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23/01/2012. FACTUnion Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! FACTUnion has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! The new working week seems to be getting off to a good start for me so whatever your own business is I hope it’s the same for you and will be indicative of the general state of the industry. There will be a couple of new additions to my monitoring page in the coming days that I’m looking forward to telling you about. To start the week the first program I want to look into in more detail for you is one called FACTUnion. They’ve got an odd mix of two medium term plans and one long term plan. It’s not quite so straight forward as that however as I will now explain.

The first option is called The Forex Plan and looks at first glance like anything you might have seen countless times around the industry. It runs for a term of 30 business days (six weeks) and can be joined for a minimum deposit of $5. The maximum spend is $2,500. But where this one differs from the others is that rather than pay you a daily interest rate, FACTUnion will pay you by the hour. The hourly rate is 0.17%, which you are free to either withdraw as you please or, as I’m sure some of you will prefer (because for most of the smaller investors this is mere pennies) let it accumulate for a while and withdraw a number of times per day. Whatever suits you better I suppose. But to put it into some perspective those payments will add up to 4.08% over the course of a day, giving you a final return on your investment of 122.4%. FACTUnion are including your principal in that, so the actual net profit is 22.4%. Modest by industry standards but sustainable in the hands of the right admin.

Next is a very similar option in terms of how it works, but is really only one for the serious players. It’s called The Commodities Plan and will set you back a minimum spend of $2,501 with no published maximum. The duration is also 30 business days, with FACTUnion offering an hourly rate of between 0.2% and 0.21%. The total amount over the course of a day might fluctuate, but typically we’re looking at a figure as close to 5% as makes no difference. That would give you 150% in total returns at the end of the term (possibly very very slightly above it maybe), however FACTUnion will again include your principal in that.

The third plan is where FACTUnion get to the more traditional HYIP style plans. This is a regular long term one that runs for 150 calendar days (and please note I said calendar days this time, not business days like the other two). It’s called simply The Long Term Plan and you can join it for a $10 minimum and are free to spend anything up to $10,000. In return FACTUnion offer a basic daily interest rate of 1.2%. This will include your principal so the total return you can expect – 180% – is 80% net profit. You will break even, ie earn an amount equal to your initial investment therefore making it impossible for you to lose any of your own money after 84 days, which isn’t bad relative to the actual full length of the term however not enough I feel to make it more attractive than the hourly plans. I’ve also considered the fact that the program is running since early December when coming to that conclusion so I’m a bit more cautious about this one.

Payment options include three of the four most popular HYIP industry. FACTUnion are currently channeling money through LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and AlertPay. One feature that readers might like here is the use of instant payments. You will still need to log in to your FACTUnion account and request the payment of course, but once done it should appear in your e-currency account within seconds. This of course has the added (and often unintentional) advantage of giving investors a sort of early warning about any problems with the program should you not get paid immediately, however having said that there are some perfectly valid reasons to switch it off from time to time, such as site security, account replenishment, etc. Also remember that when making a withdrawal that the minimum figure allowed for AlertPay is $1. This is AlertPay’s own rule and not FACTUnion‘s, so it doesn’t apply to the other two processors.

As far as the security and design go, FACTUnion is running off a script that’s a customized version of MonetarySoft. The program has SSL encryption from Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated NVHserver with DDoS protection. You can contact the admin directly with any further questions, comments, or account related issues by filling in the support form on the contacts page. If you feel you don’t really need the admin in person then FACTUnion has a small but growing network of regional representatives, so check that first and see if there might be one in your part of the world. The admin herself (her name is Amelia) also maintains a blog as well as Facebook and Twitter profiles. You will also find a Live Chat feature. It’s not a 24 hour service though it does operate whenever the admin is logged in. No exact schedule is published but I’ll ask the admin should she agree to an interview.

The “FACT” part in FACTUnion‘s name stands for ForEx and Commodities Trading, which is what they tell us is the nature of the business. Well, hardly a new one in this industry so make what you want out of that, but I do get the feeling the admin knows her way around the HYIP world if that means anything to you (good or bad!). So as usual the final decision is yours and yours alone. I’ll only add that it’s better and safer to set yourself a spending limit you can afford and will stick to, and use FACTUnion as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



According to the latest newsletter from the admin of EVBusiness (reviewed here) the program has reached the first two months online meaning that the first members in the only available 2.8% for 60 days plan had their deposits released. Well, I was wondering if that is really true as I don’t know anyone who invested in EVBusiness during its first day online as it was listed on MNO only on its third day. So I will be only able to confirm or deny the return of original deposits in the coming days.

So far EVBusiness has undeniably become a very popular program attracting new investors with instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the story of a real financial firm in the UK. Well, they seem to have everything to entice the new members to join – certificate of company incorporation (which is easily obtainable online for a small fee), official video presentation by David Walker (I think it’s actually harder to do then obtain a certificate), a mythical London bank guarantee (of course, not allowing us to know the bank’s name who so willingly give this guarantee to a ponzi) and their own Visa issued credit card (as if anyone can believe that). Anyway, for an experienced investor like hopefully all MNO readers are such things mean nothing more that an admin’s attempt to catch the attention of a “big fish” that will not be so selective and try to deposit more money than they can afford to lose, lured in by a nonexistent credit card program, fancy video presentation or fake stats with allegedly over 80,000 members now.

Anyway, such efforts to make the program look legit must be appreciated by everyone who knows how hard it is to administrate a good paying HYIP for months. Will EVBusiness survive for two more months? Well, it will depend on how much more the admin can entice for depositing. It is a critical moment for the program now that the first deposits are going to get returned, so the admin will obviously do his best to pull new tricks out of his sleeve. So from the latest new features mentioned in the last newsletter by him issued last night he discussed the new British domain with a extension which I don’t believe was so hard to obtain either, the new level of protection from DDoS attacks which will supposedly make EVBusiness resistant to all types of hacking attempts which is vital for such a program offering daily instant withdrawals to its members.

The funniest thing about this newsletter (which you can read below) though is the mentioned website of which I believe was called by the admin of EVBusiness as “one of the most popular investment blogs in the industry” which has only one article on its site and of course, it’s about EVBusiness. I guess there is no need to say about the person who owns this brilliant source of information on HYIPs officially based in New-York, lol. And if you still have doubts about that please check the proudly provided screenshot saying that the author of that blog invested exactly $200,000 into EVBusiness. And after that revelation you’re still sitting on the fence and not investing into that program? You must have been crazy then, lol. Anyway, I really like that lack of humor in that newsletter which makes it even funnier for my tastes.

However something that makes me feel a little uneasy about this program is that my own deposit has matured, but I’m still waiting for it to be returned. Initially it was promised to be instant but the terms do also say it can be 24 hours. I’ll keep you posted about that but it is something to keep a close eye on:

EVBusiness – Your trust is our asset
Today, 22nd January 2012, we successfully complete the second month of our online business operation. We are happy to see more than 80,000 online investors have joined us all over the world from the first days of our online business. We are deeply grateful for the thousands of positive feedbacks we have received from our members and supporters along the way.
Principal Withdraw
Today our investment package (2.8% fixed daily profit for 60 calendar days) will expire for most of our investors who invested 60 days ago. Everyone here at EVBusiness would like to thank all of you for choosing and putting your trust in EVBusiness. Your initial investment amount (principal) plus your compounded and reinvested amount during last 60 calendar days (period of plan) will be added to your account balance automatically and you can withdraw it instantly to your e-currency account. You can sell your funds in your e-currency account to or at the lowest fee and receive your money in your local bank account in the following day.
EVBusiness identity is verified by Nominet, the legal e-commerce domain registrar in the United Kingdom. Now, you can reach EVBusiness online website by using either or
EVBusiness has been reviewed by one of the most popular investment blogs in the industry (HYIPInvestment). You can check our review on their website or use the link below:
Hardware Upgraded
We have successfully upgraded our DDoS protection to the latest version of CISCO DDoS protection hardware. Our server now has a high speed Solid State Driver and a new stable internet conection (speed up to 100Mbit/s). We have also upgraded RAM to 64GB and installed 32-core CPU. Now you can reach EVBusiness faster than ever.
Backup Server
We have added four new backup servers in the United Kingdom and Canada. Now EVBusiness save your account data in 13 different offshore servers all over the world in real-time that will guarantee your data security from all sides
Presentation Video
We highly recommend that you download our official presentation video for better understanding of our business and strategies. You can share our presentation video with others via e-mail as an attachment or a download link.
Best Regards, EVBusiness Limited”.


Although the admin of WinningProfits Bruno originally planned the interview to be published on MNO after the first cycle of payments is completed, it looks like we will have the interview even earlier, possibly even this week. I hope that the decision of WinningProfits‘ admin to choose MNO as the program’s exclusive advertising platform brings some good results and the program is moving along nicely paying to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay on two offered investment plans – 5% for 24 days and 120% after 20 days (read more about the investment plans in my review here). Of course, it would be unwise to expect great results right from the start as with such low-ROI plans WinningProfits have to prove themselves as being a viable investment opportunity for their investors. If I understand that correctly, it was the original intention of the admin anyway and I hope it will work out in this highly competitive field right now. So it looks like to speed things up the referral contest that will last for then next couple of weeks has started now. The total prize fund is $380 which will be distributed among the top 5 referrers who get the most amount of active referrals in their downline. So, in order to avail of this offer please read the rules below carefully:
WinningProfits Contest Time!
WinningProfits has almost completed two weeks online. While we are still very much a baby we are happy to report that things are going smoothly and we expect the growth and sustainability of WP to continue for a long time to come.
I have requested some interview questions from Paul at MNO and we will promptly return them to him for publishing on his blog. As many of you know this is an excellent way for you to get to know us and our intentions on where we would like WinningProfits to go.
Our first full cycle will be completing in about a week or so (For the Paid on expiry plan) and we thought that it was high time we started some promotion of WP. It has always been our belief to try and return as much funds as possible back to the members without squandering them on avenues that are simply useless.
So we have decided to start a referral contest to give you the opportunity to maximize your earnings with us. All members are welcome to participate. This will be a very simple contest where the member who refers the most upgraded members before February 7th will win. We will choose 5 winners and the prizes will be awarded as follows:
1st place – $200, 2nd place – $100, 3rd place – $50, 4th place – $25, 5th place – $15
Remember that everyone who participates is helping to improve the financial stability of WP and will not only be helping other members but themselves as well by ensuring a long and profitable program for everyone.
The winners will be announced by email on February 7th and the winners will be paid to the processor of their choice.
Please continue to support WP by posting your payments on the forums. This helps spread the word and attract new members.
Thank you and please stay tuned for the MNO Interview in a few days.


One of the most distinguished low-ROI programs on MNO is definitely ForexReflex. I have been a fan of that program from the start due to its interesting script, curiously made design and attractive and at the same time sustainable investment plans. I have already reviewed ForexReflex (click here to read it) and even interviewed the admin Patrick (click here for that). So I’m just going to tell you here that ForexReflex has been on MNO for over two months already and is offering investments via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay in a wide variety of plans with principal returned on expiry of each – 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.7%-1.9% for 30 business days, 2%-2.4% for 60 business days, 2.2%-2.8% for 90 business days.

Today another newsletter from ForexReflex was issued and the main topic was the addition of the Russian language version of the site and the upcoming German version which should be available for investors soon too. Apparently, it’s being done to make the program more attractive to a wider audience and beat the competition. I believe it a wise approach as even for such an experienced investor it was pretty hard to understand the basics of investing in ForexReflex. Live support and advertising will be more targeted for local markets too very soon. More on that is in the latest newsletter published on the site’s forum today:
ForexReflex now in Russian!
Our ongoing ForexReflex 2012 January Referral Campaign continues to be very succcessful! We’d like to thank all of our valued investors who have already shared ForexReflex with their family, friends and community. This campaign will continue until 31/1/12, so if you have not taken the opportunity to reach out and bring your people into the program, you still have some time to take advantage of the incentives from this particular campaign.
The biggest addition this time is bilingual content – ForexReflex is now also available in Russian! In addition to site content, we’ve also translated the banners.
Deutschlanders, Sorgen Sie sich nicht! The German translation of our website is currently underway. We are currently searching for the right person with English, German, and Russian fluency to add to our support staff.
Our advertisements are becoming more and more targeted with language as well – we hope that when you see our banners, they will be in the language you most closely associated with you.
And last but certainly not least: our fine-tuning continues to find corners in which to improve – as you’ll see from our latest graph, coming out of the uncertain period that hovers around the end of the year and holidays, interest rates are rising. What a great way to kick the year into gear and get moving!”


TopWallet (reviewed here) has been undoubtedly one of the best performers among the short term HYIPs on MNO and certainly one of the most popular choices among readers. That is why many investors were quite concerned when today they discovered that the site was offline and the downtime continued for a few hours while the admin tried to move TopWallet to a different and more protected server due to high level of traffic for the last few days. Popularity comes at a cost but instead of complaining the preventive measures were successfully taken by the admin who has successfully transferred the site to the new servers on AntiDdos with a higher capacity now.Any TopWallet investors who still cannot access the site should wait until the site propagates in their area and possibly clear their cookies and cache first. Further information on that is available in the following newsletter sent by TopWallet’s admin just an hour ago:
Important – TopWallet has Moved to a New Server!
Hello, Today we were forced to move our website to a whole new hosting company and server. The reasons were multiple, but mainly because of our recent growth that required an more reliable and secured machine for a smooth operation and further development.
Some might be able to access our website already, and if they do – they are being sent to our new server and they can fully use our website as before. You may request your withdrawal now and make as many additional deposits as you wish. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to participate in our recently famous members chat!
However, for some part of the world our website new server is still not being recognized and therefore you see the “Website Moved to a New Server” notification. Do not worry as it is just a matter of time and usually these changes may take up to 24 hours before you will see our website normally.
Here are some tricks you can try to load our website trough our new server:
1. Try reloading the page itself by hitting the F5 button.
2. Try clearing the browser cache and cookies. Restart the browser.
3. Try using a different browser software – Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.
If the above does not work – then you have to await for a couple of hours and try again. You will be fine later then.
If you are not receiving a PIN code due to IP/Browser change when login:
– Make sure to check the Spam folder;
– If it is not there, contact us using the support form.
You may respond to this email with your questions and ideas you might have. We are sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.
TopWallet Administrator”.

I would like to remind you that TopWallet managed to survive Christmas time successfully while being advertised on major monitoring sites like MNO and has been currently running for over 46 days. That is a simply remarkable achievement in light of the fact that it’s started in the the first week of December. Currently all the payments are processed within 1-12 hours of request and I don’t expect the downtime will change this positive pattern. The variety of investment plans offered by TopWallet include the following – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 142%-600% after 7 days, 191%-1100% after 14 days, 350%-2500% after 30 days.


It looks like not everyone likes the success of MoneyHysteria. The program is definitely on the rise now attracting many investors who value the fast payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney along with almost sixty days online. As you might remember from the detailed review of MoneyHysteria posted on MNO here, the program has a huge variety of plans starting from $10 – 106%-125% after 1 day, 119%-180% after 3 days, 149%-300% after 7 days, 210%-550% after 15 days, 350%-1200% after 30 days, 300%-500% after 7 days. But some spammers and blackmailers will always try to ruin such a long-lasting program’s reputation with their bad votes and today the admin of MoneyHysteria warned members that there is possible bad votes attack is going on right now and asked the members to support the program by voting positively on the major monitors and forums. Here is the email:
Bad votes attack! To us demand to pay $1000 and then they have stopped to do bad votes. Dear users and hyip monitors! Help us, remove bad voted, leave Good Votes at forums and monitors when you have received payment. Sincerely your team MoneyHysteria.


The achievement of ProvidentInv is not so remarkable as its competitors – only 8 days, but the admin is still keeping the payments within the promised 12-hour time frame and constantly improves the website. Today, for instance, 24/7 Live support was introduced and implemented successfully according to this short update:
ProvidentInv: 24/7 livesupport available!
ProvidentInv now provide 24/7 livesupport, fell free to ask any question to our livesupport stuff.
Regards, ProvidentInv”.
ProvidentInv is providing payouts via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on the following investment plans available – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-230% after 3 days, 137%-630% after 7 days, 180%-1300% after 14 days, 270%-2600% after 30 days. More on the plans please read in my full review of ProvidentInv published here.


Unfortunately, I had to move StrongDollars to Problem status on MNO tonight. To tell you the truth, the first alarm bells sounded on Saturday when I received complaints from two of my readers telling me that their payouts had not been processed (just marked as “processed” without any real batch numbers). I moved StrongDollars to Problem status on MNO immediately where the program remained for a couple of hours before the admin actually came back and paid to both readers so I moved it back to Paying status again. After that incident many smart investors told me in the MNO ShoutBox that it might not be just a coincidence and that the program might be really in trouble which the admin might try to disguise. It appeared they were right that didn’t reinvest in StrongDollars over the weekend as today I got more complaints which I verified and moved StrongDollars back to Problem status. And this time I don’t believe it’s going to recover. Please note that the program might still pay to HYIP monitors and investors with small amounts for a while to keep its Paying status, but be sure that MNO was again one of the first who changed the status of StrongDollars and hopefully saved money for some investors. Having said that, I can’t say that StrongDollars was a bad program as it lasted for over two weeks and always paid fast till recently. It looks like cash flow issues over the weekend might have hit them too hard.


The newest program just launched today and the admin has added the program to joined the Standard list with MNO. The program is called Profitima and it’s a medium to long term project paying on four investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.5% for 30 days, 1.7% for 60 days, 1.9% for 90 days, 2.1% for 120 days. Profitima accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum. The program is properly SSL secured and hosted and protected by AntiDDos. The first update was posted on the Profitima website today announcing the opening and briefly talking about the offered investment plans (read more about that in the upcoming review of Profitima later this week):
Profitima is officially open!
Our company’s website is officially launched and we are pleased to offer you our investment programs: Starter with a profitability of 1.5% per day, Professional with a profitability of 1.7% per day, Expert with a profitability of 1.9% per day and Master with a profitability of 2.1% per day.


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RelaxCapital, EVBusiness, TopWallet, MoneyHysteria, OnlineInvest.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, BaseBucks, FXMoguls, ForexReflex, LuxorAllianceIncomeInt, GeniusVenture, WinningProfits, ProfitableSunrise, PlexCapital, LucidNature, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, SenrosGroup (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: ProvidentInv.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin (the first payment received).

That’s about all I have today, guys. Hope you’re enjoying the daily news on MNO and I would like to especially thank those readers who are actively participating in the live discussion on my ShoutBox, contributing to the growing community of MNO readers. I remind you that in order to be able to post your thoughts and concerns on the ShoutBox your account must be manually approved by me personally first. So please send me your chosen username and password and I will add your account as soon as possible. See you on MNO tomorrow!

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