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18/02/2013. CostaAlliance Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! CostaAlliance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to getting started with some new opportunities for the working week ahead like I am. So before the first news update of the week I want to start with a brand new program called CostaAlliance that’s been monitored on the MNO Premium List since just a couple of hours after starting up last Friday. It’s a short/mid term program and one you might like, so let’s see what they have to offer.

The very first thing you need to know about CostaAlliance is that when you join in order to sweeten the deal the admin pays you a 7% bonus of whatever it is you deposited. There’s no strings and the money is available to be withdrawn immediately. It’s not added to your principal for you to earn interest on, and is not connected to the additional interest payments you earn on your investment. You simply take the money and you leave. Nothing else.

The actual choice of whether to join at all or not is going to be quite easy by the way, as CostaAlliance only have one investment plan. You’re going to know straight away whether you like it or not so the 7% bonus will help sway a lot of people who wouldn’t normally go with this type of thing. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10, though are welcome to spend euros as well if you prefer. The investment term will then run for 21 calendar days, during which CostaAlliance will pay you 7% per day. Your initial principal is included as part of those payments and will not be returned, so the final return comes to 147%. So that’s your own money back plus 47% net profit on top (though it’s actually 54% profit, don’t forget the signing-up bonus!). You would break even, ie earn back an amount equal to your deposit 14 days into the 21 day term, meaning there’s no further personal risk to your own money after that.

So how about we take a look at how a theoretical investment might work out for us? Let’s say we deposit $100. The first thing that’s going to happen is CostaAlliance will pay you 7% of that – in this case $7 – as a sort of thank you for joining. This does not count as one of your interest payments and can be withdrawn immediately. Following that you will then start to be paid $7 interest per day for the following 21 days. That adds up to $147 in total from which CostaAlliance are already including your original principal which is not returned in a separate payment. That’s your own money back plus $54 as a net profit for yourself ($47 in interest plus the $7 bonus).

I think what I like most about CostaAlliance is that it offers everything I want in a short term HYIP, which is basically profit plus achievability. I mean I’m not saying it can be sustained forever (obviously it can’t) but in the hands of the right admin I see no reason why it can’t at least have a good run. So while yes, there are programs out there that appear to offer higher rates, how many of them will consistently deliver on those promises? So it’s better to stick with something that can be achieved and see a profit from it as opposed to a more ambitious program but ultimately looses you money.

Apart from that I guess the only other thing you need to know about the investment plans would be what your payment options are. And I must say they’re pretty good, with CostaAlliance taking all the popular online processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin so need to be requested from inside your CostaAlliance private members account area. According to their own rules members will need to allow up to a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be completed, however to the admin’s credit I have to say they’ve all been extremely fast up until now and I was never left waiting any significant length of time. So kudos for providing a good service as well as a good program. In addition to that they accept direct bank wires, however if your using them to deposit or withdraw then contact the CostaAlliance admin first for more details, as an entirely different set of rules (such as minimum transactions, processing times, etc) will apply.

On the subject of design and online security, there have been some enormous improvements made to CostaAlliance since they opened a couple of days ago. Specifically I’m talking about the addition of a secure SSL connection which was added today. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection from Koddos and is running off a licensed ProBizScript which some longer term readers might be aware was quite popular in the industry some time back but not seen so often anymore. Not much wrong with it though so I don’t really know why. If you have any further comments or questions for the CostaAlliance admin or any account related issues to be dealt with then you can get in touch by a variety of methods. To start with you can fill in your details on the e-mail ticketing form and submitting it through the contacts page, or else you can just mail the admin directly at the address listed. CostaAlliance are also offering telephone support in addition to Live Chat support, though it’s not 24 hours and there’s nothing to indicate exactly what the working schedule is for the operators there. Social media users will find CostaAlliance keeping a Facebook profile which in turn contains an e-mail address not listed on the program’s main website.

Texts and website content seem to be original so at least some effort was made, but what remains bit of a mystery is what they actually say. Because as is typical of the online HYIP industry the whole thing is very vague and not explained in any great length, and certainly nothing you can independently verify as being truthful. So as is always the case, treat CostaAlliance with the same level as caution as you would anything else in this business and stay comfortably below a spending level that you can afford to lose. That, and if joining CostaAlliance then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider and more diverse portfolio.



The admin of PerfectForex Jim (interviewed here) proved the seriousness of his intent to run his program for a long time today by changing hosting provider and moving to a new server after a series of DDoS attacks that made the site inaccessible for quite some time and prevented it from accepting deposits into the different investment plans currently offered – 104%-125% after 1 day, 122%-250% after 5 days, 172%-800% after 15 days, 400%-2000% after 30 days, 900%-3500% after 45 days, 1000% after 10 days. I remind you that PerfectForex(reviewed here) has been running for 34 days now and hopefully the obstacles in the form of DDoS attacks will not affect the admin’s determination to continue paying to everyone on SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve accounts. As promised all pending withdrawals will be processed within 24-36 hours which is a reasonable timeframe considering PerfectForex has been offline for quite some time. Here’s the latest newsletter:

We are moved to a new server
As you can see our website been unavailable for a some time.
For now we are moved to a new server with more powerful and stability protection against DDoS attacks.
All requests will be processed within a 24-36 hours.
Thank you for your understanding and faith in our company. We are always trying to do only best work.
Yours truly, Jim Courtney
PerfectForex – Your Perfect Partner


Another quality short term program GoldenPayment (reviewed here) also made the move to BlockDos after experiencing attacks. After 23 days online GoldenPayment keep pleasantly surprising members with stable and on time payouts on the following investment plans – 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days, 150% after 7 days, 325% after 15 days. In the recent interview with my blog (click here to read it) the admin of GoldenPayment Dennis explained why SolidTrustPay and EgoPay were not added from the very beginning but only later while LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were both accepted from day one. And finally the advertising banners of GoldenPayment were also updated to reflect the change and the extended list of payment processors which now also includes STP and EP. All of the latest news from GoldenPayment – a wonderful short term program – can be read below:

GoldenPayment New Banners – SolidTrustPay and EgoPay
We have updated our promotional banners for GoldenPayment to reflect our two new processors, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay.
Our promotional banner links can be found here:
Yesterday we moved to BlockDos after a large scale DDoS attack. Our site should be completely available worldwide now for those who were not able to access the site during the transition.
Thank You, GoldenPayment


ADSolid (reviewed here) is starting to accept applications from the potential regional representatives who will enjoy some extra benefits for providing support to investors from their local markets. The requirements and the rules for those willing to participate can be read in the newsletter published below. I would like to remind you that ADSolid pays 1.2% to 2.1% for the duration of 150 calendar days with the principal returned on expiry. Interest is only credited on business days and processed instantly on request LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay:

ADSolid project invites new regional representatives. Regional representatives are persons and organizations that will work more closely with us and help us spread the advertising of our project in their countries for their fellow citizens in their own languages.
We offer our members the following favorable conditions:
1. Increased referral commission (up to 20%).
2. Participation in promotional contests among other representatives with valuable prizes.
3. Reduced prices for advertising on our resources.
4. At the end of the trial period to have the possibility to work in a fast-growing company.
1. Age 21-55 years.
2. Experience in advertising at least for one year.
3. Availability of an accounts on regional social networking sites.
3. Command of the language of the region, which he/she represents.
4. Knowledge of advertising resources in the region.
5. It is desirable to have a website, blog, etc.
Send the resume to:
Suite 1208-B, 17th Floor Tower, Torre de Las Americas, Punta Pacifica, Panama City, Panama or by e-mail to the address (labeled “regional representatives”).
Please follow the application form:
1. Your name.
2. Username in the project.
3. Your country.
4. Your website.


It appears that MalaysianINC that was just reviewed on my blog last night (click here to read it) had some issues with their domain registrar recently which prompted it to move the domain elsewhere and also register a few more domains that will accommodate the program if something else bad happens with the main one. I noticed that the recent malicious activities from administration prohibit and suspend domains of HYIPs and any HYIP related websites and therefore would not recommend any HYIP admins using that company or any affiliated resellers. There are a plenty of other good domain registrar companies that will gladly accept and accommodate you.

In any case, thanks to the admin of MalaysianINC, the necessary preventive measures have been taken and the site is now on a new registrar with a few other domains available to back them up just in case. The program is still processing payouts fast and within five minutes to all accepted payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. MalaysianINC‘s plans include four variations with fluctuating returns and the original principal returned on expiry – 1.62%-2.06% for 15 business days, 1.81%-2.18% for 30 business days, 2.15%-2.43% for 60 business days, 2.63%-2.95% for 120 business days. Their latest update is below:

Domain MalaysianINC successfully migrate to another registrar!
Our general domain successfully migrate to another registrar.
New WHOIS info you can see here:
If you display our WHOIS info on your web-site in details of our program, please update this information.
After updating the WHOIS info on your web-site please send us link to the page with updated info and we will add bonus to your account.
The bonus amount depends on the Alexa rank of your web-site and will be calculated on the formula:
Thank you for promotion our program!
Best regards, Malaysian Investment Company Team

We have registered secondary domains!
Dear investors, we have registered two additional domains for our company: and The new domains currently has not use a SSL encryption, so we recommend using them only as a secondary. Now our site available here: (with SSL) (without SSL) and (without SSL).


Please note that some of the programs that only pay on business days might not be doing so today due to a banking holiday in the US today when allegedly such programs can’t “trade” and pay investors. One such program is FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) who informed everyone they were having a day off. The program observes all official holidays in the US and Panama. The two investment plans with principal returns on expiry which FelminaAlliance accepts via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay processors are 0.8%-1.4% for 90 business days, and 1%-1.6% for 180 business days. Today’s announcement is as follows:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
This is an official newsletter from FelminaAlliance Inc.
Monday, February 18, 2013, is Washington’s Birthday in the United States.
We observe the official holidays in the US and Panama. According to our terms of service, we do not pay interest on weekend days and official holidays. Therefore, no interest will be paid on this day.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department,
FelminaAlliance Inc.


Please note that WaldmanDiamond stopped paying yesterday without any prior notice and apparently the admin decided to scam after just a few weeks online. I must say the program was walking on thin ice to begin with by choosing the name of a genuine and respected business who pledged to put an end to this cheap scam by blocking the domain name through legal means. I guess the admin of WaldmanDiamond new what was coming and just stopped paying. Actually the program hasn’t even completed one cycle and no investors were in profit, so we can safely consider it a fast scam and a total and utter failure. It was surely one of the stupidest things an admin could do. Please do not invest anymore, guys!


It’s time to draw the results of the latest poll on MNO TalkBack and pose one more question for readers. First, thanks to everyone who voted in the last one where I tried to get your view on the role of HYIP monitors. So let’s start with that. The question was – What do you think of the role played by monitors in the HYIP industry?

The most popular answer with 67.6% of votes said “I think they are important but I only trust a couple and ignore the rest.” I very much agree on that point and humbly hope that MNO is on the list of those few monitors that can be trusted. I work hard in maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date status of the programs listed on my monitor and always move any in question to Problem status fast, and usually as soon as I get a confirmed complaint from a reader. But yes, the trusted monitors can be very useful for an online investor in determining the true status of a program he wishes to join, while some slow and stupid monitors when statuses not changed for weeks can be extremely dangerous to your wallet. That is why it’s of utmost importance to remove such monitors from list and do not check them all over again. Remember that only hitting their advertising earnings will make them think twice before collaborating with HYIP admins and displaying an incorrect status for a scam.

The second most popular answer with nearly 19% votes said “They provide a vital service to investors and would really limit my activities if I couldn’t use them. The more there are the better.” This reflects the views of many investors who don’t want to limit their attention to only a handful of trusted monitors. Well, this might be useful for you as long as you realize that some statuses on monitoring sites can be wrong and should not be taken lightly.

The third option with 8% of the votes believe monitors to be “Self-serving mercenaries who line their own pockets and don’t care about their readers. Pay them no attention.” Well, it’s true that many monitors are only here for the money and they don’t really care for the investors. As I said already, such sites should be avoided by all means, but some of them genuinely try to help. Or at least tell the truth when aware of it.

Finally, the least popular response with 5.4% of the vote said “They don’t really tell me anything I don’t already know so don’t see much point in following them.” Usually that would be a view held by the most experienced investors left disappointed by their dealings with monitors in the past and use alternative sources for information. Well, this can be justified too, and those few who can get around without the help of monitors are possibly the most independent investors at all.

The new question I’m posting tonight asks the following – Do interviews with HYIP admins on MNO influence your decision to invest in a program?

I know attitudes to MNO interviews with admins are different and so I’m looking forward to hearing your opinions. Your choices are the following:

a) Yes, I find them useful for judging the admin’s communication skills, his attitude to investors, early warning signs, and can help me spot bad programs as well as good.

b) No, I don’t find them helpful as the admins always have their own agenda and rarely tell the truth about what they don’t want you to know.

c) Sometimes they can be interesting to read, sometimes they’re not, but it really depends on the individual admin.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listProForexUnion, MGProfit, OilOfAsia, PerfectForex.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, SureInv, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, MajestiCrown, TureProfit, BensonUnion, GoldenPayment, FatProfit, Xgolding, ExpressProfitShares, AXAIndustries, RewardsWeekly, ADSolidHurricaneAssets, CostaAlliance, MalaysianINC.
From MNO Standard list: PremierLeagueProfits, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, XtremeRichness, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s it for tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry!

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