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22/09/2012. Alconoil Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! Alconoil has stopped paying! Do not invest there! 

Hello everybody! I hope you’re weekend has been going well for you so far, wherever you are and whatever you’re up to. Being Saturday there’s a bit less going on around the industry to report on tonight, but there are a few updates you might be interested in if you’re a member of any of the programs. Also I myself will be a bit busy over the coming days, and apart from traveling (I’ll be spending a few days in some of the cities along the south coast of England) I also have a couple of new programs to catch up with on my blog that have been added to the MNO monitoring page. So this evening I want to begin with one called Alconoil and take a closer look at their features and what they offer investors.

The investment plan itself is quite simple, Alconoil only having one of them. The minimum cost of joining is $10, and all subsequent deposits must all be made in multiples of $10 which is the price of one ad unit. In other words you can only spend $10, $20, $30, $40 and so on like that, a bit like buying shares. The maximum deposit you can make is a $50,000 investment (though a program of this quality is hardly likely to attract anything even remotely approaching that!). The term then runs for 25 calendar days with Alconoil paying you back 6% interest every day for the duration. They already factor your initial deposit into these payments so that will not be returned. So by the time the plan expires the hope will be that you get back 150% of your money, or your own money plus 50% net profit. You should reach the break even point after 17 days.

The selection of payment processors is quite good, and as good as anything the program’s competitors offer with all the popular choices listed right from the start. At the moment Alconoil are taking deposits through SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts to members are made manually and will need to be requested from inside your Alconoil members account area. Once done the admin requires you allow him up to 72 hours to complete the transaction. That’s three days and I think asking a bit much from most investors, especially if the admin is genuinely expecting any kind of popularity. I mean it hasn’t taken that long so far, but might come into play to cover up any cash flow issues for as long as possible if the program gets into trouble. Keep in mind that there is a minimum withdrawal limit of $2 so smaller investors take note.

Ok, so far it’s all pretty simple which is something most HYIP industry players probably won’t mind, but unfortunately what really leaves Alconoil down is the website security. Alconoil is running off a script provided by PHPFlux which has suffered a number of serious security breaches in other online HYIPs recently. It’s proven to be relatively easy to hack if someone with the knowledge of how to do so is prepared to have a go at it. A number of programs were compromised recently because of this, so it seems to be a case of just hoping the hackers don’t know your program is even online and then hoping they have no reason to go looking for it. That’s simply not good enough in my opinion, especially as it’s not the admin’s money we’re talking about here, it’s yours!

Despite what the website claims, Alconoil is NOT hosted on a dedicated server. It’s hosted on a shared one from Koddos. The server is also home to another HYIP and in this industry that’s simply asking for trouble. There is however SSL encryption in place. If you have any further questions about this or any account related issues to discuss then the Alconoil admin can be contacted by filling in your details on the online support ticketing form and submitting it.

At this point there is absolutely nothing to get excited about in Alconoil. Honestly speaking this admin has a lot more work in front of him, basically what amounts to almost a complete overhaul of the entire program really, if he is ever to achieve anything in this industry.

As is generally the case when dealing with anonymous and untraceable figures over the net, always set yourself a sensible spending limit based on how you assess the risk and how much you wouldn’t be bothered by if you lost. And of course if you do decide the risk is worth taking then at least protect yourself from significant losses in one program by keeping your portfolio spread out between a number of different ones. But between the script and the poor design it’s difficult to imagine this being an overall success. No doubt some people will take a gamble on Alconoil but I think any experienced investors would spot the flaws easy enough and know to keep looking for a better opportunity. There’s massive room for improvement which the admin should really have done from the start. To be fair I know you could probably say the same for a lot of new programs but the fact that he hasn’t started addressing these issues yet would suggest that this is the finished article and not going to get any better.



I must say I was pleasantly surprised today when the recently announced LibertyReserve maintenance actually finished with only a little bit more time than promised (which is already a huge achievement for LR) but most of all that during the maintenance period nothing bad happened and I was able to login and withdraw from my account after it was completed and the website came back online. There was no changes with my other blocked account in LR which still remains unusable, but at least it didn’t get worse which I fully expected after LibertyReserve’s disastrous track record over the last few weeks. Anyway, the payment processor is now back to normal and the programs that used to pay via LR instantly can process such withdrawals once again.

One of such instantly paying programs on MNO (and not only to LibertyReserve, but also to SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney) is MTResults. After the maintenance on LR website was completed the site resumed the payouts on the 6.5%-7% for 20 days and 125% after 10 days plans which have been successfully paid for by MTResults for well over a month already which makes the program perhaps one of the best short- to medium-term programs on the market now. If you haven’t spotted MTResults yet it mightn’t yet be too late to have a closer look at it now and read my review of the program published here. If you wish to find out more directly from the admin of MTResults you can to read my interview with him published here. By the way, the admin today took some time to warn members about the pending payouts to LR as connected with the reported downtime. Please read the full update below:

LibertyReserve Maintenance
As you may know LibertyReserve website is under maintenance and thus all withdrawals through LR will go pending and have to be processed manually when LR is up and running again.
You can check the update from LR blog at :
Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience.
Have a great weekend.
MTResults Administration”.


The admin of HourHour Kirk didn’t break his own tradition of updating members on issues with the e-currencies accepted by his program – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and LibertyReserve – and today posted some news about LibertyReserve getting back online. I remind you that currently HourHour holds the first position on MNO’s Sticky listing and after almost three weeks online still pays instantly to all the payment processors except EP on two popular investment plans – 1% for 120 hours and 150% after 240 hours. You may notice that it’s the only program on MNO paying you every hour, although you shouldn’t compare HourHour to the infamous scams offering 5,000% after one hour. The program was very well thought-out from the beginning and Kirk deliberately made it so despite hourly payouts the interest still remains sustainable in the long run. In the 5 day plan you will get 20% pure profit while in the 10 day one it’s 50%. Similar programs were famous in the past for working for months and I can’t see a reason why HourHour can’t repeat this success. The admin has everything up his sleeve to do that and the regular updates to the members like today’s one show that he knows how it’s important to keep members updated and not to allow any panic that can be caused by some issues with payment processors. Please note that if you submitted your withdrawals requests from HourHour (reviewed here) during the LR’s downtime you’re required to do it again and you will be paid instantly as usual as per this update:

Maintenance Of Libertyreserve Completed
Dear HourHour members,
We are glad to tell you that Libertyreserve has completed its scheduled maintenance and website has been back to normal. We have returned all pending Libertyreserve withdraws back to our members’ account balance. Please make a withdraw request again to get a instant payment.
Thank you.
Best Regards Kirk Walter
CEO HourHour.


It looks like TheMoneyGalaxy is getting over recent issues caused by its Payza and EgoPay account blockages due to receiving thousands in stolen money into them. Even with EgoPay withdrawals being temporarily on hold as reported two days ago the situation much improved and I myself am getting paid to EgoPay instantly as before. I’d say the admin processes these withdrawals from a new EgoPay account as his old one remains limited and it’s highly unlikely that any of the frozen funds will be released. Even Payza deposits are manually accepted by TheMoneyGalaxy once again and as you can imagine the admin opened another account with Payza too. Despite all that, I believe that in the case of Payza TheMoneyGalaxy is playing with fire as HYIPs like that are strictly not allowed by that payment processor and any newly opened account can be also blocked at any time. So, even despite Payza deposits and withdrawals getting processed by TheMoneyGalaxy now I would suggest to stay away from that payment processor and do not make deposits via Payza anymore.

Good news from TheMoneyGalaxy is that the new payment processor BitCoin was added, joining LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, OKPay, SolidTrustPay, Payza, EgoPay. The minimum accepted by TheMoneyGalaxy is $10 only and depending on your original investment amount you will be paid 2.1% for 100 business days, 2.5% for 120 business days, 3.1% for 140 business days or 4% for 160 business days. Don’t forget that your original principal will not be returned on expiry and that the instant 10% bonus will be added on top of your investment straight after making a deposit. More on the program can be read in my detailed review published here. I hope that the unfortunate situation with Payza and EgoPay accounts will not happen again. Here is the latest short newsletter from TheMoneyGalaxy issued today:

TheMoneyGalaxy: BitCoin Accepted
TheMoneyGalaxy started to accept Bitcoin beside the other payment processors.
We do accept Libertyreserve, PerfectMoney, Okpay, Solidtrustpay, Payza, Egopay and Bitcoin.


The regular weekly newsletter from DiamondAsset was issued this week later than usual so that’s why I’m only re-posting it on Saturday. Actually, there wasn’t any real news there but just a fact that the program has been running fine for nearly a month and paying 1.8%-2.5% interest for 120 business days with the original deposit returned on expiry to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. The growth of DiamondAsset has been quite moderate so far and at the time of writing the program sits in the #15 position on my Premium list. It’s a normal situation though as the programs offering such relatively low returns compared to other HYIPs require some time and and an established record before getting more attention. I hope the admin of DiamondAsset will be able to maintain the positive attitude with which he’s running his program now and get to the point when his investors are going to get the first profits. Meanwhile in the latest newsletter from DiamondAsset (reviewed here) links to the program’s Facebook and Twitter accounts have been given and you’re welcome to check out the latest updates there in case of some emergency:

Interest Payments
Dear Investor,
Thank you for maintaining investment relationship with DiamondAsset.
This is to inform you that all Interest Payments for this week has been successfully processed. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Twitter, this will enable you to get our Latest News and Updates faster;
Kind Regards,
DiamondAsset Support Team.


Tonight an interesting program with a totally different concept of gradual advertising was launched and listed on Premium status on MNO – ROInvest. You may remember that I already mentioned that program once or twice over the last week when the program was in pre-launch mode and might notice the big banner on top of my monitoring page advertising it. The investment plans were only revealed last night when there was less than 24 hours left before the official launch. And finally tonight ROInvest has opened and everyone can sign-up and make an investment. Well, it’s not actually true because for now only deposits via PerfectMoney are accepted with the admin planning to gradually add more payment processors in an unspecified order with eventually all the popular options taken including also LibertyReserve, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. Eventually, when all the payment processors are added, all the payments will be possible to be processed automatically and instantly with the exception of EgoPay which will remain manual and processed within 24 hours.

The investment plans in ROInvest will please anyone who doesn’t expect fast returns as they can be divided into two separate categories – those which return your principal on expiry with lower daily returns and those that don’t with higher returns. I myself prefer higher daily return plans and will join the 3.5%-4.5% for 50 business days with no principal return. The minimum to invest in this starts from $25, but if that’s too much for you you can try the 1.7%-2.7% for 50 business days with the principal return on expiry. These offer you slightly higher overall returns but in my opinion don’t quite justify the risk vs. reward ratio. The design of ROInvest is very simplistic and doesn’t complement the smart advertising strategy used by the admin with a typical generic licensed script from GoldCoders being used. The site has a pretty good security set-up though, with SSL-protection installed and hosting on a dedicated server provided by BlackLotus – one of the leaders on the HYIP market. How the program performs I can only say next week when I should get the first payments from my deposit and review ROInvest on MNO then. Stay tuned for that, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour, TheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds.
From MNO Premium list: FinvanceProfitableSunrise, RightFive, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, YachtWealthClub,  TheBig5PlexCapital, MTResults, PipsFund, RoyalUnion, ProsperaNova, AtlanticVision.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, AoGo.

That’s it for tonight. I hope you enjoyed reading the news and I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow when I’m going to publish a full review of a new medium-term program AtlanticVision which is already quite popular among readers and update you on the latest events from the HYIP industry. Stay up to date with MNO and get today’s news today!

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