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29/09/2011. BrandDaily Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! BrandDaily has been moved to Problem status due to selective payouts! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Before we get to the day’s main news stories I want to take a closer look at one of the recent additions to the MNO monitoring list that perhaps intrigues me more than usual. It’s called BrandDaily and it’s not so much to do with the program itself (good, but far from unique) but rather more to do with its longevity. The thing about BrandDaily is that they’ve now been online for over seven long months. You might not think that’s such a special achievement at first glance but when you see the plans and see how short a term program it really is then you have to agree that it’s quite a remarkable achievement by any standards.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen something like this happen of course as there’s numerous examples from the last year alone of short term HYIPs that have run completely under the radar for months before getting noticed. As a matter of fact some of the hottest short term HYIPs this year started out exactly like that. I mean on one hand you can be justified in thinking that short term programs can’t seriously be sustained for such a long time, but on the other hand if nobody knows them and they don’t have so many members to pay, then why not? As long as the BrandDaily admin isn’t personally losing money from the venture then there’s nothing to stop him keeping the project online for months or years, so in my opinion the real test for them starts now. But whatever it is that BrandDaily have been doing before now, they’ve been doing it right. I suspect an experienced admin here who’s more than capable of making money for his members as long as you know how to play it correctly.

Unlike so many of the programs that have come to dominate the short term HYIP market over the last year, BrandDaily gets back to basics with just two very simple investment plans. They both have a number of things in common such as making one single payment on expiry of the term and including your principal in the payment. But perhaps most importantly is that both plans are quite affordable for as many investors as possible so there’s no excuse for gambling with more money than you were ever able to afford losing in the first place.

So starting with BrandDaily‘s first plan, it runs for a term of 7 calendar days. You can join it for a minimum deposit of $4 or if you wish invest anything up to a maximum of $5,000. On expiry of the term you will then receive one single payment of 120% interest, principal included. Or in other words invest $100 and BrandDaily give you back $120. What could be simpler?

The second option is just as straight forward, paying on expiry after a term of 15 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining goes up to $50 and BrandDaily will accept anything up to a maximum value of $50,000. At the end of the term they will then make one single payment that includes your initial principal of 150%. So for example $100 spent in this plan should hopefully yield $150 in return.

And that’s it! The only other points you need to note about the investments would be that the payment processors in use include AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. It also needs to be pointed out that the payments themselves have for me been instant up until now. That’s not actually guaranteed by the BrandDaily admin because according to their terms and conditions you should allow them up to 12 hours to get everything processed, but at the time of writing they’re done instantly.

BrandDaily is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DdoSWiz. The program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders. The members area is SSL encrypted and if you need to get in touch with the admin with any further questions or account related issues then click on the “Help” tab and fill in your details on the ticketing form there and submit it.

Texts don’t really give away all that much about any business activities behind BrandDaily, and frankly I can’t really be bothered researching it too meticulously at this stage. It’s doubtful this much more than an online HYIP, if it is they don’t really provide any evidence of it, and I’m not all that interested anyway. Like I said whatever the admin has been doing he’s been doing it right. But the usual rules apply for this program as with any program – don’t spend more money than you can afford to lose, don’t expect any guarantees, and if you’re going to insist on being a HYIP industry player then try to at least protect yourself from heavy losses by keeping a diverse portfolio.


Well, it wasn’t such a good day today as it looks like a few programs might have some problems with payouts and therefore have been moved or are about to be moved to Problem status on MNO monitoring. Starting with FIPO, as expected yesterday the program is in trouble as the payouts halted. I’m sure that was no coincidence because the admin of the program Joyce requested the interview to be published on MNO blog which was sent to me too late yesterday to be posted on the same day. Well, obviously it was her last attempt to attract more money before closing. FIPO lasted for one full cycle only and stayed online for a full month which only meant the first investors were in profit. Unfortunately, it looks like the program was never intended to outperform its competitors and probably the admin was here to scam fast because I don’t consider a month online for FIPO as a good result at all. Please do not invest in that program anymore as the payouts are pending for over 24 hours now and the admin stopped replying to my emails. I will update you if I hear back from them but in my opinion the chances for that are very slim.

One of the most popular programs on MNO – ViscoCorp – might be in trouble as well as they are facing Problem status on MNO blog by tomorrow if an issue with one of my readers who has a pending payout from them is not resolved. There was another complaint about ViscoCorp which I received but which is yet to be verified. So I have reason to believe that ViscoCorp have started paying selectively. I will be updating its status on MNO tomorrow but for now I would not recommend making any further investments there. The most recent update from ViscoCorp was posted on the site but I would like to ignore it until the pending requests are fully paid to everyone:
Today we just fully moved to a stronger server due to high traffic. The server time is few hours different with the previous server time. All withdrawal requests should be processed in few minutes.

Another program that used to pay instantly and is now having troubles if FreedomFxStrategy. This program is also facing a pending Problem status on MNO if the withdrawals don’t resume ASAP. The instant withdrawals are specified in the program’s FAQ and therefore form an essential part of the program. Switching off this feature can indicate some problems with their cashflow. So I would not recommend investing in FreedomFxStrategy either before I hear from the admin who was already properly notified about the pendings and who was given some time in order to fix the issue.

Apparently, the site of GlobalFxTrades (reviewed here) was hacked today and some of the e-currency accounts were changed. The admin already admitted this and advised everyone to double-check their e-currency accounts before requesting payments and change them using your account profile and the transaction password which you specified on registration. I must say that after contacting the admin of GlobalFxTrades I was paid promptly and to the correct account, so if you have any issues please don’t hesitate to do so yourself. And report to me if you have any unresolved issues with GlobalFxTrades which might affect the status of the program on MNO because I really don’t like this situation one bit.

For some strange reason the admin of BruyetteInvestment Peter offered an unexpected bonus today which might indicate a cashflow problem. I hope I’m wrong but my gut-feeling tells that something might not be right. I will keep you updated on the status of the program on MNO and I can confirm that so far the payouts are processed promptly. But I still believe that something is not right as you can read the strange email from BruyetteInvestment (reviewed here) and draw your own conclusions:
BruyetteInvestment bonus weekend! Get 10% bonus!
Hello. We announce the first bonus weekend campaign!
Make deposit from Thursday to Sunday more than $100 and you will receive bonus of 10% of the deposit amount to your balance during the day.
You can withdraw this bonus instantly at any time!
Campaign is active from Thursday to 23:59 Sunday by server time.
Thank you for choosing our company to investment!
BruyetteInvestment Inc.

Let’s get back to the programs which are promptly paying to everyone without any problems and at this moment can be considered as safe to invest. First, I would like to report that yesterday I was paid on the first expiry of my 105% after 1 day plan from GlobalBankInv which seemed to have experienced some technical difficulties on its first day online causing them to go down for a few hours and later on affected the server time. As far as I can see now everything is back to normal and the payouts are processed promptly and within 12 hours as promised. The review of GlobalBankInv is scheduled to be posted on MNO by Saturday and I will just remind you here that the program accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum into the following plans paid on expiry – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-219% after 3 days, 137%-600% after 7 days, 180%-1075% after 15 days, 270%-2550% after 30 days, 8890% after 60 days.

Another short-term program which is yet to be reviewed on MNO – CosmosInvest – was added to MNO last night but I was already paid promptly on the first expiry of the 103%-105% after 1 day plan (another plan being offered is 120%-130% after 5 days). Although the payout was not processed instantly this time I believe it has something to do with the size of payouts, as smaller payments were all paid automatically and instantly. In the first update from CosmosInvest issued by the admin today it was specified that the withdrawals must be processed instantly since the site moved to a new dedicated server and became SSL-encrypted. However in some cases the admin emphasized that the withdrawals might take up to 24 hours which happened to some of mine. Here is the full first newsletter from CosmosInvest:
Newsletter 1: New Features
We are pround to inform our Valued Investors about the following features added recently to our program:
– Our site was migrated to DEDICATED SERVER.
– Our Site was encrypted by SSL Protection from Comodo.
– Our withdrawals are changed to INSTANT WITHDRAWALS; However, if your withdrawal was not executed instantly, do not worry because it will be certainly done within 24 hours.
Shall you require any additional information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
Regards Joe. CosmosInvest”.

The admin of BaseBucks threw some idea at the members of his program (was first reviewed on MNO here) which might affect the payout schedule and asked for opinions in the specifically created thread on the program’s forum. If the new proposal doesn’t face strong opposition from members it will be implemented soon, so every opinion counts. I remind you that BaseBucks is offering to double your principal within an unspecified period of time during which you keep earning from your deposit starting from $3 made via LibertyReserve. The latest update from the program is below and the continuation of it on its official forum:
BaseBucks – New Payments Idea
Hello, I’ve posted a thread in the forum with an improved payment format, increasing the focus for our Fast Track system.
Please take a quick read and let me know your thoughts. (Mainly if you strongly oppose the idea!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today and remain on Paying status on MNO so far:
GlobalBankInv, RoliteIncome, PerfectLottery, StockBiz, BrantonsGroup, ReProFinance, AdvantagesCapital, SafeDepositary, UnitrustDirect, NeoProgress, EsplinoGroup, iForexGain, RichesBank, GlobalFxTrades, HitNRunMasters, AuruMoney, CosmosInvest, HyperCompound, KistFunds, WinnerEarn, EurexTrade, RegularBee, PaidJack, After60Days, BruyetteInvestment, FelminaAlliance, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, PokerProfits, MirexGroup, BetForInvest, OneInv and GeniusIncome (the first instant payment received).

Please stay tuned for tomorrow’s interview from the admin of the controversial IMakeMoneyNow (read more info on that in my review posted here) and daily news from the HYIP industry accompanied by a detailed review of another short-term giant AdvantagesCapital which has been running for over a year and offering 121% after 7 days and 150% after 15 days. Read more on MNO tomorrow when I plan to post twice. See you then, guys!

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