31/12/2010. BetBankFund Review and Daily News from the Industry
Hi everyone! I guess we’ll keep it short tonight as I want to publish a bit earlier than usual and join the celebrations shared by people worldwide this evening. And as I doubt I’l be doing anything on MNO tomorrow (apart from nursing a sore head!) let me take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy New Year and wish that no matter what else happens to you that the next year will always be better than the last. Meanwhile let’s all just enjoy the party!
As expected it’s been a slow enough news day with just a handful of admins taking time out to issue any updates. Before we get to that however there’s been one very short term HYIP just added to my monitoring list that I’d like to tell you about first and it’s called BetBankFund. They have a huge number of short term investment plans to choose from and while some are frankly best ignored, others could be a fun way to make a couple of extra bucks over the holidays. I’ll try to concentrate on the more affordable options for you here but you can always check the BetBankFund website yourself for further reference.
The first plan pays on expiry after a term of just 1 day. You can join for a minimum of $10 and between that and anything up to $100 will get you 105% return on expiry, principal included. Higher rates apply to higher deposits and will be made as follows: $101 to $500 earns 106%, $501 to $1000 earns 107%, and from $1001 to $4000 earns 108%. See the BetBankFund website for further information on larger deposits but there is no published maximum.
Their second plan pays on expiry after a 3 day term and can be joined for a $10 deposit. Returns are exactly the same as what you would get by joining the first plan three times, and less in fact were you to reinvest your principal plus your profit. Anyway for an investment of between $10 and $100 BetBankFund are offering you 118% interest and include your principal as part of that. Larger amounts deposited will earn 121% on $101 to $500, 124% for $501 to $1,000, and 127% on amounts above that to $4000. Check the BetBankFund website details on larger deposits.
The admin changes things around a bit after that and offers a plan that makes hourly payments for a 24 hour term. Minimum investment is still only $10 and you can earn 4.35% per hour (104.4% total) for up to a maximum of $100. For larger deposits you can earn 4.36% per hour on $101 to $500 (104.64% total), 4.4% on amounts from $501 to $1,000 (105.6% total), and 4.5% on anything larger up to $4000 (108% total). Higher rates are available and can be found in your BetBankFund members area.
Another hourly payment plan then runs for 48 hours and can be joined for the same $10 minimum as the others. You can earn 2.3% interest per hour (110.4% total) on anything up to $100, or if more inclined towards a bigger gamble earn the following returns – 2.32% for $101 to $500 (111.36% total), 2.34% on from $501 to $1000 (112.32% total), and 2.36% on anything from that up to $4000 (113.28% total). Higher rates are available for higher deposits so check your members area for further details.
BetBankFund‘s remaining plans are unlikely to get that many takers due to the risk involved so I think most of the experienced players will be sticking with the ones we have just seen. Nevertheless if you’re interested you can join for a $10 minimum and hope for payment on expiry, first of all after a 15 day term of the following rates:
180% for $10 to $100, 195% on $101 to $500, 110% for $501 to $1000, and 125% for $1001 to $4,000. Yes, that’s right. You read that correctly. A very lazy mistake means that you are earning less for depositing more, and the fact that it’s not been noticed tells you exactly how much of a chance you have of getting your money back by joining this plan.
Though it’s probably higher than BetBankFund‘s final plan which pays on expiry after 30 calendar days. They offer 265% returned on amounts from $10 to $100, 300% on amounts from $101 to $500, 335% on anything between $501 and $1000, and 370% on larger amounts yo to $4000. Larger deposits are accepted so if it’s your new year’s resolution to give away more money to HYIP admins then take a look at your members area to see the rates.
Payment options are a bit mixed. On one hand BetBankFund only takes LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney so all transactions are final and will not be reversed in the event of you losing money. On the other hand as long as you’re prepared to accept that it’s a gamble then all payments are made instantly. Just log in and request them and they should appear in your LR or PM accounts by the time you’re even able to log out.
BetBankFund is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with the protection of a Ukrainian provider called AntiDdos which is an unfamiliar name to me but it is a dedicated server so deserves a certain benefit of the doubt until proven incapable of earning it. Contact with the admin is done through filling out your details on the form provided on the support page, so any questions you still have can be passed on to him there.
All that really remains to be said here is that BetBankFund is more or less a straight forward online HYIP based game that carries the usual thrills and spills that go with them. Some of the plans can be used to your advantage if you play with the right strategy and others will be unlikely to do much for you. There’s a chance to make a couple of easy dollars from it if you play it right and don’t get too greedy. So if you like it then take the chance while it’s still around as it’s going to be limited and only keep it affordable and realistic at the same time.
There was some news to report on the last day of the new year as well so we’ll start with the fantastic best New Year wishes from the admin of GorgonProjectInvest. This is a new program just reviewed on MNO a few days ago but already received some tremendously good feedback from investors and enjoying a rising level of popularity now. Despite of the limited choice of payment processors (only LibertyReserve and GlobalDigitalPay currently accepted) and the low-ROI plans (1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, 2.2% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry) GorgonProjectInvest still managed to set themselves apart from others due to their original investment concept, a highly customized secure GoldCoders script, and instant payouts. In the recent newsletter published on the GorgonProjectInvest website the admin looks forward to the future as 2011 might be a very successful year for that program. Here is the New Year’s congratulations from GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here):
“Happy New Year!
All the staff at GorgonProjectInvest would like to wish you a very Happy New Year. Things are looking exciting for 2011 and we hope we can help make it a prosperous one for everyone.
Many thanks for the positive support and feedback and for the hundreds of new investors that have joined over the first few days of the launch.
The last few days have been overwhelming and we experienced a far greater response than we could ever had imagined. We promise that GorgonProjectInvest will deliver a fantastic opportunity for you in this new year and beyond.
As someone once said, ‘May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!‘”
It looks like BlackLotus hosting provider was not pleased to hear that FelixFunds are moving to one of their rivals (Dragonara) and managed to take their revenge on the admin Felix by not giving him the latest backup which recorded the payouts requested yesterday. So Felix (interviewed here) asked the membership to request the payouts again and if they were paid contact him so you will not be overpaid. This way you will really help the program to survive this harsh time when the general New Year slowness of the market was also worsened by hosting issues. By now the FelixFunds website is perfectly available for me and is already on Dragonara. Felix is quite active on the Shoutbox and already mentioned that he’s starting to process the pending payouts to LibertyReserve that were requested on December, 29th. He also made it clear in the latest update that he’s here to stay and despite all the obstacles the program will be staying online and paying in 2011. I remind you that FelixFunds now accepts four payment processors (AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve) which you can invest into two major plans: 1.2%-2.3% on every business day with no expiration date and 117% after 15 calendar days paying on expiry. More on FelixFunds can be read in my review published here, and below is the latest newsletter:
“Above the problem with exchanger not coming online and forced us because of this to have pendings till he’ll come to make our exchange now the old host deleted our site without announcing us and with no reason. They also refused to give us the last backup of our database. Now because of this there were some withdrawals requested yesterday that were paid and now we needed to set us paid to not pay twice same amounts. There are other withdrawals requested yesterday that hasn’t been paid but doesn’t appear now anymore. We need all your help to fix the database now. Please each of you login to your account and if email Felix with problems needed to be fixed. If there were withdrawals requested yesterday and paid, request them again and put in memo: paid yesterday. If weren’t paid, just request them again. If you registered yesterday, please register again and if you had deposits please email Felix with payment details so he can add them manually.
It seems that somebody in this industry really want us gone badly but we won’t give up and we will pass over these hard times and prove all of you that we’ll continue to pay.
Thank you all for your understanding and support. We will do our best to fix everything and pay everybody the fast as we can.
Regards, Felix”.
And just an hour before sending this update I received another email from FelixFunds. This is actually another explanation given of the pending payouts and the efforts undertaken by the admin who is tirelessly working to fix the issues with the database which was not up to date due to BlackLotus and process the pending withdrawals at the same time. I can’t believe that after such a passionate email anybody could blame him and I think the members should really appreciate that the admin is trying his best and updates us all the time on the current situation. So here is the second email I received from FelixFunds this evening:
“We’re still working on our database but many members are not online now to see our problem and help us. We paid 28th pendings and begin the 29th pendings now. We will continue until we will reach at a point where members need to fix their accounts first, then we’ll stop till tomorrow and have database fixed first then make all other pendings. We didn’t exceeded the 72 hours terms for payouts during holidays so please monitors and blogs do not change our status or post bad about us as we’re doing the best we can to fix everything and we will succeed with it soon. We won’t go anywhere and we’ll continue to pay. The problems we had was not our fault but even so we will fix them all. Thank you very much to all members that support us so much during this problems and wish you all a warm Happy New Year! Be lucky with us in 2011!
Regards, Felix”.
The admin of XSeedFinance finally welcomed everybody to participate in the New Year promo which will end by the end of tomorrow. So if you manage to invest into any of the plans offered by them (1.5%-2.5% every business day forever or 8.5%-13.5% weekly forever) during this time you will get 10%-20% deposit bonus which will be added to your earning balance and cannot be withdrawn. Let’s make it easier to understand with an example. Suppose you intend to deposit $100 into the daily plan paying 1.5% daily today or tomorrow and you’re already a member of XSeedFinance. Then all you have to do is to make your deposit via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney and you will get $20 as a deposit credited in the same plan. Please remember though that if you would like to withdraw your initial deposit anytime soon (because XSeedFinance actually allows you to do it with a fee being reduced with time) you will still only get your original $100 as the $20 was added as a bonus and remains the property of XSeedFinance. Read more in my detailed review of the program published here because if you’re not familiar with the terms of payments you can’t make an informed decision. So read the review and make up your mind about joining XSeedFinance only after carefully reading the most recent newsletter from the admin of the program published below:
“Hello members,
The New Year is almost upon us and so as promised, here are the details of our New Year Promotional Offer!
The new year promo offer starts from now and is valid for all deposits made up until 23.59 hrs GMT, January 1st 2011. During this promo period, we are giving a matching bonus deposit according to the following slab.
$5 – $2500 => 20% matching bonus for existing members, 15% matching bonus for new members.
$2501 – $5000 => 15% matching bonus for existing members, 10% matching bonus for new members.
For example, you invest $500 and you are an existing member, you will get a 20% matching bonus deposit ($100) into the same plan. Again, we wanted to reward our existing members a little more than new members which is why we are offering 5% more for our existing members. To qualify for the existing member bonus deposit, you should use the same email that you used while making your first investment with us.
Please note that the following rules are applicable for the bonus deposit –
1. The interest percentage paid on the bonus deposit will be the same as the interest on your deposit. For example, you invest $1000 in the weekly plan, you will get 11% per week according to our plan. So, your bonus deposit will also get 11% per week and will also be in the weekly plan.
2. This bonus deposit is non withdrawable. So, if and when you choose to close your investment and withdraw your principal, you will only get your original deposit returned to you.
Do remember that this offer is only valid till end of tomorrow. The promo offer closes on 23.59 hrs GMT, January 1st 2011. So, I urge you to hurry if you are interested. I also want to encourage you to spread the word of our New Year Promo to all your friends and relatives. I am sure that they would be interested. Remember that you also get a 5% referral commission on all deposits made by your referrals. Visit the below link for more details about our referral program – http://xseedfinance.com/referral.php
Please do feel free to contact our support team if you have any queries.
Best Regards, William”.
Having looked back on some of the Reader’s Profiles Polls that were taken occasionally in the later part of 2010 mainly for amusement and curiosity, how would you like to learn something about yourselves? If there’s such a thing as a typical MNO Reader, and I doubt that there is, some popular traits shared by them include that they like drinking Lipton tea, like the color blue, do not smoke, like soccer as their favorite sport, like action movies, they are men and live in Asia, under 25 years old, in full-time employment, like pop-music as their favorite genre, but consider the Beatles as the most influential musical figures.
How much of that accurately describes you as an individual? Is there actually one person reading this that can say all of those things are true about him? If so then let me know.
As for the other weekly poll relating to the HYIP industry and this time referring to how much you think admins are earning for themselves, the question put to you was the following:
Do you think HYIP admins are always in profit by the time their programs close?
Some fairly mixed results were thrown up here by this question and I’d be curious if any admins themselves voted. It was a generally close contest but with 35% of the vote the most popular answer was:
HYIP admins take the same gamble as their investors. It’s completely unpredictable and probably as many admins earn very little or even lose money as those with huge profits.
Hardly a clear winner there but well in front of the second most popular choice with 24% of the vote with the answer:
Yes, the overwhelming majority make a huge amount of money. 90% of them or more have massive profits for their owners.
Just behind that in third place with 20% of the vote was the option:
I think yes, they do make a certain amount of profit but they also make huge payouts. They make money for themselves but not more than a handful get what I consider to be rich from it.
The fourth place in the poll with 11% of the vote comes people of the belief that:
There’s not as much money in the HYIP industry as there used to be. Admins are earning something, but probably less than the big monitors and forum owners.
And finally with the remaining 9% are those who say:
I think it’s more complicated than that. There are hundreds of things that can go wrong that the admins can’t control and they can lose money very easily if they are not prepared.
Some pretty interesting points of view there guys, so thanks as always to those who took the trouble to share them with us. There’s going to be more polls from time to time in 2011 as well of course so keep an eye open for them throughout the year.
The list of the paying programs that are monitored on MNO are given below. I was paid today by:
BetBankFund, PrimoEarnings, YesInvestment, GainBucks, InvestPlatforms, XSeedFinance, GorgonProjectInvest, PandaTrade, ReProFinance, MutualTreaty, AllianceAdvantage, UnicornInv, FondosMayores, AccessTomorrow, AssetManagement and FelixFunds.
Please note that I have not received any payments from ProfitixGroup today yet so the program might be in trouble. Since I will not be updating my blog tomorrow please check out my monitoring page to see if the program is still on Paying status or not because I’m afraid the situation surrounding ProfitixGroup is quite shaky at the moment to say the least. I still hope that the payouts will resume and will be up-to-date by tomorrow. But for now it’s better not to making any additional deposits there!
Tomorrow will be a day off for MNO and I will not be posting but I will still be updating my monitoring page and will let you know if any new programs are added. The statuses of the monitored programs will also be updated so don’t think that with holidays I will forget to keep the information accurate. So stay tuned for more excitement with MNO into 2011 and Happy New Year, everybody!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Dec 31st, 2010. Comment.