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03/11/2010. InvestPlatforms Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everybody! A new addition to the MNO monitoring page this week has been a highly promising long term investment program called InvestPlatforms. While not exactly brand new, the program started life in a very low key manner and has slowly and meticulously being organizing itself, evolving into what will surely be a strong contender to become a market leader over the coming months. November sees them embark on the latest stage of their development and I think any of you that are already familiar with them may agree that the timing behind their strategy has been simply impeccable. The tide is definitely turning back in favor of longer term low ROI programs at the moment (as happens in the industry periodically) and InvestPlatforms are in a strong position to take full advantage of that.

If you already know the name InvestPlatforms and were toying with the idea of getting involved with them then I can only suggest that you forget everything you knew about them before today and start again. The program has morphed into something much more promising (though it was already pretty decent to begin with) and the improvements will almost surely catch the eye of investors on the lookout for something new enough to be one of the first yet old enough to have a proven record of steady payments. And that’s exactly what InvestPlatforms are offering.

That and four investment plans that is, those being the cornerstone on which any successful online HYIP is built. The first two plans are a bit more conventional and are what you may expect from a reasonable and sustainable HYIP. They run for fixed terms and make daily payments that are variable depending on how the fortunes of the company rise and fall. And while that makes it a bit more difficult to pin down just exactly how much you might earn from your investment, I’m still a much bigger fan of this method. Why? “Real” businesses have no idea what’s coming next week. Neither do online ones. By varying the payments according to how the business is performing the InvestPlatforms admin doesn’t make a commitment to paying you a certain amount that he may struggle to meet some day in the future if the program has a slow week – something that happens all businesses. So you may not know what you’ll earn tomorrow, but whatever it is you’ll earn it for longer.

So let’s get to the plans. The first option is pretty much the most serious one for the majority of players. It’s called The Gold Investment Plan. It will cost you a minimum of $10 to join, though you can go all the way to $4,999 if you can afford it. There’s no set investment term as such but there is a lock in period that runs for 120 calendar days. After that you may withdraw your principal if you wish, or else leave it in place and continue to earn. Interest payments are made on business days only so that’s from Monday to Friday. Payments can vary from 1.2% per day to 1.5% per day which may not look like much of a variation at first, but over the course of what’s about 17 weeks does add up to a pretty big number.

If we take a simple example then of a $100 spend, InvestPlatforms will pay you back anything between $1.20 and $1.50 everyday from Monday to Friday for 24 weeks. The most you might earn in a week is $7.50. The least is $6. Either figure would be acceptable and could be compared to the payouts made by some of the industry giants in the past. The actual number will probably be a bit closer to the middle.

And of course you can always refer back to the InvestPlatforms website where you will be given a full record of all previous payments. But please don’t make any calculations based on them. In fact don’t put too much stock in them at all. Previous results as we are all too aware in this industry guarantee nothing for future performances so just use it as a guide to the recent activities of the program.

That’s more or less the way it works for the second investment plan. It’s called The Platinum Investment Plan and works identically to the last one except for some changes to the numbers. For a start it will cost you $5000 to join but still makes variable interest payments for the same term of 120 calendar days. The lowest you can expect is 1.6% per day (8% per week, 192%) and the maximum payment is 2% per day (10% per week). Again it’s unrealistic to expect either extreme and a more accurate figure will be somewhere between the two. Once the first 120 calendar days have expired it’s then up to you whether you want to withdraw your principal immediately or else leave it in place and continue to collect your payments until such a time as you are ready to leave. Personally once I’ve entered the profit zone in programs like this I never withdraw. As far as I’m concerned I’ve made my principal back and everything else is just passive income. But that’s just me. Maybe your own circumstances are different.

If the investment term is a bit long for you and your worried about needing to get your money back in the event of some urgent personal matter then InvestPlatforms do offer a get-out-early clause. But I must warn you the charges are quite punitive at 20% as well as subtracting the profits you have already collected. So let that act as a warning to you not to commit sums of money that you may need back for a personal or medical related emergency. And not just here but anywhere.

Just a couple of days ago InvestPlatforms introduced two new plans which are something of a departure from the regular HYIP associated plans we find on other sites. These are also longer term options with a low ROI which may not look so attractive at first glance but do have enough advantages to them to at least warrant a second look.

The first of these is called The Flexi-Savers Plan. I know I called it a long term plan, but the fact is there is no lock in term as such. You will receive a monthly interest payment (so in that sense it’s long term) but you can leave the plan at anytime without encountering any penalties. The minimum investment is $100 and the monthly rate of interest is fixed at 5.9%. In addition to that however there is a small incentive to stay with the plan by making an extra bonus payment to you for each additional month you stay with them after the first month. You will always receive the original 5.9%, that much is established, but you will then receive an extra 1.5% for each additional month.

So at the end of the first month you get paid 5.9% interest. At the end of the second month you receive 5.9% plus a bonus of 1.5%. At the end of the third month you collect 5.9% plus a bonus of 3%. Stay for a fourth month and in addition to your regular 5.9% payment you will now receive an extra 4.5%. And so on.

For example, let’s take a $100 investment. In return for that InvestPlatforms will pay you a basic $5.90 for every month you leave your principal in place. Leave it for two months and they will add on an extra $1.50. Leave it for a third and you can get another $3. Stay in the plan for a fourth month and collect an extra $4.50, and so on while all along continuing to collect the basic interest payment as well. So the final earnings are really up to you, as is the risk you are prepared to take in order to get it.

The final plan is a little different though based on more or less the same concept. It’s called The InvestPlatforms Fixed Deposit Plan and costs a $100 minimum to join. Once again you are offered a fixed monthly interest payment. The rate is higher than the last plan, but your deposit is subject to a lock in period. So essentially it’s the same as the previous plan, the main difference being that you are asked in advance to make a longer term commitment rather than allowing you to leave at any time. Say yes, and your monthly payment gets a little more generous though without the “carrot on a stick” bonus system in the preceding plan.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you start with $100. You are now asked if you would like that to be locked in for a period of 3, 6, or 12 months. For 3 months you will be paid 6.5% per month. For 6 months you can earn 7.9% per month. And for the full 12 months you are offered 9.99% interest per month. InvestPlatforms will release your principal on expiry.

In addition to these new plans I suppose the most important piece of news to come out of InvestPlatforms recently has got to be the introduction of AlertPay as a new payment processor. Once again the timing is just right and this is bound to throw the program open to a much wider market. Previously only LibertyReserve was acceptable for joining. They’re still welcome of course just in case you don’t have an AP account, and Bank Wires can be used as well. Payments are manual so will need to be requested. Payments are usually made within 12 hours.

As I said the plans are the first thing most investors want to examine when coming to any new HYIP, and like them or not InvestPlatforms are at least offering some original ones. But there’s a bit more to them than just that. They have several other good features not seen in many of their competitors sites. For a start they are running off a unique and secured script and not one of the generic models. The website is SSL encrypted and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by a firm called SparkStation. Not a name I’m familiar with I’ll admit (if you’ve any experience with them get in touch) but the important thing is that it is a dedicated server and there have been no incidents to speak of since the program first launched.

What I like best on a personal level though is their commitment to customer support. And that is absolutely vital if you’re ever to crack the long term HYIP market. To date the crew running InvestPlatforms have never been anything less than courteous, knowledgeable, highly professional, always expedient, and more to the point – helpful. A rare commodity indeed! Customer support is available first of all through the usual support ticketing system. Or else you can just e-mail them directly. Less common in the industry they are also using Skype though I believe they might prefer if you reserved using that for more urgent matters. And finally they have their office address in Vietnam where they are registered as a business. I of course have no way of verifying it’s authenticity but you know the admin was gracious enough to invite me to visit them. Not an offer I’m likely to be able to accept, but at the same time he has no way of knowing that and asked anyway. So who knows? It’s in Ho Chi Minh City so if there are any intrepid readers in the area check them out if this sort of thing is important to you.

As usual I really have to leave it at the verifiable facts. There’s a bit more to InvestPlatforms than what I’ve had to say about them but that I’m afraid is going to require some digging on your part if it’s important to you. There are all manner of claims regarding the companies business and investment activities which include real estate and infrastructure development, stock markets, and also involve the claim that they are audited by the central bank of Vietnam. If you are not content to treat them like a well organized online HYIP as I am then there are many resources open to you where you can investigate these things further, but don’t take too long because meanwhile others will be busy making all the money, lol!

But I do like how they have organized themselves and set out a definite strategy of gradual development to build the program up from something small into something we can all make a profit from. Despite the sustainable plans the risk is still there which is the price we pay for taking part in this business at all in the first place, so don’t get too carried away, base your investment on what you can afford and not what you would like to earn, and make sure it’s as a smaller part of a wider portfolio. It’s safer that way and a lot more fun too!


I’d like to start today’s news update from one of the undoubted leaders among long-term programs PawnShopFund (reviewed here). The project is now getting closer to celebrating its first 100 days online and we can all see that for this time it started to become one of the most popular ones. To tell you the truth, when I first reviewed this program I was quite skeptical about it and didn’t see its true potential and a very dedicated admin behind. Well, he just proved me wrong as during these months his site changed tremendously for the better as the new design, the new forum and some other features were implemented while the only thing stayed the same – daily instant payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay from such plans as: 1.8% for 45 days, 2.1% for 60 days, 2.35% for 60 days and 2.4% for 75 days. The interesting thing about the plans is that on expiry you have a choice of taking your money back or leaving your deposit active and keep earning your profits for an indefinite amount of time. During these last three months PawnShopFund also climbed higher on the MNO ratings (which roughly reflect the level of popularity a program has among MNO readers) and has currently reached #6. The admin of PawnShopFund Fred (interviewed here) is very optimistic about the future of his program and promised to bring it to new heights in 2011. The other points that were featured in the most recent newsletter from Fred were: warning about the currently circulating fake LibertyReserve API changing emails sent from an email which doesn’t belong to PawnShopFund, appeal about the necessity of depositing only clean funds from AlertPay which are free of possible chargebacks and the suggestion to post the ideas of how to improve PawnShopFund on its own forum that was recently launched. The whole newsletter can be read below:
Hello dear PSF members.
I am glad to announce that now we are more than 3 months online, with a 3000 member base, this means we are getting more than 1 new member every hour, all the day, everyday. I think that this is a great achievement, and we are going to keep this upgoing trend. I was pleased to read in various communities that PSF was declared one of the biggest hits in this Autumn period, and I can promise that we will be the same in the upcoming Winter, Spring and so on periods too.
I’ve also read some doubts about the programs faith in the Christmas period, I can tell you that as our profits are not related to online sources, we are not affected by Forex or national holidays, so the program will as stable as it is now in the Christmas and New Year period too.
I have to warn you that there are some fake e-mails claiming that they are sent by PSF administration from We are not using this e-mail address, and we are not asking anybody to enable the API in your LR account. You don’t need to enable API in your Lr account to get instant withdrawals. API is used by our system to divert the payments but there is no need from our members to have API enabled.
I also want to let you know that we are accepting only clear AP payments if a payment is reversed by AP from our account because they are considering that you are using fraudulent funds we will definitely suspend your account, and no refund is possible, so please use only clear AlertPay funds to deposit with us.
I am pleased to see that some members are already using our forum, anybody can do this to share your opinions and experiences or to get help from the admin or other PSF members even in your mother-language.
This week we will launch a thread on the forum where you can share 1 idea what would you like to see at PSF, the most requested feature will be implemented by our staff, further details and terms will be published in the specific thread.
Best regards, Fred, PawnShopFund admin

It looks like the admin of CazaInvestment liked my review of his program which was published on MNO last night (read it here). While I would avoid of being too positive about CazaInvestment I still can see the potential in this program as there is something about it which might be liked by all types of investors. Two plans offered by CazaInvestment (3.2% for 45 days with daily payouts and principal included, and 6.5% for 21 days with weekly payouts and principal returned) along with the most popular payment processors accepted (LibertyReserve, AlertPay and PerfectMoney) made it possible to predict the upcoming success. Of course, the most important thing – longevity of the program – is up to the admin of CazaInvestment. But so far he’s been doing well with paying the payouts quite fast and sending frequent updates to the program’s members. Of course, the profits from oil and gas are not what investors like to hear but sometimes such stories are what some people like to take comfort in so can also extend the program’s lifecycle. So let’s hope CazaInvestment will be with us for a long time to come and bring profits to the majority of its investors. Here is the latest newsletter from the program featuring the link to MNO and the program’s threads on the main investment forums:
Hello. This is a great day for all members of CazaInvestment Inc, and the reason for this would be discussed in our next paragraph however let me at this point give my warmth regards to you for being a part of a successful oil and gas profitable opportunity, we appreciate your support we want you to continue to promote the success of this project and we give you a word of confidence never to have your investment wasted or your returns denied from reaching you.
CazaInvestment made extra profit within the last two days, we expected success but we never knew it would come this quickly and for this we would be giving a splash to upgraded members before the end of the week. Our review on MoneyNewsOnline was published yesterday, I am impressed at the way Paul analyses our project, when expert like him give words like “Having High Chances of making profit in sustainable project” you should know you are on track. You would do yourself a lot of good if you can read for yourself: . We are still calling on all members to give us their view and support our project on forums, our thread are:
Our online supports are there to help you and once offline you can send us an email and we sure going to reply as quickly as we can. Thanks and have a great week.
Pally, Relations Manager – CazaInvestment Inc.

As usual in WorldPrivateFunds straight after one bonus has expired another immediately takes its place. I believe this is only one of the secrets which kept it afloat for such a long time (the program has been running successfully for over 100 days now). A talented admin like Samuel from WorldPrivateFunds (interviewed here) must have something up his sleeve that will maintain constant interest of the investors to his program. And as a good admin he knows how to market his program well. So for the next 10 days when you make a new deposit into any of their plans (0.9% for 10 business days, 1.1% for 30 business days, 1.4% for 60 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days, 2.2% for 120 business days) via any of the payment processors accepted (be it LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay or SolidTrustPay) you will receive 5% withdrawable bonus from your deposited amount straight to your account. It’s up to you to chose if you want to reinvest it or withdraw. Here is the latest newsletter from WorldPrivateFunds (reviewed here):
Another 5% cash bonus campaign started today, Nov 3rd, 04:00 AM server time, till Nov 14th, 2010 11:59 PM server time.
All NEW deposits from $20 up to $1000 (new or old members), are eligible for a 5% cash bonus that will be added manually directly to cash balance. This bonus may be withdrawal any time the member wants.
There are NOT eligible deposits from cash balance
We appreciate if you will post about your payment proofs on forums and vote us on monitors.
Thanks for your great support.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem.
Kind Regards. Samuel Arildsen
WorldPrivateFunds Admin

Maybe for somebody it looks suspicious that the admin of FundsOMatic Randy (interviewed here) issues updates very frequently. But for me this is the sign of the true professional, keeping your members updated despite some ongoing delays. I hope that the members of FundsOMatic will all appreciate the effort he makes to pay all the pendings within the shortest possible period of time and I also hope that it will be able to continue with the new rules established in some previous emails from FundsOMatic. Here is the latest news from the program:
I know it is frustrating and it is for me as well. I am being told that the reason this is happening is due to sessions, there are only so many that can be open at one time and the attacks are coming as database attacks.
I know that you guys must be getting tired to hear things such as this however I am doing all i can.
It is very sad that some people need to behave this way.
I will continue to send updates as i can.

I hope that I was wrong about the domino effect that might arise when UniteTrade closed although some MNO readers already reported issues with other programs. Was it connected to UniteTrade somehow? I don’t know but I must admit that it’s a very high probability that Vodapex has scammed now. I still haven’t heard anything from the admin after he updated me yesterday and in a nutshell said that the instant payouts had been disabled temporarily due to a glitch with the script that caused multiple payouts. Well, it looks like either fixing this issue takes a longer time than planned or Vodapex just refuses to pay its investors. I tend to believe the latter as if they wanted they could process the withdrawals manually or at least issue an update and not to make people worry about the safety of their funds. So for me Vodapex is gone and I will hold to that assumption until real payouts resume. Please do not invest in Vodapex!

The second program I put today to Waiting status on MNO was InnoClub. I moved them after discovering that I was not paid yesterday and that the payouts were not made for the last 24 hours. Some of my readers also confirmed that they were not paid yesterday so I contacted the admin Norry straight away. Fortunately, InnoClub has not scammed yet and I received an update from the admin who reported that the payouts had been paid already:
Hi Paul, All the pending withdrawal requests, except for those that were
submitted during the last few hours, have been processed.
Warmest regards, Norry Veish. InnoClub Admin
I sincerely hope that these delays won’t happen in InnoClub again. If you wish to learn more about the program please read the detailed review here.

I would like to draw the results to the recent MNO poll from the Reader Profile series. This week I wanted to know your preferred musical styles which you like to listen to in your spare time. So the winner is (drum rolls!): Pop-music (31% of the total votes). The honorary second and third places went to Rock-music (26%) and Hip-Hop / R’n’B (22% ) respectively. The less popular musical genres among MNO readers are: Classical music (10%), Folk and Traditional music (7%) and Country music (3%). Well, I’m glad that everybody has a varied taste as in my opinion any type of music is good as long as it’s original and depending on your mood.

So in continuing the musical style topic from MNO Reader Profiles I would like to ask my readers what the most influential musical figure in the world is. I mean there is some singer / band who created something new and made a huge number of fans and influenced the whole music industry. So as pop and rock were the clear favorites I have several answers to choose from: Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Queen, The Rolling Stones. I know that they all are internationally recognized performers and famous to everybody in their own field. And it will be interesting to know whom MNO readers consider a music icon. So I will be looking forward to get your answers to this question and remind you that my poll is located under the Shoutbox.

Another poll that was held this week on my blog showed me the overwhelming support MNO readers gave to the extended chat feature. 90% said “yes” for that feature to be available on MNO in the near future. I must say that I have finally upgraded the FlashChat (this will be the name of the chat with many extended features) and my programmer (his name is Andrew) is currently working hard on implementing all the necessary features so hopefully by tomorrow I will be able to announce the beginning of the new era on MNO – the era of FlashChat. The link to the chat is available on the MNO forum and you can click on it already and observe all the features that are available. I really hope that MNO FlashChat will be a great tool for you to communicate with each other, and not only about HYIPs. Once the FlashChat is fully open I will still maintain the Shoutbox on my blog but I would like to enable it only for urgent matters (not payment reports, asking for help, etc.) and if you wish to maintain some general chat please proceed to the FlashChat where you will be able to post something using your MNO forum username so please take your time to sign up for the MNO forum (the link is here) and I’m looking forward to seeing you on the extended chat soon.

Regarding the new poll. I received quite an interesting idea from one regular reader last night and I think I’d like to see a vote on it this week. We all know that the so-called Black December is coming where many HYIPs are supposed to collapse and will not survive till 2011. So the interesting question that you might like to ask (and to check your psychic abilities or just gut-feeling) will be the following: Which program from the following is most likely to survive Black December? Or if you want it this way: which program do you think you will most likely see operating in 2011? I understand that there could be more than one answer but at the same time try to use your imagination and list the one that will definitely be there (in your subjective opinion, of course). So the possible variants are: CherryShares (reviewed here), OilStructure (reviewed here), PawnShopFund (reviewed here), RedOrchidInvest (reviewed here), Flamanta (reviewed here). As you can see the list might be wider but I deliberately excluded very new and short term programs. First will have more chances to survive Christmas, while the second group is the least likely to survive at all. So I hope to see your honest replies (predictions) for this question as well. I believe that after Christmas we will have a look at the results again and we will see if any readers here could win “Psychic Challenge”! (TV show in Russia). The poll will be located under the Shoutbox on my blog page and the results will be drawn one week from now.

I have been paid today by the following programs featured on my Premium and Standard listings:
Cazainvestment, GWDConline, YamaFinance, PandaTrade, OilStructure, EarnPlaza, FondosMayores, CherryShares, Flamanta, FenixTrust, 144CashAds, WorldPrivateFunds, EuroInvestOnline, GainBucks, YesInvestment, InnoClub, OptimumPride, FutureTrails, GroupUniversal, MutualTreaty, TerraProfits, PawnShopFund, AssetManagement (the first payment received) and InvestPlatforms (the first payment received).

That’s about it for today, folks. I hope you enjoyed today’s update and are looking forward to tomorrow when I’m going to review a new low-ROI program called AssetManagement and of course, will bring you the latest news from the industry! So stick with MNO, you know it makes sense!

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