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20/07/2012. DonaldsGroup Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! DonaldsGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend again wherever you are in the world and whatever it is you’re doing. I don’t really have so much news to report to you tonight but what I do have is several new programs all joining my monitoring page which I want to tell you about. There’s four of them in total, including one called DonaldsGroup which I want to take a closer look at first. The other three I’ll be introducing afterwards and will review over the coming days. But staying with DonaldsGroup for the moment, this is a new longer term HYIP with some pretty good features to it, so take a look and see if there’s something you might like.

So starting as usual with the first thing most folks want to hear about – the investment plans – DonaldsGroup has a number of them all of which fall into two basic categories. One that makes daily payments for 90 business days and the other which does the same for 180 business days. A lot of them aren’t really affordable to most investors but that’s really more up to you to decide I suppose. Your options include the following:

You can join DonaldsGroup for a $10 minimum. The first available plan runs for 90 business days (which is 18 weeks). In return for your investment they offer to pay you 1.6% interest every day from Monday to Friday for the plans duration on all deposits up to a maximum value of $999. Interest payments will eventually add up to 144%, at which point DonaldsGroup will return your initial principal in full.

For larger investors the rate goes up in accordance with how much more you want to gamble with. For instance deposits from $1,000 up to $4,999 are rewarded with 1.7% interest for the same 90 business day period, adding up to 153% net profit once DonaldsGroup return your deposit.

And just briefly for anyone spending more that $5,000 the rate goes to 2% per day (180% in total) on amounts up to $19,999, and 2.3% (207% in total) on anything above that up to a maximum value of $100,000.

If you’re looking for a longer term investment then the next section of plans runs for 180 business days. That’s 36 weeks altogether, with payments being made from Monday to Friday only. Again the minimum requirement to join is just $10, and for anything up to a top value of $999 DonaldsGroup offer 1.8% per business day. On expiry they should then return your principal. I have to say that personally I find this to be the superior plan. Not just because the final net profit is, at 324%, obviously going to be substantially higher than in the previous 90 day plan, but also because you break even that little bit faster (56 days into the plan), and to me that should everyone’s number one priority when joining a new program.

Larger investors joining with between $1,000 and $4,999 can avail of a 1.9% daily interest rate with principal returned on expiry. Total payments should add up to 342% by the completion of the 180 day term, DonaldsGroup again returning your original deposit on top of that.

And lastly for your information a deposit of $5,000 up to $19,999 is offered 2.2% per business day, while 2.5% is offered to deposits larger than that up to $100,000. In both cases DonaldsGroup promise to return your deposit on expiry.

Payment options are pretty good by online HYIP standards it must be said. In addition to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, DonaldsGroup are also using SolidTrustPay. They are in the process of adding EgoPay of which I will report as soon as it happens.

So far it’s all been fairly simple and straight forward with not a whole lot you don’t find in the HYIP industry every other day. But on closer inspection we can see a couple of more distinctive features. For one thing the script DonaldsGroup uses is under license from Gotenks, not a name I’ve heard in quite some time now but glad to see it nonetheless. Longer term industry players might recognize is as one of the safer alternatives to GoldCoders, but was never widely used. I should just point out that one of the, shall we say “peculiarities” of the Gotenks script is the need to first make a deposit into the program (of at least the $10 minimum I mentioned above). After that can you then re-direct the money from your account to the actual plan you were looking to join.

Another high quality name seen a bit less often in the HYIP world these days is Dragonara. In this case it’s because as a hosting provider they made a deliberate decision not to handle so many HYIPs again, but for whatever reason are making an exception for DonaldsGroup. Anyway, I don’t really care what that reason is, I only know that whenever you see their name you’ll know they deliver a quality service, and Dragonara are the best in the business at this. They have DonaldsGroup on a DDoS protected dedicated server. Their website is also SSL secured for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Contact with the admin if you have any further questions or account related issues then you can get in touch by filling in the online support ticketing form and submitting it. DonaldsGroup are also maintaining Facebook and Twitter pages. They haven’t done a whole lot with either as yet, but we’ll see how that goes in the coming weeks. Social networking sites are exceptionally handy for keeping in touch with members and issuing updates when your website has some technical faults, but only a bare handful of admins have ever made good use of them, so we’ll see if this improves with DonaldsGroup.

One are where the program falls down is unfortunately their design. It’s just that the whole thing feels a bit sparse and unfinished. For example DonaldsGroup don’t even include an FAQ page, and all that’s going to succeed in doing is vastly increasing the number of needless questions and support tickets being sent to the admin when there are more effective ways for him to make use of his time.

What little content there is seems original, but then it contains almost no practical information that would be of any real use to investors. A single line about “arbitrage betting, forex, binaries, commodities such as Gold and Silver, and loans to smaller businesses” being what DonaldsGroup does, does not seem to be accompanied by a single word on what any of those things mean, never mind any real examples or proof. So you know by now to treat DonaldsGroup by now I think, and is with the same level of caution you would with any other online HYIP. Set yourself a strictly enforced spending limit that you will not go past, and try to make more effective use of the program by keeping it (if joining!) as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Today yet another program announced the arrival of EgoPay – FelminaAlliance. Not only can you deposit and withdraw to EgoPay now, but the administration of FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) was so kind as to compile a whole step-by-step guide on how to fund your EgoPay account and how to withdraw from it using Payza. I would like to remind those who missed the last few days of MNO news that EgoPay is another payment processor affiliated with Payza (probably operated by them) which allows you to participate in HYI programs since Payza made a few amendments to their Terms of Service excluding them. FelminaAlliance sent the following newsletter given over almost entirely to this change. If you have missed something about EgoPay and Payza on MNO you should catch up on it below:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
This is an official newsletter from FelminaAlliance Inc.
As you may have heard, from today on Payza can no longer offer its services to the online investment industry due to the all the more stringent U.S. and global regulations.
But this is really good news. Today, we are introducing a new payment method to our system that would replace Payza. The name of the new system is EgoPay. As can be derived from its name, it is centered around you as the customer.
We assure you that the new payment system is a perfect solution and will make the use of your FelminaAlliance account even more user-friendly and convenient.
You can transfer funds from your existing Payza account into your EgoPay account and vice versa almost immediately. The minimum amount per transfer is just $1.00. You do not need to submit any additional documentation to get your account verified. All you need to do is open your account at EgoPay, fund it from your Payza account and you are good to go. No more lenghty and tiresome verifications!
The same precedure will apply when withdrawing funds from your FelminaAlliance account into your EgoPay account. Once the funds are in your EgoPay account, you will be able to send the amount to your Payza account. Such transfers will be processed very quickly. The minimum for this transaction is very low, just $5.00.
We have prepared detailed guides on how to open and fund your EgoPay account.
To set your account with EgoPay:
– Go to
– Click on the ‘Create EGOPAY account’ button in the top right corner of the page.
– Select the preferred account type, either Personal or Business.
– Fill out the registration form and check the box stating that you accept the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and AML Policy and click the ‘Signup’ button.
– Click the confirmation link that will be sent to your email address.
– Log into your EgoPay account by entering your email address, account password and the PIN code.
– Complete the account registration by entering your details into the form you will see and click ‘Save’ button.
– Your account will be fully functional at once.
To fund your account with EgoPay:
– Log into your account at
– Click the ‘Deposit’ button at the top of the page.
– Click ‘Payza’ in the list of available funding options.
– Choose the wallet you want to add the money to and enter the amount you want to add. Note that you can add USD and EUR. Click ‘Next’ button.
– Check the transfer details and click ‘Confirm’ button.
– You will then be re-directed to to finalize the transfer.
– Enter your Payza account details to complete the transfer.
– The transfer will be completed almost immediately. Please allow for a slight delay as Payza may need to verify the transfer for your security.
– Now you are good to go!
To withdraw funds from your EgoPay account back into your Payza account:
– Log into your account at
– Click the ‘Withdraw’ button at the top of the page.
– Click ‘Payza’ in the list of available withdrawal options.
– Enter the amount you want to withdraw and click ‘Next’ button.
– Check the transfer details and click ‘Confirm’ button.
– The transfer will be completed almost immediately. Please allow for a slight delay as EgoPay may need to verify the transfer for your security.
Please note that all the interest you have been earning on the previously made Payza deposits, will continue to be credited to the Available Balance (Payza) in your account.
All the funds held in your Available Balance (Payza) will be available for withdrawal into your EgoPay account only.
So, in other words, only your ability to deposit via Payza and withdraw into Payza is affected. The rest stays unchanged.
Do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. We are ready to help you with any questions concerning the transition frm Payza to EgoPay.
Find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at This is the fastest way to get the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.

Probably out of modesty the FelminaAlliance admin completely forgot to mention another very important achievement of their own. Just a couple of weeks ago it was exactly a year since FelminaAlliance first opened. Since then FelminaAlliance managed to add Payza and direct bank deposits, joining LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. They also put many people well in profit paying quite low in comparison to other HYIPs on the market but at the same time reasonable interest of 1%-1.6% for 180 business days returning the principal on expiry. FelminaAlliance has proved many times to be a reliable investment venture and I would like to wish them good luck running the program for at least one more year. I think that EgoPay‘s addition to their list of the accepted payment processors is a step in the right direction.


KISnP (reviewed here) still has a long road ahead to be compared with FelminaAlliance and other long running programs but today nevertheless I would like to congratulate the admin on the completion of two months online. KISnP has been on MNO monitor since day one and came all the way with changing investing plans, adding and then removing payment processors and paying stably to all investors slowly gaining more and more confidence from them. For now KISnP accepts SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and processes the payments from Monday to Friday on the following investment plans – 1.1% per business day forever, 6.25% weekly forever, 30% monthly forever, 4.5% for 50 business days, 3.75% for 80 business days. Please note that in the “forever” plans you have the option to withdraw your principal after a lock-in period of 150 calendar days while on the two last plans the principal is included in the daily profits and will not be returned on expiry.

I must admit that the admin of KISnP Zepp is a very active promoter of his program on the MNO ShoutBox and you can see him quite frequently there. So you can ask him any questions by yourself if you’re not fully satisfied with the answers provided by him in the recent interview published on MNO (click here to read it). Zepp also issues regular newsletters to the members of KISnP – the abbreviation which stands for “Keep It Simple ‘n’ Profitable” – and tonight was no exception. The latest newsletter commemorates the two months online and gave us an update on the second referral contest which is going to finish tomorrow. I must say that I’m pleased MNO is leading the contest for the second time in a row and sincerely hope to win the main prize again. Anyway, it looks that KISnP is getting more popular among MNO readers every day, and especially I noticed it when Zepp purchased the 468×60 banner on MNO monitoring for four months in a row which indicates that he’s quite serious in his intentions of running KISnP for a long time. Anyway, I would like to wish him and all my readers who have already invested in KISnP a lot of success and am giving you an opportunity to read the latest newsletter from him below:

Weekend Newsletter: KISnP Turned 2 Months Old, Referral Contest Update
Hi Members,
I am done processing all the payouts for today and will resume on Monday as usual.
We are very glad that STP is back to its normal working mode and running fast and smooth.
And we are glad to announce that KISnP is now 2 Months Old! Yehey!!
We are very happy to reach this milestone (indeed a milestone in this industry!) and it is because of the great support we are receiving from all of you.
We will do our best to continuously provide everyone a great and can be trusted program and stable source of income.
Also today is the last day for our Round 2: Active Referral Contest.
So far the 3 leading are:
moneynews, GoldVote, xinvest
For more details and to check the status of our Referral Contest, just click the Referral Contest button inside members area.
Everyone still have 23 hours to participate and a chance to win one of the 3 Prizes we are giving away.
So I guess that is all for now.
Everything is running smoothly for KISnP and we are growing day by day.
Please enjoy your weekends and God Bless us all.
Admin, Zepp. KISnP.


The first of the three new programs added to MNO’s Premium list today was Invest7Pro. The program was launched just a few days ago and is not widely known to investors yet. While paying 7% for 22 calendar days Invest7Pro only allows you to make withdrawals on business days (Monday to Friday) and asks for a maximum of 72 hours in order to get paid to your Payza, SolidTrustPay or LibertyReserve accounts which the program accepts. The minimum starts from $10 and this is the price of one share which can be bought in multiples of 1,000 items maximum. Since the program is positioning itself as an advertising program and is running off a licensed PHPflux script on investing you will be given some advertising credits which you can use to advertise your products and services and in exchange you will be paid a share of Invest7Pro‘s profits which will be 7% daily for the duration of 22 calendar days with no principal back on expiry. Invest7Pro is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server provided by Koddos. More on Invest7Pro will be in my upcoming review published on MNO blog soon!


If you’re a fan of short-term programs then FinexIncome which has just launched today might be a good choice for you. The program accepts SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10. If you have such a small amount you can invest in 27% for 4 calendar days plan and get paid daily with a total profit of 8%. For more daring investors with at least $101 to deposit FinexIncome is offering 30% for 4 calendar days with pure profit of 20%. There are also three investment plans available which pay only once on expiry and the interest in which depends on the amount invested – 130%-140% after 7 days, 155%-160% after 10 days, 200%-210% after 15 days. The minimums for on expiry plans are higher and I will talk about that in more detail in the upcoming review on MNO blog soon. Since the program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script the payments must be requested and they are promised to be paid within 12 hours. My first payments were processed within that timeframe, so I’m quite hopeful the admin will continue the fast transactions in the future too. What I don’t like about FinexIncome is the lack of SSL-encryption and the hosting on a shared server, although I had heard some good things about this CloudShare hosting which is supposedly pretty good when it comes to the protection of a site against possible DDoS attacks. We will have a closer look at FinexIncome tomorrow, so stay tuned for more info and analysis of its main features then!


Perhaps the best advantage of the third program added to MNO’s Premium list today – GeniusCapital – would be the instantly processed withdrawals to both payment processors in use, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. GeniusCapital is a brand new program launched today which offers only one investment plan with the original principal returned on expiry – 3.3% paid to you for the duration of 50 calendar days with the total profit of 165% not counting your principal which is quite high. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos which is known for its good service. I personally quite like the program’s layout, extensive FAQ and originality the admin had to put into it. Of course, there is a lot of things there which you shouldn’t pay attention to including a UK certificate of incorporation which can be obtained online absolutely anonymously and so you should treat GeniusCapital as a regular HYIP. It goes without saying though that the program which has just started now has a very good potential to become a stable earner for many investors for weeks and months to come. The full review of GeniusCapital from which I have already received my instant withdrawals today will be published on MNO in a couple of days. Meanwhile you can read the welcome message to the investors left by the admin of the program on the website today:

GeniusCapital, is an independently owned and operated company consisting of nothing but experienced, highly-trained financial professionals. GeniusCapital is created for those who want to improve their financial condition, but do not have economic education and are not the financial experts. We offer single plan: 3,3% daily for 50 days, deposit is returned after it expires, withdrawals are fully instant each calendar day. Welcome to the most exciting, powerful online investment platform today!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listEWFund.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, InvestForia, SilverStructure, OneInv, EurexTrade, ProfitableSunrise, BensonUnion, FelminaAlliance, MetalROI, DividendService, ExpertKapital, PlexCapital, PrimeXCashKISnP, IveconSafeRisk, Finvance, GeniusCapital (the first instant payments received), FinexIncome (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, DonaldsGroup (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: PerfectLottery, CheeseCash, GoldTradeFunds, HippoWin.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I wish you a very pleasing weekend ahead and hope that you will be back on MNO tomorrow for the full review of FinexIncome and daily news from the industry. See you then!

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