upper limit to the amount you may deposit, compounding is again allowed here too, your principal is returned on expiry, and the same once off 10% bonus is payable to all first time depositors.

And the plans themselves look something like this:
The Weekly Silver Plan runs for 26 weeks and Pays 9% interest per week on deposits of $1000 and more.
The Weekly Golden Plan also runs for 26 weeks but offers 10.5% interest per week on deposits of $3,000 and higher.
And finally for the rich and the reckless with $10,000 or more to spend on an internet HYIP you may wish to think about the Weekly Diamond Plan. At upwards of 10K thinking about it is all I’d recommend you to do but for information purposes the interest rate on offer is 12.5% per week, also for 26 weeks.

Payouts, what little experience I have of them so far only being a newcomer to XomFund, have been wonderfully quick and efficient. So far the admin has made good on his promise to pay within 10 hours. The downside however is that the big choice of investment plan is not reflected in the choice of payment processors. That is limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Nothing wrong with either of them but it simply closes off a lot of avenues for the admin to expand and grow the program and will only serve to keep them at the very best in the middle of any experienced investor’s list of favorites no matter how good everything else is about the program. I said it before that even if people want to invest via LibertyReserve anyway, they still want to see alternative choices made available. But I wouldn’t get hysterical over it either. LibertyReserve in particular is still the market leader and as well as that it’s not a difficult thing to add a couple of other payment processors in the near future. Certainly not difficult if you are a “leading private ForEx investment company” as they say they are.

The XomFund website itself is quite good I must say and an asset in itself to the program. Whatever you think about their claims of international currency trading and investments, the texts on their site are at least original. And previous experience tells me that generally (though it’s not a rule) the programs with original texts on their websites turn out to be better organized and more serious. The script is also original. It seems to have been custom made for XomFund and gives it a very distinctive appearance. It’s well laid out and easy to navigate and the FAQ page seems to cover a lot of the important questions before it becomes necessary to contact the admin.

XomFund is hosted on a dedicated server by SecuredServerTech, not the best know name in the field at the moment and a company I have only come across for the first time recently. But they are using Staminus servers so I guess they are serious about providing a good level of service.

Any questions for the admin not found in the FAQ can be addressed to XomFund via the online e-mail support ticket system. There is also a direct e-mail contact address. Discussion threads are open in the major forums for any thoughts you’d like to share with the world but best of all it the addition of a postal address in the sporting capital of Australia, Melbourne with a verifiable contact telephone number that actually works. I called and to my great surprise got an answer. A rare event in the HYIP world! Unfortunately the person who answered wasn’t awfully helpful, didn’t identify himself or the company when picking up the phone, and was unable to answer my question before the line went dead. Maybe he just hung up? I don’t know but go ahead and feel free to contact them with any questions of your own. Maybe you will have more luck than me.

The claims made by XomFund to be involved in trading on the international ForEx markets are there for you to read for yourself. Personally I can see only rhetoric and industry jargon with little in the way of actual solid information. But then I’m no expert. They do offer a certificate of incorporation as a registered business entity so take a look at that and if you feel so incline you can always check with the relevant authorities as to its authenticity.

For me however I would still consider XomFund as a regular online HYIP with massive raw potential. A great deal has already been done to get them established as a major player but the job isn’t finished. More payment options and plans that are more affordable to the real rank and file investors that make up this business would be a huge boost in moving XomFund up to the next level. If they really want to be as big as I think their ambitions are then they should really act now to move themselves above and apart from the mire of HYIPs offering similar plans and similar features. But keep an eye on this one. It could be big. Or at least it has the potential to be.

Other news for today.

First of all I would like to share with you some news I got from the live chat conference with the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here). I was online in the chat room at that time and carefully listened to what the admin had to say. Actually, in the beginning the conference was a bit of a mess as the microphones seem to be refusing to work. However eventually everybody was rewarded for their patience and was able to hear what Garrett had to say. I’m sure there will be text or audio version of the conference meeting available on the PTVPartner website soon. As of now, I can just briefly say that allegedly PTVPartner has some real business interests to back up the payouts to their investors (110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days). So their business is they claim acquiring some mines in an unnamed country producing silica which can be used for a variety of purposes, is easy to extract, and sell it to whomever wants it. Well, I was kinda disappointed with what I heard from Garrett because his claims were not backed up by any real evidence and he didn’t even name the country because of some kind of non-disclosure agreement he can’t break. Well, I can say anything as well but will you prove me right or wrong without some hard evidence? I think not. So I would expect something more substantial from Garrett than I could actually hear at the meeting. The second disappointment was Garrett’s reply regarding Bank wires as he said it would be impossible to add Bank wires in the near future. The reason for that was also not revealed due to this non-disclosure agreement he mentioned already. So actually it’s up to you whether you believe these claims or not. I find it hard to believe to what any admin says without being shown any significant proof, but if you are being asked to pay for it then I think you are entitled to a better answer. Saying that I don’t think that PTVPartner is a bad program either. Quite the contrary in fact – it’s extremely good and has some unique features what others lack (read my detailed review on it here). The dilemma is: should we take it as a proper investment project or as a regular HYIP with no proven sources of income except incoming funds? The question is yet to be answered in my opinion.

I think PTVPartner programs should learn a couple of lessons from some great programs that have been paying for years like GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here) that had no problems with implementing Bank Wire solutions for their clients together with dealing with payment processors. Anyway, the program that accepts Bank wires are treated very differently by the investors as that’s what distinguishes a really transparent company from the one that prefers to deal exclusively with payment processors, some of which are quite shady (like LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for example). The possibility to choose a Bank Wire option for deposits and withdrawals makes GoldNuggetInvest and a few more programs stand out from the crowd and be attractive to far wider range of investors. Including those who would prefer not to deal with payment processors at all if they can avoid it. Of course such methods as bank wire transfers are not without their problems either and there are delays that can occur along the way. So the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert (interviewed here) recently apologized for some withdrawal delays for Bank wire investors. The delay was basically the fault of their bank in Cyprus, but a permanent solution is currently being worked on by Robert and his crew. As a temporary measure (in urgent cases if you need your money fast and can’t wait to received your Bank wire) the offer was made to allow withdrawals to payment processors. It’s really great for the members who are depending on the income they are receive from GoldNuggetInvest and can’t really wait for too long before receiving their money. It shows again the level of flexibility and commitment with which Robert and the GNI team are handling all the issues and allowing the investors to really enjoy their experience with the program. Please read the following update regarding Bank withdrawals if you’re interested:
The story with the bank wire withdrawals is as follows:
Our bank is a small private bank in Northern Cyprus, with no access to the SWIFT network, all incoming and outgoing transfers are going via their correspondence bank in Germany. Secondly it is their General rule, to not wire any transaction initiated before 10 banking days, while our account is credited the same moment we initiate the transfer. It is obvious that it is their business practice to work with their clients funds as long as possible, may be that’s why they call themselves ‘your portfolio bank in the mediterranean’. However they are wiring daily for us and members informed me that they have received their funds from withdrawal request posted mid September. That is still in their timeframe, if we consider that there have been also two public holidays in the TRNC last week.
This situation is by no means acceptable for us and we are seeking to open another bank account in the near future. Since a few members are using their GNI proceeds to pay their bills or to support their families, we decided to allow withdrawals to payment processors as well in urgent cases, although most of our bank deposit members are withdrawing via bank wire and are accepting the waiting period. On the other side, if one is withdrawing via bank wire weekly on a certain day – once the first wire hit her/his account, the next one will be credited about a week later and so on.
Please keep in mind, it is not easy for such an project as GNI to open a bank account. Most banks are paying yearly what our premium members are earning weekly….. Enough said.
So I guess it’s worth to wait – and all others can withdraw bank wire requests to their payment processor of choice until we have a better solution.
Robert. GNI Admin

That’s not all about GoldNuggetInvest just yet, folks! I have received some wonderful news from Robert today regarding the third interview which will be more extended and detailed this time. Not so much a straight forward interview this time however as a kind of “question and answer session”. He was quite keen on the idea to take questions from the readers of MNO (yes, this time that was your call about what questions got asked, and some of them were really interesting by the way!). So this time it’s not really mine or Robert’s work to compile and answer the questions but it will be a collective effort on the part of all MNO readers and I’m really proud of that. I hope I will be publishing this long-awaited discussion with Robert early next week sometime but the actual date will be announced on my blog as soon as I have the answers (there was a lot more questions than usual) so keep your eyes peeled, guys! Anyway, this is Robert’s reply which I have received today:
Dear Paul. Thanks for sending me the questions! Quite a task, but I will answer them all and I agree you should probably call it a ‘questions and answer session’ and I really appreciate how your readers and our members sent in their questions to participate.
We are proud of what we have achieved over the time, that we were able to fight back hacking attacks, phishing attempts, extortion or simply the easier task if the mentioned happened to one of the payment processor and we found ourselves in the mess of manually crediting and/or withdrawing hundreds of transactions manually. However, we learned from each of these events and each attempt to weaken us made us stronger and GNI more secure.
We are looking forward to the next three years together with our trusted members and for sure with you, Paul.
I think I will be able to sent you the answers back before the weekend.
Have a great day, Robert

Infinitum (if you still remember them) paid me on expiry of my longest deposit with them today. That was 133.6% after 21 business days. Well, I was quite sure I would receive it anyway, just thought you would like to know about it as well. I remind you that other two plans that you can deposit in Infinitum are: 104.2% after 3 business days and 110.5% after 7 business days. There is no need to request your payout as it will be credited to your LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney account (depending on what you have deposited with) automatically after your deposit term expires. The only thing you should remember to track your investments in the program is your batch number and PIN-code which you can use to check the status of your current deposit with the program. More detailed info about how you can manage your deposits in Infinitum program can be found in my review published here. And by the way, the admin of Infinitum just confirmed to me that the questions for the interview will be replied to pretty soon so I’m hoping to publish that as well. Stay tuned for that, guys!

Staying on the topic of the interviews I’m glad to announce that the admin of AtlantisMutual program (reviewed here) which I consider to be quite a promising pick for diversifying your investment portfolio has finally answered my questions for the interview. I hope you will be interested to find out more about them and their four major investment plans: 105% after 7 days, 120% after 21 days, 191% after 60 days and 391% after 120 days. They claim to have office in London and employ 17 people. Is this true or not? It’s surely up to you to decide after you read my interview with the admin tomorrow. Don’t miss it!

I’m glad to report that IncoForex (reviewed here) is closer to my German readers now. Yes, the German version of the site has been added and now you can enjoy IncoForex in your native language if it’s German, Spanish, Russian, Italian or English. I hope there is more languages to come soon. Here is the latest update from the admin (interviewed here):
German Localization Has Been Added
Dear Investors! Starting from today you can view German localization of our website which is available at
Thank you for choosing us! Every customer is important to us.
If you have found any errors and mistakes in translation please kindly contact us.

I just checked the results of my current poll about which feature of MNO you like best. And to my surprise firmly in first place is the Daily news section with 45 votes (58%). In second place with 28 votes (36%) is readers that like every feature on MNO in equal measure. Thank you for voting, guys! I’m not sure if I should make reviews and interviews anymore as there were 5 people (7%) telling me that they liked them. Just kidding though! I know that interviews and reviews are important for everybody looking for a decent investment opportunity but finally I realized that you appreciate and value MNO mostly for the most up-to-date news from the Industry. I have one more question in mind which I would like to ask you in a couple of days. But for now, please don’t forget to vote for your favorite feature on MNO (the poll is located in the end of my right sidebar). Thanks for voting!

Well, it happened again. SolidTrustPay is once more delaying withdrawals to Debit cards and once more passing excuse after excuse. I remind you that this is not the first and not even for the second time for this. There is definitely some action needed to be taken by SolidTrustPay. I do respect this payment processor and it does have a great track record but something has to be done about these delays that is leading to a rapid decline in its popularity and the continuing exodus of their clients to their main competitors, StrictPay and AlertPay. In answer to one reader who emailed me sharing his concerns regarding SolidTrustPay I think there is nothing to worry about. These delays will only hurt SolidTrustPay in the first place as less and less people consider it as a reliable payment processor (the results of my recent poll confirm that that seems to be the general consensus). Anyway, using SolidTrustPay processor which is properly registered in Canada and has even phone support is much safer than some offshore alternatives with unknown locations. This is the latest update from SolidTrustPay regarding the delays taken from their official blog:
We are once more experiencing a delay in the funding of our merchant account for the debit card program. SolidTrustPay is fully aware of the inconvenience this causes our customers and is committed to resolving the issue. The delay has been caused by a misdirected bank wire which has now been corrected.
For those clients with a pending debit card load, rest assured that it will be completed as soon as possible.
We expect a return to a normal time frame of 1-3 business days by 9 October or earlier.

That’s it for today, guys, except I just wanted you to know which programs from my monitoring page paid me today: GoldNuggetInvest, FlipReturn, FxCapitalInvestment, Infinitum, WOIC, Verifield, AimTrust, SeamlessProfitable, PanaMoney, GeniusFunds, CSMFinance, IncoForex, MoneyCare, PTVPartner, AxaCofinance, MindPowerSurf, KobelCapital, InvestmentForge, GainRoi, SensibleInvest, XrateInvest, Capitalex, CedexInvest, TheFifthContract, Metualis, CoolReturn, NanoMoneyCorp, BlackDiamondPortfolio, StableInterest and XomFund (the first payment received). See you tomorrow everyone!

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