17/04/2013. ReallyTrusted Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! ReallyTrusted has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! Another in the recent flood of high risk short term programs opening in the last couple of weeks is called ReallyTrusted. It’s already been listed on MNO for the last couple of days so you might have noticed it on the Basic Listing section on my monitor. The admin has just decided to upgrade however so before we get to the news update for today I’m going to take a closer look at the plans and other main features of the program and see if there’s anything there you might like. Straight away though I can tell you that after one quick glance over ReallyTrusted you’ll probably recognize the style and the plans immediately, there’s been that many similar programs in the past. I really don’t know how they manage to compete with each other in what’s currently such a difficult market, though I guess it’s really up to investors to decide how to separate the potentially profitable games from the more obvious cheap scams. It’s your money we’re talking about here after all, so entirely your own responsibility to do so. So let’s see how you’d rate a program like ReallyTrusted.
Starting as always with the plans, ReallyTrusted have no less than nine of them. And while I did describe them as a short term HYIP above, the fact is that some of their plans are more medium to longer term. But as experienced industry players will know to discard these and concentrate on the only plans that stand any chance of actually paying anyone, which in this case of course means the shorter the term, the better.
The first of these, and I’ll guess the most popular, runs for a term of just 1 calendar day. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. You will need a minimum of $10 to join which is just about the industry average, and in return ReallyTrusted are offering to pay you back 104% the following day if you invest anything up to a maximum value of $500. This includes your principal so is basically your own money back plus 4% net profit on top. Higher rates are offered to larger deposits and are calculated as follows:
104.2% for amounts between $501 and $1,000, and 104.4% on $1,001 to $2,000. If you’re interested in spending more than that I would suggest you check out your ReallyTrusted members account area.
The second plan sees ReallyTrusted pay on expiry of a 3 calendar days, and can also be joined for a $10 minimum sign-up. Anything up to $500 this time gets you a return of 116%, with your principal as part of that payment. So it’s your money plus 16% profit for yourself. If you want to make a bigger spend then ReallyTrusted are offering the following:
119% for deposits between $501 and $1,000, and 123% for $1,001 up to $2,000. See the ReallyTrusted members area for information on anything bigger than that.
Next on the list is a plan that sees ReallyTrusted pay investors on expiry of a 5 calendar day term. The minimum deposit stays at $10, and for anything up to $500 you can earn 128%, principal included. So that’s your own money plus 28% net profit. For bigger deposits ReallyTrusted are offering as follows:
137% on anything between $501 and $1,000, and 148% on $1,001 to $2,000. Again you can see higher rates by visiting your member’s account area.
Next what is still at the time of writing the first of ReallyTrusted‘s investment plans not to have actually completed a cycle just yet, so even if anyone was brave enough to join on day one they’ll still be waiting to make a withdrawal, is a plan running for 7 calendar days. At the end of the term ReallyTrusted are offering a payout of 159% on any deposits from $10 up to $500. Larger deposits are being offered the following rates:
174% on anything from $501 to $1,000, and an even more unfeasible 191% on $1,001 to $2,000. You can find the rates offered to bigger deposits in your ReallyTrusted account area.
This is followed by a plan running for 10 calendar days, again taking a $10 minimum deposit and returning your principal and profit in one on expiry payment. The basic rate is 190% on all deposits up to a value of $500. For larger investments ReallyTrusted offer the following:
225% on amounts between $501 and $1,000, and 265% on anything from $1,001 up to $2,000. You can see what’s offered to bigger deposits in the ReallyTrusted members area.
Obviously you can see as the plans are progressing the risk gets higher and higher so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the remaining plans have yet to find a single investor, but having said that it would still only set you back a $10 minimum to join the next one which runs for 15 calendar days. A return of 248% on expiry is offered on deposits from $10 up to $500. Higher rates include:
297% on $501 to $1,000, and 365% for $1,001 to $2,000. as usual you can see what’s being offered to even bigger deposits from inside your ReallyTrusted member’s account area.
This is then followed by a plan running for 20 calendar days. A $10 minimum deposit is offered an on expiry return of 326%, a rate that applies to anything up to a maximum of $500. This only accentuates the risk of course due to being even less sustainable that the previous plans, but it’s entirely up to you whether you think it’s a risk worth taking or not. ReallyTrusted offer 427% on anything from $501 up to $1,000, and 548% on anything from $1,001 up to $2,000. See the ReallyTrusted members area for any further information relating to higher deposits than that.
Plan number eight sees ReallyTrusted pay on expiry of a 30 calendar days, and can also be joined for a $10 minimum sign-up. Anything up to $500 this time is offered a return of 770%, with your principal as part of that payment. If you want to make a bigger spend then ReallyTrusted are offering the following:
1070% for deposits between $501 and $1,000, and 1370% for $1,001 up to $2,000. See the ReallyTrusted members area for information on anything bigger than that.
And lastly, purely for shall we say entertainment purposes, ReallyTrusted have a plan running for 60 calendar days where they claim to be able to pay 7500% interest on expiry to anyone making an investment (though I prefer the word donation) of anything from a $200 minimum up to $100,000. To be honest if they seriously come up with that sort of money or are even still here in 60 days I think I’d nearly offer to pay that one myself out of my own pocket!
As you can see the list of plans doesn’t really throw up any surprises for a program like ReallyTrusted, but neither does the list of payment processors. All the popular ones are there, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts to members need to be requested manually by the investor by logging into their private members account area. Once done however the transaction should be processed instantly, with the money appearing in your e-currency account in under a minute in most cases. ReallyTrusted don’t explicitly state this on their website by the way, just have a small banner carries the message, but my own payments were instant so far.
On the design and security side of things ReallyTrusted is a bit mixed at best. Some aspects are fine and quite standard for this type of program, such as the licensed GoldCoders script that they’ve chosen to run the website off which will give it an instantly recognizable feel to most regular industry players, plus the SSL encryption by Comodo for an extra layer of protection. Where the program falls down unfortunately is with the hosting. It’s of quite a mediocre standard, being held on a shared server by a provider called nLayer Communications. To be fair I can’t see that the other sites being kept there are currently active, though I can’t say I know what this company’s track record is in the HYIP industry and what – if any – experience they might have in handling the type of DDoS attacks you can practically take for granted are going to happen. For any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with, ReallyTrusted can be contacted by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Also listed is a postal address, though as I’ve seen the very same address given for other HYIPs in the past I would suggest you ignore it as you’d be unlikely to find anyone linked to ReallyTrusted (or who’s even heard of them for that matter) were you pay a visit.
Something else to take with a liberal dose of salt is the alleged business plan stating that ReallyTrusted are involved with ForEx, oil, gold, or any other kind of trading. Reason being the texts are a straight copy/paste and word-for-word identical to what’s been used in a good number of older online HYIPs that ran in the past. It’s probably stating the obvious to experienced investors that any of those activities are unlikely to bring those kind of results anyway, but as always I just mention it for the sake of the newbies still not familiar with the finer points of the industry. So treat the program with a suitable degree of caution, acknowledging that some investors are already in profit from the shorter plans but being aware that it can’t be sustained forever. For how long it can be sustained is the gamble, so remember one of the most important rules and never spend more than you can comfortably afford to lose. And of course if joining ReallyTrusted at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
I can’t say that I noticed the downtime on LibertyReserve myself today, but apparently their site was down for maintenance for a short period of time. This was enough for the admin of TrustedTradersLtd to issue a couple of updates in which he informed members about the issue and also let them know after it was solved. Of course LibertyReserve wasn’t the only subject of his updates for today. The admin also boasted that TrustedTradersLtd had become the #1 program on MNO’s Standard listing – a great achievement after only a couple of days there. If you don’t want to read my full review of TrustedTradersLtd posted here, I’ll just remind you that they accepts five payment processors starting from a $5 minimum – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Plans include the daily paying 40%-65% for 3 days and a few more on expiry, paying 105%-130% after 1 day, 134%-345% after 5 days, 156%-700% after 10 days, 749%-1800% after 25 days, 1295%-2700% after 37 days, 5000% after 55 days. TrustedTradersLtd has been online for over a week now and I hope it will last for longer. The latest updates from the admin can be read below:
“Liberty Reserve Sci. Maintenance
I have 2 short pieces of news.
1st. Liberty Reserve Sci. is down right now and has been for a few hours So you might not be able to reinvest if that is your intention. If you want to reinvest You can do that from your back office before requesting withdrawal. I will Send another update once LR Sci. Is Back to normal
2nd. I would like to thank everyone for helping make TrustedTradersLtd. The #1 program in the Standard Listing category on MNO. This was accomplished in just 2 days.
A big Thanks to Everyone for supporting us in forums and on various blogs. This really makes a big difference. So if you would like to show your support please visit any of the Forums, Blogs or Monitors listed on our “rate us” page and do so.”
“Liberty Reserve Maintenance completed
You may now Resume investing with Liberty Reserve. They have completed their maintenance and we are seeing many new deposits from LR.
Thank You, TrustedTradersLtd.”
Like it or not, the admin of 306BZ still keeps posting daily jokes to the members of the program in his newsletters. Today, apart from the joke, there was no practical information from the project, so therefore I’ll just remind you that 306BZ is a short-term program paying 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. More information on 306BZ which is a very successful project paying for 28 days already is in my review published here. The latest from the admin is below:
“Daily Joke From 306BZ
As we claimed when we published the first joke, if you like our joke, you smile, if you don’t like it, just ignore it. We know that we can not make everyone satisfied. We just try our best to bring some joy to you.
$200 hidden in my shoe
A man being mugged by two thugs put up a tremendous fight! Finally, the thugs subdued him and took his wallet. Upon finding only two dollars in the wallet, the surprised thug said “Why did you put up such a fight?” To which the man promptly replied “I was afraid that you would find the $200 hidden in my shoe!”
Best Regards. 306BZ”.
MoneyInSports (reviewed here) has been online for four weeks with three of them on the MNO monitor. Today another newsletter was issued to commemorate this achievement. In it the admin also asked members to support the program by posting on forums and monitors each time after they receive payments from the 2% for 80 calendar days plan processed to their SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay, or EgoPay accounts. The link to the rating page which helps you to find the best monitors to submit your votes for MoneyInSports can also be found in the latest newsletter re-posted below:
“MoneyInSports – 4 Weeks In the Books
Hello Everyone,
We are very excited to announce that today marks the 4th week we have been online. Over the first 4 weeks we could not be happier with the amount of activity we have seen within our program. Your support has allowed us to amp up our early baseball bankroll, and we are seeing larger payoffs because of the support you have given us with active token purchases.
While we are very happy with the activity from within the site we would still love to see more support on the forums and monitors. Your votes help bring new customers to MoneyInSports, and that allows us to continue to increase our bankroll as we place large plays on specific games. Voting also helps others see if the program is doing well or not from the view of the users. Please click the monitor link for places that you can quickly vote at.
Please get out there placing votes, and payment proofs everywhere you can each day. We would also love to see more of our MoneyInSports banners displayed all over the place. By putting your MoneyInSports banners on sites you use you will have the chance of people joining under you allowing you to earn 5% on all deposits they make.
The first 4 weeks have been great, and we look forward to being your number one program for 2013 and beyond!
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.”
WorldGemsInvest has become another scam today. The site can’t be accessed and no payments are processed. Despite running for over 50 days I can’t say it was successful as it paid very low returns and so only the very first investors who deposited $600 or more were able to approach the break-even point and possibly get a small profit. The admin though went as far as to explain today why WorldGemsInvest‘s website disappeared and why they had cashflow issues and had to process selective payouts for the last couple of days. If we believe him, it appears his SolidTrustPay account was suspended a couple of weeks ago due to fake verification documents submitted and he had a substantial amount locked there. Obviously he never talked about that earlier and I find it suspicious why he’s placing the blame for HIS failure on a payment processor, suspending his account due to fake or possibly stolen IDs submitted for verification. Anyway, there was more to the story as the admin of WorldGemsInvest also blamed ProBiz script for some glitches that also cost him money and his hosting provider Staminus for suspending his account despite upgrading to a higher level of protection. So it’s a very typical finale for WorldGemsInvest and an admin who seems to blame everyone else except himself. At the time of writing WorldGemsInvest is still offline, but make sure you don’t invest a penny more there if it miraculously reappears on another domain. You have been warned!
A brand-new long term program called NEOMutual was added to Premium Listing on MNO today which I’m planning to review in more detail tomorrow. For now I just want to give a brief description of the main features and investment plans. So, according to the site NEOMutual is involved in providing so-called “crowdfunding and bridge loans” thus being able to provide high returns to investors who get paid “compensation” on their deposits equalling of 1.4% to 1.9% per business day for a duration of 200 business days. Your deposit is already included in the daily returns and so will not be returned separately. As NEOMutual is running off a licensed version of the ShadowScript you should know that in order to deposit in the program you first need to fund your e-wallet with at least a $20 minimum via any of the six payment methods including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay, or BitCoin. After your balance in the e-wallet is credited you can then proceed further and and make a deposit (in this case it’s called “contribution”) to the investment plan of your choice. More about that will be discussed in my review tomorrow, but for now you should know that once the withdrawal request is made it’s processed manually by the admin during the next payment run which happens once per day and on business days only (Monday to Friday). The site of NEOMutual looks really good with everything explained clearly throughout and the admin made sure to get the best DDoS protection for his program from BlockDos who have the site on a dedicated server with SSL security provided by Comodo. More on NEOMutual will be on my blog tomorrow, so stay tuned for that, guys, as this one looks really promising!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, ReallyTrusted, StrongForex.
From MNO Premium list: BensonUnion, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, HytexAG, BriscoFund, Financa, After100Days, EaglesInvestment, Bet7, MasterEarn, RFIGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets.
From MNO Standard list: TrustedTradersLtd, AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, GalaxySaving, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, EccoFunds.
That’s it for today, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow with more news from the monitored programs and a full review of NEOMutual. See you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Apr 17th, 2013.