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17/01/2013. OilOfAsia Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! OilOfAsia has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Even though it’s been a quieter week than I expected for news stories, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I’ve been kept busier with new programs coming to the MNO monitor and still have a couple of new ones to get through for you over the coming days. So for tonight’s update I’m going to start with a brand new one called OilOfAsia. It’s a slight change of pace from some of the new HYIPs we’ve been looking at recently as OilOfAsia is a longer term program that doesn’t work on weekends. And it has a lot of other features you might expect from a reasonable online HYIP, so let’s take a closer look at them and see if there’s anything here you might like to try your luck with.

It’s a fairly straight forward program to describe in terms of investment potential due to OilOfAsia only having one plan available. The terms and conditions are identical for all investors regardless of size, with just one rate of interest applied to all deposits regardless of the actual amount. You can join OilOfAsia for a minimum spend of $25, so of course while all online HYIPs remain risky in financial terms it needn’t be too big a deal unless you choose to make it so. Once you’re in, the plan runs for a duration of 75 business days – that’s 15 weeks – during which members earn a flat rate of 3% per business day, Monday to Friday. That comes to 225% in total at which point OilOfAsia promise to return your original deposit.

And that’s it. Pretty simple, eh? To put it in monetary terms let’s say you invested $100 in OilOfAsia. For the next 15 weeks they should then give you $3 every day from Monday to Friday until you reach $225 at which point the initial hundred will be added to that, leaving that as your net profit. You should break even – ie recoup an amount equal to your original deposit – after 34 payments, meaning there’s no further risk to your own money. There’s no maximum to the amount you can invest in OilOfAsia, I mean officially the number they put on it is a million dollars, though effectively that may as well be any random number.

Other points you’ll need to now about the investment plans before deciding to join OilOfAsia will obviously include your payment options. In this case they’re perfectly OK, but not without some room for improvement. Nevertheless, with the likes of SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve included I guess that’s going to be enough to keep most potential members happy. Payouts to investors are made manually and so need to be requested from inside your OilOfAsia private members account area. After you’ve done that the admin requires a maximum of 12 hours to process all transactions, but do keep in mind that you only earn from Monday to Friday here. Just one other point you might want to be aware of is the fact that compounding is offered.

The security and design features of the program are up to an acceptable industry standard, with OilOfAsia running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Some HYIP users might not recognize it at first glance despite it being the most widespread one in the industry due to it being a somewhat modified version, but it’s still from GoldCoders nonetheless. Hosting is on a dedicated server by AntiDDos, who I believe are moving away from the HYIP industry in recent times to concentrate on shall we say more regular business clients, though the standard of services there are up to the same high standard they always were. But as a company if their interest in the HYIP industry isn’t a priority for them anymore I believe OilOfAsia have the option of possibly upgrading to BlockDos in the future if it becomes necessary. The website is also SSL-secured by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

For any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you need to be fixed then there’s a couple of ways you can get in touch. First of all however I’d just point out that the banner telling you that “live support is online” is a bit misleading. I mean maybe it’s just me, and you might understand this differently, but I would have thought that implies “Live Chat” support, which does not in fact feature here at all. The actual means of contacting the admin include filling out your details on the usual online customer support ticketing form and submitting it through the contacts page, or else by mailing him directly at the address provided. OilOfAsia list a telephone number if you’d like to try your luck calling them and expect someone to answer, and a postal address which is more likely to be a serviced office for mailing purposes and not where you find anyone connected with running OilOfAsia actually working out of on a day to day 9 to 5 basis. Fans of social media sites will find OilOfAsia keeping profiles on the likes of Twitter and Facebook, as well as their own news blog. Not much activity worth reporting on any of them just yet (we’ll see if the admin is any better at using these things than the countless others who fail at it over the coming weeks) but to be fair the program is brand new so there’s hardly been much for them to report just yet. OilOfAsia are also the latest program to roll out a crew of regional representatives, that is, individual members in various locations around the world willing to double up as customer support operators. The list is a bit short at the moment, again it’s only getting started, but if you’re any good at that sort of thing and would like to give it a go then contact the admin with your details. You’ll see the names, locations, and contact details of the existing representatives on the OilOfAsia website, as well as the languages you may contact them through.

For anyone interested in such things the alleged business behind the program, and I’m sure most of you might have guessed this from the name, is that of what they themselves describe as an “international oil trading and investment corporation”. Actual solid proof of that is a little thin to say the least, and not something many regular HYIP players are going to be interested in anyway. The admin seems enthusiastic about promoting it though, and has started making a serious effort to get the name OilOfAsia out there in the public eye as much as possible, and he doesn’t seem to be afraid of spending a little money. He seems ambitious enough which is a good quality to have in an admin, but not an excuse for members to stop showing caution. So as always set a sensible and affordable spending limit for yourself that you will stay within, and if joining OilOfAsia then remember to try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Although I have yet to review AirCargoXpress which was just listed on MNO, and in fact yet to receive my first withdrawal from them for that matter, there was a lengthy newsletter sent today commemorating their first month online and discussing some new features recently added. The most important of these would be the addition of SolidTrustPay – one of the most popular payment processors online – and direct bank wires to the already available EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney options available from the very beginning. You should also know that AirCargoXpress completed a couple of investment cycles already in its two plans, both returning principals on expiry – 2%-3% for 10 days, and 3%-4% for 15 days. The admin claims to have a clear and original vision in mind how to promote AirCargoXpress and that as part of that process the referral system was enhanced and listed on many big monitors including MNO. Well, I hope he really knows what he’s doing and that the first month online is just the beginning of a long and profitable journey. A more detailed review of the project will be made soon and meanwhile, you can check out the website itself and read the latest newsletter from AirCargoXpress below:

AirCargoXpress Monthly Overview and New Features
Hello Dear Investors,
It’s our first month since we officially launched our organization online. Therefore investors already received second round of “express” plan’s profits and their principals back.
As you may have noticed, our website is going through some changes aimed at further improvement of our investment services. These days we are developing our online presence for better understanding of the opportunities for online investors.
The first and the most noticeable change is, of course, our multilevel referral system. If you have already read about it here then you are aware of the fact that our company applied a very innovative approach to this system. We’ve been working on it for quite some time and wanted it to be perfect for our investors and promoters.
We also want to inform you that we started our advertising campaign using a well thought-out strategy. As a part of this campaign, we have added the most professional and well-known investment monitors where you can check our payment status and make sure that we always pay on time without any delays. We’ve also added an “affiliate” tab, a “news” tab, and a web status box which will enhance your browsing experience through our website.
And the last but not least important feature we have added to AirCargoXpress is SolidTrustPay payment processor. After numerous requests to add this processor to AirCargoXpress we’ve started intensive work on verifying business account for our organization. After it has been tested and analyzed to be safe and secure for our investors we’re ready to declare that SolidTrustPay is now one of our payment processors!
Moreover, from now on you have a possibility to invest money using a Bank Wire payment option. In this case, the minimum required deposit amount is $500. Enjoy our new features, keep track of our further development and we wish you successful investments!
Best Regards, AirCargoXpress Team


Unfortunately, AlevrasInvestments was not accessible for many hours yesterday and today and there was no explanation from the admin as to why. That prompted me to move them to Waiting status on MNO. In the latest newsletter today the admin of AlevrasInvestments still didn’t explain the reason for the downtime, but said that all the withdrawals (including those to STP) are processed instantly again. I can confirm that I was paid today instantly by AlevrasInvestments to LibertyReserve, however, one of my referrals in the program is not getting paid to SolidTrustPay and I verified that despite of the latest assurance his withdrawal to STP was not paid, neither instantly, nor manually by the admin. In addition it looks like the admin keeps ignoring my emails about my referral not getting paid as well. I do not like this approach personally and I promise that despite the instant payouts to other payment processors AlevrasInvestments will stay on Waiting status on MNO until all my referrals are paid promptly and in full as promised. I’ll keep you updated on that tomorrow and the decision taken by the admin next will definitely affect the status of his program and either put it back to Paying and further to Problem status on MNO. The latest newsletter from AlevrasInvestments can be read below:

AlevrasInvestments – News
Great news. We added FaceBook page for our business. All news will be first updated in FaceBook page
We had problems with STP instant payments, and today they are finally fixed.
Stay tuned for more updates very soon.
Best Regards, AlevrasInvestments Online LTD. Team


Two of the worst and most shameful failures from recently opened programs were moved to Scam status on my monitoring tonight – AlphaCapitalFx and OnwardAds.

AlphaCapitalFx was monitored on MNO for two weeks and stopped paying a couple of days ago. At least they were able to complete two 7-day cycles, although I don’t believe it’s a huge achievement since the potential profits one could get from that plan didn’t exceed 7%, so literally, the risk was too big to justify too small reward for taking it. Anyway, this failure was nothing compared to the disastrous OnwardAds that stopped paying after 5 days online. Perhaps it’s a new record for this type of scam as with such low rates of return nobody even in the most profitable surfing plan could have gotten more than 20% of his original deposit. It was a total waste of money, but the most disgusting aspect was the personality of the admin who showed his true face to me first lying about pending withdrawals being paid, and then actually removing them back to balance with one specific withdrawal request totally disappearing. Well, I can say with complete certainty that this will not be tolerated on MNO, and therefore OnwardAds was moved moved straight to Scam status with all banners removed. The admin could be still lying and paying selectively now, but please do not listen to him and do not invest in this scam anymore!


EpicRoyalFund appeared was a total disappointment for many, turning into a scam so soon. I moved the program to Problem status due to unexplained cashout balances returning to members’ accounts yesterday and the inability of the admin to provide a viable explanation why. Selective payouts continued today with EgoPay withdrawals while all others remain unpaid. So, if you have any remaining balance on your EpicRoyalFund account I would suggest you to make a request to EgoPay for a slim chance to be paid. Those selective payouts won’t affect the Scam status on MNO where the program will be moved to tomorrow, if the others don’t resume. However, at the time of writing it seems highly unlikely. I believe that the less than 55 days EpicRoyalFund actually stayed online and paid to everyone was more than enough time for its admin to steal enough money and totally ignore payments for the longest available 60 day plan.

EpicRoyalFund first appeared in late November 2012 with false claims of being a private investment club. There was of course absolutely nothing private about it, as anyone could join via a referral link and get approved after a few hours. The website was well made and ran on a modified version of Shadow script. Apart from that though, there was a particular hype surrounding EpicRoyalFund created by some professional promoters who said that they knew for sure this particular admin ran a couple of very successful programs in the past that ran for months and made huge profits for a lot of investors. The problem with such claims is always the same – even if it is the same person you never know his intentions and can’t say for sure if his latest project isn’t intended as a fast scam as apparently EpicRoyalFund was intentionally made for. There were such signs already a few of weeks before closure and only now I start to realize the real intentions of the admin. So, he promised to be interviewed on MNO in a newsletter which made many investors feel cheated and who contacted me asking if this were true. I had not idea who the EpicRoyalFund admin was or why it was so praised and cheered by many promoters. I had no contact with him, ever, but was tired of all this claims and announced on my ShoutBox that he was simply telling lies. So, what happened next? Within hours of my report I received payment for Premium listing on MNO made via EgoPay (strangely now the only processor that had paying reports from EpicRoyalFund‘s members today) and later on the admin confirmed that and asked to list his program. I bet he never originally intended to get his site on MNO, only doing so after being exposed by his own lies. There were many false promises made by the admin and the biggest was changing the hosting provider to BlockDos. He totally realized that being hosted on a small firm with literally no DDoS protection would not satisfy the heavy hitters and so he made such promises for weeks. And finally in his last newsletter he made an announcement about migration to BlockDos that made no sense as the servers were still the same. I couldn’t possibly imagine how it was possible to migrate the site to BlockDos without changing servers. Anyway, it looked that he didn’t care anymore, as the last newsletter was his last, made up of lies and false promises that the admin never even planned to fulfil. As so many cheap liars in the industry do, he tried to look like one of the big hits of the past, deceiving investors who genuinely believed that EpicRoyalFund could become the next big thing of 2013 in the process. Well, it’s become the first really big disappointment of the year and possible scam with a lot of investors losing money. Please do not invest in EpicRoyalFund anymore, as it’s a suspected scam now! You’ve been warned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, ProForexUnion, UsdTrading, ForexTMS.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, SureInv, SafeguardWallet, DiamondAsset, TureProfit, BensonUnionZionFinance, Nubcoyu, Stravia, Xgolding,  BankPaying, AlevrasInvestments, MGProfit, GISolutions, AIOFinance, OilOfAsia.
From MNO Standard list: BGTGroups, PremierLeagueProfits, TradExFund (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, Monearn, Fxen, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, EveryHourPaid, Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit, HourlyAdvertise, PerfectForex (the first payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Sorry for the mostly bad news, but you know the HYIP industry can be tough some times. There are still a lot of great investment projects you might consider joining and you can find them on my monitoring page. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow for a detailed review of PremierLeagueProfits and all the latest news from the biggest investment projects online!

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