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26/10/09. TheKapital Review and Other News



Hi everybody! For the first post of the week we’re going to take a look at something that’s been sitting in my portfolio for a while now. It’s called TheKapital and I first joined it some time back. Almost two months ago in fact so it’s a bit like a dip into the nostalgia file at this stage. The reason for the delayed review is very simple. The admin preferred it that way. His reasons are his own and you can ask him if you wish but for now I’d just like to share my own opinions on it.

So after all that time, where to finally start? Well, TheKapital is a decent enough program and it hasn’t let me down with the payouts so far which I suppose isn’t a bad thing to say for my first point. I suppose in German it would come out as “Das Kapital”, a famous book by a man who probably wouldn’t like online HYIPs all that much, lol! It’s a long term investment program and the payouts can be made either daily or weekly depending on which one of the two available plans you wish to opt for.

The minimum deposit for the daily plan is $20. It runs for 150 business days (that’s Monday through Friday). The interest repayments you will earn here will start at 1.5% per day and will vary up to a maximum of 1.7%. Every day therefore you will receive a different amount which makes it a bit pointless, not to mention misleading to offer any practical examples. But if you invested $100 then a typical week might finish up with you earning about $8.00 or so. 150 business days will be 30 weeks so if you were hoping to earn $240 in total by the time the plan expires, then that wouldn’t be overly ambitious. That figure by the way is just your profit. Your principal also gets returned.

Higher rates of interest are available but to take advantage of them you are going to have to weigh in with some serious cash. Purely for informational purposes those rates are 1.75% to 1.9% daily for amounts of $5,000 and upwards. Variable rates of 2% to 2.2% per day are available on amounts upwards of $10,000. Obviously it’s your money and you may spend it as you wish. Personally I wouldn’t spend it unless I was speaking directly and in person to the person that was going to be handling it. TheKapital are no exception.

Then we have the weekly plan. Again there are a number of variations within. But for a minimum deposit of $50 you can earn a weekly payment that will vary from week to week between 8.2% to 8.5%. The investment term will last for 20 weeks, so it’s a lot faster than the daily plan. So despite the interest rate being higher, ultimately it’s less profitable. And again because of the variable interest rates I can’t really give a practical example of how an investment might work out for you, but if you join with $100 then a typical week might see you end up with around $8.35. jump ahead to the time the plan expires and you have (give or take a few bucks) around $167 in clear profit. You can then add another hundred to that because your principal will be returned.

As with the daily plan, TheKapital also has other higher paying options available here too. They are however only open to those willing to spend some serious money. So once again, purely for review purposes those rates are from 8.5% to 8.8% weekly on investments starting from a minimum of $6000 and from 8.85% to 9.2% on amounts starting from $12,000.

The plans are quite ok I think but it’s a pity they have to be put so far beyond the financial reach of the overwhelming majority of HYIP players. I mean how many of you are realistically interested (beyond idle curiosity) in how much you can earn from depositing $12,000 here? Is it seriously an option for you? Anyway, a couple of other quick points I need to make about the plans include first of all there is an early withdrawal option. If for whatever personal reason you need to get your principal back in a hurry and can’t wait for the plan to expire then you may do so for a fee. The fee itself is 10% which considering I have seen other programs with an opt out clause of anything up to almost 40% I think it’s quite reasonable. Please note though that any profits you have earned will also be deducted, so if you are far enough into your chosen plan already you may just want to think twice about that and stay put.

The other two things I wanted to say is that first of all the option of compounding is available to those of you who like it. I’m no great fan myself for reasons that have nothing to do with TheKapital, but if that’s what you want then it’s there for you. And finally the is the payment processors. An excellent selection here I think you’ll agree, with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all being welcomed.

The security of TheKapital overall is well up to accepted industry standards, as is the design and layout of the website itself. They are hosted on a dedicated server supplied by Staminus, who are by now almost universally acknowledged as the best available and are also protected from DDoS attacks. I might be wrong about this but the fact is that since I first started monitoring them I honestly can’t remember any serious downtime issues. Definitely nothing that affected the payouts anyway. The script is totally unique as far as I can see and customized for TheKapital.

You have some good options open to you if you need to raise any questions with the admin. First of all there is the usual online e-mail support ticket submission form. A more popular choice however maybe the Live Chat option when it’s online. As is only to be expected this is not a 24 hour service, but it’s always a welcome addition nonetheless. A postal address is available in Panama though what exactly you might find there is anyone’s guess. Perhaps the real “eyebrow raiser” is the use of an actual functioning telephone support line. A rare enough sight in this business. Although I have no reason to use it myself, it has been independently verified by a number of MNO readers so if you have something urgent then I guess they may be able to put you in touch with the right person.

Some downloaded widgets are also on the website displaying currency exchange rates, the price of oil, and so on. I guess it lends a certain appearance of authenticity to the website but as is usually the case with online HYIPs there is little if anything in the way of real practical information about the business activities of TheKapital and even less in the way of evidence. If you are prepared to ignore that, as most online HYIP players are, then you are left with a reasonable little earner that is well put together and well managed. Worth a few bucks I’d say as part of a well balanced portfolio.

Other news for today.

The first news story for today would be the collapse of MindPowerSurf (officially it’s on hold at the moment but from my experience it has little to no chance of recovery). So it seems that there really were some warning signs about MindPowerSurf and my warning about them published a couple of days ago was totally justified. While I met some critics that told me that I shouldn’t have done so and that I created panic among investors I don’t think so. In fact that is a ridiculous idea that couldn’t possibly be more wrong. I just noticed some danger signs when I saw the growing gap between payouts and at the same time opening of another program from the same admin which would surely be used as a means to finance MindPowerSurf. I think it’s my obligation to readers to warn them and at least try to prevent future losses if I see any warning sign from a program. That’s MNO’s policy which is not going to change in the near future. I do believe that the admin of MindPowerSurf Mircea had the best intentions and really tried to run his program for as long time as possible but I think it’s still just not the right time for autosurfs as long as members are very hesitant to reupgrade when the first cycle is finished. And I do believe that Mircea has some good intentions with his HYIP but given all the facts it would be absolutely suicidal to put any money to his new program at this point. I hope he will fulfill his promise and will pay everybody’s profits in MindPowerSurf in a month’s time but till then his program will stay in Waiting status on my monitoring page. At least he didn’t run away and the deposit button is currently disabled. Here is the latest update from MindPowerSurf:
I am so sad saying I am forced to put MindPowerSurf on hold for a month.
This is because I am temporary unable to pay the pending amounts to members and I have to focus my efforts to my HYIP and the other businesses I have online and offline to generate enough money to pay amounts in pending from MindPowerSurf.
No upgrades will be allowed, no transfers from Cash balance to wallet, No cashout requests. The site will be on hold.
I pray the monitors and forum administrators to put my site on hold.
I know that this decision is not at all popular but it is absolutely necessary.
What else to say? Only that I am a real person not a hidden scamer and I try and I`ll make all efforts to make my members happy.
My apologizes to you again for any inconvenience.
Mircea Ianciac. MPS & 14DI Admin

Another program has collapsed today, one that somebody in my ShoutBox predicted wouldn’t last very long. Well, it seems he was right because UnixTrust surprisingly collapsed after just 6 days online. Seems that only the payouts on expiry to the very first investors have been paid while some investors that requested them yesterday haven’t got their payouts at all. Of course, there are some occasional payments still processed but only to AlertPay and obviously it is done because the admin can’t withdraw that money anyway. To tell you the truth, UnixTrust still has Paying status on the majority of monitors which can be very dangerous. You know that not all the investors read investment forums see the complaints about the program. Well, MNO is not one of them and I reacted immediately after I saw some complaints from my readers by moving the program to Problem status on my monitoring page. As I expected the admin stopped replying my emails once the payments halted. There were rumors (and now I think they were not ungrounded) that the admin of UnixTrust may have run some other fast scams in the past. And I will do my best to avoid his scams in the future. If I can spot them in time that is.

Not all the short-term programs are fast scams though. Some of them are doing quite well for a relatively long periods of time. Take ReliableFunds for example (reviewed here). The program adopted some reasonable plans of 105% after 5 days, 115% after 10 days and 125% after 15 days. The investors are still being paid like clockwork and to some payment processors the withdrawals are even instant. So I received another instant payout on expiry of my plan just last night. ReliableFunds accepts all the major payment processors including: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and AlertPay. By the way, Credit Cards are also accepted via AlertPay interface. The admin of ReliableFunds David is quite active and he already gave an interview to MNO (read it here). Well, today ReliableFunds celebrated 25 days online and here is the latest short update from David:
Hello all ReliableFunds members!
Total Members: 2005. 25 days online. Please vote and post payments when got paid!
Don’t forget about our referral contest!

The referral contest in ReliableFunds is still running and the results will be drawn by November.

The other leading stable short-term program GainRoi (reviewed here) already announced the winners of their last ref contest. GainRoi is doing absolutely fantastic, it’s online for over 5 weeks and still paying on time. You must admit that it’s a great achievement for a program like this. However, despite all the difficulties GainRoi seem to have been fully recovered by now and even added AlertPay again a few days ago. Considering that the plans GainRoi offers are high-ROI (120% after 10 days, 150% after 20 days, 200% after 30 days) being online for over a month is a remarkable achievement in itself. I wish we had more admins like Joshua who know how to run a high-ROI program properly, instead of scamming after just one cycle. By the way, you can read my interview with him published here. And the following is the latest newsletter from GainRoi:
Since we had promised you today we can announce the winners.
First is anyone except lorra who has won 300 dollars. The second person user name is TeamPaid won 200 dollars. And the third is that the user goldex won $100. Our congratulations to all of them. New competition will be held soon. But this time with better awards. Prepare yourself for the next Referral Contest.
Today is the 36th day of the launch our site (GainRoi). Be with us and invite your friends to GainRoi. Best Regards. Joshua

AtlantisMutual (reviewed here) is still paying instantly to investors’ LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. I have been in this program for less that two months though it has been running since August. I was right in my original high evaluation of this program and though the admin gave us an explanation about their London address and the inability to phone them it’s clear to me that it is a very well organized program which never fails to pay. Their popularity is growing at about an average level which is a kinda positive factor for an HYIP-game. Of course, it’s hard to sustain such high-paying plans as 105% after 7 days, 120% after 21 days, 191% after 60 days and 391% after 120 days but I believe that AtlantisMutual can survive at least till Christmas meaning there is still a good chance to make money in the first two plans. I know I promised to check their office in London and I will do so once I have some spare time. However don’t expect to get much from that as all my previous attempts at finding the offices of any investment program ended in abject failure (read more about that in my investigation on some HYI programs published here). I don’t think AtlantisMutual will be any exception – quite on the contrary, the admin refused to meet with me anywhere in London which speaks volumes and gives a 99% probability that they have no real office. I repeat however that it doesn’t mean that AtlantisMutual is a bad program in any case. In fact, it’s really good and I’m glad that I’m a part of it. As you know AtlantisMutual website offers multilingual support currently in Czech, English, French, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Yoruba. That is a very impressive list and the advantage is that you will be communicating with a representative in your native language so you will be able to understand better how the program works and what to expect from your investment with them. Note that you can actually call and speak to a real person which is quite a good feature in my opinion. So in the latest update AtlantisMutual wants to know your opinion in regards to how efficient their multilingual representatives work so it encourages you to try them out and leave your feedback to further improve their service. Here is the update:
Rate an AAP
We encourage clients to leave feedback on company’s partners work. If you are satisfied with Atlantis Affiliate Partner support or, on the contrary, are not pleased with it, please rate the partner or leave your own feedback on authorized partner’s work.

I’m going to be in the Chat Room of PTVPartner program again tonight. Any of you guys be there too? By the way, the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) just announced that the implementation of the new website was delayed once again. But I hope you would agree that there is no need to be in a hurry with that as even the slightest error can affect the stable work and of course cause major inconvenience to the investors that are a bit more used to getting paid like clockwork. Take GoldNuggetInvest for instance – they are still delaying the launch of their new script because they have to be 100% sure that once the script goes live, nothing will go wrong. I think the admin of PTVPartner is doing absolutely the right thing when he tries to test the new website thoroughly before relocating the site. If you haven’t read my review of PTVPartner here you should not delay and read it now because it’s a thoroughly unique program with many features to distinguish it from the competition. Take the chat room for example where you can socialize in the pleasant company of fellow investors, read all the important updates from Garrett and even celebrate Halloween (more on that in the next update). There is also a private forum open for the members where you can discuss anything you want. And of course, the attractive investment plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. The payment processors accepted include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and the recently added GlobalDigitalPay. Investments start from as low as $10. Well, I think that’s enough from me about them. Read the newsletter here for yourself:
New Website
We are working as hard as we can to get the new website integrated and operational. Bear with us and we will accomplish it. Our goals as of this moment are to fully test and retest everything over the course of this week. Then during the weekend, we will proceed with the final integration. Seems like it shouldn’t be this hard I know. Believe me, I know.
New Forum Facelift
We made some changes to our forum and will continue to upgrade and do our best to make a more appealing and user friendly experience at our forum. We welcome your suggestions.
Name this Chat Room Contest
Several have asked when we will announce the winners. The reality is, we set up the contest so that we would be allowed to pick from the entrants a name we liked and proclaim them the winner. The problem is, we haven’t seen a name we liked for our room. Don’t get me wrong, they are all good, just haven’t seen the one that we liked for our room. Remember, we need a name that first time members coming thru would not find weird. We need a name that we can talk about in our updates without feeling ill at ease. We are an Investment site you know. So we are looking for something, simple, something that explains the room, sounds good and remains professional.
So we invite everyone to re-enter the contest. Each contestant may enter up to two names, the one you have already done and a new one if you choose. We will hopefully find a suitable name this round and complete the contest and name the winners.
Feel free to come by the chat room and bounce ideas off of each other or the Mod staff. Sometimes that brain-storming session can yield good results.
Halloween Party
We have had lots of verbal proclaims that members are going to come to the party, what we need and would like is to have members r.s.v.p. by posting in the forum thread regarding the party. If we have enough confirmation we will hire a professional DJ and really get the party started. In addition we can expand the room if necessary.
Please come by, support the mods in their efforts to provide this party for you and R.S.V.P. at the forum.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Garrett Admin
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

I have received one email today from claiming to be from ShiftMoney. It’s a fake special offer allegedly offering 144% in just 3 days if you send money to a certain LR account. I hope it’s not necessary to warn you that this email is sent from a well known spammer and con-man who I have found in my database. He has also threatened several other HYIPs in the past. Anyway I suggest you to ignore this email in case you have received it.

Well, speaking of ShiftMoney (reviewed here). The program is doing pretty well with all the payouts being processed on time. I see that the negative effects caused bythe removal of AlertPay are gradually being forgotten. Investors are starting to post their earnings and generally participate more actively in the discussion forums. I wonder if such high-paying plans like currently on offer (110% after 5 days, 150% after 15 days, 200% after 25 days) can be sustained till Christmas. As you can see the admin has uploaded some new banners and I have changed them on my blog and monitoring pages as well. Maybe you have noticed that those banners don’t display the current plans. And it’s no coincidence. The admin, Bernard, (interviewed here) always said he would be changing the investment plans in the middle of November so the investors will probably have to think about the new plans soon. So far the plans are very profitable and those who joined the 5 day plan have been paid on expiry. Hopefully tomorrow the other payouts on expiry for the 15 day plan will follow as ShiftMoney is now two weeks online. In tonight’s newsletter the admin of the program mentioned GoldNuggetInvest and GeniusFunds (the two top performing programs from my monitoring page) as the current leaders of the Industry (which I totally agree with) and pledged to do his best to become the next best thing. Who knows? Maybe ShiftMoney will reach the top soon? Well, if the payouts continue to be paid like they are now I’m sure that it could happen. So far the program has over 850 members and the level of growth is pretty good in my opinion. Here is the latest newsletter from Bernard:
I’m back after a very nice weekend, thanks for your support during these days. Now we have 848 members and this number growing really fast. We had a very busy, too many customers to attend. You really can’t imagine the number of new active members ShiftMoney Inc. has got in the last days, the statistics make me think it’s just starting now. Many people have used LibertyReserve, it was very handy because we could deal nice transactions with our customers that were looking for this e-currency in the exchange market. Thank you members.
I am sure we will reach 1,000 registered members really soon. I’m proud of our work and cooperation of all members to support the growth of ShiftMoney Inc., the success of this program is the result of the efforts of several members. You are elevating ShiftMoney Inc. to the highest position possible in this industry. I’m sure we are not the leader yet because there are some very huge programs online for longer time than ShiftMoney Inc., like GNI and GeniusFunds for example. I still don’t know if someday we will beat them but if we can offer services as good as these sites I will be very glad.
We want to remind you about the Promotion of the week, you earn 5% bonus if you make a deposit using LibertyReserve. We have now a growing demand for StrictPay, we are considering to open a promotion for this e-currency next week. To complete this newsletter, we have got new promotional banners from our designer, you can find them in the banners page, click here. Sorry to send today’s newsletter a bit late, we have been quite busy today.
ShiftMoney Staff.

Urgent update from ShiftMoney: The admin asked me to announce on my blog that all deposits to SolidTrustPay are disabled for the time being. The reason will be announced by the admin tomorrow. All deposits made via SolidTrustPay today (October, 26th) have already been refunded in full to STP members. I hope it’s not another problem with STP this time!

The final update for today is from the admin of SeamlessProfitable (reviewed here). Well, the plans have been changed again and the admin Dave (interviewed here) apologized for the mistake made yesterday. For those who deposited while the old higher paying plans were still in force, don’t worry. The rates will stay the same. Anyway, Dave promised me that the SeamlessProfitable program will take a more constant shape by Friday with more important updates on that coming soon. Then I will be able to publish a revised review on my blog and maybe even conduct a second interview if the changes are really serious. Well, here are the latest adjustments of the current plans for all the members of SeamlessProfitable:
Dear members, Must admit, we have made a mistake while changing plan rates yesterday. Stable Daily plan average ROI reached 5% * 62 = 310% and principal was returned. Please accept our apologies for such a confusing outage. We strictly follow our rules and always keep the word. This way, those of you who invested into this plan will receive the promised ROI.
Now, let’s get to the final plan rates:
Stable Daily. Daily rate is now between 1.5% and 3.5%. Average is 2.5%. Investment term can still be chosen between 30 and 62 days inclusive. Principal is still returned at the end of a term.
Randomly Generated. Daily rate is now between 4.0% and 6.0%. Average is 5%. Investment term is now between 30 and 40 days inclusive. Payout delay interval is now between 2 and 5 days. Principal is still included into periodic payouts.
We are planning to publish a detailed analysis of those new plans during this week. This will be a graphical representation of plan ROI, comparison chart and a detailed guide on “what plan is better for me”.
Thanks for reading, SeamlessProfitable Team

That’s all for today guys. However before I go I just need to give you the list of programs that paid me today. They are: PanaMoney, 4CountriesCapital, ShiftMoney, StableInterest, GoldNuggetInvest, MandarinInvest, Verifield, SavInvest, GeniusFunds, CSMFinance, SeamlessProfitable, BlitzInvestments, MoneyCare, InvestmentForge, LogicProfit, WLInvestments, BlackDaimondPortfolio, GainRoi, XomFund, CorpusTrust, OneDailyPro, CedexInvest, Infinitum, GlobalFund, KobelCapital, PremiumCapital, CorpoNano, PTVPartner and NanoMoneyCorp. See you all back here tomorrow!

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