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21/12/2010. AccessTomorrow Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everyone! Depending on what side of the equator you live on this is either the shortest or the longest day of the year, and I’m sure you knew that. But did you also know that for me – in the north – it was also the darkest day in almost 400 years? The first time a lunar eclipse has coincided with the winter solstice since 1638 is today. I suppose you might be wondering what that has to do with MNO, but I just thought it might be a nice metaphor for the HYIP industry in general at the moment as there’s no denying it’s in yet another Christmas slump. But just as from tomorrow the days begin to get longer and brighter the same will happen the HYIP industry come January, and one brand new program that could potentially be at the forefront of this revival is AccessTomorrow. That’s a recently launched HYI scheme added to my monitoring list just yesterday.

It’s about the catchiest name I’ve heard for a while now, the very expression AccessTomorrow conjures up all sorts images of what the future might hold, but let’s just stick to the important stuff. First of all the plans. AccessTomorrow is a medium to long term investment program and they have three plans to choose from. The curious thing about them however is how they put an interesting slant on those plans to keep them both sensible and very lucrative at the same time. You see, the question arises with every long term program as to return the investor’s principal on expiry or not. On one hand returning it can make the plan look very attractive and get a lot more members. But then on the other hand it can hasten the demise of a program due to putting too much pressure on the cash flow when too many accounts start to reach maturity at the same time. So AccessTomorrow have sidestepped this issue to an extent by coming up with a compromise – they return a percentage of your principal at the end but not the whole thing. It’s a very simple idea, not the first time I’ve seen it, but can be a very effective method of prolonging the program while keeping enough new members interested.

The plans themselves start with one that runs for 50 calendar days. You can sign up for as little as a $5 minimum deposit the maximum set to $50,000. In return for that AccessTomorrow are offering a daily interest payment of 1.8% for the term’s duration. That adds up to 90% in total after which 70% of your principal is returned giving you a final return of 160%, which is 60% pure profit.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you invest $100. AccessTomorrow will then pay you $1.80 every day for 50 days. That comes to $90 by the end, and while that doesn’t quite put you into profit you will then be refunded $70 out of your initial hundred leaving you with a total of $160.

The other two plans run along similar lines. Membership of the next one will cost you a minimum deposit of $50 and accepts anything up to a $50,000 maximum. The term runs for 60 calendar days and AccessTomorrow offers daily interest payments of 1.9%. That will add up to a total of 114% by the end, where upon 66% of your principal is handed back taking your total return to 180%, or 80% profit.

So were you to spend $100 here that would result in a daily payment of $1.90 for 60 days until you have earned $114. Then $66 is from your principal is handed back to you in one single payment taking your earnings to $180, of which $80 is profit.

The last plan and the one with the longest investment term is generally where one also finds the highest risk in most online HYIPs. Not so with AccessTomorrow as their final plan is also the one that allows you to break even from your daily earnings the fastest. The plan runs for 70 calendar days and will cost a minimum of $100 to join. The maximum stays at $50,000. During the term you are offered a daily payment of 2% interest, allowing you to break even after fifty days and complete the term with a total of 140%. After than 60% of your principal is returned effectively doubling your money.

In more practical terms it means that for $100 invested in this plan AccessTomorrow will pay you back $2 per day for 70 days ($140 total) and then make one single payment of $60, bringing your final earnings to $200, half of which is profit.

AccessTomorrow are currently only accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which is of not the best of choices (not that there’s much wrong with the individual options themselves) but still typical of longer term HYI games. No need to remind you therefore that all transactions are final and refunds are not an option so do think it through first. Payments are manual so you’ll need to log in and request them. Once done the admin requires you allow him up to 24 hours to get everything processed.

It’s more than just sustainable plans that will get investor’s attention here though. AccessTomorrow has a nicely made design, a custom built script (as so many of the more serious HYI programs so) from Winsoft and hosting on a dedicated server with BlackLotus protection. The website is also protected by SSL encryption for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you need to contact the admin there is a Live Chat function on the contacts page as well as the usual e-mail ticket submission form. There is a postal address in New York though I doubt you’ll find anything there beyond a virtual hosted office/mail forwarding service. Feel free to look into it if you think it’s important.

Texts are not original and are only a very slight rewording from an actual financial services company, but in the world of HYIPs it’s maybe best not to attach too much importance to these things. In some ways it’s even better if it’s not original as it may actually tip some people off to the idea that they are getting involved with a high risk game rather than something more, shall we say, serious. But as online HYIPs go AccessTomorrow isn’t a bad one. A secure set up and some sustainable plans give it the potential. Now all that’s missing is the support of the investors, something I’m sure we will see a gradual build up of once the holidays are past us.


Starting the news today with a rare update from UnicornInv (reviewed here). The program has been flying under the radar for the last 3 weeks online but is definitely worth a look, offering low returns of 1% on every business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date. Perhaps this relative lack of interest was due to the only two payment processors accepted by the program – so far only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were accepted. All that changed yesterday however when the admin of UnicornInv added another payment processor which might add some level of popularity to the program – so now they also accept SolidTrustPay. As you might know STP is a payment processor similar to AlertPay but requires a stricter verification policy from program admins and allow reversal of the payments in some cases. It also has more funding and withdrawing options which you can make directly to your bank account and this may attract wider attention to UnicornInv itself. The only issue I noticed is that the existing members of the program cannot change their profile and perhaps for security reasons are not able to add their STP account and therefore make a deposit. It looks like only the admin can add this account and that is why you have to contact him to do so. I have already done it and am currently waiting for my STP account details to be updated. Here is the last night’s update published on UnicornInv regarding the addition of the new payment processor:
20 December 2010 – STP added!
As from today our members can deposit with SolidTrustPay. Among other great features SolidTrustPay offers you to fund your account direct from your bank account without using the service of a third party exchanger and is offering a debit card to withdraw your funds at ATM’s worldwide.

Today’s newsletter from UnicornInv only contained the admin’s best wishes for the holiday season and I will definitely share those wishes to all MNO readers and prospective investors of UnicornInv. I hope that the program will be stronger in the year of 2011 and will keep paying for a long time. Here is the latest from UnicornInv‘s administration:
21 December – Newsletter
Dear Clients
As the holiday season approaches, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for being with us.
May your holiday season and the new year be filled with much joy, happiness and success. We look forward to working with you in the coming year and hope our business relationship continues for many years to come.
Happy holidays!
Yours, Thomas Andersen & Team

In addition to the already running video contest with a $500 prize fund and MNO cash contest with a $5 daily prize fund (click here to participate) you can now take part in yet another contest sponsored by the admin of FelixFunds (interviewed here) and try your luck in winning a $50 cash for the best Christmas greeting. But hurry up as the results will be drawn in a couple of days and you can take part by sending your entry to FelixFunds to the email specified in the latest newsletter posted below:
As Christmas atmosphere is all around us already we thought to launch a new contest and we hope you will like this one more then the video contest.
So what this is all about: you will need to email our admin your best wishes for X-mas for FelixFunds. The best wish will win a 50$ cash prize on X-mas Eve. The best wishes will then be posted on our site in a special area as testimonials. Only one wish allowed per user.
So go ahead and email your wishes for FelixFunds to and win this contest. Also please don’t forget about our video contest with a 500$ cash prize. All details are in our news area. Thank you all.
Regards, Felix
By the way, if you want to know more about FelixFunds please take time to read my detailed review of the program here. The main investment plan still remains the same and you can join via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting with only a $1 minimum and get from 1.2% to 2.3% on every business day with no expiry date. Please note that you can request your principal back at any time for a 15% administration fee. Another plan offers you a fixed return of 117% (including principal) which will be paid after 15 calendar days.

The admin of FxEconomy (interviewed here) issued a detailed newsletter today which finally explained the reasons for the over a day downtime which happened last weekend. It looks like some security issues struck the website forcing the admin to take appropriate measures and change their hosting provider to the more reliable Dragonara. Due to the moving of the website you might have to wait for the propagation of the site around the world and so it could possibly still be inaccessible in some areas and it might take some time for the full propagation. As for me I was paid in full by FxEconomy already after the site came back online and am quite confident in its future. FxEconomy pays 1.3%-2.1% for 150 business days and returns the principal on expiry. You can invest in the program by means of AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on FxEconomy can be read in my review published here. And this is the full newsletter outlining the latest events:
Dear respectable clients,
Before anything else, I would like to thank you for your patience and please accept our apology for delay in website maintenance, due to security problems in the BlackLotus servers, we had to change web server to a safer place because information security is one of the most important factors of our company.
Our server has been attacked few days a go and the good news is, we already settled the issue and everything would is back to the normal situation due to changing our data center to Dragonara strong servers that managed by professional experts.
We would like to inform you all your investments are safe and secure and all the concerns are rectified.
Note: don’t worry if you cannot open the website as normal, because we changed name servers and it may take 24-48 hours to be updated across the Internet.
Warm greetings, FxEconomy Ltd

As promised earlier RussianOilFund issued a new corporate update today containing some information regarding their alleged business activities. I will skip it in my analysis as I never lose sight of the fact that we are dealing with HYIPs, but I think most of you are experienced players and know this info is absolutely impossible to verify and therefore not so important to you. I guess such updates from RussianOilFund are mostly targeted at newbies who still believe that the returns of 2%-2.9% on every business day like RussianOilFund offers to its investors can be sustained by some real (oil) business. I myself have no objection against such updates as it might extend its lifetime and help it survive the difficult holiday period. Here is the recent seventh corporate update from RussianOilFund (reviewed here):
As previously announced, RussianOilFund has signed a Joint Venture Agreement in Hong Kong. The purpose of the Joint Venture is to acquire funding for the prospect, production and refinement of crude oil within the Russian Federation.
The Joint Venture agreement will allow over a one year span the sum of $750,000 USD for the purpose of funding the Hong Kong Field Office as well as ROF’s exploration and production arm. The Joint Venture Financial Agreement allows for additional funds upon review after one year.
The sum is to be used for centralizing ROF’s exploration and production arm within the Hong Kong Field office. Prospect and Production projects previously on hold within RussianOilFund are to be activated in the Hong Kong Field office.
The reactivation of projects with Joint Venture funding will allow the process to begin of forming a formidable successful oil exploration and production arm of RussianOilFund.
Thank You, RussianOilFund

ChristmasCracker (reviewed here) is still paying instantly after 6 days already from which roughly two days was spent offline due to huge DDoS attacks. Finally, it came out a winner and is now enjoying a far superior, not to mention far more expensive DDoS protection from BlackLotus in hope of getting more investors. So far I can see that only 114 accounts took advantage of the instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney offered by ChristmasCracker on the following attractive investment plans: 103% after 1 day, 107% after 2 days, 112% after 3 days, 123% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days, 190% after 15 days. I wonder if such a low level of interest from the investors so far will be a blessing which will allow the program to pay for longer or a curse which will not allow the admin to make some decent profit for his program and deprive him of his well deserved Christmas presents. At the moment, despite a relatively low level of support from the investing community the admin of ChristmasCracker looks quite optimistic regarding the future and promises that his program will stay online for the whole month of January of 2011. Well, I guess it’s too early to judge and I think the main obstacle for ChristmasCracker is still ahead – surviving dangerous festive season when most investors will be leaving to spend quality time with family and friends. This alone can make such a goal is quite a challenge for any admin. Anyway, we will wait and see what happens with ChristmasCracker next but so far so good – all the payments have been instant so far. This is the latest update:
Hello. After being in business for over 6 days, we already have a total of 114 accounts and $6000 deposited with us. Total withdraw is $3000.
ChristmasCracker is here to stay, even into the new year of 2011, even to late January of 2011 and early February of 2011. Our investing site is here to provide you with an opportunity to make some profits this Winter of 2010 and even in 2011.
Many Christmas themed programs of the past, such as last year lasted up until February of the next year! It really is possible and ChristmasCracker is going to achieve staying online for a long time, even into 2011.
Regards, Adam McBride, admin of ChristmasCracker.

I promised yesterday to report if I get paid today instantly as promised by PrimoEarnings. Well, I’m glad to tell you that I did get paid instantly from just a few hours ago on the shortest plan offering 112% after 7 days via AlertPay. Now I have two more deposits invested in two other plans of PrimoEarnings – 128% after 14 days and 180% after 30 days. I remind you that the most interesting feature of the program is not the instant payouts but rather that it only accepts AlertPay as a payment processor with the addition of LR and PM planned only for 2011. The admin is kinda active and keeps adding more features and I believe that we have a decent chance to see them in 2011 as well. More points of contact have been added today and now you can contact them via ICQ as well as check out the latest updates on Twitter. Please read more about that in the most recent short update from PrimoEarnings (reviewed here) posted below:
Our ICQ account (new) – 642179579
Our YM and Skype id you can find here –
Our Twitter profile here –!/PrimoEarnings
Secure link –
Follow us!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
AllianceAdvantage, TerraProfits, Greenvestment, OptimumPride, XSeedFinance, FelixFunds, FenixTrust, Finansima, AccessTomorrow, PandaTrade, ReProFinance, YamaFinance, InvestPlatforms, ProfitEu, ProfitixGroup, YesInvestment, GainBucks, 144CashAds, MutualTreaty, FutureTrails, RevenueBuild, RedOrchidInvest, ChristmasCracker, AssetManagement, GoldMiningFund and PrimoEarnings.

That’s all for today except to say I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow. Thanks for reading, thanks for supporting, and have a nice day!

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