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14/09/2011. WinnerEarn Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! WinnerEarn has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi guys! Just in case you weren’t looking at MNO earlier today I just want to remind you that this is my second update today. If you want too see the earlier news update as well as the short term program reviewed this morning then click here, but now it’s time to push on with the rest of the day’s stories as well as a closer look at another short term addition to my monitoring page called WinnerEarn. This is a program that launched just earlier this week and shares a lot of features with so many other Short term HYIPs springing up in recent times that fans of the practice will no doubt recognize instantly.

As is typical of programs like WinnerEarn you’ll find a series of mostly short term plans offering achievable returns on modest deposits, followed by some more medium term options that are probably best avoided as the rates there are unlikely to be paid. But I’ll run through all of them for you anyway as it’s up to you to decide if any of WinnerEarn‘s plans are suitable for you.

So to start with WinnerEarn‘s first plan runs for a term of just 1 single day. Given that the program is two days online therefore I can confirm at least that WinnerEarn is currently a paying program and has put its first investors – myself included – into profit. You can join for a $10 minimum and your return, which will be based on how much you invest, will be paid on expiry. Your principal will be included in the payment and the rates are as follows: 105% on investments between $10 and $500, 106% on amounts from $501 to $2,000, and 107% on amounts from $2001 to $5,000. There’s no upper limit placed on deposits, but if you want information on what WinnerEarn are offering on larger deposits than that you can check your members area.

WinnerEarn‘s second plan runs for a 3 day term. It also only costs a $10 minimum to join and also features single payments made on expiry. Final rates will depend on your original deposit and will include your principal. Rates are calculated as follows: 116% is paid on deposits between $10 and $500, 119% on anything from $501 to $2000, and 122% on deposits from $2,001 to $5,000. You can take a look at your account area for the rates being offered for anything bigger than that.

The next plan also pays on expiry and runs for a 7 day term. Deposits start from a $10 minimum and for anything up to $500 WinnerEarn are offering a single payment made on expiry of 137%, principal included. If you’re prepared to take a bigger gamble than that WinnerEarn 144% for deposits from $501 to $2000, and 151% on amounts from $2001 to $5,000. You can see what’s available on larger deposits from within your members area, but be warned that from this point on they get seriously unfeasible and will be very unlikely to ever be made.

For WinnerEarn‘s next plan the term is 15 days, the minimum investment is still $10, and interest payments are still made just once on expiry. The rate being offered for deposits between that $10 minimum and $500 is 180%, which includes your principal. Larger deposits are offered larger payment rates as follows: $501 to $2000 is offered 195%, and from $2001 to $2,000 is offered 210%. As with all of their plans WinnerEarn have no maximum limit placed on investments, so check the members area for the rates on larger spends.

Next on the list is a plan that runs for 30 days which to be blunt is probably best avoided. It’s impossible to say how long WinnerEarn will last for and in no way am I saying it will or won’t last long enough for any one particular plan, but this one is just pushing it too much in light of the fact that the shorter ones are much more viable. Anyway, as always it’s up to you so for a deposit of $10 to $500 the rate offered on expiry is 270%, principal included, after a term of 30 days. Other offers include 300% for $501 to $2,000, and 330% for $2,001 to $5000. See the members area for information about anything above that.

The final plan on offer from WinnerEarn is perhaps the most unrealistic of all, though I include it anyway for information purposes. There’s just one single rate of interest payable on expiry, regardless of how much you invested. The term runs for 60 days and the offer is 8890% interest for any deposit from $10 up to $50,000. Clearly this is planned to take full advantage of the greedy and the naïve so avoid it in favor of some of the more realistic shorter term options of which WinnerEarn has many.

As you can see there are quite a lot of sustainable plans, but really only if everyone keeps their deposits to a sensible level. Payment options are a little basic as you would probably expect from a program like WinnerEarn, and they only take LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. This is unlikely to change but I suppose most of you will know full well it’s a gamble anyway so won’t make too much of a big deal about it. It should be noted though that payments are now instant. Before now you had to wait for the admin to do it manually, but that has now changed. You will need to log into your account area and request your payment. Once done WinnerEarn should have it transferred to your chosen payment processor account automatically within seconds.

Hosting is by Dragonara, known for the fact that any serious technical issues with any of the websites they’ve hosted have been rare. They have WinnerEarn on a dedicated server and the programs runs off a script under license from GoldCoders. The website is also SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Should you have any questions or support issues with your account you can contact the admin by filling in the e-mail ticketing support form on the contacts page and submitting it.

As is usually the case with short term HYIPs like WinnerEarn there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to back up their business plan, not that anything could with interest rates like that. So as usual (an regular readers, please believe that the only reason I keep repeating this is for the sake of the newbies) keep your investments to a very basic and affordable level, and if joining WinnerEarn try to use them as part of a more diverse portfolio.


As you can see by more and more programs being added to MNO the HYIP industry is really heating up now and we are going to see an unbelievable level of competition for investors’ money during the next couple of months. Well, it’s always good for the investors but it’s even better for admins as that’s basically what industry was originally intended for! But the newsletters from HitNRunMasters‘ admin NB (he was interviewed on MNO blog here) are always good to read as they are quite different from the regular newsletters issued by other programs. In today’s update they reported huge growth for the program for the last two months online. In no small part I’m sure to their always timely payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Plans pay from 1.5% to 2.8% daily for 365 days with exact returns depending on the amount of time you’re with the program. Kinda like loyalty benefits or “air miles” if you prefer, though if it seems complicated now you can read more about them in my review of HitNRunMasters published here. The admin also mentioned the use of compounding to increase earnings, the upcoming redesign of the program, and emphasized that HitNRunMasters was actually one of very few programs that is not a ponzi. The latest statement has yet to be proven, however while I appreciate the fact that the admin has taken a break from discussing the HYIP industry in recent newsletters the fact is that if you run a program that earns money from ponzies then by default you have to be at least partially one of them. In my opinion just cutting straight to the facts is much more productive than disputing the coming collapse of some random HYIP, which as you know is totally unpredictable. I really hope that HitNRunMasters will prove that it can run for a long time and sincerely wish them the best of success in bringing it to the top. Here is the latest newsletter from HitNRunMasters:
HitnRun is Going Great Guns!
Our raids have been very successful this past week. The return on our funds this week has exceeded our past results and our own expectations. Our reserve of funds has been steadily growing since we came online. We are coming up for 2 months online and at no time have we had to worry about paying our members. As you all know, payouts go out like clockwork.
For those who have difficulty with entering the correct details for their Perfect Money account the first number is the account number (numerals only). The second string starts with “U” followed by numbers. If they are incorrect a PM withdrawal will not go through, so please check that yours is OK. You need to cancel any current withdrawal request, enter the PM account details correctly and re-request a withdrawal.
When you invest with us you can choose to compound all or part of the daily profits. At 100% compounding you do not receive a withdrawable daily income, but your profits are added to the principal daily, so you earn on an ever-increasing daily principal ready to to be withdrawn when you are. You can also partially compound and receive daily payouts.
A few members have asked us to consider changing the design of the site. Because of the extra profits made we have been able to hire a designer to produce something we hope that all will like. This may take several weeks but I am sure that all will be impressed with the new design.
I would like to point out again that we are not a typical HYIP depending on new deposits to pay older ones. 99.9% of HYIPs are ponzis. We are the 0.1% that are not. The difference between us and them, is we make a real profit. All HYIPs seen so far have limited lives. There is no reason we know of why our program should not run for years, as opposed to the ponzi ones (the rest) which always have a limited lifetime.
I would at this point like to thank our members for their faith in us. 99% have left their funds in and not requested withdrawal of principal. We appreciate this faith in our ability to keep on producing profits. I am sure as time goes on we will receive the accolades we deserve.
“Join Us or Perish!”. HitNRunMasters”.

Please note that GainRace has been moved to Problem status due to the payouts pending for more than 24 hours and the reported to me attempts of scamming the members by advising them to create API in their LR accounts. So please do not invest in GainRace anymore. Other programs has been paying fine so far and today I was paid from the following:
StableProfit (the first payment received), BrantonsGroup, ReProFinance, HitNRunMasters, After60Days, HyperCompound, PowerfulStrategy, OnlineInvestmentBank, BruyetteInvestment, WinnerEarn, FIPO, SafeDepositary, NeoProgress, SportEarn, PrimFix, StockBiz, EurexTrade, TopsFund, RichesBank, BaseBucks, ViscoCorp, IceProfit, MirexGroup, BetForInvest, LargeProfit, SuperHotPay and Divatri.

Speaking of Divatri, the program is paying fine and is the latest addition to The Exclusive Listing. Although I intended to review it on MNO tonight I decided to postpone it till tomorrow as the program has so many interesting features and requires some extra attention. I would like to remind you that Divatri offers three investment plans with principal return on expiry or on request (1.4%-2% for 150 business days, 7.5%-10.5% for 36 weeks, 30% monthly forever) and accepting four payment processors starting from $10 – AlertPay, PayPal, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on Divatri – tomorrow!

Another program added to MNO today (and might be a good replacement for JPDaily which has scammed some bigger members now) is PokerProfits. The first mention can be found on popular forums not earlier than yesterday which I believe can be considered the day of its official launch. PokerProfits has a lot of advantages over the competition as it uses a custom made script developed by a well-known programmer, hosting provider by BlackLotus which is famous for providing good protection for HYIPs on which dedicated server they are hosted. Payment options include LibertyReserve, AlertPay, HDMoney, direct Bank wires to Canadian banks and even so called Interac E-transfers which allow PokerProfits. Canadian users can transfer funds via online banking. The minimum to invest in PokerProfits starts from $10 only and it offers variable daily returns with profits up to 5% daily. Please also note that there could be losses up to 5% as well, but in the long run the program guarantees you good profits anyway. And the best thing about this is that you can withdraw your profits, principal or a part of it anytime you like which is definitely a huge advantage to everyone willing to invest in PokerProfits. More about this unique program can be read in the upcoming interview on MNO blog, so stay tuned for that, guys, and see you all tomorrow!

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