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30/06/2010. HOX Review and Other News


Hi everyone! Despite the ongoing crisis in the online HYIP industry this hasn’t been a bad week at all for new high quality long term programs. Another one of these which although I’m doubtful it will be an overnight sensation will I hope use the coming weeks and months of the summer to establish a reputation for themselves as a dependable and professional outfit is a program called HOX. That’s a newly launched mid-to-long term investment project added to my monitoring page just a couple of days ago.

Granted HOX is a bit less original than some of the new long term programs coming online recently, the texts in fact are wholly unoriginal, but I’d put that down to a shared designer rather than a shared admin. Once you get past what’s purely cosmetic anyway you are still left with an interesting investment project with some good features, reasonable plans, and a decent level of security. It’s up to yourself how you proceed of course but at least I’m pleased there’s one corner of the HYIP industry where investors are beginning to once more get spoilt for choice. Are we finally turning a corner? Well, I wouldn’t go that far just yet but I do hope the appearance of a couple of good admins recently who are starting to do some groundwork on their programs now in anticipation of reaching a much wider and more receptive audience further down the line is at least encouraging. And HOX is, more importantly I think, just one of a larger group of long term programs just starting to emerge now.
So what’s on offer here? HOX have four investment plans for you to think about though to be perfectly blunt about it only one of them is realistically going to attract much attention at this point. The cost of investing in the others is somewhat prohibitive right now what with the crisis and the summer being a slow season in the business anyway. Over time however as things improve and the program establishes itself there will I’m sure be a few more takers. Just not today or tomorrow.

The First Plan (yes, they call it that!) is open to deposits starting from the fairly modest sum of $10 and runs for a comparatively short term of just 30 business days (six weeks). During that period you are offered a daily interest repayment of 1.2%. At the end of the term your principal gets returned giving you a total return of 136%. So let’s say you were to spend $100 here you would get back $1.20 every day, Monday to Friday, for six weeks which would add up to $36 in profit after you get your initial hundred returned.

HOX gets pretty serious pretty quick after that. Investments in The Second Plan will only start from $1000 and up. But if you join then you can expect to earn 1.4% interest per day for a term of 60 business days (12 weeks). On expiry your principal gets returned so your total return will be 184%, or 84% profit plus your principal.

The Third Plan is more ambitious again and requires a $3,000 minimum spend in order to join. Once in you can expect a daily payment of 1.6% interest per day for 90 business days (18 weeks). By the time the plan matures and your principal is returned then your total earnings should be 244% (144% profit).

And finally The Fourth Plan is really for the big industry players (good luck in finding what’s left of them!). The minimum investment is $5,000 so needless to say the HOX admin has a lot of hard work in front of him if he’s to attract that kind of money out of anyone. The investment term runs for 120 business days (24 weeks) and pays 1.8% interest per day Monday to Friday. By the time the plan matures your total return will be 316%, or 216% profit in addition to your principal which is returned.

So investing with HOX can be a costly business if you want it to, but remember that investments start at a very reasonable $10 so it doesn’t have to be that way. A few things you may wish to know however is that the choice of payment processors is currently limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. As I’ve said many times before they are both flexible and convenient payment options that are as easy as possible to use for as many as possible investors. In fact there’s nothing wrong with either until you try to get refunded should you get scammed. If that happens you can forget about recovering a penny so maybe it wouldn’t hurt to let that help you to keep your investments here (and any investments made through those particular processors) to a sensible and responsible level. The FAQ page also states that bank wires are accepted as well as credit cards. Though it’s unclear how exactly that’s supposed to work as when registering the only information you’re asked for is a PM or LR number. Payouts have so far been instant for me by the way and the money was in my LR account faster than I was able to log in and check it.

Compounding if you’re a fan of it is allowed. Early withdrawals however, are not. So once again make sure to only spend money you are sure you won’t be needing back for the duration of your chosen plan.

The security is up to a decent standard here too with HOX opting for Dragonara as their hosting provider. Experienced players will know by now that they are one of the most formidable names in the business with their clients rarely suffering any downtime issues to speak of. They have HOX on a dedicated server. The script is licensed from GoldCoders and SSL encryption as certified by Comodo is also in place. There are a variety of methods by which you may contact the admin including Live Chat. I can verify this time that for once it actually works because I used it myself. What I don’t have for you unfortunately is a definite schedule as to what time this feature operates each day. Otherwise there are a couple of telephone numbers as well as a support ticket submission form. What I don’t advise though is using their postal address. I recognized it straight away as that of the US Federal Trade Commission and were it to be genuine then he could count a certain mister Barack Obama as one of his close neighbors! (the White House is on the same street). Nice neighborhood I’m sure but let’s not have those folks sniffing around the HYIP industry, eh? Things are bad enough already, lol! But I’ll ask the admin about that if he agrees to an interview.

As I mentioned earlier the texts being used here are not original so I would immediately dismiss any claims from HOX of being anything even resembling a legitimate company. It’s no more or less than an internet based HYIP game and as such is something you can both win and lose money on. So keep both eyes open here and expect no guarantees, even if they are offered! But it’s still a promising site and one that shows a lot of potential so provided the admin intends to take it seriously and is prepared to put up with a couple of quiet weeks while the industry continues to drift while awaiting the next big thing, then slowly but surely it might just creep up on us and become a hit.


There’s a bit less to report on today as there was yesterday. It looks like the entire HYIP industry came to a full standstill when even business days don’t bring too many updates. However, I would like to issue one warning about VezGroup which is delaying payouts for over 48 hours. Frankly speaking it’s not the first time it happened and I had to move the program to Problem status. I will not be surprised if the admin comes back tomorrow and processes all the pendings as happened before. So I will leave VezGroup on Paying status until tomorrow morning when I’m going to decide on what to do next. I have also contacted the admin regarding the pending withdrawals and am currently waiting for his reply which I hope to receive by tomorrow. Still it’s always better to be safe than sorry and therefore I advise you NOT to invest in VezGroup until this issue is cleared up.

I have added two new programs to MNO monitoring today. So yes, even despite the HYIP crisis admins are still coming to MNO to advertise their programs which is definitely a positive sign for investors.

So the first program I added today is Disalina. There was a strange story regarding this program discussed today on forums. The thing is that although Disalina accepted PerfectMoney the name of the account was InWolton (which is another program listed on MNO) for the time being before the admin corrected this stating that it was a PerfectMoney bug. I must say that it looks like a reasonable explanation to me as the account where PM deposits are accepted does have a different number than the one used by InWolton so there was probably some kind of mistake involved. Anyway, both Disalina and InWolton look like professionally made programs to me and I wouldn’t mind if they did come from the same admin (because as we know most programs are run by professional repeat admins anyway). Disalina accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a $10 minimum to deposit in the following plans: 1.3% for 15 business days, 1.5% for 20 business days, 1.7% for 30 business days, 1.9% for 60 business days, 2.1% for 90 business days, 2.3% for 120 business days. Please note that you can set a compounding rate if you wish and your principal will be returned on expiry. Disalina just launched yesterday and has some remarkable features including a totally customized yet pretty simple script, instant payouts, DDoS protection by Dragonara, nice flash banners ready for immediate promotion, an address and phone number in Belize and other things that makes Disalina stand out from the crowd. More about Disalina will be discussed in the upcoming review that is going to be published on MNO soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!

The second program is a pretty straightforward short-term game which will be interesting to those seeking a risky yet profitable new program. It’s called FreshReturn and it’s accepting AlertPay along with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay. It’s really quite fresh as it started just yesterday. The plans offer you 35% for 3 days (105% total return with $5 minimum to invest), 17% for 7 days (119% total return with $25 minimum to invest) and 11% for 14 days (154% total return with $50 minimum to invest). As you can see all the plans pay on a daily basis which significantly reduces the risk in FreshReturn compared to on expiry short-term programs which seem to be out of fashion with investors now. FreshReturn features my favorite green color with an attractive layout, runs off a licensed GoldCoders script on a DdoSWiz dedicated server and SSL-protection. Of course you should ignore completely all the Forex, Bonds, Gold, Stocks trading statements mentioned on the website as it’s a 100% game which doesn’t mean it can’t be profitable either of course. I’m planning to review FreshReturn on my blog by tomorrow so check it out then, guys!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
FundsOMatic, OnyxInvClub, InWolton, SevenStarProfit, ReProFinance, RedOrchidInvest, BookmakerOffice, DynFxTrade, EzProfit, XaresFunds, CherryShares, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, YamaFinance, AvaInvestment, HOX, CashMiner and KaizenPortfolio.

Tomorrow I’ll be back with another review and more news from the industry, so see you all then!

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