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14/04/2010. BetExpekt Review and Other News



Hi everyone! After the interview published this afternoon (which I hope you found helpful) I think I may have been leaning slightly towards more shorter term programs recently. Time to balance the books a little tonight I think so I’d like to talk a bit more about a long term HYIP that I have added to my monitoring list earlier in the week called BetExpekt. No, it’s not a typo. That’s the way they spell it. It’s not a bad prospect at all by the way. Sustainable plans, a good choice of payment processors, and a decent website mean that as long as it’s managed correctly (always a difficult one to predict!) BetExpekt has every chance of becoming a popular pick among fans of long term HYIPs.

Over the last number of months online HYIPs claiming to be involved in some form of sports betting have been plentiful. BetExpekt is the latest of these, though to be perfectly honest I doubt the claims are genuine. Much more likely in my opinion that they are simply modeling themselves on the popular “” website, which is an actual online bookmaker. The real may not be too happy about the implied association, however that’s nothing to do with me. All I want to do here is look at BetExpekt as an online HYIP, which I guess in itself is also a form of gambling.

So let’s start with the plans. There are a number of different options open to you here but basically they all come under one of two umbrellas. Plans that pay you by the day, or plans that pay you by the week. Unfortunately a lot of the plans are considerably beyond the means financially of most HYIP players but I’ll run through the main ones for you here anyway.

The first one we come to is called The Standard Plan and it pays interest every day. An unusual feature here however is that not only is the rate of interest determined by the size of your deposit, so too is the length of the investment term. In other words the more you spend the longer you get paid for. Here’s how it works. If you join with anything between the minimum of $10 up to $1000 you will be paid 1.2% interest per day, seven days per week, for 120 days. That will get you 8.4% interest over the course of a week, and see you break even after 84 days and finish the plan with payments amassing to 144%. This can then be considered profit when your principal is returned.

After that things get very serious very quickly with BetExpekt with the next plan requiring a minimum spend of $1001. Anything from that up to a maximum of $2,500 will get you a daily payment of 1.4%, but the investment term also lengthens to 130 days. So all of that means you would pick up 9.8% interest over the course of a 7 day week, break even after 72 days, and finish with a total of 182%. Your principal is then returned so that can be considered profit after that.

Deposits ranging from $2501 to $8,000 will be held for a term of 140 days. A daily interest rate of 1.6% will be paid giving you 11.2% over the course of a week. You should break even after 63 days and finish with 224% interest in total on top of your principal which then gets returned.

There are a couple of other options open to you here which pay more and run longer, but as they start at $8K to join I’m going to skip them here. But just briefly and for information purposes only you may wish to know that deposits between $8001 and $20,000 will be held for 150 days and earn 1.8% per day. Deposits from $20,000 upwards (no maximum) are held for 180 days and earn 2% per day.

Moving swiftly on, the next set of plans come under the heading of The Premium Plan and payments are made on a weekly basis. Starting with deposits again of just $10, BetExpekt will pay you 9.5% interest per week for 17 weeks on amounts up to $1,000. That will see you break even after 11 weeks and finish up with a total of 161.5%. This is on top of your principal which is then returned.

Looking for something a bit more adventurous? BetExpekt will pay you 11% per week for 18 weeks if you deposit anything from $1,001 to $2,500. That takes 10 weeks to break even and sees you finish with a total of 198% in profits. Your principal is then returned.

For investments between $2,501 to $8,000 BetExpekt offer 12.5% per week for 20 weeks. Which means you break even after 8 weeks and finish with 250% profit in addition to your principal which is then returned.

Again BetExpekt are pleased (naturally!) to accept bigger deposits than that. See their website for further details if you are seriously interested. Briefly, and for information only, Deposits from $8,001 to $20,000 are held for 21 weeks and earn 14% interest per week. Deposits above $20K are held for 25 weeks with interest payments of 15.5% per week.

Anyway, you can see for yourself there the difference between the weekly plans and what you will earn over a similar seven day period in the daily plans. Daily plans are obviously more popular in this business but in return for an increased risk and less work for the admin there is a slightly more rewarding option with the weekly plans. It’s your decision entirely as to whether you think the extra payment is worth the risk.

A couple of other points relevant to the investment plans include the payment options, which in this case are actually quite good. All the popular ones are there including AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Apart from that you need to remember that there is no early withdrawal clause from BetExpekt so once you join your principal is locked in for the entire duration of your chosen plan. So factor that into your decision to join and make sure it’s an amount you can comfortably do without for that period of time. Compounding is not allowed. Minimum withdrawals of $1 apply to AlertPay customers but otherwise there is no minimum. You are asked to allow up to 24 hours for your payout to be processed.

Quite a good effort was made on the BetExpekt website and it does look very original and professional. 128 bit SSL encryption as authenticated by Comodo is used to protect the accounts and hosting is on a dedicated server supported and protected by Dragonara who experienced HYIP players will recognize as one of the very best in the business. Script is licensed from GoldCoders and customer support is available through an e-mail ticketing system. A fax number and postal address are also offered.

As I mentioned at the beginning BetExpekt claim to be involved with arbitrage betting. They are also claiming to be licensed by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority in Malta as well as registered with the Financial Services Authority in that country. To be brutally honest, I don’t buy it. But then I never do. The similarities with an internationally recognized legitimate gambling website are just too great to ignore, and in any event it’s actually very simple to verify those claims anyway.

But approaching BetExpekt purely as an online HYIP game I’m a bit more positive. Good plans, a professional website which is also secure, and plenty of payment options would indicate the program has a reasonably good chance of appealing to long term HYIP investors. It’s probably not for everyone, I know, but longer term HYIPs also take longer to establish themselves. If the admin is any good then BetExpekt could well become a popular pick.


I’m very intrigued, guys, as the admin of PrivateDiamondClub promised to make a video of their diamond trading journey across darkest Africa. If my memory serves me correctly it will be the second video we’ve seen from an online HYIP outlining the investment process (the first one was from Kevin of XagaEnterprise). Well, I’m looking forward to see it soon. I remind you that PrivateDiamondClub is allegedly involved with trading diamonds in the wild African jungles which is definitely more original than Forex trading. The program was closed for some time to new investors but now it’s opened its doors once more to everybody wishing to invest in one of the following plans: 1% for 120-365 days, 5.5% for 12-24 weeks and 26% for 6-12 months. More about the plans and about the program itself can be read in my detailed review published here. And the latest newsletter from the admin of PrivateDiamondClub can be read here:
If you follow us on twitter you might have read it already. The trading video from our latest journey is in the final cut and will be online in the next 5-7 days. The short video is the first trading journey video of our head of trading. We are sorry that we could not upload the video last Sunday, but the head of trading needed to approve the final result first. Now we just wait for the final editing and the video will be online.
A news update will follow later today on our Media page.
Best wishes and vipi hali this morning from ThePrivateDiamondClub Limited Team

The admin of LiveProfits (reviewed here) reminds us the first payments on expiry of the first plan (105% after 7 days) should be processed to the first lucky members tomorrow. I deposited in this plan and will be ready to report about the payment (or non-payment) on my blog tomorrow. So far despite some questions that arose regarding the admin publishing private info about members on public forums the payments are being processed instantly and in my humble opinion that’s the most important thing about any HYIP. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of LiveProfits containing the reminder of the offered plans among other things:
I want to thanks all members to let this site Grow day to day, we are now 1 days before plans mature, the first one how deposit in our program his plan will expired tomorrow. We have very Reasonable and Stable Plans, I believe that’s with those plans we will be here for long time with premium listing and top paying sites.
Check of Rating page, fell Free to rate us :
Our plans:
105% after 7 days, 110% after 10 day, 125% after 20 days, 140% after 30 days, 160% after 40 days.
We have Secure DDos Protection , Instant payout
Live Chat ( Sorry not 24/24 Online as Possible )
For any help or question you can support a ticket on Contact us page and i will reply for you in less than 24 hours.
Best Regards. James, Admin

PenninesFunds which is going to be reviewed on my blog soon (the first payment from it has been received today already) is improving. The FAQ page was added today and the admin of the program reported about that in the update sent today to members of PenninesFunds:
Hello, We have added FAQ on our site! You can simply find it at the bottom of homepage. Our customer service representatives are always happy to answer your questions, provide more information or assist in any other way, 24 hours a day. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kindest regards, Glayds Gathing. PenninesFunds Customer Service Department

The admin of MyGrandFunds also sent out a reminder of the last chance to obtain the $50 bonus deposit added to your B-plan paying 2%-3.5% for 90 days (principal is paid back on expiry) if you make a deposit of $300 or more to the A-plan paying you 200% after 30 days. More about the plans and the MyGrandFunds program can be read in my detailed review published here (the admin also agreed to answer some questions for an interview with MNO so I hope to bring that to you soon). The latest update from MyGrandFunds is below:
The limited time offer ($50 DEPOSIT BONUS) will be ended ON April 15th 24:00 PM (Server time).
Server time: 14th 2010f April 2010 08:04:13 PM
As a part of our spring promotion campaign we are pleased to announce a new deposit bonus. You will receive a $50 deposit bonus if you invest into “MGF PLAN A” now. This offer is available until April 15th for all members. To qualify for this bonus, the minimum deposit is $300. $50 deposit bonus will be added to our “MGF PLAN B”.
Regards, MyGrandFunds Team

I was quite surprised with a pretty straightforward newsletter from the admin of Cashift who announced the closure of his program after a month of stable work and on-time payouts. I guess one month was a pretty good term for Cashift if you consider how many programs actually came and went last month. A more interesting fact though was revealed on MMG forum as it appears that RogerMiller (famous admin of Investimates and many other short-term programs) was responsible for this program. He came out of the shadows and though I didn’t know it was him who was running the program I’m not surprised at all. Anyway, usually it’s just a bunch of admins who are running really good and quality made short-term programs online. Of course it’s better to deal with such experienced guys then with one-time scammers who care only for fast money for themselves. Such people like Roger (not his real name of course) are received positively from experienced players and negatively from the investors who don’t understand the rules of the game. I for one simply like Roger’s approach when he doesn’t try to deceive anybody with his Forex and bonds stories (which is not true in 99% of cases anyway) but make his programs as straightforward games as possible. Of course everybody cannot be in profit with them but at least trying to make them last longer is no sin. Admins like Roger leave a chunk of money for themselves after their programs collapse of course but as professionals in running HYIP games they are much more preferred by me that those newbies who don’t have any idea on how to run a good program. Anyway, the “Roger” guy is back on MMG (though he was never far away running programs under different names) and I believe that means only one thing – he’s going to launch a new program pretty soon. I almost forget to give you the farewell newsletter from the admin of Cashift:
I am sorry to inform everyone that Cashift has to fold. This is due to very obvious reasons, that the program is not growing anymore. The recent deposits were too little. I gambled and thought it would grow today but it did not. Maybe members think that 31 days is already too old to deserve their support. I sent refunds on all the processors. Those refunded were those deposits that came in last.
The reason I was not online for 24 hours was that I was monitoring the deposits and really, I felt saddened that it could not continue anymore. People thought Cashift was like most other programs out there who would not reach months of lifetime. Oh boy, they are so wrong. I am not an admin who intends to inflict losses on everyone and disappear. Look how far we’ve gone despite the problems arising everyday in this volatile industry. I tried to be different. Not too active yet active in paying. Placed a live chat support system for your convenience too, but people did not see the good things in it. At least in my point of view.
All cards out. Thanks for joining. It was one hell of a month. Do you think I am worthy for another try? Let me know.

Such candid emails are definitely rare in this industry as many admins are simply trying to use more sneaky tactics to make their half-dead programs run longer. I already warned you last night from investing into a new plan in PTVPartner paying 180%-200% after 28 days for the investors willing to deposit over $2K into this “gold mine” venture. It seems I was right about my decision to put PTVPartner back to Problem status on MNO monitoring today as I was told about the delays with withdrawals which are taking longer than usual. Moreover, (thanks to one MNO reader Tom) I found out that PTVPartner is paying selectively now deliberately paying only to their moderators and supporters on forums and delaying the regular investors’ payouts. It was independently confirmed on a couple of forums today when the payment proofs were posted with the IDs which were requested later and were paid faster than the ones from investors still waiting for theirs. The chat room moderators are obviously doing everything in their power to persuade investors of PTVPartner that everything is still fine and that everybody would be paid soon. However nobody trusts them at the moment. People who dare to tell the truth and ask some inconvenient questions are being banned from the chat rooms and forums which is even more undermining to PTVPartner‘s credibility. I received a couple of emails today asking me if one can request a withdrawal of their principal before the maturity date. I guess it’s possible to do as Garrett told many times that he would refund to anybody who doesn’t want to participate anymore. However at this point I would hold out little hope of it being done. Again, I advise you not to redeposit even after you get paid from PTVPartner and thank everybody who let me know about their pending payouts. I wish Garrett was just more honest and didn’t brainwash everyone with his gold mine and silica mine stuff. It’s just getting too annoying at the moment with the program going down.

I was right last night about WealthyFunds which stopped paying already. I guess there were too many warning signs already and ignoring my emails was just one of them. MNO was the first blog who warned about them and smart people didn’t redeposit after reading this. WealthyFunds only lasted for 8 days which made it a huge failure in my books. So sometimes a well constructed site doesn’t mean that the admin has good intentions to run it for longer. WealthyFunds was definitely one of those fast scams which we all try to avoid but sometimes it’s really hard to do. I’m sorry for all people who lost money in this HYIP, but that is why I always tell you keep smaller deposits spread between more programs.

Another program launched even earlier that WealthyFunds was TrueEarn (reviewed here) is on the contrary doing quite well and I have received another payout for my second expired plan paying 145% after 10 days without any delays. I remind you that TrueEarn is paying 116% after 4 days, 145% after 10 days and 210% after 20 days and accepting five payment processors: LibertyReserve, AlertPay, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay. TrueEarn is still only 10 days old which is ok for me if the admin is experienced enough. You can draw some conclusions about his experience for yourself by reading my interview with Scott (the admin of TrueEarn) published here.

You might have noticed that TheKapital (reviewed here) disabled AlertPay withdrawals temporarily last night. I wouldn’t be too concerned about that if the admin gave us a reason for it in the mass email to the members. He hasn’t done so yet, however an encouraging sign is that I received a reply to my support ticket today explaining the reasons for the delay and promising that the delay, caused by AlertPay itself, would be resolved soon. So I’m satisfied with the below-published explanation and leave TheKapital on Paying status on my monitoring page for the time being. Here is the reply I got from the administration:
Dear Paul, We have temporary disabled the withdraw system to AlertPay because there is errors in the balance of our official AlertPay account after they applied their new policies with high yield investment programs. Our management staff are working with AlertPay staff to resolve the issue that which may take until Monday 19th, April according to AlertPay staff due to the multiple verifications that will be processed.
A newsletter with more details will be sent to AlertPay clients, also an update in the news section will be published.
We apologize for any inconveniences caused by this temporary situation.
If you still need any further assistance do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely Yours, Jeff Clark, General Support Department, TheKapital International.

A new program just launched a few hours ago has been added to my listing today. It’s BritishFinanceGroup which is paying for four plans with payouts processed on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 150% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. The plans look very similar to those offered by PTVPartner and let’s hope it will make them last longer as well. The choice of payment processors is quite good with five accepted right now including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay. The minimum to invest is only $10 to the first plan rising to $500 to the last. BritishFinanceGroup has a pretty good layout with a phone support number listed, running off a licensed GoldCoders script with SSL-encryption installed, and is equipped with DDoS protection by Koddos which hosts the program on a dedicated server. I’m planning to review BritishFinanceGroup on MNO soon, so stay tuned for that!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
MoneyBreeze, AlphaMoney, SureBetInv, Aballong, OneDailyPro, ForexPaidMe, TrueEarn, FinitInvest, PrivateDiamondClub, InvestProxy, ArbsTeam, MyGrandFunds, PerellaInvestment, PanaMoney, DynFxTrade, IntermedInvestments, WestFinance, YingYangInvestment, WaterInvestment, AtoxFinance, EuroNanoInvest, InvestAward, IncoForex, Plents, AvaInvestment, Oico, PrimaryPool, StereaFunds, GarantMoney, MoneyPlus, WWFD, HighYieldClub, LiveProfits, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment, HYIPnet (the first payment received), PenninesFunds (the first payment received) and BetExpekt (the first payments received).

That’s it for today, guys. I will be back tomorrow with a detailed review of HYIPnet and more news from the industry, so see you then!

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