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29/11/2010. OnlineMoneyInvest Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everybody! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready for the new week ahead. And of course there’s not long to go before the holidays either now so I guess that’s something we can all look forward to. Meanwhile however no doubt we’ll be seeing the usual flurry of activity in the HYIP industry in the coming weeks – not all of it particularly good – especially in relation to new short term programs. One of the better looking ones however is called OnlineMoneyInvest and it was added to the MNO monitoring page only yesterday.

I say it looks ok but obviously there are limits to this as well. Some of the plans OnlineMoneyInvest are offering are quite good and will give a quick profit to those who know how to play this industry smartly and properly. Other plans are a bit less realistic in my own opinion but I still think you can make a few bucks from the program as a whole.

OnlineMoneyInvest has six short term investment plans in total to choose from, with each individual plan having a number of sub-plans that pay you according to how much you invest. So just be aware of the fact that the descriptions of the plans you see in the public area of the OnlineMoneyInvest website are not entirely accurate. They refer to the interest you can earn if spending the maximum amounts allowed, most of us will no doubt be earning a lot less, ie something more realistic.

The first plan starts with a term of just 1 day, so by the time you read this the first investors will actually be in profit already. Minimum deposit is $10 and in return for that or up to a maximum of $1,000 you can earn a basic 105% interest paid on expiry, principal included. In other words join with $100 today and get $105 back tomorrow. Higher rates are offered to larger investors. If you think it’s worth the risk then spending from $1,001 to $5,000 gets you 110% with anything larger up to a $50,000 maximum being offered 129% on expiry.

Next up are two plans that both run for a term of 2 days. The difference is that one makes daily payments while the other makes them on expiry. For the first of these options OnlineMoneyInvest takes a minimum investment of $20. Up to a maximum of $1,000 they they offer you 55.5% per day (111% in total) including your principal. For the more daring investor you can earn 60.5% per day for deposits between $1,001 and $5,000 (121% total) and for anything bigger than that you are offered 70% interest per day (140% total).

To be honest this looks like a much better option than OnlineMoneyInvest‘s next two day plan that pays on expiry. It’s a much greater risk but only very marginally more profitable. The minimum deposit goes back to $10 and for amounts up to $1,000 you are offered 112% on expiry after a 2 day investment term. Compare that to a total of 111% earned from from daily payments in the previous plan and there really isn’t that much to compensate you for the additional risk, certainly not unless you’re talking about huge numbers anyway. But again if you think it’s worth a shot then other options include a single payment of 122%, principal included, made of expiry on deposits between $1,001 and $5,000. For anything larger than that you are offered 163% on expiry.

The next investment plan runs for a term of 7 days so there’s quite a leap there. Payments are made only on expiry and will include your principal. Minimum investment is again $10 and anything up to $1,000 will get you 140% on expiry. If you’re feeling adventurous then deposits between $1,001 and $5000 are offered 175% on expiry with anything above that offered 340%. Though that’s unlikely.

Again it’s difficult to see how this particular plan is holds any significant benefit over the shorter term options unless we are talking about unrealistic amounts of money. If the average investor joining with less than $1,000 for example can get a 12% profit for 2 days, then why wait 7 days for a 40% profit? You can join the 2 day plan for considerably less risk, and re-invest to earn 36% over the course of 6 days. Only slightly less profitable but substantially less risky. And that’s only by re-investing your principal. Were you to reinvest everything (in other words sort of a do-it-yourself compounding) you could earn more after six days than you could after seven.

Pretty much the same principle applies to OnlineMoneyInvest‘s next plan which runs for 15 days and can only be realistically recommended if playing for smaller amounts or for fun. The risk is there but as long as you’re only playing with ten or twenty bucks then why not? Again if you’re really serious about joining the program for 15 days you might be better advised to actually join the 7 day plan and re-deposit on expiry. Or indeed join the 2 day plan and keep redepositing there as well. I wouldn’t suggest spending hundreds or thousands though.

The choice is ultimately yours as always so for your information the investment term runs for 15 days and makes one single payment on expiry. Deposits start from $10 and in return for anything up to a $1,000 maximum you are offered 185%, principal included, on expiry. Past that and things begin to get a bit more unrealistic even to industry newbies with OnlineMoneyInvest offering 260% for deposits between $1,001 and $5,000. A return of 700% is offered to offered to anything larger than that but that’s hardly likely to raise anything other than mild amusement form regular industry players.

Less likely then is the 30 day plan. It’s OnlineMoneyInvest‘s final option and is open to deposits of $10 and up. For a maximum spend of $1,000 you are offered 265% interest on expiry. For larger deposits up to $5,000 you are offered 410% interest and for anything bigger than that the rate is an unfeasible 1500%.

Clearly that’s unlikely to be achievable but there’s still no reason a good section of investors can’t profit from the program provided you don’t get greedy and accept that we are most likely looking at a life cycle that’s going to be closer to weeks rather than months.

The admin of the program promises instant payouts (in some cases you have to wait up to 12 hours) to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The circumstances under which you may have to wait aren’t clearly explained but at a guess if instant payments are the norm then the admin is going to have to replenish his account from time to time. And while the choice of processors might not be the best, it’s fair to say that this is program will become reasonably popular. People’s attitudes to short term games may well change over the coming weeks but it’s still early enough for OnlineMoneyInvest and whether you like it or not there’s always going to be enough people out there who simply like and enjoy games like this one. I know perfectly well from experience that many of you will be signing up for this one no matter what, so I only suggest you stick with shorter term plans, the 15 day plan being the absolute maximum if joining early enough. Though as I said, it’s only marginally more advantageous to joining the shorter term ones and then re-investing.

The website of OnlineMoneyInvest is also up to a reasonably high standard: it’s an SSL encrypted site running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server protected by Dragonara against possible DDoS attacks. You can contact the admin by filling out the support form on the contacts page and submit your questions to him there.

The texts are not original though that’s hardly necessary for such a fast game but the overall design of the site is quite decent and it is well organized. Overall I’d have to say OnlineMoneyInvest is a decent opportunity for a fast couple of bucks as long as you don’t get greedy and analyze the plans for yourself to see what’s the best option for you.


Last night I received another update from CazaInvestment (reviewed here) asking the members who were waiting patiently for their payouts to LibertyReserve to give them at least 48 hours to process all the pending withdrawal requests. Here is the newsletter sent out last night and stressing about the necessity for LR account holders to wait for the resolution of the issue:
Hello. It’s another new week and we hope everyone is doing great? Anyway we have some quick information for you today and we hope this helps some members stay a little patient.
CazaInvestment Inc is doing very well, right now it’s rated as top 5 on MoneyNewsOnline Blog and many others, The major issue for today is that we would like members who have requested LibertyReserve withdrawal to give us 24hours – 48hours to process their pending withdrawal request, if you noticed we have changed our LibertyReserve account. This is a minor issue so we want everyone to be relaxed, if by 48 hours we are unable to process this then it can result to red flags but for now we are pretty sure of the status of this been resolved. All other payment processor request are been processed right on time.
We hope to get your support and look at serving you more each day.
Thanks, Pally Eppie.

Today though all the issues with the LibertyReserve account of CazaInvestment became clearer as according to the admin their LR account was hacked. The only reason why they didn’t report this earlier was that they opened another one recently and were waiting for the funding to get completed which as you might know is a lengthy process with some exchangers. It looks like that process might take a longer time than anticipated but the admin of CazaInvestment Pally (interviewed here) came with up with a perfect if temporary solution for everybody who doesn’t want to wait till their new LR account is funded can be paid to AlertPay. I’m aware that it might be ideal for everybody but the alternative might be not seeing your money again at all. In my opinion, we should be grateful that the admin tries his best to revive the program and keeps fighting all the troubles to hit the program recently (you might remember the issues with the CazaExecutive plan and now the alleged LR hacking incident). So if you have pending amounts that have to be paid to LibertyReserve and would like to get them faster you’re welcome to contact the admin and you will be paid to AlertPay instead very fast. I did it already today and was paid within an hour to my own AlertPay account.

If you only intend to withdraw your money to LibertyReserve in your CazaInvestment‘s account please click on the “Exchange Currency” link and make an internal exchange with 0% fee from LR to AP. I know that it’s not a perfect solution because such exchanges are not always strictly speaking allowed by AlertPay, but what other alternative do we have? In HYIPs the admins are the ones making the rules and I think the availability of AlertPay withdrawals for everybody would be still a good alternative. Of course, if you want to have a better chance to profit from any of the plans offered by CazaInvestment (3.2% for 45 days , 3% for 21 days, or 12% for 12 days) please hold off from depositing via LibertyReserve and use only AlertPay, at least before their issues with LR payouts are solved. Remember that the admins cannot usually out-exchange much from their AlertPay accounts so it’s usually much safer to play with AlertPay than LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. This is just friendly advice if you intend to deposit to CazaInvestment that is still on Paying status on MNO due to the solution offered in the latest newsletter:
This is a quick one for all members, We had our LR account hacked hence we have changed it to a new account however we are trying to retrieve it back, while this happens we are suggesting to all members who have pending LR withdrawals and would like to be paid in AlertPay to do an email stating that they do not mind if they receive their earnings in AlertPay. We apologies for the inconvenience. We want your support, we would give you ours and we hope we can cross over to 2011 if everyone works together as a team.
CazaInvestment remains a profitable program with quality customer support and efficiency. Have a quality week ahead.
Thanks, Pally Eppie

It appears that CherryShares (reviewed here) still has some payment delays to LibertyReserve. Actually, this is the second time as I now have four pending withdrawals from CherryShares at the moment. That might indicate some more serious cashflow issues than most would care to think about. Technically speaking CherryShares is still within the 72 hour timeframe to pay the pendings to LibertyReserve but the clock is ticking and if by tomorrow the situation doesn’t improve I will have to move them to Problem status on MNO for the first time after months of stable work. Further investments in CherryShares at this point are not recommended until all the pendings are cleared. I will update you on the ongoing development of the situation tomorrow.

It looks like the admin of GWDConline had to close his program due to the ongoing issues with his hosting provider who recently suspended his account for good. The program that used to pay 3% for 40 days only managed to last for 5 weeks which barely put the first investors into profit. The admin Albert admitted that the program had faced difficulties with their various hosting providers from the start and the situation only worsened with the multiple DDoS attacks and finally the suspension of the account of the program due to the admin’s inability to upgrade their DDoS protection level. I think that the program was not very successful at all because many investors were not in profit. However, the admin didn’t lose hope and said that he might consider running another program in the future if there is demand. He still cannot access the database and therefore I guess possible refunds are not viable at this point. Anyway, I appreciate that the admin of GWDConline at least sent a newsletter to members announcing the closure:
I am sending this update from a new Host. AS everyone sees our old Host Has suspended us. As some have seen payments posted shortly before seeing the suspension I was in process of paying when it happened. I had tried to reason with hosting however they wanted a higher DDOS protection then we could possibly warrant.
While I had great hopes and expectations for GWDConline, I think that we will not be able to continue. Now I will explain why because as a member you deserve to know.
Since we started only a short 36 days ago, since the 2nd day we suffered from DDOs attacks which caused us to change hosting, not once but 3 times. Now for anyone who has ever checked DDOS hosting is not cheap, only available via LR and non refundable. Cost of custom scripts and design along with monitors and stat up advertising promoters. We already ran a very high deficit.
Since we came back on what I would say is one of the most expensive DDOs hosting providers we received very few new investors, even with offering a small bonus for holiday deposits no one took advantage of it.
I have been forward and did not hide that it was a wealth re-distribution program, we have re distributed wealth that was available to do so. No one can say that we took anything after we stopped payments as we were suspended in payment mode.
The new host has already advised me that I can not take this site live as they are aware of DDOS attacks against us and they do not feel they can defend them, However I am able to access the mailer and database in order to send communication.
While I can not promise anyone anything If anyone wishes to contact me I am available at If there is enough support and members wish for us to try again I am sure that with enough effort from all we can try again maybe with different plans and try for a longer running program.
Hope to hear some positive feedback.
Albert. Global Wealth Distribution Center

The launch of RevenueBuild that is paying very conservative though short-term returns of 105% after 2 days, 107% after 3 days, and 110% after 5 days with the payouts made to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney went almost unnoticed. Just after two weeks of stable payouts the admin Steve (interviewed here) managed to compile the first newsletter and sent it to his members today. Very slow growth of the program during the first weeks online with only 100 members in my opinion made a good platform for the stable and steady growth for the future. This is a very important factor to consider if the admin of RevenueBuild is really so serious about making his program a success in the long run. And I believe there are many good things to say about RevenueBuild after its first two weeks online: fast payouts, responsive admin, stable work of the site – everything is in place here. Although the addition of AlertPay and SolidTrustPay payment processors in the near future would have given a boost to the program and the admin promised to seriously consider adding these options in the future. Meanwhile, in the latest newsletter he announced that MNO forum will become the official forum for his program where he will publish the updates from the program frequently (you can check the thread here). The admin is also interested in holding some promotional contests to interact with his membership more closely and will be happy to accept all your suggestions regarding this which you can email to him or leave it on the MNO forum. The first newsletter from RevenueBuild (reviewed here) is actually quite long and I will let you read it in full below:
I’m very pleased to pen this first newsletter for RevenueBuild. We’re going to address many things with this newsletter and the developments that have taken place over the past couple of weeks. We have evolved a lot in the past couple of weeks and we are very dedicated to provide this opportunity to our members. Following are some of the Points we’d like to address in this newsletter.
a. RevenueBuild Launched steadily.
b. Reviewed and Interviewed by MNO.
c. Payment Processors.
d. Contest and Promotional Activities in future.
a. RevenueBuild Launched Steadily:
RevenueBuild is now online since 2 weeks and we are happy to have got a steady start with almost 100 members joining us at the beginning. We are delighted about the fact that we had a decent start and sailing along the ship steadily. We are confident of making this Investment platform stand out from the rest and dedicated to provide this opportunity. We hope more members would join us in the coming few weeks / months.
b. Reviewed and Interviewed by MNO:
We recently got reviewed by the Money-News-Online, who is the industry leader in providing HYIP News online. We suggest you to check them out and read more about us at MNO. I’m also available at MNO forums, supporting the members with all their queries and regular updates. So, for now, MNO is the official forum where I’m available for regular support of our members. So, if you have any issues regarding anything, do check the forum out for regular updated.
c. Payment Processors:
Many members requested us to install other processors like AP, STP etc. so that they get more payment options for depositing their funds. We are currently studying their Specifications so that the transition will be smooth when we add them. It may take some time for us to analyze and make them a viable payment option for RevenueBuild members. Once we complete this activity, we will intimate our members with appropriate things. We request you to use Liberty reserve and Perfect Money in the mean time as we know it’s an easy funding option and withdrawal as well.
d. Contest and Promotional Activities in future:
We are planning some promotional activities and contests for our members. Please do put your pen on the paper to us if you have any ideas regarding this activity. The main motive of implementing this idea into action is to have more interaction with our members. The more interaction we have with our members, the more comfortable they will feel with us. So, please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard as well apart from the usual technical aspects of the program.
We would also like to intimate that our Investments are doing really well which makes us even more comfortable to provide this opportunity to everyone. Please expect regular updates from us on a regular basis which would help us to connect with you better. Hopefully we will have couple of newsletters running every month giving constant updates about the status of RevenueBuild.
Regards, Steve, RevenueBuild Administration.

The programs that paid me today are listed below:
OnlineMoneyInvest (the first instant payments received), FelixFunds, CazaInvestment, AvatarSurf, AllianceAdvantage, FiboTradePro, FutureTrails, AssetManagement, DailyGains, Konstant, RedOrchidInvest, TetraMetals, 144CashAds, GloTrade, YesInvestment, GainBucks, RevenueBuild, ProfitEu and Greenvestment.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more news on MNO tomorrow and I wish you the best of luck with your investments!

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