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14/12/2010. ProfitixGroup Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everyone! Well the “silly season” looks to be well and truly underway with only eleven days and counting til the man in the red suit comes calling so remember to be on your best behavior! If only some HYIP admins would do the same then everything would be perfect. I don’t quite see that happening unfortunately but it seems whenever one closes two more spring up. One of the latest additions to the MNO monitoring page is a program called ProfitixGroup which is what I want to look at for you before we move on to the news.

ProfitixGroup is a short term HYIP and at the risk of repeating myself that means high risk. I know many of you will immediately rule out joining anything new until 2011, but for those of you choosing to carry on anyway the usual rules apply so a little extra caution and a little extra discretion should be used when spending online. You need to compare what ProfitixGroup are offering you and what you really believe the can realistically deliver.

So for the first question – what are they offering – the answer is this. They have just one very simple short term investment plan to consider so it won’t be a difficult choice. You either take it or leave it. The plan runs for 20 calendar days and you can join for as little as a $5 minimum deposit. Over the course of the next 20 days ProfitixGroup will then pay you 10% interest per day meaning that you double your money by the end, as your principal is counted as part of the payouts.

An example of a $100 deposit would mean you get paid $10 in interest every day for the duration allowing you to break even after ten days and start collecting a profit after that. The idea then is to finish up with a total of $200. If you want to be a bit more ambitious then $50,000 is the maximum you can spend.

Pretty simple, eh? You may think the next question would be if ProfitixGroup can really survive 20 days paying out such a high return, but really you only need to be concerned about them surviving the next ten as obviously that’s how long it’s going to take to earn back your own money. Anything after that is a bonus but one thing that will go a long way towards settling some of the Black December jitters most investors get around this time is the list of payment processors. As well as the ever present LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, ProfitixGroup also accepts AlertPay so at there’s some sort of safety net in place. Withdrawals are made manually and so need to be requested. The admin requires a maximum of 24 hours to get everything processed. Minimum withdrawals are $0.25, except to AlertPay where it’s $1.

ProfitixGroup has a very nice looking website with an SSL certificate installed and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. They are supported and protected by DdoSWiz on a dedicated server by Staminus. According to their website the program has already successfully survived one DDoS attack which was mitigated a couple of days after they came online. If you have any questions you can put them to the admin by either filling out the support form on the contacts page or by e-mailing him directly. ProfitixGroup also has a postal address in the British Virgin Islands though it’s unlikely to be anything other than a serviced virtual office for mail forwarding.

As far as I can see texts are original, but that doesn’t mean I think you should believe them either. It just shows a little extra effort from the admin but it’s still a high risk game so as always be realistic in your expectations here and as with every HYIP at this time of the year – old, new, short, or long – compare what’s on offer to what can be delivered. Profit is clearly the only motivation for being in this industry at all so be sure you believe you can at least achieve that before continuing with ProfitixGroup.


Unfortunately, I have to start today’s news with a report on possible problems with another giant – Flamanta – which most likely will not survive Black December either. Despite the administration’s assurance on the website that the instant withdrawals would be enabled today, actually we have the complete opposite – not only have instant withdrawals not been switched on but rather the regular manual payouts were put on hold as well and I have already received a few complaints from MNO readers about that. This and the fact that I have three pending payouts already from Flamanta at the moment made me first move them to Waiting Status and now (after I have not received a reply from the admin to my legitimate complaint) to Problem Status on MNO. I honestly didn’t think this would happen so soon and we would lose another quality low-ROI program like Flamanta which lasted for five months. But that’s how it looks at the moment. Of course, it might be that I’m overreacting to this and the admin will resume the payouts shortly. However, with every passing hour of silence this chance seems to get slimmer and slimmer. We should know by now that such a non-responsive attitude from the admin cannot be taken lightly and even such a program like Flamanta which can boast an almost flawless payout history is able to collapse suddenly as we saw many perfect examples of that during the last few weeks. I will be glad to be wrong about the whole situation but at the moment the future doesn’t look bright and would advise to hold off from making any additional investments there if you don’t want to lose any money, as most probably Flamanta is already dead.

Another program today making it really hard for me to recommend any further investments in either is RealFunds. It looks to me that the admin is really desperate to get some more easy money before closure, otherwise why would he added such ridiculously high paying plans like 120%-150% after 1 day and 200% after 2 days. In my opinion, such plans will make the others (24% for 5 days, 14% for 10 days, 11% for 15 days, 8.8% for 25 days) look totally obsolete and put an unnecessary drain on their funds if many investors deposit in them. Anyway, all the time such moves from any short-term program can be taken with a grain of salt and at least should be considered as a huge warning sign for all potential investors. RealFunds is not an exception here and considering we are in the Black Season now it would be really adventurous to invest there at this point. So far the payouts from RealFunds have been processed fine and within their terms but I can clearly see the coming collapse within the next couple of days unless the admin has some more funds to sustain the payouts from the newly added plans. You know where I’m heading so please take my warning about RealFunds (reviewed here) seriously and let me know if your payouts are still within 24 hours or not so I could make my mind about its current status on MNO. This is today’s update from the admin which I found extremely suspicious:
Hi.. To all our investors…it has been 6 days we are online..but we dont know investors are not giving attention..though we are providing high profitable plans..Although we have bought new SPECIAL PLANS for our investors to attract more referrals..and huge profit..As we said we are here for long time..But for that we need support from you. SPECIAL PLANS are follows:
Special potential investors plan after 1 day.
Plan 1 $25.00 – 100.00 120.00%
Plan 2 $50.00 – 100.00 135.00%
Plan 3 $100.00 – 1000.00 150.00%
Special exclusive plan after 2 days.
Plan 1 $100.00 – 250.00 200.00%
This was we able to do for our investors. So invest freely because we pay to all our members. Also there is referral contest coming stay tuned.
Regards. RealFunds. Admin

If you’re an active AlertPay user please be aware that the site of this payment processor will be accessible at certain times but you might not be able to login to your accounts during the time specified in the current update posted on their website due to maintenance:
Hi members, We will be performing maintenance on our database between 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. EST on December 14th, 2010. The website will still be available at this time, however you will not be able to login to your account or complete transactions until the maintenance has been completed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

This message was already delivered to all the members of FelixFunds as its admin Felix (interviewed here) was aware of that and since FelixFunds accepts AlertPay he hurried to warn about that disruption in service tonight. Here is the first message from FelixFunds which was sent out in the morning:
Hello. Please be aware that today AP will have a maintenance and in that time we won’t be able to make payouts on AP. Here is their message: “Hi members, We will be performing maintenance on our database between 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. EST on December 14th, 2010. The website will still be available at this time, however you will not be able to login to your account or complete transactions until the maintenance has been completed. We apologize for the inconvenience.” Payouts to AP will be made immediately after AP will be ok again.
Regards, Felix

That’s not all from FelixFunds though. You might be aware that the admin is a huge fan of different contests and the currently running $5 daily cash contest on MNO forum (click here to participate) is a huge success. You might also remember that one member of MNO forum was recently rewarded with a $100 cash award for submitting his suggestions on how to make FelixFunds better and more popular among the prospective HYIP investors. So it looks Felix decided to listen to the advice and announced another contest for members of his program for the best video presentation made about them. So if you have the appropriate skills you’re welcome to participate in this contest for a huge cash prize which will be assigned to a winner on Christmas eve so I guess it would be a perfect Christmas present for one of you. More news are coming soon as FelixFunds (reviewed here) also considers accepting more payment processors next week in addition to the already available LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay options. The current investment plans include 1.2%-2.3% per business day forever and the promo plan offering 117% after 15 calendar days. The latest newsletter from FelixFunds announcing the video presentation contest is published below:
Sorry to bother you twice in the same day. It’s not our style but we have some news to share. We read again all suggestions got in our suggestions contest and decided to follow few more of them to improve our site. So today we’re launching a video presentation contest. We are not good at this so we will let you do it for us. The best video presentation made for FelixFunds will win a prize of 500$ cash. Videos must be professionals, clear but in the same time funny (not too funny though :) ). Once you make them, email them to us or upload them somewhere and give us the link. The winner video will be uploaded on our youtube channel and other social networks where we have accounts and we will link all of them to our site after this. This contest should be opened till 24th december but we reserve the right that if we found a great video from one of you before this term to choose that video and close the contest then. So enjoy by making video presentation for us and win 500$! We hope you like this idea as it was one of our members idea actually :)
Also we are considering adding new payment processors next week or sooner so stay tuned for our newsletters.
Regards, Felix

If you are wondering if there are any short-term programs left where the admin doesn’t plan to scam you during the Christmas holidays you should pay attention to PrimoEarnings. It’s a newly added addition to MNO which only accepts AlertPay payment processor. Yes, you heard it right! Only AlertPay is accepted at the moment with the addition of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney in the pipeline for January 10, 2011. The investment plans are quite tempting and attractive as well and include the following offers with payouts on expiry on each of them: 112% after 7 days, 128% after 14 days and 180% after 30 days. Please note that the payouts to AlertPay are promised to be instant (and I already received my first ref comms paid instantly to my AP account) and the minimum to invest in each plan is $10 only so they are all quite affordable to everybody. The admin of PrimoEarnings Trevor mentioned to me today when adding his program to my listing that he had a perfect plan in mind for his program to survive the slow and dangerous Christmas period. I guess he meant that the acceptance of AlertPay only in the early stages of the program’s development will raise the necessary interest in the program and by the time LR and PM is added PrimoEarnings will already be a successful program with a relatively long payment history. In my opinion, this is a really interesting concept and I look forward to seeing if it works out over the next few weeks. PrimoEarnings has all the necessary features to be a future hit as well. This includes an SSL protected website on a dedicated server managed by Dragonara and a licensed script from GoldCoders. Of course the instant payments would be yet another tempting feature for potential investors. As I already received my first instant payout from PrimoEarnings I look forward to reviewing the program in full on my blog tomorrow, so stay tuned for that, guys!

Apart from PrimoEarnings, I was paid today by the following programs listed on my monitoring page:
ProfitixGroup, MetalicFund, XSeedFinance, AllianceAdvantage, ProfitEu, FenixTrust, Konstant, RedOrchidInvest, MutualTreaty, LrPmBrokers, PandaTrade, TetraMetals, YamaFinance, Greenvestment, FondosMayores, YesInvestment, FelixFunds, UnicornInv, ReProFinance, 144CashAds, InvestPlatforms, TerraProfits, GainBucks, RealFunds, RussianOilFund, AssetManagement, ECashBroker and PrimitiveMoney.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow for the review of PrimoEarnings and more news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and stay on the money with daily updates from Money-News-Online!

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