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03/02/2011. ForexTradingTeam Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everyone! You might remember from last night’s update I introduced a brand new addition to the MNO monitoring page by the name of ForexTradingTeam. Not only new to my own monitoring page by the way, as the program only started trading earlier this week. And if you’ve noticed that the market is becoming dominated by short term HYIPs yet again (one of the industry’s cycles I guess) this one might interest you as a long term extra to diversify your portfolio.

It’s not a bad prospect either, even for those of you who don’t normally go for longer term HYIPs because in this case if you don’t feel like committing you money to the plans available here ForexTradingTeam offers you the option of asking for your principal back and simply leaving when you feel like you’ve had enough. Though if you are a fan of long term programs and want to stay a member then there are a couple of lucrative plans to look into that don’t have to be all that expensive to join. My own descriptions of the plans are based on the assumption that you will be staying put for their full duration. Various early withdrawal fees will apply if you wish to leave early, the size of which will be based on exactly when you wish to leave. I’ll get to that in just a moment but first let’s see the plans.

Starting with a minimum investment of $10 for The ForEx Starter Plan, ForexTradingTeam are offering a daily interest payment of 2% per business day (Monday to Friday) for a term of 200 business days, which is 40 weeks assuming you’ve decided to stay for the actual duration. That will give you an accumulative income of 10% per week and add up to a total of 400% interest by the end of the cycle. Your initial principal then gets returned. Maximum spend in this plan is kept to a relatively conservative level (or should I say sensible level?) with a top investment of $224.

In practical terms therefore a $100 deposit would earn you $2 per business day, $10 per week, allow you to break even after 50 business days (10 weeks), and see you finish the term with total earnings of $400. ForexTradingTeam should then add your original hundred to that.

Next is The ForEx Basic Plan. Also for a term of 200 business days, ForexTradingTeam this time accept deposits from a $225 minimum to a $999 maximum. In return you are offered the improved rate of 2.25% interest per business day, allowing you to earn 11.25% on your investment per week, break even after 45 business days, and finish up with a total profit of 450% on top of your initial principal which is then returned.

ForexTradingTeam‘s third plan, called The ForEx Pro Plan, is available to those willing to spend from a $1,000 minimum up to a $6,999 maximum. The daily rate this time is 2.5% interest per business day, also for a term of 200 business days. That rate would bring in a weekly income of 12.5%, allow you to break even after 40 business days, and give you a total accumulative profit of 500% at the end of the cycle to which you can then add your original deposit.

The two remaining ForexTradingTeam plans are unlikely to attract much interest due to their prohibitive cost, but for informational purposes the rates are 2.75% per business day for $7,000 to $19,999, and 3% per business day for anything above that to a $100,000 maximum.

I can’t always say that long term HYIPs that return your principal at the end of the investment cycle are always necessarily doing the right thing in order to sustain their programs. Particularly HYIPs like ForexTradingTeam that already put you into such a significantly large profit. On one hand yes, I agree that it does make the program much more tempting to the casual observer but it also puts an unwelcome strain on the cash flow when the time comes to actually start handing over the cash. The eventual outcome of that is totally unpredictable of course as in the case of ForexTradingTeam you can leave when you like. However early withdrawal fees are hefty enough for about the first four months so I would hope this will protect the program’s cash flow situation to a certain extent and therefore give a certain level of protection to your own principal.

When I say you can leave ForexTradingTeam anytime you like, that’s not exactly true. There’s a 25 day lock-in period so once you’re a member you’re not going anywhere until then. If you then decide to leave anytime between (business) day 26 and (business) day 90 you will have to give up 25% of your principal. So if you joined with $100 you’ll only be given $75 of it back (be sure to factor that into your calculations if you join but don’t intend to stay for the entire duration). After that the fees begin to drop significantly with 10% being levied on principal withdrawals made between 91 and 140 business days and 5% being charged after that. The full amount is only returned on completion of the full term.

Payment options are fair enough. Better than a good number of other long term HYIPs I could name in fact with instant payouts available to AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. You will still need to log into your ForexTradingTeam members area to request your payment but one done you should expect the money to hit your e-currency account within minutes.

The ForexTradingTeam website is running off a licensed script supplied by GoldCoders, is using SSL secured encryption. and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection. I have to say that the name of the hosting company is a new one to me so I can’t comment either way on the quality of their service. They’re called I think we’re all pretty much aware that the frequency and sheer ferocity of anti-security attacks in the HYIP industry leaves anything witnessed in the “real world” pretty much at the starting gates so it’s important to get this right from the beginning. However as we can see that ForexTradingTeam are on a dedicated server and one supplied by Staminus (the best) downtime will hopefully be negligible. We’ll find out soon enough anyway. But if you have any questions related to that or to anything else related to the program then you can contact the admin by filling in your details in the support form provided. There are some other contact details provided however I can tell you that neither the postal address,which is in the UK but does not have a valid UK post code, nor the telephone number, which as far as I can tell seems to be in Kazakhstan, (a long long way from the UK but don’t worry, it doesn’t work anyway) are valid. There is also a Live Chat feature which isn’t a 24 hour service and does not provide a schedule for when (if ever) it’s online.

Texts on the website are original which is always welcome I suppose as it shows at least a bit more effort. What’s not all that original is the business concept behind ForexTradingTeam, which is as the name implies ForEx trading. I think experienced players have seen enough of that by now to cast aspersions on the likelihood of there being anything even approaching the kind of earnings being offered by ForexTradingTeam in that business. Not consistently anyway and certainly not everyday. So as always treat every online investment program with caution, this one included, stick to modest spending limits, and always diversify your portfolio.


If you missed yesterday’s Live chat session with the admin of KlickWallet Andrew (interviewed here) you really missed a treat. Not only was it the most honest and candid interview since the introduction of MNO Live chat a few weeks ago, but quite a lot of fun too! The openness and candor of the admin really impressed me and it appeared that the Live chat session was really a no nonsense conversation with someone who didn’t hide his involvement in the industry nor deny the fact that he used to run other programs in the past including even long term ones. While I usually get bored with the same thing admins keep repeating these days I felt different about this one and I guess the MNO readers who participated were really pleased that even the hard questions were answered by the admin of KlickWallet. Other stuff which drew my interest was Andrew’s claim that the entire HYIP industry is run by not much more than 30 admins and some amusing stuff about LibertyReserve and SolidTrustPay payment processors which I suspected myself for a long time. It’s definitely worth reading and gives a whole other perspective – an insider’s point of view – on how the industry works. If missed then you can always read the transcript on MNO forum (just click here to read). The next Live Chat session will be held next week so stay tuned for further announcements. Last night all the active participants of the chat were generously rewarded with a $20 cash bonus each to the payment processor of their choice (AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney) paid for by the admin so it can definitely be worth your while joining in the fun you know! KlickWallet offers 107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, and 170%-200% after 20 days and you can read my review of them published here and the latest Live chat transcript published here.

Obviously following the latest successful examples of bonus payments made by such short-term hits as DollarCommerce and KlickWallet which pay 5%-10% bonuses for certain amounts the administration of AccessTomorrow (reviewed here) also introduced a similar system today. A 5% withdrawable bonus in AccessTomorrow will be paid to those spending over $1000 into any of their investment plans – 1.8% for 50 days, 1.9% for 60 days, or 2% for 70 days with the partial principal returned on expiry. Unlike other programs with a similar system this one will rotate daily between two payment processors – PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. So if today PerfectMoney deposits for $1,000 and over receive a 5% bonus then tomorrow LibertyReserve deposits will get the same. A banner will be displayed on the main page of AccessTomorrow which will indicate which e-currency will get you the bonus on the day. I remind you that AccessTomorrow has been monitored by MNO for 45 days already and recently managed to enter the Top 10 according to MNO ranking. The first deposit withdrawals on expiry should be processed in a few days and I will keep you informed on how it’s going. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of AccessTomorrow announcing the investment bonus scheme:
Subject: Activation of Daily Special Offer
We wish to inform you that our Daily Special offer has now been activated.
The offer changes automatically daily between Perfect Money and Liberty Reserve, and this is how it works.
When you make an investment of $1000 or more, 5% of the money will be credited to your account as an instant profit. This does not in any way affect your daily profit and the referral commission paid to your referral.
Our special offer for today is Perfect Money, and it will automatically change tomorrow to Liberty Reserve.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need further explanation.
We wish you success.
Best Regards. Admin. AccessTomorrow.

I haven’t heard much from AssetManagement for over a month but for this period they were still consistently paying on business days on the only investment plan they had till now – 1.3%-1.5% for 365 days. Today though I have a lot of news to report from AssetManagement. First of all, a Spanish version of the website is available now. I guess this translation will make the site more appealing to a more international audience which till now only saw the site in English and it makes the AssetManagement website look more professional. Here is the short update announcing the latest version of the site:
Spanish Website Version
From today our members and visitors are welcome to use Spanish website version. More News coming soon.

The second and of course more important news update from AssetManagement which was only issued today was the introduction of two more plans which will give you twice as much income on your investment. So if you invest in the just introduced Special plan you will get 2.5% daily interest which will be credited to your account on business days for the duration of one year (for deposits from $10 to $10K) and even a higher interest of 3% per every business day for the same duration (for the deposits over $10k). Here is the latest newsletter sent today about the limited plans offered by AssetManagement and available to the first 500 members only:
Dear AssetManagement Inc Member,
We are introducing new Bonds service and Special Investment Plans.
Please visit page for more information.
Also we opened new Special Investment plans for 500 members only. New investment plans pay 2.5% – 3.0% daily interest. This is a limited offer and will be closed soon.
Kind Regards, AssetManagement Inc
AssetManagement Since 1999
Our business hours are 5 am – 5 pm +1 GMT, Monday through Friday
Telephone: +45.27328898
Fax: +45.88968806

Searching through the page offering the new plans I discovered that the older ones described in my review of AssetManagement (published here) are totally obsolete. Really, what is the purpose of investing into a lower profit plan if you could get much better returns on the same investment elsewhere? The plans would make sense only if they are limited in time which is what AssetManagement claims. In addition, you can now purchase the so called Bonds which are allegedly issued by Danish financial institutions. I wonder if the Danish government is so rich they can insure bonds that will pay you 700% profit in one year. Such bonds usually are offered at not more than 10% annually and to make out that this is authorized by any kind of Danish financial institution and secured by its government is ridiculous. Anyway, I guess that the less educated members of AssetManagement will believe the story and will be investing in such plan paying after 1 year which would ensure the program’s stability in the long run. However, for regular members I would not recommend investing in such “bonds”. I could just say that I really appreciate the creativity by the program’s administration which will hopefully help them run longer but despite the claims I would still suggest you treat AssetManagement as a regular HYIP which will most likely collapse in under a year because nobody is capable of multiplying your money that fast. Here is the update posted by AssetManagement:
AssetManagement Bonds are backed by the commitment of the AssetManagement Inc underwriting partners in the financial community to carry out active secondary trading and provide markets throughout the life of an issue. AssetManagement regularly monitors the spread quotations of its benchmark issues versus the underlying government issues in order to ensure consistent market pricing and superior performance.
AssetManagement Bonds are risk free, liquid savings products backed by our Government. While you own them, they earn interest and help protect your savings from inflation. Any individual can own AssetManagement Bonds.
Issued electronically to your AssetManagement Bonds account.
Sold at face value; i.e., you pay $100 for a $100 bond.
Purchased in amounts of $100 or more ($100 increments).
$650,000 maximum purchase in one calendar year.
Bonds profit: 700% after one year.
AssetManagement Bonds are designed to offer high secondary market liquidity and fixed profits to the institutional and private investor.
AssetManagement maximizes existing investments by actively eliminating unnecessary costs, managing contracts, aligning service resources with highest standards, and accurately measuring asset total cost of ownership. Our service provides the accountability for tracking assets from procurement to disposal to deliver the best value.

The administration of FxEconomy (interviewed here) announced a video contest with bonus prizes for its members. If you are an existing investor in their plan offering 1.3%-2.1% for 150 business days with principal back on expiry via AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney you can participate in the contest and make your own video testimonial. The winner (one from each country) will be chosen by the admin and his account in FxEconomy will be credited with a $50 deposit. Here is the update:
Dear investors!
We at FxEconomy started a video contest. All member of FxEconomy can participate in the contest and record a video testimonial. One winner from each country will be rewarded with $50 bonus to his/her FxEconomy account.
Your ideas in regard to your back-office improvements are welcomed, as you are those we make them for.
Your Sincerely, FxEconomy Customer Support
You can read more about FxEconomy which has been monitored by MNO for nearly 100 days already in my detailed review published here.

Following the example of InvestPlatforms the admin of IncomeLadder sent his best wishes everyone celebrating Chinese new year. He goes on to say the holidays will not affect the program’s performance though and interest will still be paid as usual. IncomeLadder was reviewed on MNO here and pays 1.3% for 60 days, 1.5% for 50 days, 1.7% for 150 days, and 2% for 300 days with a partial return of your principal on expiry or cancellation of your deposit which can be made via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Here is the latest newsletter from IncomeLadder:
Subject: Best Wishes
We wish to use this opportunity to wish our Chinese investors/members Happy New Year!
As you celebrate your New Year and holidays, know that at IncomeLadder your money continues to grow.
Payments are daily. And withdrawals are allowed daily too.
Best Regards. Admin. IncomeLadder.

Unfortunately, I had to move ECashBroker to Problem status on MNO monitoring today. I have three unpaid pending withdrawals with the program and my emails to the admin remain unanswered. So I would advise you not to make any additional deposits in ECashBroker until the situation clears up.

The following programs paid me for the last 24 hours:
Escaliva, KlickWallet, ForexTradingTeam, OilCapital, ExtraIncome, BentleyClub, FutureTrails, Businex, GorgonProjectInvest, ReProFinance, SilverDigger, FondosMayores, UnicornInv, IncomeLadder, AccessTomorrow, MidasGoldFund, 144CashAds, GainBucks, AssetManagement, and DollarCommerce.

That’s all for today, guys. I will be back tomorrow with more news from the industry and all the latest news so stay tuned for that!

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