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01/08/2010. Flamanta Review and Other News



Hi everyone! Starting today I’m pleased to be bringing you MNO from various locations around Scandinavia for the next couple of weeks as my summer vacation here continues, starting today from sunny Stockholm. It’s really put me in a good mood going into the new month which I suppose is the best frame of mind to approach the program I want to look at before today’s news. It’s called Flamanta and I’m sure many of you will be well aware of them already, despite them still being a new project. I know myself it’s one investment program that I’ve been looking forward getting involved with most for quite some time now and I also know that I’m not alone in expecting very big things from it. Flamanta is one of the most eagerly anticipated online HYIPs, maybe (arguably) since GeniusFunds, and it’s not difficult to see why. It’s one of the best researched, planned, organized, and executed HYIPs seen on the net for a very long time.

Am I playing it up too much? Well, I’ve yet to see a bad report on Flamanta so far and certainly not from any source that you should take seriously. There seems to be almost universal enthusiasm for the program in fact and after a slow enough start they seem to be gathering some momentum now, establishing a firm and loyal membership base and putting themselves in prime position to dominate the long term HYIP market in the coming months.

So what’s it all about? Well, Flamanta is a long term low rate of interest HYI program with a selection of plans to suit just about every budget. Deposits contain low, medium, and high minimums so in that sense at least there’s going to be something suitable for you there. In terms of interest payments however all the plans will I am sure eventually prove highly profitable. Interest rates are good but not outrageously high which will only help keep them sustainable. Going forward this could well prove a tidy little earner for all of us so while I would never suggest anyone to jump in without careful research and consideration I would definitely suggest you keep a close eye on it and make sure to at least think it over.

There are a total of four long term investment plans to choose from in the program. But rather than just “plans” in the more traditional HYIP related sense, Flamanta instead have investment funds that you pay into and become a part of. Each one is named by an abbreviation of the various sectors in the economy that Flamanta say each individual fund is given over to. Of course it’s up to yourself as to how far you want to research that but I’ll give you a brief description of each here.

Starting with the plan that for affordability reasons is probably of most interest to a greater number of you, Flamanta has The FTBS Fund. In this case those initials stand for transportation, basic materials, and services. You can join for a minimum deposit of just $10. The investment term runs for 150 business days which is 30 weeks. During that time you are paid 1.72% interest on your deposit five days per week, Monday to Friday. So that brings in 8.6% each week, allows you to break even after 59 days, and complete the term with an accumulated total of 258. Please not that your principal does not get returned here so that figure represents your total and final earnings so the profit is 158%.

Also running for 150 business days is The FBHS Fund. The only difference in the portfolio is that Flamanta say they have replaced transport with health care, but on a practical level for you the investor there are a number of important changes. For one thing the minimum investment is now $600 and the daily payments – made on business days only – increase to 1.78%. So what that means for your own return is that you can expect to earn 8.9% interest every week, break even after 56 days, and finish up with a grand total of 267%. Once again that number already contains your principal so don’t expect it to be returned.

There is no absolute compulsion for you to join this plan over the previous one, but as they both run for the same length of time and if you are planning to spend $600 or more then clearly it’s only common sense that you choose this one.

Then for the slightly bigger investors Flamanta present you with The FFTC Fund, claiming that it’s an investment portfolio given over to the financial sector, transportation, and capital goods. And while the minimum investment does go up quite a bit to $1800 it’s still not beyond the reach of a lot of the bigger players. Not many are spending that kind of cash these days but I have little doubt that over the coming months there will definitely be more than just a few takers. Once Flamanta establish themselves and build up a reputation that is.

Anyway, you be the judge of that. The plan runs for 160 business days (32 weeks) and every day from Monday to Friday will pay you 1.84% for your deposit. That will therefore bring you in 9.2% interest every week, allow you to break even after 55 days, and finish up with a total and final return (principal included) of 294.4%. Or in other words a clear profit of just under 195% which you must admit is not a bad return at all for what is honestly not that long a period.

Flamanta do of course have a little something for the large HYIP investors as well, a plan which they call The FFET Fund. This time finance, energy, and technology are the preferred activities in this portfolio, with minimum investments starting at $5,600. Again it’s pricey but at least Flamanta haven’t priced themselves out of the market completely like some programs do, asking for $20K or $30K and the like. I don’t see many investors exactly flocking to join it this week or next, but eventually there’s going to be a few.

And if you’re one of them then expect a daily return of 1.92% on your investment. Flamanta again pays out on Monday to Friday only and the term runs for 180 business days. That will bring in 9.6% every week, see you break even after 53 days, and finish up with a final sum that includes your principal of 345.6%.

For whatever reason it seems to be a growing trend among a lot of the long term online HYIPs to be quite restrictive in their choice of payment processors and Flamanta would appear to be no exception. At the moment your choices are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are both perfectly fine, easy to use, and convenient for many many investors. But any newcomers to this industry need to be aware that they are not especially useful when it comes to recovering any money that you may have lost so when dealing with them it’s best to keep that in mind. Payments need to be requested. One other thing concerning money matters that you will need to keep in mind if joining Flamanta is that the first thing you will need to do is to tansfer money into your account there. Only once you have done that can you then re-direct your funds into the plan of your choice.

Technically speaking Flamanta is an excellent website. Highly original in just about every way (including the texts) it’s bright, easy to understand, easy to navigate, well explained, and user friendly throughout. In the best traditions of all the finest long term HYI programs of the past Flamanta is also running off a totally unique and custom designed script. They are also protected by SSL encryption and hosted by one of the very best performing companies in this field with Dragonara. They are keeping Flamanta on a dedicated and DDoS protected server so I expect few if any issues with this in the future.

Customer support comes in a variety of different forms but I guess your best bet is to stick with the e-mail options of either writing directly to the address provided or filling in your details on the support form on the contacts page and submitting it. There is also a postal address in Cyprus where Flamanta are a registered company. You can view the documents testifying to their status as a proper business entity on their website and verify their authenticity for yourself. They also have a functioning telephone number. I can confirm that it works but as it’s Sunday was unable to find anyone other than a voice recording (Flamanta don’t work at the weekend remember).

There’s plenty to read on the Flamanta website about their outside business and investment activities without me contributing. My fellow skeptics will already know where I stand on all of that. I don’t necessarily dismiss everything I read out of hand but simply require more proof than any online HYIP to date has been prepared to furnish. Flamanta will be no exception. You make up your own minds but genuine or not these things guarantee you nothing anyway. Does anyone believe that a so called “real” investment company can’t lose you money simply because they are who they say they are? Of course not, and the same rule applies here.

But as online HYIPs go, they’re one of the best new long term ones I’ve seen so far in 2010. It can often be an unattractive prospect for admins to establish long term programs like this as it requires much hard work and it can be a particularly difficult corner of the market to dominate. However I’d be reasonably confident in Flamanta‘s abilities to succeed here and come October and November I’d say you’re going to be seeing them moving steadily up a lot of investors list of priorities and be seeing them a lot closer to the top than the bottom of reputable monitoring sites.


As you might remember yesterday I warned readers about depositing in CashRain that seemed to have experienced some difficulties with the crediting members’ accounts with daily earnings. This was brought about by hastily moving from GoldCoders to Neversay script. Many complications arose due to transferring the database with earnings to another script. I wondered why the admin decided to do this in the first place so I contacted him for an explanation. He replied that he received some mails from hackers saying that they can hack GC script and steal LR deposits from users if he doesn’t pay some extortion money. Even if it was true why on earth you should believe such rubbish and risk your program’s stability by acting on it when you know that it can cause problems.

Anyway, for better or worse the decision has been taken and of course we see that it has indeed caused problems with crediting accounts with daily earnings and while the deposits seem to be normal the earnings were not displayed properly and you couldn’t withdraw them. For such a short-term program like CashRain any such incidents can prove fatal and even if the earnings are back to normal anytime soon I don’t know if program can recover. So what caused the collapse of once popular CashRain with seemingly a huge potential to grow for a long time? There might be either of two things: either an enormous level of stupidity from the admin who believed a so-called hacker’s threats or just a very sophisticated plan in order to leave the program in Paying status for a longer period of time while trying to persuade investors and monitors of the temporary difficulties the program was experiencing due the script change. Anyway, be it one or the other CashRain again proved that nice graphics and cool bonuses cannot make a short-term program last for a longer time.

The admin of WorldPrivateFunds (reviewed here) summarized all the info about the investment plans his program is offering including the newest one offering 1.1% for 30 business days with the principal returned on expiry. Here is the latest from Samuel, the admin of WorldPrivateFunds:
Some explanations about our plans:
Promo Plan (NEW) – 1.1% daily for 30 days (business); 10-500$, Principal returned after 30 business days (42 calendar days) – profit = 33% (without compounding option) + Principal returned; You can make how many deposits you want.
Test Plan – 0.9% daily for 10 business days. Principal returned after 10 business days (14 calendar days) profit = 9% (without compounding option) + Principal returned
– only one deposit in amount of 10 – 100$. You can deposit again here only after expiring
Standard plan – 1.4% daily for 60 days (business); 10-1000$. Principal returned after 60 business days (84 calendar days) – profit = 84% (without compounding option) + Principal returned; You can make how many deposits you want.
Premium plan – 1.8% daily for 90 days (business);50-5000$. Principal returned after 90 business days (126 calendar days) – profit = 162%%(without compounding option) + Principal returned; You can make how many deposits you want.
Business plan – 2.2% daily for 120 days (business); 1000-15000$. Principal returned after 120 business days (168 calendar days)-profit = 264%(without compounding option) + Principal returned. You can make how many deposits you want.
The amounts invested can be requested any time after a period of 30 days (25% from initial deposit as penalties) minus money received as profit.
Kind Regards. Samuel Arildsen
WorldPrivateFunds Admin

There is an important newsletter sent to the members of BullInvest (reviewed here) today. The most important news is that as promised before the testing plan offering 1% for 5 days with the principal returned on expiry has been ceased and the investors will not be allowed to make any further deposits in this plan. So BullInvest will actually keep the other low-ROI plans (1.3%-1.7% for 130 days, 1.9% for 150 days and 2.1%-2.4% for 180 days) which were originally intended to be the main plans. The short-term plan mostly intended to those who wanted to test the program before progressing to the other plans has served its purpose. The rest of the newsletter from BullInvest was not so crucial and just contained some reminders regarding the minimum payouts to different e-currencies and a warning about the consequences of self-referring with the aim of cheating. Here is the latest newsletter from the administration of BullInvest (interviewed here) in full:
This is an official communication of The Bull Investment Firm LTD.
Hello all members and prospective members of The Bull Investment Firm LTD. Only a few points to cover today.
– Tester Plan
The tester plan is officially closed for new deposits. All currently running deposits in this plan will run as normal but new deposits will not be allowed. We appreciate the extremely enthusiastic amount of attention that this plan received and we believe that it served its purpose of establishing us in the community.
– Alertpay withdrawals less than 1$
Alertpay’s policy is to not allow anyone to send a payment that is less than 1$. The Bull Investment Firm LTD has no control over this whatsoever. In the event that you find your Alertpay withdrawal returned to your balance it is due to the fact that it is less than 1$ and cannot be processed. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money withdrawals may be for any amount over $.10
– Multiple Accounts
There seems to be some confusion over our multiple accounts policy. We DO allow a person or corporation to have as many accounts as they wish. However, if we find two accounts that share the same ip that are referrers of each other then our cheating software will pickup on that and suspend both accounts. The referral commission is a reward for sharing The Bull Investment Firm with new members. Please respect it and our company policies.
As always we are here to answer any questions you may have.
Deborah Billingham. The Bull Investment Firm
Customer Service Director

Regarding the poll I will be drawing the results tomorrow as I’m still hesitating over what to replace it with. In addition, I had some work to do on my new monitoring site which I have nearly finished. It’s mostly a draft of what you should expect to see later on as I have some more significant plans for the future for MNO. But now you can finally vote for your favorite program on MNO and finally will be able to support your favorite programs and announce scams. Please note that the MNO monitoring is still taking shape and not quite finished yet so all your suggestions will be appreciated. In a few days when everything is finished I will write an article on how the new MNO monitoring site works and what advantages MNO readers as well as the program’s administrators can expect from it compared to the old one. I hope that you will like what you will see and please be sure that MNO will remain the most reliable monitor online and all the changes that are coming are only for the benefit of my readers. Imagine that the new monitoring script will reduce my daily workload meaning I will be able to answer your emails quicker and could work more productively on the new articles for my blog. So please even if you do not like the changes consider all the positive sides as well.

Here is the list of the programs from my monitoring list that paid me today:
UniteTrade, FinalEarn, PawnShopFund, InWolton, Flamanta, BookmakerOffice, CherryShares, TrinalFunds, OilStructure, GoldCollarInvest, FundsOMatic, OnyxInvClub, YesInvestment, EzProfit, AvaInvestment and 144CashAds (the first payment received).

That would be it for today, guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow when I’m going to present to you the review of 144CashAds along with the latest news from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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