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20/11/2011. SolidForexLtd Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! SolidForexLtd has stopped paying! Do not invest!

Hello everyone! Hope the weekend’s been good for you all so far, whatever you might have been getting up to. There hasn’t been that much news to report on today as typically Sunday seems to be the quietest time for activity in the HYIP industry. I still have a couple of stories for you of course, but what I’m most interested in today is a very exciting longer term investment program that launched earlier this month called SolidForexLtd. It’s a program that was originally listed on the MNO basic listing but one I’m extremely pleased that the admin has opted to upgrade (I was hoping he would!). The reason being that SolidForexLtd is one I hope can build up a solid customer base between now and the end of December while the industry is slow and possibly enter 2012 with a good track record and a serious chance of being one of the first really big hits of the new year.

Investment plans are slightly unorthodox compared to the average online HYIP, however generally speaking they’re better and at the same time nothing we haven’t seen a couple of times in the past, and usually proving to be both popular with investors and highly effective when it comes to generating an income. The “trick”, if I can call it that, is that SolidForexLtd do not commit themselves to a certain fixed daily payment – instead they vary the interest rate paid to members from day to day. They rise and fall in line with the business, paying you a little extra when things are good and tightening the belt a little when experiencing slow period as happens every company. You may not like the fact that your earnings can change from day to day or that your final profit is impossible to predict, but in the long run you will really appreciate this approach a lot more because it’s going to help keep SolidForexLtd online a lot longer and ultimately (even if it’s not obvious at first) help you earn a bigger return on your investment. By keeping the interest payments at a variable rate the admin doesn’t have to make any financial commitments that he might struggle to meet when the program has a couple of slow days, so in paying you what he can afford to pay you he maintains a much healthier environment for the program’s cash flow, and whether anyone likes it or not that’s basically the single most important factor in the success of any online HYI program.

So getting down to the details, SolidForexLtd have six investment plans for you to choose from. They all pay variable rates of interest on business days only – Monday to Friday – and work off the basic premise that they share the profits they have made by using your money with you. For example if on Monday they generate a $10 profit with your investment then you’ll get $5 and they keep the other $5, On Tuesday maybe they generate $15, so that gives you $7.50 while the admin keeps the other $7.50. OK, that’s an extremely over simplifies version of how it works, but you get the basic idea. SolidForexLtd shares the profit with the investor, and the more you invest the bigger the actual percentage they share with you. Don’t worry if it’s not immediately clear as I’ll try and highlight some examples as we go.

The first plan we come to is The Conservative Investment Strategy and it runs for 180 business days. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10, and there’s no upper limit. Profits can be anything up to 3% per day, but as I explained SolidForexLtd will split this with you so your net profit payment will vary as the plan progresses. Your cut of the profits will be based on what you invested, but for anything up to $2,000 you can expect a 50% share of whatever the admin earns. Check out the website for how much larger investors get paid, however no matter what happens you will at all times receive a bare minimum of 0.5% interest per business day so there’s always at least something for you to withdraw. Your principal should be returned on expiry.

Let’s take an imaginary example and pretend that your investment has helped SolidForexLtd generate a profit today of $5. Out of that $5, you will get $2.50, and they will get the other $2.50. Tomorrow’s profit might be more, or it might be less. Whatever it is your share of it will still be 50%. All the plans work in exactly the same way, but the investor’s own slice of the profits goes up according to the size of your investment. The actual profit itself does not increase, just your share of it.

The second plan is called The Aggressive Investment Strategy and can be joined for a $1,000 minimum with no upper limit. It too works off the principal that SolidForexLtd will share their profits with you, with 50% of those profits going to you if you invest anything up to $2,000. Larger investors get a higher percentage, but again the actual number is only determined from one day to another. If the increased cost doesn’t put you off joining this one then the real advantage to it is that it runs for 240 business days, therefore giving you a lot more payments between now and expiry. SolidForexLtd will return your principal at the end and you can still expect a minimum payment of at least 0.5% per day up to a maximum of 3%.

A more expensive option again is The Optimized Investment Strategy which costs a minimum deposit of $5,000 to join however runs for a slightly shorter term of 200 business days. SolidForexLtd again share the profits with you according to how much you spent in the first place, but even on the bad days you can still expect a minimum payment of 0.5% interest. Your principal is also returned at the end of the term.

The remaining three options are not exactly “plans” in the traditional HYIP sense, and are all more or less three versions of the same thing. In fact “strategies” is the word used by SolidForexLtd to describe them and I guess that’s a bit more accurate. With the admin claiming to be involved in the ForEx trade, there are three main trades that take place in the business each day – the trading of Euros/Dollars, Yen/Dollars, or GBP/Dollars. The question is which one of these trading pairs to you want to peg your investment to?

All three will work exactly the same as the more traditional HYIP plans described above, with the admin sharing the profits generated from each trade with the investor. The investment term for all three will run for 180 business days and you can invest any amount of money you want starting from a more affordable $10 this time. The same min/max payments of 0.5% to 3% interest will be paid according to how much profit has been generated on any given day. Your principal will be returned on expiry.

Something that might slow them down a bit, though admittedly this is pretty widespread among longer term HYIPs, is the choice of payment processor. For now it’s limited to just LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney and nothing to indicate that’s going to change. Though of course anything can happen if the program gets big and the members start insisting on it. SolidForexLtd also take bank wires by the way, however that’s an option only available to investors depositing $5,000 or more. Plus the extra fees involved with wires it’s probably not going to be considered as a viable option by most investors, but if you like it then the option is at least there for you. Contact the SolidForexLtd admin for the necessary details. Otherwise for withdrawals to LR and PM, payments will have to be requested from inside your members area and the good news is that they should be processed instantly, ie in under a minute from the time you actually ask for it.

One other quick but nevertheless very important point I need to make about the investment plans concerns compounding. While never a fan of the practice myself you are free to make use of the option in SolidForexLtd if you wish. However something that you will need to be extremely careful with, and I can’t emphasize this enough – is that when joining the program the level of compounding is already set to 100% by default. It’s the job of the individual investor to then re-adjust that number manually before proceeding with the deposit. Set it to zero if you don’t want to compound at all, but whatever you do remember to set it to something you’re happy with.

SolidForexLtd is running off an original custom made script but it’s really quite easy to navigate your way through the website and everything seems designed with efficiency and ease of use for the customer very much in mind. The website is hosted on a DDoS protected dedicated server and is fully SSL encrypted for safer more secure transactions. It’s not something that takes a lot of effort but can make a world of difference to the success of any online program so I’m always surprised at how few admins seem to treat this as seriously as SolidForexLtd. For any further information you can contact the support team primarily either by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it, or simply by mailing them at the address provided. Also listed are a postal address in Panama where SolidForexLtd are supposedly registered as a company (not that that does anything to secure your deposit of course), a telephone number should you wish to speak to someone directly, a voice mail number if you’re calling outside of business hours and want to leave a message and have them get back to you, and finally a fax number as well. So you can’t say there’s any shortage of choice!

As far as I can see the texts are all original, just like almost everything else about SolidForexLtd, and between that and the script I can see that a lot of work went into organizing the program. I’m not trying to say that guarantees you anything because it doesn’t, but I can’t see the admins intentions here being anything other than at least trying to run this one for as long as possible and making a big name in the HYIP industry in the meantime. A lot of other factors will have to go his way of course, but I reckon his plans for the program are big. Let’s hope they work out because like I said the potential is definitely there. As you can see from the name the business supposedly backing the whole enterprise up is ForEx trading, and by way of proof you can view the trading reports indicating the day to day fortunes of the company and exactly how they’ve been performing. Most of you will know I’m one of the more skeptical investors when it comes to such reports but as long as SolidForexLtd is online I see no reason why such reports can’t be put to another use, as in members using them to keep an eye on how the daily payments have been progressing and seeing how they perform as the weeks and months go by. Having said that, I’m still of course strongly of the opinion that everyone playing the HYIP industry no matter how experienced they think they are needs to set a sensible spending limit for themseleves that they can afford (and stick to it rigorously!) as well as protecting themselves from heavy losses in the event of any one single program collapsing by keeping a wider more diverse portfolio.


The admin of HYIPInnovation Sean (his program was reviewed on MNO here) agreed to answer some interview questions which I’m going to send him later tonight. Last night Sean sent another email to members introducing a new member of the staff called Jonathan who will be working in support for the program:
New program staff member introduction
Dear members and website visitors,
As we progress with HYIPInnovation firmly establishing itself on the market of High Yield Investment Programs I would like to introduce our staff member Jonathan Lonak, who is primarily taking care of most support requests and user account related inquiries.
Jonathan is a very well performing at school graduate student and he is doing this support job part time. He is well mannered young fellow with very clever mindset and he is always eager to learn new things.
With that said and considering that Jonathan is our part time worker, please feel free to request escalation of your requests to other staff members, as we want to ensure having a 100% customer support satisfaction record.
On a separate note and considering that HYIPInnovation is a brand new program, I am also reminding everyone to please submit your testimonials about your experience with us when you have an extra minute. We wish to share your feedback with the rest of website visitors, because “sharing is caring”.
Yours truly, Sean Mebokan,
HYIPInnovation Administrator”.
I must say that HYIPInnovation is not so popular yet. It’s only online for a week and accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to 5% for 25-40 business day plans. However with a level of dedication and now providing faster and more efficient support for prospective and current members alike HYIPInnovation can become the next big hit, but only if it survives to 2012 which is no easy task for many programs.

Unfortunately I have to admit that the issues with the on expiry plan in FinMarks were no mere accident were and possibly planned by the admin from the beginning. Today I found out that the payments for the daily plan also stopped being processed and at this moment all withdrawal requests are pending. As you can imagine, the admin stopped replying to my emails so I’ve move FinMarks to Problem status on MNO. Please do not make any further deposits there as apparently it’s just another short-lived scam!

Here is the list of the Paying programs from which I was paid within the last 24 hours:
FreedomReserve, PerfectLottery, APEnergyInvest, TopsFund, HyperCompound, SingInvest, IncomeWith, StableProfit, HYIPInnovation, BonusPayMe, VirtualPayments and OneInv.

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed today’s review and see you on MNO next week.

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