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05/12/2010. Finansima Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everybody! Hope you’re all having a good weekend so far. Before the news, and following on a bit from last night’s theme in the MNOFridays article it does look like new long term HYIPs are coming to the forefront of the online HYIP industry at the moment. Thee are some good ones, there are some bad ones, but one that looks very promising is one called Finansima, a recently launched program added to my monitoring list during the week. Strictly speaking it’s not exactly brand new, but it’s only been around a couple of weeks which isn’t much in relation to the plans.

Since opening Finansima has been flying very much under the radar as regards publicity and advertising, and also as regards to attention from investors. Which isn’t such a bad thing for the program by any means. It’s of quite good quality and I think a slow and steady campaign will benefit them much more in the long run. Particularly at this time of the year. But it’s of decent enough quality so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before word starts to spread.

Finansima has three plans for you to consider. Realistically only one of them is going to be of much interest to most readers due to the costs involved, but you don’t need me to tell you your spending limits. All three plans run for the same length of time and make weekly interest payments. They say this interest is earned daily, but that’s of very little relevance here as you can’t actually withdraw it before a week. That may be one factor contributing to the slow growth of Finansima (weekly payments traditionally being far less popular than daily ones). But in the three weeks the program has been online there is enough evidence by now to suggest that everything is going well.

The first plan is available to join for a $30 minimum and runs for 180 business days, which is 36 weeks and a more accurate description as that’s how often you can expect to be paid. Interest is credited at a rate of 1.5% per business day, adding up to 7.5% per week which is what you get to actually withdraw. Finansima then promises to return your principal once the plan expires. Keep in mind that your account itself only gets credited once per week, so you don’t actually get the see the interest mounting up by the day even if you might get that impression from reading the plan descriptions on the Finansima website.

So basically for a $100 spend you will earn $7.50 per week, allowing you to break even after 14 weekly payments and finish with a total of $270. Your initial hundred is then added to that so can be considered as profit only then. Though you will of course be in some profit before that.

Finansima‘s remaining plans are a little less attractive. Not because they are less profitable but because of the expense you will need to go to in order to play. For example investments in the second plan start from $2,000. However if that’s not a problem for you (congratulations!) the for a 36 week term your account will earn 1.6% interest per day which you may withdraw in the form of 8% interest per week. The original principal is then returned. Again you don’t actually see the interest building up every day, just once per week when you can withdraw.

Finally for the high rollers prepared to risk $10,000 or more, Finansima are offering a rate of 1.8% interest per business day which is again only allowed to be withdrawn once per week. So in real terms it’s a 9% weekly payment for 36 weeks which would be very nice indeed if it didn’t cost you $10K to find out if it’s genuine or not. Anyway, the admin again promises to return your principal in full on expiry.

The selection of payment processors is better than most long term online HYIPs so that’s going to be one thing in the program’s favor once they do manage to catch the eye of the wider investment community. Finansima are currently accepting AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Because of the script you are required to first fund your account, and redirect the money into your chosen plan. When you are due to be paid you will need to request it, and once done the admin requires a maximum of 48 hours to get everything processed. Though I think it’s fair to say they’re being made a lot faster than that at the moment. Also personally I’m no great fan of compounding, but if you want to take a chance and earn a little extra then you can decide how much when joining.

I like the overall design of the website including the licensed script from the always dependable Gotenks. It may not be the most widespread script in the industry (due in part I’m guessing to the price). But in this case you get what you pay for and it’s one of the best available at the moment. The site of Finansima is hosted on a dedicated server by Dragonara with a great level of DDoS protection. Questions and support issues are dealt with by filling in the ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. The website also has a Live Chat feature, though no schedule as to when it’s actually working. You may also e-mail the admin directly and, if you’re interested, they have a PO Box number in Panama.

The returns offered by Finansima are quite moderate and sustainable in the long run and coupled with a good script and decent quality hosting it’s fair to say that the admin made a fair enough effort at putting it together and wants his program to be taken seriously. Time will tell if he achieves that goal. Texts are not original which in no way links the admin to other websites that may have used the same texts in the past. Though it does strongly suggest that Finansima are less the global investment company they say they are and more the basic online HYIP that I think you and I both knew they were anyway. So as usual keep in mind that decent programs don’t guarantee decent returns so keep your spending to a sensible and affordable level. But if you’re looking to diversify your portfolio in this most unstable of seasons then general consensus among investors would suggest that spreading a couple of dollars out between the newer longer term programs seems to be the way to go.


As you might remember there is an ongoing daily cash contest going on in the special thread on the MNO forum (click here to check it out) where you can win a $5 daily cash prize simply by answering some questions about the programs sponsoring the contest on MNO. I though that the last question in the thread was answered today but actually a few hours ago I received a payment from the admin of FelixFunds (interviewed here) along with 10 more questions about his program most of which are pure fun. So expect some more interesting questions and more free money in this thread of the MNO forum! In addition Felix, the admin of FelixFunds rewarded the MNO reader that submitted the best suggestions to make his program better with a whopping cash prize of $100 to his LR account. There is an admin of another program that expressed an interest in sponsoring the cash contest on MNO so possibly soon we will have more fun and more cash giveaways. So it looks like it’s really beneficial for forum members to hang around there as more and more cash contests will be starting over time! Stay tuned for that, guys, and I wish you good luck in participating in the MNO forum cash contests!

But let’s get back to FelixFunds (reviewed here). The program still remains a constant target for DDoS attacks but the downtime is really insignificant and every time the Felix notifies me about the latest attack the site is already fully operational. That just means that their hosting provider BlackLotus is doing a good job in mitigating those attacks that probably originate from FelixFunds‘ competitors or just a bunch of blackmailers that has nothing else to do all day long than disturb good sites including WikiLeaks (I’m a huge fan of them). So fortunately FelixFunds is doing well so far and paying 1.2%-2.3% on every business day. Despite the recent addition of the Winter promo plan paying 117% after 15 days and the subsequent reduction of the minimum deposit (to this plan) from the original $1,000 to the current $200 the plan still doesn’t look such an attractive option to the members. I think many members are very cautious at that time of the year, so I don’t think that even the latest offered 5% bonus on top of your deposit made to this promo plan will help him get more interest from prospective investors. Anyway, at the moment FelixFunds remains a good option for investing with all the payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors processed quickly and with a $1 minimum deposit and the perpetual plans FelixFinds remains a generally attractive program. Here is the latest newsletter from Felix:
First we’d like to announce that our best suggestion contest is over and the winner (user:sagitraz) already got paid 100$ to his LR (payment proof posted on MNO forum). We also started to apply some of your suggestions as you may see: changed our site design, our banners, implemented a calculator in members area and already added a short term plan as you’ve requested. And we continued the daily contest (5$ prize) from MNO forum with some entertaining questions that we hope you will like and also though them maybe you will get to know more about our team and it’s members.
Now, we don’t fully understand why this short term plan don’t have much success yet, as long as members requested it, so we decided to offer you something more to make it more attractive. Starting from now, anybody who will invest at least 200$ (minimum investment for our Promo plan) will get a 5% bonus added to his deposit. So if you’ll invest at least 200$ will see a deposit of 210$ instantly.
We hope that this measure will make our Winter Holiday Plan more successful. If you think this plan is not good please let us know as it wasn’t our option to add it. It has been requested by you, our members.
In case you don’t know our Winter Holiday plan is 117% after 15 days (principle included, payout on expire). We will always do our best to fulfill your expectations from us.
Enjoy it! Regards, Felix

Due to the some problems with the newly added MNO chat I requested a refund from them and am currently looking for other options to add a better chat on MNO. The main problem with the current chat was the inability of displaying the previous messages for the members that just recently logged in. So in order to see the message history you had to stay online all the time which is of course not a viable option for the majority of MNO readers. So together with all the other bugs noted (Opera browser incompatibility, some logging out issues, inability to use capital letters in the chat, etc.) I found it absolutely impossible to continue with it. I therefore temporarily enabled the Shoutbox on my blog again but due to the spam it will be enabled for public posting only a few times per day when I’m online and can answer your questions. I think this is just fair until I find a proper replacement for the Shoutbox which will hopefully happen very soon. All the fresh updates will still be published on my Shoutbox so stay tuned for more updates there!

The biggest buzz around the forums this weekend is undoubtedly about CherryShares whose site is gone and cannot be accessed for over 24 hours already. The worst thing about it is that CherryShares administration leaves everybody in the dark about that and doesn’t give any proper updates which together with the already delayed AlertPay payouts and payouts to LR totally stopped for a few days left no doubt about the fate of the program. While we are almost sure that CherryShares is gone and will never return we can draw some conclusions about that undoubtedly successful program. Many investors still think that CherryShares can be definitely named as one of the most successful programs ever run online and I tend to agree with them. Of course, that can’t ease your suffering if you lost money by applying the wrong investment strategy or just joining too late to be in profit. But this again proves my point that it’s of the utmost importance that you never invest money you can’t afford to lose even in the programs running for months and seem to be very stable at the time of investing. You should always remember that all HYIPs are games and that the past performance is no guarantee of future payments. HYIPs can collapse anytime and very often it happens very suddenly. In the case of CherryShares all the warning signs were there to be seen when they refused to pay on deposits made to short-term plans trying to give some ridiculous excuses about difficulties with LR funding and so on. MNO was again on the front and warned you about the possible danger of investing more money there. Not to stir up any panic among investors though I promised to leave the program on Paying status on MNO unless the delays to LR exceeded three full days, which was of course within the programs own terms and conditions. Well, this happened only this week so I fulfilled my promise and put CherryShares to Problem status on MNO monitoring but for the last two weeks the delays became longer and longer while they were obviously struggling to pay and a couple of times were on the verge of collapse. It looks finally this happened and I’m truly sorry for those who lost anything. And as always my congratulations go to the winners – those who managed to make some nice profits from CherryShares which became one of the longest running HYIPs this year. Certainly I truly hope that we will see more such quality programs in the coming new year.

Another long running program which has been listed on MNO for over five months now is FiboTradePro. The program started as a short-term program which was highly successful and was reviewed as such on MNO here. Since then though the investment plans offered by FiboTradePro have been altered significantly and the program has shifted from short term to a successful long term one paying 1.5%-2% for 100 days to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. FiboTradePro also used to accept StrictPay and SolidTrustPay payment processors in the past but dropped them for different reasons. I think the admin of FiboTradePro might have noticed the poll that was running on MNO last week and therefore is now trying to appeal to a wider audience and promises to add AlertPay to their list soon. Of course, I will update you on MNO when this actually happens. Meanwhile, here is the short update I received from FiboTradePro today:
Hello dear Members:
At this time we accept only PerfectMoney and Libertyreserve e-currencies.
We will accept Alert Pay soon as possible.
Thank you for your patient. FiboTradePro

In the latest update from RussianOilFund (reviewed here) besides the usual nonsense on forming joint ventures and oil contracts you will find a reminder of the $500 giveaway contest that has been currently running on the social networks used by the program’s administration – Twitter and Facebook. I remind you that RussianOilFund accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to 2%-2.9% for 90 days plan offering principal back on expiry and interest credited to your account only on business days. This is the latest newsletter from RussianOilFund:
As many of you know our board has been in Hong Kong the past 2 weeks for an oil delivery contract extension as well as starting discussions to form a joint venture. The trip has been extended through this week in efforts to reach the next milestone in Joint Venture development before the holidays are here. Stay tuned to our Twitter and Facebook for the latest from Hong Kong.
In addition to following us on Facebook and Twitter for updates, you can take part in our $500 giveaway on Facebook and Twitter! The more your re-tweet and the more you share on facebook, the better your chances are of winning!
Use this link to enter daily on Twitter:
Re-Tweeting by entering on the link daily increases your chances of winning one of the 5 $100 prizes!
Use this link to enter on Facebook daily:
Share it to your news feeds and use the invite feature to increase your chances of winning!
The more you tweet and share, the better your chances are of winning $100 from RussianOilFund!
Thank You, RussianOilFund

That’s about it for today, guys, except to give you the list of programs that paid me within the last 24 hours:
CazaInvestment, OnlineMoneyInvest, TerraProfits, Konstant, FiboTradePro, AvatarSurf, YesInvestment, GainBucks, FelixFunds, InvestPlatforms, FutureTrails, RedOrchidInvest and AllianceAdvantage.

I hope you’re looking forward to the beginning of the new week as much as I do and as usual I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow. Take care, guys!

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