23/03/2010. IntermedInvestments Review and Other News
Hi guys! Well so far Tuesday’s starting to look a bit like Monday for me so again I’m going to be posting twice, with some of the main news stories from the other programs I monitor coming after this review and the rest coming a little later on in the evening. To start with however there is a long term HYIP called IntermedInvestments that I would like to take a closer look at. Many readers will already have heard of them. They’ve been running for a number of months now with few problems and have been on my own monitoring page since just after last Christmas. The listing of IntermedInvestments has since been upgraded by the admin so I’ll go through some of the finer points of it for you here.
Currently there are three long term plans to choose from in the program, although one of them, the so-called VIP Plan will shortly be removed. It was just a temporary offer to begin with so I suggest that if you do like IntermedInvestments and you do intend to join then you may wish to start by at least thinking about this one while the offer is still valid. I’m not saying it’s the best plan or anything, just reminding you that if you like it your time to join it will be limited. I’ll be getting to that one in just a moment but let’s begin with the two regular plans.
The first of which is called The 100 Business Days plan, and I guess the name tells you a lot about what you need to know. The runs for (obviously!) 100 business days which is 20 weeks. During that time you will be paid a daily interest rebate 5 days per week for 20 weeks. Investments start at a minimum of $5 and anything up to $200 will earn you 1.25% interest per business day. That will accumulate to 6.25% per week and 125% in total on expiry. You break even after 80 business days, or 16 weeks.
Spend anything between $201 and $1000 and your daily payment goes up to 1.5% per business day, adding up to 7.5% in a week or 150% in total on expiry. You break even after 67 business days, or just over 13 weeks.
And finally for larger deposits starting from $1000 you will be paid 1.75% interest per business day. That comes out at 8.75% per week and 175% in total on expiry. It will take you 58 business days to break even or just over 11 weeks. You should also note that your principal is returned on expiry so all of these figures can be considered as profit once that happens. Maximum investment is $20,000.
I have no doubt that any plan offering daily payments will most likely prove the most popular but if you prefer to take an extra risk for a little extra profit then consider The 20 Weeks Plan. Just like the first one IntermedInvestments will return your principal again on expiry so all the figures below can be considered as pure profit after that happens. As you have probably guessed the plan runs for 20 weeks and pays the following rates:
Investments starting from a minimum of $5 to a maximum of $200 will be paid 7.5% per week leading to a total profit of 150%. Deposit anything from $201 to $1000 and you are offered 8.75% per week. That sees you finish with a total of 175%. And for the more serious players who wish to spend $1000 or more (the maximum is still $20,000) you are offered 10% interest per week, or 200% in total.
And finally the one I mentioned earlier. IntermedInvestments are currently offering a temporary plan for a limited time called The VIP Opportunity Plan. You can join with anything from a minimum of $100 to a maximum of $2500 and all deposits will earn the same rate of interest. That rate is 25% which is paid once every 15 days for 180 days. Or in other words you will receive 12 payments, one every 15 days, of 25% of your capital. That will get you a total profit of 300% on top of your principal which is then returned.
A couple of other things you may wish to know include the fact that due to the script you are only allowed to invest in units of $1 each, as long as you have made the minimum deposit of $5. And of course the payment options which are quite good here. AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay are all accepted. Payments are manual so you will need to request them. The admin asks for 48 hours to get everything processed but explains there could be occasional delays at the weekends. IntermedInvestments also has an early withdrawal policy. If for some reason you wish to leave the plan you need only ask for your principal back at any time. This will be returned minus the profits that you have already been paid. A 10% fee is also charged.
The IntermedInvestments website is hosted on a dedicated server from HushHosting who always seem to be a popular choice with HYIP admins. The script is licensed from Neversay. Contact with the admin is available via either an online support ticketing system or else directly through a selection of different e-mail addresses, each one relevant to a different topic.
I must say I found straight forward way in which the admin approaches the risks involved in joining his program to be refreshingly honest, so kudos to him for that! When it comes to his own business interests it’s not entirely clear. He may or may not be doing something with the investor’s money (other than allowing it to accumulate in his wallet that is!), but it’s really not that relevant here. The important thing is that he wishes you to know that before you part company with your money that there are no guarantees here and I can only respect him for that. Go into this with your eyes open, ok?
On the other hand IntermedInvestments is still a serious HYIP and I believe the admin to be well aware of the fact that the best way for him to make a lot of money for himself is not to deliberately scam anyone but rather to make as much as possible for his members. That would be the intention at least but every business either online or off depends on cash flow. Whether you wish to take him up on it or not remains entirely up to you.
After the collapse of GeniusFunds and NanoMoneyCorp there were rumors that PanaMoney might be next. Really, it also started back in 2008 and became now one of the most popular HYIPs online with their Alexa ratings reaching almost 10,000 of the most popular sites in the world. I can’t say I share this point of view as in my opinion PanaMoney (reviewed here) is still a pretty solid program at the moment which has really no serious competitors left among low-ROI programs. PanaMoney firmly occupies the #1 spot now in MNO ranking which you can find on my monitoring page. Based on trading in a real time basis where you can actually personally participate in the trading of your favorite pair of currencies PanaMoney rightly gained huge success worldwide offering a wide variety of investment plans paying from 0.5% to 2.8% for 16-180 trading days with the principal returned on expiry. As you might know quite recently the list of payment processors accepted by PanaMoney was extended and currently you can either invest via Bank wires or via a payment processor of your choice including LibertyReserve, PerfecMoney, StrictPay and most recently AlertPay. I have also two quite interesting interviews with the administration of PanaMoney and the most recent one can be read here if you want to know more about them. The most recent update sent out last night mentioned a unique automated Forex trading system that is in the development stage by PanaMoney specialists and which is going to be launched in autumn this year. I’m looking forward to seeing this system in action and will surely bring you a detailed report on MNO once it’s ready. Here is the latest newsletter from PanaMoney program:
“Dear Client, PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. is continuing its development and the improvement of its automated trading system. Our investments into the research and studies of Forex trading strategies and techniques enabled our specialists to develop unique trading algorithms. Currently, the company is testing a new automated trading system to increase the effectiveness of our trades and, consequently, the possibility of earning better profits and achieving stable and positive results.
The launch of the new system is planned by the fall 2010.
Sincerely yours, Customer Support, PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.”
Finally after two months online ForexNetClub (reviewed here) introduced more options of depositing your money into one of the following plans: 109% after 2 weeks, 128% after 4 weeks and 191% after 8 weeks. I remind you that before only LibertyReserve account holders were able to make a deposit. Starting today you can also make join via PerfectMoney and even Bank wires (only for the deposits starting from $1,000). These new payment options will definitely increase the popularity of ForexNetClub which is already becoming one of the top low-ROI programs with its fast payouts and great website features. To find out more about ForexNetClub you can also refer to my recent interview with the admin of the program published here. Below is the latest newsletter from ForexNetClub announcing the new depositing options:
“Dear ForexNetClub Ltd. Members, Springtime is here and ForexNetClub entered this flourishing time of year with good news for you.
Part of our first springtime reforming of ForexNetClub Ltd. is adding of a bank wire deposits. There are some big investors who don’t like e-currencies or maybe they like the old style of depositing – a bank transfer. There will be no fees, excepting the bank ones! The fees for bank wires will be deducted from us, you will have to pay just the fees for your bank. Also, as this is a payment option for big investors, the minimum deposit amount is set at $1,000. We hope you will enjoy this new option that we’ve enabled for you, our strongest and long-lasting partners!
Furthermore, there is a payment system who lured us due to its high security system which involves SMS login, IP masks and lots of other things. Also, PerfectMoney has its own deposit options, without any other intermediaries. We thought that this is good for our user’s economies. You will not be charged by them if you wish to deposit not a single cent. Also, the 0.5% transaction fee is more than remunerating for all of us. There are many users who requested that we enable this payment option, so, we did what our clients wanted us to do! This is the strongest policy a company could have in order to gain respect, trust and belief from the normal investors. We wish you all rejuvenating energies and let the money bring you satisfaction and security of tomorrow!
Only with ForexNetClub Ltd.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.
ForexNetClub Ltd. Financial Department”.
There was another newsletter from the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) as usual packed with some useful information not necessarily connected to PTVPartner itself. In the latest newsletter you can find out about the next meeting schedule which will take place this week (according to Garrett you won’t want to miss them), get acquainted with the latest PTVPartner blog articles and can laugh at the latest Joke of the day. For those who don’t know I remind you that PTVPartner currently occupies #2 in the MNO Ranking and offers four investment plans with payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. More about PTVPartner can be read in my detailed revised review published here. And this is the latest newsletter from Garrett:
“What a Meeting Today!
If you weren’t there today it was fantastic. The room was packed to capacity. We even set an all time record for attendance. We apologize to those who attempted to come and could not get in and we will be raising the number of connections so that more people will be able to attend all at the same time but now you know why we say “come early”. There are some new updates that were available and we will describe those here and in coming days.
The good news is this:
We will be holding two more meetings this week with more seating availability:
Wed. March 24th, 2010 at 3pm GMT (8am PDT, 9am MDT, 10am CDT, 11AM EDT)
Fri. March 25th, 2010 at 11pm GMT (4pm PDT, 5pm MDT, 6pm CDT, 7pm EDT)
If you missed today’s meeting you will not want to miss one of these remaining two this week!
Blog Articles of the Day:
We’ve PACKED the blog just for you!
Like us, hate us, comment or don’t. You need to be reading the blog.
In case you don’t know why, read the previous newsletter. You can find it… guess where…
Arsenal draw favourites Barcelona in Champions League
Thought we couldn’t not talk about Government? Here’s one for you.
Who’s Arsenal? Find out.
Next Leg for the Euro: Down
Yes, we couldn’t stay away from it long. This will impact as many as our articles on the US government. What’s happening with the Euro now?
House Enacts Historic Healthcare Reform Bill
Ok, we had to put this in. This is momentus. There are so many on each side of the proverbial coin.
What do you think? What does it mean to your welfare? What will you do about it?
Lots of these things will impact your life and lifestyle. Be informed. Be prepared. These affect everyone everywhere.
Joke of the Day:
A man received a bill for his as yet unused credit card stating that he owed $0.00. He ignored it and threw it away. In April he received another and threw that one away too. The following month the credit card company sent him a very nasty note stating they were going to cancel his card if he didn’t send them $0.00 by return of post. He called them, talked to them, they said it was a computer error and told him they’d take care of it. The following month he decided that it was about time that he tried out the troublesome credit card figuring that if there were purchases on his account it would put an end to his ridiculous predicament. However, in the first store that he produced his credit card in payment for his purchases he found that his card had been cancelled. He called the credit card company who apologized for the computer error once again and said that they would take care of it. The next day he got a bill for $0.00 stating that payment was now overdue. Assuming that having spoken to the credit card company only the previous day the latest bill was yet another mistake he ignored it, trusting that the company would be as good as their word and sort the problem out.
The next month he got a bill for $0.00 stating that he had 10 days to pay his account or the company would have to take steps to recover the debt. Finally giving in he thought he would play the company at their own game and mailed them a check for $0.00. The computer duly processed his account and returned a statement to the effect that he now owed the credit card company nothing at all. A week later, the man’s bank called him asking him what he was doing writing a check for $0.00. After a lengthy explanation the bank replied that the $0.00 check had caused their check processing software to fail. The bank could not now process ANY checks from ANY of their customers that day because the check for $0.00 was causing the computer to crash.
The following month the man received a letter from the credit card company claiming that his check had bounced and that he now owed them $0.00 and unless he sent a check by return of post they would be taking steps to recover the debt.
The man, who had been considering buying his wife a computer for her birthday, bought her a typewriter instead.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!”
According to the admin of Aballong Alrea (interviewed here) their second arbitrage pool is not so popular as the first one was so the program is still open to new investments into the daily variable earnings (used to be weekly) which was thoroughly described in my review of Aballong published here. I guess the slow growth of the second pool is mostly an advantage as it will make Aballong more sustainable in the long run. However if they are really placing bets then the chance to lose is close to nil as the admin explained in the latest newsletter to members. I’m republishing the whole update here:
“Martin is happy to give you an upcoming match, for you to make and earn with your own arbitration. The Match of the day is
From the 1 English Soccer League
1-2X Hartlepool-Southampton
You profit is 2.83%
And you need to place your bets
Bet118 1.50 | BetFair 3.27
This are your bookies
Remember we are happy to place bets for you, so you do not need to make your own arbitration, this is just a daily update so you can learn yourself, what effective power is behind arbitration, the trick is you can’t lose, because it does not matter how the match ends, you have always the same amount of profits.
Our Pool is growing slower as the first pool did, but we are closing in, the stats are always on the main page and in your member area, at the moment we have a total of $73980 invested in pool two and to remind you, this is the last pool, once we reached the $100000, there will be no now pool or money for investments accepted.
Regards Alrea”.
I added two new programs to my monitoring site last night. And they are both low-ROI ones. The first HYIP I would like to introduce is EmperorFunds. The program has been online for less than two weeks so considering the low rates of interest it can be described as pretty new. EmperorFunds accepts three popular payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay) but also offers Bank wires (starting from $2,000). The investment plans are: 1% for 30 days (from $10 to $100), 1.2% for 90 days (from $100 to $1,000), 1.4% for 150 days (from $100 to $10K) and 1.6% for 210 days (from $500 to $20,000). The security of EmperorFunds is pretty much up to a high standard: a DDoS protected dedicated Staminus server from Koddos, SSL-encryption from Comodo and a licensed GoldCoders script. In addition, EmperorFunds has Live support and a very professional layout. Overall, the program is quite good and I hope to review it on my blog after the first payment is received. Stay tuned for that!
The second program though is quite unique and even better quality in my opinion. It’s called ArbsTeam and just started over a week ago. Its very original black-and-white layout is the first thing to catch your eye when you check out the website. ArbsTeam claims to be making money on sports arbitrage which is considered to be a risk-free activity. However since the texts explaining this are not original I would advise you to treat ArbsTeam as a regular HYIP with all the advantages and disadvantages that go with it. Please note that ArbsTeam has no script so if you make a deposit you into one of the plans you will be getting your payments directly to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney or GlobalDigitalPay accounts (the deposits are accepted in both USD and EUR). There are four investment plans on offer which can be divided into two groups. The first two plans are intended for investors willing to spend $10 to $5,000 and there are two options: 1.6% daily and 13% weekly. There is no expiry date on those plans so you will be paid as long as the program exists. Please note that you will not get your principal back at any time for those plans. The second two plans are for more serious investors willing to spend over $5K in a daily (1.8% daily forever) or weekly (14% weekly forever) plan. The difference from the previous plans is that you can request your deposit back after 100 days (for the daily plan) and 14 weeks (for the weekly) which significantly improves your chances to be in profit faster. Apart from fancy design ArbsTeam site can boast a stats page which is updated on a daily basis showing the investors how much money their team allegedly made for each day in sports arbitrage betting. The protection of the site is quite good as well because they are hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection. More features of the program will be discussed in my detailed review of ArbsTeam which I’m planning to do later on MNO. This is a very promising program so don’t miss that if you want to find out how it works.
I think that will be all for now but don’t go too far as there will be a second update on MNO tonight including another review and more news from the Industry. I’m sure you will appreciate my efforts in keeping you informed especially considering that I’m currently busy with my monitoring page, redesigning it for better results and hopefully you will be able to see the final results by tomorrow. I’d really appreciate your feedback when it’s ready so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions. Just remember that I’m very busy so it will take time to answer you all. I’m currently working on more ideas that I have in mind to make Money-News-Online even better by this summer. I will let you know about the latest developments on my blog. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you back on my blog tonight!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 23rd, 2010.