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23/09/2012. AtlanticVision Review and Daily News from the Industry


 Beware! AtlanticVision has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone, hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far! There’s still a number of new programs I’ll be describing to you over the next few days, and thankfully some are of a bit better quality others seen recently. One of them is a brand new project called AtlanticVision that just opened a couple of days ago and was added straight to the MNO Premium listing. It’s more of a short/medium term HYIP this time and has some interesting plans. And not to take away from the risk or anything – which is high in everything you encounter in this business – I’d still be hopeful of this one surviving long enough to put a reasonable number of investors into profit. Provided it’s managed correctly that is, which is only something we’ll find out over the coming weeks. But anyway, before we get to today’s news stories I want to take a closer look at AtlanticVision‘s investment plans and other features, and see if you consider them suitable for your own portfolios.

Starting with the plans, AtlanticVision has five of them. I suppose it’s more accurate to say they really just have five variations of the same one, with interest payments varying according to how much you are prepared to spend. Most of the options are priced outside the reach of the average investor anyway, but I’ll go through all of them for you anyway.

But it doesn’t need to be an expensive pastime for anyone incidentally, as AtlanticVision only require a $10 minimum to join. That much will get you into AtlanticVision‘s first plan, called The Standard Investment. It runs for 25 calendar days, during which you will earn 5% interest per day. Your initial deposit is counted as part of those payments and so will not be returned on expiry. That leaves you with a total return on your investment of 125%, which is your own money back plus 25% net profit. So we’ll say for a $100 deposit you would then get paid back $5 per day until reaching a final total of $125, but breaking even along the way on day number twenty. The maximum investment allowed for this plan is $500.

For the bigger spenders AtlanticVision are offering The Advanced Investment, which starts from a $501 minimum and allows you to spend anything up to a $2,000 maximum. Again it runs for 25 calendar days, making daily interest payments along the way of 5.5%. Your original deposit is counted as part of those payments, meaning your total payments add up to 137.5% which is your own money plus 37.5% net profit.

AtlanticVision‘s third plan, called The Pro Investment, starts from a $2,001 minimum. For the duration of a 25 calendar day term you can earn 6% interest per day on this, and which AtlanticVision are also including your principal. The final return therefore ads up to 150%, or 50% total profit. The maximum allowed for this one is $5,000.

After that I think the remaining two plans are very much for the minority of investors, if in fact they’ll seriously even get any takers at all. It’s not so much that the terms are unrealistic, just that the cost of joining is beyond the reach of most. But if that’s not you (congratulations!) I’ll explain them for you anyway. The Special Investment is for anyone prepared to risk from a $5,001 minimum up to an amount of $10,000. The interest rate AtlanticVision are offering is 7% per day for the same 25 calendar day term, and includes your initial principal allowing you to see a net profit of 75%.

And finally there’s The VIP Investment where AtlanticVision are offering 8% interest per day for 25 calendar days on deposits between $10,001 and $250,000. That includes your principal so is a total profit of 100%, or double your money back. Obviously this would be difficult to sustain for any significant number of cycles, but given the cost of joining and it being highly unlikely to attract any investors, AtlanticVision are in turn unlikely to ever need to actually pay this out so it wouldn’t be an issue worth worrying about.

The thing I like about the investment plans in AtlanticVision, and I don’t know how many of you will share this opinion, is that they aren’t really as profitable as they look at first glance. And the reason of course I think that’s a good thing is because it makes them more sustainable. It’s much better to promise a small profit and deliver a small profit than it is to promise a big profit and deliver nothing. So by including your initial principal as part of the interest payments, the actual profit itself is not exactly the 5% to 8% per day that might have been the first thing to catch your eye. It’s more like 1% to 4% which although can’t be sustained indefinitely either, can at least be maintained longer and for a greater number of people to make a profit. And that’s basically the one single reason we’re all in this business after all, isn’t it?

Aside from that the only other thing you need to know about the plans in AtlanticVision is of course the payment options, and they’re excellent. As good as anything else in the HYIP industry anyway, which I’m pleased to see is a growing trend among programs launching these days. Even if people intend sticking with the same payment handler again and again, it’s still important to at least have the choice, and it does look more professional as well. So AtlanticVision are accepting deposits via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually by the admin and require you logging in to your AtlanticVision members area to request it. Once this is done you are asked to allow anything up to 48 hours for the transaction to be completed. So far it hasn’t taken anything like as long as that, but do keep it in mind once the program gets a bit more popular.

The design and security features of AtlanticVision are also up to an acceptable industry standard. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection from Koddos. The AtlanticVision website is SSL encrypted by Thawte for more secure transactions and safer browsing, and runs off a customized script. If you have any further questions, account related issues, or need to get in touch with the admin for any particular reason then contact is done through filling out the online support ticketing form and submitting it. AtlanticVision also have a Live Chat feature, though I myself haven’t noticed it in use anytime I was logged in to my account or seen any schedule for what time you can find an operator there. Overall though I’d have to say I quite like the design and layout as it’s very user friendly, easy to navigate, and reasonably well explained.

As for the website content and the business plan (allegedly) backing the whole thing, AtlanticVision go to great lengths to say how “original” they are, however they are currently not the only HYIP online claiming to be involved in the business they claim, which for the record is the hiring of yachts and fishing boats in California (on the Pacific coast last time I checked, thousands of miles from the Atlantic where they take their name for some reason). That’s just for your information by the way, as there’s no way of locating the website owners should you actually wish to pay them for their services and hire one of their vessels and no way of verifying anything said there. So as is always the case you need to proceed with a suitable level of caution, base all investments on what you can afford to lose rather than what you hope to earn (a negative philosophy I know, but regrettably a necessary one), and if joining AtlanticVision at all then it’s best to do so with them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As you might remember last night I announced about the launch of ROInvest – a new long term program with an interesting concept of gradual advertising and sustainable growth put in place. So the first phase which will last for the first three days of the program’s lifespan will accept only PerfectMoney with a maximum level of $750 allowed per deposit. Then during the next couple of weeks other payment processors will be gradually introduced starting with EgoPay three days from now, and soon to be joined by LibertyReserve and SolidTrustPay which are undoubtedly the most popular payment options on the market now. All the withdrawals will be processed instantly, except for EgoPay where you’re required to wait for 24 hours to get paid. The maximum limit will be also removed after some time, however, the investment plans offered by ROInvest will stay as they are now – 1.7%-2.7% for 50 business days (principal back) and 3.5%-4.5% for 50 business days (principal included). I’m grateful to the admin of ROInvest for mentioning my introduction of his program in the first newsletter to his members sent shortly after the official launch of the program last night. You can read it in full below to understand the concept before I review the program on MNO next week:

ROInvest open and ready.
The time has come and we have opened our doors for deposits. To start off with and for the next three days we will only be accepting PerfertMoney deposits with a maximum limit of $750 per deposit.
We will be changing out clock on the website tomorrow to count down to the date and time 3 days from now when we will next be adding EGOPAY as out next processor.
Deposits are instant and withdrawals each day for PerfectMoney are also instant. EGOPAY payments will be made manually within 24 hours of the request.
The remaining two processors to be added are Liberty Reserve and SolidTrust Pay which will be added on day 6 and day 9 with the order to yet be released.
We are in fact still in Pre-Launch. On day 16 after we started taking deposits all four currencies will be available and each currency will also no longer have a deposit limit, before this time you may see a few things change in your back office. Do not worry though, the plans will not change, the processors will not change and the referral commission will not change. Only a few cosmetic things if we see the need.
Finally Paul from MNO has just mentioned us yet again on his Blog ( introducing us. I encourage you to visit this for an objective view on our site. Please visit our website news page ( for my thoughts and answers to this.
That is it for today, expect a quick newsletter in your mail in three days letting you know EGOPAY has been added.
Admin. ROInvest.


One more program joined Premium listing on MNO today – SkyCrown. While running for about two weeks already SkyCrown is probably more famous for not accepting LibertyReserve which is clearly stated on the website since its launch:

“The safety of our members’ funds and stability of our operation are paramount to us as a company.
We decided to exclude the notorious Liberty Reserve from our accepted e-Currencies list due to their ongoing track record of security flaws, poor customer service, blatant abuse and even theft of user funds. Recent events have fueled this opinion we already had even more, making the risk of jeopardizing our entire activity by dealing with Liberty Reserve unacceptable.”

The notice appeared on the website at a time when a lot of LibertyReserve accounts were blocked or limited for no reason which I reported in my article posted here. Since then there were no more blockages reported (that I am aware of) but I know at least a few cases where the limitations of the accounts were not resolved and LR didn’t return access to the funds to their rightful owners. So I really applaud to the admin of SkyCrown the exclusion of LibertyReserve from its list of payment options. But what e-currencies does SkyCrown accept then you might ask? Well, the list is quite broad and includes all the other popular currencies such as SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and PerfectMoney. Yesterday the list got even bigger when the admin included the recently formed PexPay processor as reported in the news section on SkyCrown website:

New Payment Processor Added
Pexpay has been added to our list of accepted payment processors today. We have managed to fully implement and test this new payment processor without a minute of downtime or inconvenience to our members. We are sure that our members from the U.S. will appreciate this new addition.

As for the investment plan on offer SkyCrown offers you 3%-3.5% for 50 business days with no principal returned on expiry and a minimum deposit of $25. No compounding is allowed either, so you can be sure that the current investment plan is more than sustainable in the long run. As for the payment processing schedule it is going to change starting from tomorrow as posted on the website with the payouts being processed twice daily from Monday to Saturday:

New Withdrawal Processing Schedule
Starting Monday, September 24, we will adopt a new, more flexible withdrawal processing schedule, tailored to better suit our members’ needs and preferences. Withdrawal requests will be processed in two daily sessions, as follows: Monday to Saturday, from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. and from 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. All times are G.M.T.

My first impressions of SkyCrown are more than positive with a beautiful design and lots of information available including the detailed and comprehensive FAQ. As I can see the script of the program looks similar to one offered by ProBiz, however modified successfully for their needs. SkyCrown is SSL-secured throughout by RapidSSL and hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus which is one of the leading service providers offering DDoS protection in the HYIP market right now. More on that will be in my detailed review scheduled to be posted on MNO next week. So, stay tuned for that as I believe SkyCrown is the one to watch!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour, IntraFunds.
From MNO Premium list: FinvanceProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, YachtWealthClub,  TheBig5MTResults, Bull&BearCapital, PipsFund, RoyalUnion, AtlanticVision, OdoFx (the first payment received), ROInvest (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Alconoil.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds.

That’s about all I have for you this Sunday night, guys. See you all tomorrow with another review and daily news from the industry brought to you by MNO – the leading HYIP news resource online!

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