11/07/2011. JPDaily Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! JPDaily has stopped paying and has been moved to Scam status on MNO. Do not invest there!
Hi all! It’s been a slow enough start to the week in terms of news stories after the weekend break, though something I’ve been meaning to cover on MNO for a while now is a recent addition to my monitoring list called JPDaily. Or to give them their full name JustPaysDaily.
Before we get any further with this review however there is something I need readers to be aware of and to be sure you are comfortable with before going any further. JPDaily has run before. The admin’s name is Richard, and he freely admits that this is his second attempt at running this exact same program. The last incarnation of JPDaily was back around 2007 and had, to use the admin’s own words, “mixed results”. Now, there’s a limit to what I can comment on here for the simple fact that I did not monitor JPDaily back then and have no experience with them. All I can say is that every online HYIP has “mixed results” in the sense that some people will make money and some people will lose it. It’s also not exactly news that an admin runs more than one program, in fact in my opinion the entire industry is orchestrated by a relatively small group of people. What is unusual is that an admin would admit to it, but in practical terms that makes little difference to you if you won or lost money to this admin in the past. All I can do for you here is to remind you that I was not aware of this program the last time, and if you feel you are owed something by the admin if you were a former member then you should take it up with him. There’s not much else I can say to you here because for one thing the main payment processor back in those days, e-Gold, has more or less ceased to exist, taking all suspended funds with it.
Now, if you don’t like that then walk away. You’re free to ignore this program just as easily as you are to join it. But from this point on consider yourself informed. If you have a problem with JPDaily’s history then stop reading now. If it doesn’t bother you then continue, but as I’ve made this clear to you from the very start I do not feel the need to mention it on MNO again.
So what does JPDaily have to offer? Well, it’s really very simple. There’s just one basic investment plan which can be joined for a $1 minimum. There is no expiry date so you are free to withdraw your principal and leave the program any time you like. As long as you remain a member of JPDaily however you are promised daily interest payments. After all, like I said the full name of the program is JustPaysDaily. The thing is however that the rate received by you is variable and wildly unpredictable as the gap between minimum and maximum payouts is enormous.
The admin claims to be a long term player in the field of online gambling and able to get you a daily return on your investment of anything up to a potential 20% in one day. Of course in practical terms it’s unrealistic to expect that every day, but you can see the returns paid over the preceding days of the program. It’s impossible to offer any kind of “typical example” here as the daily payments vary by massive amounts, so it’s probably just best to either set yourself a target and withdraw when you reach it, or else just hope to break even as soon as possible and enjoy whatever payments come your way. So far though I think in fairness to the JPDaily admin it has to be said that his returns have been generous by any standards.
Since the program was relaunched a number of very favorable improvements have been made, not least to the payment processors. The whole procedure of actually withdrawing is relatively complicated compared to your average online HYIP (and I’ll get to that in a moment) but to start with the list of payment options has grown from just LibertyReserve to now include AlertPay and bank wire transfers as well. Just be aware that the minimum deposit for AlertPay is $250, and from that JPDaily will also be deducting the fees. AP charge 3% so the admin will be passing that charge along to you and what you see in your account will be whatever’s left. As for bank wires the minimum deposit is $3,000, no doubt ruling out most of you but if interested you need to e-mail the JPDaily admin for more information.
However when it comes to the actual withdrawal itself it should be noted that JPDaily has no private members area in the regular sense, so when you make a withdrawal the first thing you are going to have to do is actually pay the admin from your own money yourself! OK, I know that sounds odd, but don’t worry. It’s just a token $0.05c payment to verify that yes, the account is genuinely yours. By the way, if you don’t happen to have $0.05c in your account at the time then don’t worry, you need only e-mail the admin and explain the situation to him and he will manually deduct $0.10c from your withdrawal in lieu of this. Afterwards you will receive your own interest payment to your own account, subject to payment processor fees being applied to you rather than the admin (though don’t make a big deal out of that – most HYIPs just factor those fees into their ROI’s so even if it looks like they don’t pass the charge on to you they really do).
Perhaps the single biggest improvement in JPDaily recently has been in the hosting. They had some initial problems with intermittent DDoS attacks early on but that’s been nipped in the bud now with the admin moving the program to a dedicated server from BlockDos. No argument about this but BlockDos remain by some considerable distance the single best service provider in the HYIP industry. There are some good options out there, but basically BlockDos is the only real professional company you’re going to find that will also deal with HYIPs. As for the script, well, there’s nothing that you would associate with a script in the traditional sense. There’s no real member’s area, all withdrawals are made automatically subject to you paying the afore mentioned $0.05c verification fee, and deposits are made directly upon signing up. A little out of the ordinary for your typical online HYIP but there’s nothing wrong with that and of course when you don’t have a private account area remember you also have nothing to get hacked.
If you have any questions relating to that or any other aspect of the program then there are a number of ways in which you can get in contact with the admin. There’s the usual method of writing to the admin directly at the e-mail address provided. However depending on what the problem/question might be you might find it more effective to log on to the members forum and interact directly with some of your fellow investors from JPDaily.
So what of the supposed business activities backing the whole thing up? Well, just like any other online HYIP I have not seen a shred of evidence that I would describe as somehow being “indisputable” about JPDaily, but I’ve got to hand it to the admin here – at least it’s original. Supposedly he’s an online poker player/gambler and he plays with anything from 2% to 20% of your total principal on any given day. In turn we see the returns he chooses to share with us without ever seeing any record of the gaming websites or the results he achieves there. Yes, reports and statistics are available, but the only source is the JPDaily admin. So like any of the usual HYIP fairy stories involving ForEx trading, the stock exchange, gold, oil, gas, et cetera this one sounds more feasible, definitely more original, but has yet to be verified. Granted the admin is on the surface more honest that 99% of his counterparts and a lot more straight talking, but that has never in my experience meant that you can’t lose money either. So as always set yourself a sensible spending limit well within the confines of your budget and always try to keep a diverse and varied portfolio.
I guess Mondays in summer are almost as dead as the weekends, otherwise I could not explain the lack of news we have today. Apart from the regular update from the admin of JPDaily Richard, who announced a good score for today of about 11% returns for the day. As usual, those interested can check the daily reports on the official forum of JPDaily and also see the full statistics available for everybody on the site. Rich also reported that the program began an extensive advertising campaign on the well known investment forum MMG (arguably the best of them in my opinion) and purchased banners there for three months. Well, this is quite an encouraging sign for investors indicating a level of seriousness with which the admin takes his program. I believe an interview with the admin of JPDaily Rich will also be an efficient part of the program’s advertising on MNO and I look forward to sending some interesting questions to him soon. As always if you have any suggestions for questions then feel free to submit them. Meanwhile you’re more than welcome to read the latest daily update from the program below:
“Daily Result: +10.93% for JPDaily.
Todays result has been announced!
Check your balances and request your withdrawals!
Daily Report: http://jp-daily.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1310392283
Investor Balances: http://jp-daily.com/investors.htm
Referral Stats: http://jp-daily.com/referrals.htm
We just pre-paid a 5month banner campaign at www.moneymakergroup.com For 3 banner spots; 728*90, 120*120 and 160*600. You can view proof of purchase in our forum.
We should receive a review from www.money-news-online.com tomorrow. Be sure to check that out for an independent analysis of our investment.
And Alertpay is now a deposit option. See the “invest” tab for info.
Regards, Rich”.
In all my years in the HYIP industry I’ve had the misfortune to deal with some absolutely shocking examples, excuses rather, of human garbage. All sorts of cyber criminals, con men, and cheap scam artists. The rather dubious prize of the biggest thieving scum bag I’ve had the misfortune to deal with however must surely go to the admin of the recently collapsed Insectrio. This guy is just totally out of his mind as he thinks that by sending fake updates about creating an API account (claiming this leads to the resumption of instant payouts while in reality it’s just another way for him to empty your LibertyReserve account) the investors will listen to what his sick mind has to say and give some more money to this crook. This is totally intolerable and an act of one of the worst industry scammers we have have seen recently. I urge you not to believe to this liar anymore and do not do anything that he tells you to. Please check the forums and monitors and do not trust the fake static images displayed on the website of Insectrio. The admin is a proven scammer already and I’m really sorry for anyone who lost the money in his game, but by doing what he asks you risk having all your money in LibertyReserve stolen. I wonder how this thief can sleep at night knowing that some newbie investors can fall into his trap. I hope MNO readers are not so gullible, because you know ultimately it’s people like him that destroy the entire HYIP industry for all of us. Beware as the program has been moved to Scam status on MNO already!
For the last 24 hours I was paid from the following programs:
GorgonProjectInvest, FxLandiar, EarnGroups, InvestNetGroup, UniPrimes, MGFunds, GulfReserve, BrantonsGroup, ReProFinance, SafeDepositary, Opulentia, AlphaForex, HeinxInvest, PermanentProfit, LibertyHoard, FeoCash, MAFinance, UnicornInv, PowerfulStrategy, GlobalFxTrades, SeriousInvestors, EurosFund, TopsFund, PrimFix and BaseBucks.
That’s all I had to report for today, guys. I hope you’re doing well and I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow with the next installment of news and events from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jul 12th, 2011.