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11/04/2013. After100Days Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! After100Days has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope the business week has been going well for you so far now that we’re coming to the end of it. There’s not a great deal to report in the industry tonight, and unfortunately not all of what I do have to report is all that great. On the other hand I still have a couple of brand new programs to tell you about over the coming days, and I’m continuing tonight with one called After100Days that I want to examine in a bit more detail for you now.

After100Days is a short term program that was just added to the MNO monitoring page recently, and is another one of those ultra fast HYIPs that have become some of the most popular in the last couple of years. Love them or hate them there’s no denying the impact they’ve had on the business, nor is there any denying that there’s almost always a good number of investors that make quite a bit of money out of them. Usually of course they’re the ones who know how to play sites like After100Days properly and use them to their own advantage. That comes at the expense of those less familiar with the workings of the HYIP industry but that’s generally how the whole business works anyway so nothing new to tell you about there. Regular readers will recognize the plans being offered by After100Days instantly because of their similarity to numerous other short term HYIPs in recent times.

There’s no less than ten plans in total for you to chose from, but to be honest, and I’m not telling you anything that experienced investors won’t already be well aware of, at least half of them should really be ignored. That doesn’t mean you can’t make a quick profit out of the rest of what After100Days have available, though I’ll still talk you through all the available plans anyway. It’s your money after all and you’re free to disagree with whatever I think any time you like.

So the first of these plans runs for the shortest possible term of just 1 single calendar day. You can join it for a minimum deposit of $10 and your interest payment will be included with your principal when both are returned on expiry. After100Days will determine the rate according to how much you invest, with returns including 104% for deposits between the aforementioned $10 minimum and $500, 105% for deposits between $501 and $1,000, and 106% for anything between $1,001 and $5,000. Higher rates are available but if you’re really prepared to gamble with that kind of cash then I would suggest you see your After100Days member’s area for those numbers.

The second plan runs for 3 calendar days this time but can also be joined for a minimum deposit of $10. The return paid on expiry of any invested amount from that up to $500 will be 114%, in which After100Days are including your principal. As you can see it’s only very marginally more profitable than reinvesting in the one day plan for three cycles. In fact were you to reinvest the full amount (ie principal plus profit earned everyday) the difference would be mere pennies. So the only real advantage here is not having to withdraw – and that might not always be seen as advantage by every investor. If you want so spend a little extra in this one then the applicable returns include 118% on amounts from $501 to $1,000, and 122% on amounts between $1,001 and $5,000. Larger investments are accepted and for details you can see your After100Days member’s area.

The third plan runs for 5 calendar days and you will also need to spend a $10 minimum to try it out. Returns are again paid out once on expiry and will include your principal. The basic rate is 124% on deposits from $10 up to $500, though you may also get 132% on deposits from $501 up to $1,000 and 140% on amounts between $1,001 and $5,000. As with the other plans you may spend more if you wish so check the After100Days member’s account area if you do.

The fourth plan runs for 8 calendar days and can again be joined for a $10 minimum investment. Payments are made on expiry and will include your principal. The return offered on anything up to $500 is 138%. If you spend from $501 to $1,000 the return is 148%, and from $1,001 to $5,000 it’s 160%. Bigger deposits are of course accepted so check the After100Days member’s area for the figures relating to that.

From this point on the remaining plans have a lot less going for them in my own opinion, partially due to the risk which increases sharply for the rest of the plans and, for some of them anyway, an inflated minimum deposit. Though the next one still only requires you to join with a $10 minimum. It runs for 16 calendar days, paying once on expiry and including your principal. Deposits from the $10 minimum up to a value of $500 are offered 180%, from $501 to $1,000 are offered 220%, and from $1,001 to $5,000 are offered 400%. As you can also see the numbers are starting to get ridiculous now and unlikely to be obtainable, but for your information rates being offered to larger deposits than that are available to be viewed from inside your After100Days private members account area.

After100Days follow that with a plan running for 35 calendar days, paying once on expiry. Deposits from a $10 minimum up to $500 are being offered 450%, from $501 to $1,000 the offer is 600%, and from $1,001 to $5,000 it’s 1,000%. For larger amounts you can see your After100Days account ares for further details.

Even less realistic but also charging you an increased $100 minimum to join, After100Days next plan runs for 50 calendar days and offers 700% on expiry to deposits up to $500, 1000% on $501 to $1,000, and 1600% to $1,001 to $5,000. As usual you may continue spending if you feel like giving it away, and you can see the rates inside your After100Days members account area.

The minimum deposit goes up again for the following plan, costing a minimum $500 deposit for 75 calendar days. On expiry you are offered 1500% for anything up to $1,000, and 2,500% on anything from $1,001 to $5,000. If for whatever reason you are interested in what After100Days are offering to deposits any bigger than that then take a look at the members area for further details.

Next, the plan that gives After100Days its name, you can spend (maybe “donate” would be a better word?) a $1000 minimum deposit to a plan running for 100 calendar days. On expiry you are offered a return of 4000% on anything up to $5,000. Information on bigger deposits can be found in your account area.

And finally a plan I personally would describe as best avoided, which is something I could just as easily have said about a couple of the previous ones though by no means let that put you off having a bet on one of the shorter term plans. After100Days accept a $10,000 minimum deposit for a term of 15 calendar days and offer 1500% back on expiry for anything up to $100,000.

Like the majority of new shorter term programs After100Days are using all the main payment processors, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Payments are not instant but so far my own were pretty fast so no complaints on that front for the moment anyway. They’re made manually by the After100Days admin so you’ll need to log in to your account first to request it. You are then asked to allow them up to a maximum of 12 hours for it to be sent on to your preferred e-currency account.

On the security side of things the program looks fair enough. The script is under license from GoldCoders, the website is SSL encrypted for extra security, and hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. Nothing spectacular but all to a fairly typical industry standard for programs like this one. If you have any other questions for the After100Days admin or account related issues then he can be reached by filling in the online e-mail customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. There’s also an e-mail address you can write to directly, a phone number you can try if you really think someone’s going to answer you, and a postal address in (unsurprisingly) Panama. The After100Days website also comes with a Live Chat feature, though no working schedule is mentioned as to when you might actually find someone online there, and since I started monitoring the program I myself have never once seen it in use.

As for the business allegedly behind the program backing the whole thing up, I would suggest you ignore that completely. I know I usually say that but it’s particularly true when the information is almost non-existent as it is here. For the record the claim if ForEx trading though there’s nothing there to substantiate that and the returns being offered are shall we say unlikely at best to be available in that (or any other) line of business. It doesn’t mean you can’t make a little extra cash out of After100Days because you most certainly can – the first members in the shortest term plan collecting their profits already is proof of that – but just don’t go looking for something that isn’t there. After100Days is involved in a high risk activity (or should I say those who invest in it are involved in a high risk activity) so as always try and stay within a sensible spending limit when joining. And of course if you’re serious about being an industry player then one way to protect yourself from heavy losses if any one program closes if to keep a diverse portfolio. The other way of course is to just not spend too much in the first place. But overall I would usually have said After100Days stands a good chance of becoming popular as this sort of thing seems to be well liked by a lot of investors. But in the current unstable and unpredictable climate that could really go any way. Just remember that one way or another it won’t be here forever so you need to make up your mind to either get in early or else pass if it’s not your thing.



Some good news was sent today from the admin of 306BZ whose program started processing withdrawals to SolidTrustPay instantly again. You might remember just yesterday the admin asked investors for patience due to a pending exchange request to SolidTrustPay to replenish his account there to pay to larger investors. This morning I tried to withdraw to STP and to my pleasure the withdrawal was processed instantly, which was followed a couple of hours later by a newsletter reporting the successful completion of the exchange. I guess STP withdrawals are in great demand with 306BZ investors as they are processed instantly, unlike the withdrawals to the other payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay, which are however also paid within a few hours. All in all 306BZ (reviewed here) is doing extremely well so far, and I’m surprised how it manages to survive during this seemingly unstoppable HYIP crisis with so many closures during the last couple of weeks. 306BZ on the other hand is only getting stronger every day paying on the most popular daily plan 20%-30% for 6 days, and also accepting deposits to 306% after 10 days, and 306% after 36 days on expiry investment plans. Currently, after three weeks on MNO BZ306 occupies a well deserved spot in the top five most popular programs and I hope it continues paying for a long time to come. A sort of trademark of the admin has become his daily jokes that he sends every day starting a few days ago. To read the latest please refer to the most recent newsletter re-posted below:

Daily Joke From 306BZ And Update For Solidtrustpay Payment
We are glad to announce that we have successfully exchanged some funds to our Solidtrustpay account from and you can withdraw your money to your STP account instant again. Thank you for you patience. OK. Let’s go to our daily joke.
Joe asked God, ‘How much is a penny worth in Heaven?’
God replied, ‘$1 million.’
Joe asked, ‘How long is a minute in Heaven?’
God said, ‘1 million years.’
Joe asked for a penny.
God said, ‘Sure, in a minute.’ ”
Best Regards, 306BZ


MoneyInSports (reviewed here) is also getting noticed by more and more investors after entering its fourth week online. Despite offering relatively low returns and paying on a 2% for 80 calendar days with no principal return on expiry plan, MoneyInSports has a very proactive admin who also regularly issues updates to the members and participates on the MNO ShoutBox where you can catch him often enough. If you’re interested in joining MoneyInSports I remind you that the program runs off a Shadow script where you need to replenish your e-wallet first before allocating your available balance to the investment plan which takes a $5 minimum via any of the five payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and EgoPay. In the last newsletter re-posted below, the admin of MoneyInSports Justin promises to do everything possible to become one of the best HYIPs in 2013 and asks investors for help by spreading the word about the program that has been consistently paying for three weeks already. Here’s the newsletter in full:

Three Weeks Online
Hello Everyone,
We wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that we have been online for three weeks as of 4/9/13. The time has been going very quick, and we could not be happier with the growth that we are starting to see behind MoneyInSports.
One of the things that make us so happy is amount of steady growth we are seeing in a time when many programs are closing down with little to no results. We know this added stress makes people really spend more time deciding what programs if any they will get into, and we are very thankful that you put your trust in us!
Spread the word with your banners and links letting everyone know that MoneyInSports is the place for low risk, low stress, daily payments. You are already enjoying MoneyInSports, now its time to let others enjoy what we have to offer as well.
We have the plan, resources, and knowledge for MoneyInSports to become one of the leaders in 2013 and beyond.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


Today another big program InvestiField collapsed following the successful completion of its first 30 day investment cycle just a few days ago. InvestiField was a very popular program which even briefly managed to become #1 on my Premium listing though only after the collapse of other big programs. It became clear today that InvestiField has stopped paying to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay payment processors and the withdrawal requests are not honoured within the stated 24-hour timeframe, although originally they were all processed instantly. Only members who joined via SolidTrustPay continue to enjoy instant payouts, and I guess that is just one of the reasons you should consider investing in HYIPs using STP as much as possible – it’s of mostly no use to scamming HYIP admins. The payouts won’t last much longer, until the accounts are eventually drained, but I believe the admin will keep them open while trying to entice gullible investors with the new plan he carefully masterminded today. A well expected newsletter announcing a new investment plan paying 30% for 5 calendar days for deposits upwards of $500 only was announced in the last newsletter from Brandon, the admin of InvestiField shortly after it was moved to Problem status on MNO. I don’t know how many times this same trick was pulled by HYIP admins so I can’t say that InvestiField was original in this case. But the scam will probably work with some investors, just not the experienced ones who are reading MNO daily. Please read the latest newsletter from InvestiField below, but do NOT invest there, as the program is a confirmed scam:

INVESTIFIELD – “30% Daily for 5 Calendar Days” Announced!
Hello Dear Customers,
We have something special for you all, that will only last a limited time from now on. Our traders and employees introduces a special investment plan to thank our customers for the great support and continues business.
The new investment plan pays 30% daily for 5 calendar days. The minimum investment amount is $500 and maximum $10,000. Please note: your initial investment is already included in the daily return therefore it’s not returned separately at the end of term.
Here are some quick examples on different investment amounts:
A. Investment of $500 will give you $150 daily for 5 calendar days. After 5 days you will have accumulated an amount of $750, whereas $250 is your net profit.
B. Investment of $2,000 will give you $600 daily for 5 calendar days. After 5 days you will have accumulated an amount of $3000, whereas $1000 is your net profit.
C. Investment of $10,000 will give you $3000 daily for 5 calendar days. After 5 days you will have accumulated an amount of $15000, whereas $5000 is your net profit.
Kindly login to your members area and go to “Make a Deposit” page like you always do and select the desired investment package you wish to invest in.
You may act now to participate in this limited-time opportunity! The new plan will be available only for a few weeks.
Best Regards, Brandon Richardson


SplitProfit must surely go down as one of the dirtiest HYIPs ever as the admin exploited investors’ confidence by offering instant payouts on referral commissions while never intending to pay on any of the regular investment plans the shortest of which promised 114% after 3 days. This morning just before the first withdrawals were supposed to be done a surprising email was sent introducing an hourly paying plan of 6% for 18 hours which made no sense at all, as then other original investment plans were much less profitable. Here’s the mail:

SplitProfit New Plan 6% hourly for 18 hours
First of all thanks to all for joining our programme.
We feel happy to announce that we added a new plan 6% hourly for 18 hours.
We accept LR, PM, Egopay and Solid Trust Pay
Thanks. Admin Split Profit

In fact he was never going to pay on this plan at all and experienced investors rightly took it as a warning sign. And they were not mistaken, as by the time the plan was announced the instant withdrawals were already switched off, and so those who were enticed by the higher hourly returns and not afraid to spend a $250 minimum were caught off-guard and didn’t get a penny back. Although we can say the same about all the investors of SplitProfit who lost 100% of their deposits. I was watching the situation this morning closely and as soon as I verified that instant withdrawals were turned off I moved SplitProfit to Waiting status on MNO, with Problem status coming shortly afterward. After I reported this to the admin he replied very fast asking for a further 6 hours, in accordance with their rules, to process all the pending withdrawals. My return question on why he couldn’t process it right now as he was quite clearly about to scam got no response. Instead he removed the rating page after MNO moved SplitProfit to Problem status ahead of all other monitors. Obviously I regret having this quick scam on my monitor in the first place, but we are dealing with anonymous admins every day and unfortunately it’s totally impossible to predict the lifespan of any of them. Please do not invest in SplitProfit anymore and spread the word about this scammer on other forums and monitors to warn others!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, Stravia, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, HytexAG, WorldGemsInvest, Financa, EaglesInvestment, StrongForex, BriscoFund, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, Bet7, AppleInv, EmpireFinanceGroup, After100Days, SecureAssets (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, GalaxySaving, Money&Credit,  TheInvestmentBank, HYIPRoyale, S&PForex.

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow with the full review of StrongForex plus all the regular news from the HYIP industry and the programs on my monitor. See you then!S

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