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04/02/2013. RewardsWeekly Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! RewardsWeekly has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Over the last couple of weeks I think it’s fair to say we’ve seen a slew of shorter term HYIPs opening and, unfortunately, closing. It’s always important to diversify of course and so a decent longer term program coming along is always going to be most welcome as well. So to start of the new business week (hope you all had a nice weekend by the way!) I’m going to take a more detailed look at a program called RewardsWeekly which joined my monitoring page just after opening last week. In terms of what they are offering potential members RewardsWeekly is a remarkably simple and uncomplicated program which isn’t something I could say for all long term HYIPs so as usual I’ll start things of with the plan before seeing what else they might have going for them.

RewardsWeekly have only got one investment plan, and I think the name of the program tells you a lot about what’s happening here. There’s no variety and no variations to the plan either by the way, and the very same returns are being offered to all members no matter how big or how small your deposit, subject to the usual minimum investment levels of course. You can join RewardsWeekly for a minimum spend of $10, and the term runs for 40 calendar weeks. Give or take a couple of days that’s about nine months or so. During this period you earn a 10% interest payment made once per week. After you receive the final payment RewardsWeekly will then add your original principal to that, so the final return of 500% is 100% your own money plus 400% net profit.

So if we look at a simple example of how that might play out in practical terms, let’s say you invested $100. RewardsWeekly would then pay you back $10 every week for forty weeks to follow. You break even, that is earn back an amount equivalent to your initial deposit, ten weeks into the term, and complete it with payments adding to $400. You can then expect RewardsWeekly to add your original $100 on top of that again. There’s no stated upper limit placed on spending incidentally, so you’re free to spend as much as you please. However I suggest you not take that as some kind of green light to go nuts or whatever, so do stay withing an affordable limit assuming you’re even interested in joining at all that is.

The list of payment options is reasonable, not exactly extensive but with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve all included I imagine most potential investors would be happy enough. Something else you might appreciate though is RewardsWeekly‘s inclusion of instant payouts. I think that’s only fair given that you have to wait a week before withdrawing anything in the first place mind, so I’m glad to see them in use here. You will as always still need to log in to your private RewardsWeekly account area and make the request yourself, but once done you should see the money in your payment processor account in under a minute.

On the design and security side of things, RewardsWeekly is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders, and the website is SSL-encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The admin has also opted for a pretty expensive hosting and DDoS protection package from BlockDos who are keeping RewardsWeekly on a dedicated server, so it’s good to see he’s taking that so seriously. It’s no guarantee of the success of the program itself you understand, but if the intention was a fast scam there’s easier and cheaper ways of doing it so I think, or at least I hope, that the admin is serious about taking the program as far as possible. If you have any further questions for him or any account related issues that have to be dealt with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the e-mail support ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. Despite featuring a banner announcing “Live Chat”, clicking it unfortunately does absolutely nothing other than refresh the contacts page and leave you with the very same support form to fill out. Maybe it will be added later, I really don’t know, but it’s not working now. The other point of contact, though not with the RewardsWeekly admin directly, is the program’s regional representatives scheme. This is something that investors who regularly use longer term HYIPs might have seen a couple of times before. Basically it’s the hiring of regular member from different countries the world over and allowing them to act as customer support operators in their own time and in their own language. For more information or for anyone interested in having a go themselves then check out the RewardsWeekly website.

It’s quite a nice looking website and one that’s been very well designed. The only thing that sours it is the copy/pasted texts that have been seen in older HYIPs in the past. I don’t mean to link them of course as experienced players will know this only connects the designers rather than the admins running them, but I just mention it as a way of underlining the point to newbies not to go looking for any kind of serious business plan backing RewardsWeekly up. HYIPs can be an easy way of making a few dollars as well as an easy way to lose it, so you should know how to treat them all by now – with caution, but not being afraid of them either as long as you know how to play. That starts with fixing a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining RewardsWeekly then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Those of you who watched the development of ProForexUnion long enough may remember that a few weeks ago the program offered some Forex classes for those who would like to learn how to trade currency pairs as successfully as the program itself claims to. Allegedly, the profitable trading on the Forex market allowed ProForexUnion to pay for several cycles already on the investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days. ProForexUnion accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from $10 minimum plus several banking options. ProForexUnion has achieved the #1 spot on MNO Premium listing already due to the enormous popularity of the project. For more information on this wonderful program please check out my original review published here. And below you will find the latest news with times for Skype conferences on Forex training classes:

ProForexUnion. Forex training is available again!
Please submit requests to Skype conference!
Forex training will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-12 am. and 4-5 pm. On London time.
Trader speaks three languages, Chinese, English, Italian.
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.


There was some short update posted on the website of Stravia today in which the admin described a technical glitch which had been fixed already by now:

There was a technical glitch in the “Your Deposit” section where the expiry date calculated on an investment did not include the weekends and therefore did not show the true number of days remaining. This has now been fixed.

Stravia (reviewed here) has been running for nearly two months already and offering 2.7%-3.5% for 70 business days with principal back on expiry via EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for a $10 minimum.


If you ever wanted to make an internal exchange in a HYIP but were put off by high fees, you might be interested in the new offer by GoldenPayment available for all new deposits in the program. To take advantage of the no-fee exchange offer you will have to make a deposit of at east $10 into one of the plans – 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days, 150% after 7 days, 325% after 15 days – and then contact the admin with your preferred option for conversion. Since there are four e-currencies accepted by GoldenPayment – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay – you can deposit with one e-currency and then have your deposit converted to another one. Provided all directions are available for deposit exchange with absolutely no fees, I consider this offer really generous. The other question is why the admin is doing this at all, but I just think it might be an advertising stunt. You can read more about GoldenPayment in my review published here and in my recent interview with the admin here. For you convenience, I am also re-posting the latest newsletter featuring the exchange offer with all the details you might need:

Free Currency Exchange Beta at GoldenPayment
We had quite a few inquiries after we sent out our newsletter about our free currency exchange beta test. We have given a little more detail below:
These are the directions available. Any new deposit qualifies for the test.
SolidTrustPay to Liberty Reserve – 0% Rate Even Exchange
SolidTrustPay to Perfect Money – 0% Rate Even Exchange
SolidTrustPay to EgoPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
EgoPay to Liberty Reserve – 0% Rate Even Exchange
EgoPay to Perfect Money – 0% Rate Even Exchange
EgoPay to SolidTrustPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Liberty Reserve to Perfect Money – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Liberty Reserve to SolidTrustPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Liberty Reserve to EgoPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Perfect Money to Liberty Reserve – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Perfect Money to SolidTrustPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Perfect Money to EgoPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
To take part in this beta test, you just need to make a deposit, and then send an email to with the transaction information as well as the e-currency you request and your username. Your deposit then will be converted to that e-currency.
Best Wishes, GoldenPayment.


Two short-term programs that opened in the last week are possible scams already. I’m talking about CashHub and RoyalIncome. While CashHub stopped paying yesterday and the admin complained that someone had his STP account suspended due to complaints submitted by allegedly some rival admin. If it’s true or not, I can’t say for sure as he was never seen on the MNO ShoutBox after being pretty active before. His program lasted for 6 days in total, which was still enough to make a profit for some investors. And as for RoyalIncome, I never expected it to last long with such a high returns as 120% after 1 day, and apparently today it stopped processing instant withdrawals after being online for 4 days, which was again enough time to make plenty of money if you moved on it quick enough. Please note that the further investments in CashHub and RoyalIncome are not recommended and they were both moved to Problem Status on the MNO monitor tonight!


ForkStrategy is a medium-term investment program that just opened and found its way to MNO’s Premium listing straight away. Basically, there are three investment plans with a $10 minimum accepted via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 115% after 15 days, 150% after 30 days, 200% after 45 days. The name of the program ForkStrategy originates from the types of betting in sports arbitrage where they allegedly make money. I must say their website looks impressive with a lot of useful information including types of investment strategies and a comparable table of payment processor fees. The site is properly SSL-secured by Comodo, running off a licensed Gotenks script, and is hosted on a DDoS protected dedicated server by BlockDos. Everything about ForkStrategy including its sustainable investment plans makes me think that the project was created to run for a longer term. Of course we can only confirm that after the first 15 day cycle is completed and the first members are paid in two weeks from now. At the first glance however the project looks really interesting. I’m going to make a full review of ForkStrategy on my blog in a few days, and meanwhile you’re welcome to check the website for yourselves and read the first newsletter in their News section:

Welcome Message
Dear investor,
It is a big pleasure for us to announce that ForkStrategy is now available for the general public and ready to accept investors from the entire world. We have been developing our website for a few months and we are very excited to welcome you aboard our journey to success.
We’ve been investing in sports betting for several years now, more specifically in arbitrage bets, also known as sure bets. Basically, we take advantage of the different odds offered by several brokers for the same events. Please read our website for more information and an example of how it works.
Even though our business has been working pretty well for several years now, we are not satisfied with our earnings and we want to increase them together with you. We have the knowledge and you have money to invest so why not put these things together and create an online investment pool? It’s a win-win situation and we have very high expectations for it.
Our experts will share a part of our profits with you via one of our investment plans that pay 115%, 150% and 200% after 15, 30 and 45 calendar days respectively. You can join us using EgoPay, Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay and bank wire.
Success is a long and tortuous way but with hard work, motivation and desire to win, we will become a established business and provide its partakers wealth and stability. We are here to guide you and build this path together. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our support team and we will treat your request with priority!

Best regards, Mark Flecher”.


The second program to purchase Premium Listing on MNO today just after launching is ExpressProfitShares. The project offers only one investment plan paying 8% for a duration of 15 calendar days, so your potential profit could be 20%. All the popular payment options are accepted by ExpressProfitShares including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Please note that ExpressProfitShares is running off PHPflux script, as far as I can see, so note that the investments are done in shares costing $10 each. Please note that you can also advertise your site in addition to your investment in ExpressProfitShares by placing banner ads and allocating advertising credits that will be added to you on your first deposit. The design of the program looks average with an excess of advertising banners but no SSL-encryption which in these times is staggering. The site is hosted on a shared server by Koddos and I hope that such basic security settings will be enough to maintain the program, although such negligence towards them makes me question how serious the admin really is about it. Anyway, I’ll have a more detailed look at the program in a few days, so stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listProForexUnion, MGProfit, OilOfAsia, BerkeleyFinanceGroupFinanciaLtd.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SureInv, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, TureProfit, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, Nubcoyu, VisitAd, PerfectForex, GoldenPayment, Xgolding, Profitable2013, FatProfit, ADSolid, RewardsWeekly, HurricaneAssets.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, TradExFund, PremierLeagueProfits, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest,EasyGrowth, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with the full review of FinanciaLtd and a full news update from the HYIP industry.

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