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15/05/2013. TetraFunds Review and Daily News from the Industry


BEWARE! TetraFunds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Not much news for today so I’ve decided to publish a bit earlier than usual. First however I want to take a closer look at a recently launched longer term HYIP called TetraFunds that you may remember I introduced here a few days back. It also received a ringing endorsement from some “different” admin which I found most unusual, though I’ll get to that at the end. To start with though let’s see what TetraFunds have to offer potential investors and what other main features are available if you think they might be a suitable addition to your portfolio.

You have two plans to choose from in TetraFunds, though realistically only one of them should even be considered. That one is called The Basic Plan and runs for 120 business days, or 24 weeks. You can join it for a minimum deposit of $10, and can spend anything you like with no real maximum. Officially they say it’s $1,000,000 but if you ask really nicely and remember to say please I’m sure they’ll allow you to spend $2,000,000 if you can think of nothing better to do with it. All deposits regardless of size are offered the same interest rate, which is 2.5% per business day. This will eventually add up to 300% in total, and does not include your principal. Assuming TetraFunds are still online by then, they promise to return your principal in a separate transaction. If the term seems too long for you and you’d prefer not to commit your money for such a long time to an anonymous internet HYIP then this plan has an early withdrawal feature. You can request your principal back any time as long as you’ve left it in TetraFunds for at least 60 business days (12 weeks) or more. That’s still a pretty long term in the HYIP industry in my opinion, but at least it’s something. Taking this option comes at a price, and will set you back a 18% penalty fee. So remember to factor that in to any profit calculations you are making.

The second option which I can’t really recommend is called The Advanced Plan. I have to say, and this may very well have been done deliberately, that this one is very poorly explained. The thing is that TetraFunds say that compounding is available for this plan (it isn’t for the first one). But what they fail to mention is that not only is compounding available, it’s compulsory. So whereas they describe the plan in such a way as to make you think you get paid every day, in actual fact you do not. TetraFunds only offer to make one single payment on expiry, they merely credit your account by the day and not allow you to withdraw anything.

But anyway, let’s see the numbers. TetraFunds require the same $10 minimum to join, and can earn the same rate of interest regardless of how big your deposit is. The term runs for a slightly shorter 100 business days (20 weeks) during which time TetraFunds offer to credit your account (NOT to physically pay you remember) with 3% per business day. This interest then gets compounded on your principal and you will supposedly receive everything together in one lump sum. The “problem” with this (if problem is the right word) is that with the compounded interest this payment would be 2000%, and that’s simply not something I can see this or any other online HYIP seriously either coming up with at all, or actually paying out if they do. Anyway, it’s entirely up to you if you think it’s worth taking a chance on. An alternative option here is the early withdrawal option which TetraFunds also make available here. In this case you must remain a member for at least 40 business days (8 weeks) and be charged a 9% fee for leaving early.

So as long as you get it right as regards the investment plans, then the choice of payment options is decent enough. At least up to a minimum standard you should expect from new programs opening up these days anyway. You can join TetraFunds using any of the main four industry providers, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. One of many flaws to TetraFunds is an all but non-existent FAQ section. I mean yes, they have one, but in terms of the information contained there they may as well never bothered with it at all. One of the things you are not informed of is their payment schedule, ie how before making a request for a payment before actually receiving it. Well, all I can tell you is it’s not instant. You will have to log into your account in order to make the request, and after that I can only suggest that you allow them 24 hours (if you wish) before raising any complaints with monitors or forums.

You may also wish to know that up until recently there had been a minimum withdrawal imposed on TetraFunds members. This has now been scrapped for LR and PM members, and reduced to $1 for those using STP and EgoPay. At the time of writing the FAQ page had still not been updated to reflect this and still indicates to original $5 minimum which is no longer valid.

One other important thing to remember before joining is that as if the fact that the interest rate wasn’t low enough as it is already, the admin has now decided to enforce withdrawal charges of 1% for LibertyReserve and 3% for EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. Clearly this is to encourage you to spend a bit more LR and PM which the admin can happily withdraw for himself without any questions and never be traced. EgoPay and STP don’t make things so easy for him (that’s why the scam rate for them is lower) and so why he’d rather you didn’t use those currencies at all. But whatever you use to join TetraFunds, you will still have to factor this cost into everything and reduce your calculations accordingly, so it is in fact even LESS profitable that you may have thought at first glance. Another thing that’s missing from the FAQ is any information about these charges. In fact if you didn’t read this review then you would find out about these charges at all until AFTER you made a deposit and AFTER you went to ask for your interest payment. Clever trick, eh?

On the technical, security, and design side of things TetraFunds have been hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlackLotus and their website is SSL encrypted. They are also running off a custom made script. If you have any further questions for the admin or issues related to your account then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. TetraFunds also list a Skype account, though don’t give any information as to when (if ever) you can find an operator there.

And finally on the subject of any real business plan backing the whole thing up, I guess most of you are well aware of what’s going on here, and how to behave when dealing with online HYIPs. The thing I find most curious about TetraFunds however is their quite open connection with another program. You have the admins promoting each other and describing each other as good friends, when quite clearly are one and the same person. Therefore as soon as one program gets into trouble or you suspect a scam is imminent, then you know straight away to get out of the other program as soon as possible. Because when one collapses first, be it TetraFunds or his “friend’s”, the other will quickly follow.

Other than that just remember the number one rule when joining anything in this business and set yourself an affordable spending limit that it won’t bother you to lose. Keep your expectations realistic, don’t look for guaranties or insurance policies, and if joining TetraFunds at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



In the latest newsletter the admin of the above reviewed TetraFunds put some dots above the i’s by announcing two important changes which I already noted in my review. Firstly the withdrawal minimum of $5 was reduced to $1 for STP and EgoPay users and was removed for withdrawals to LR or PM. The first change is definitely positive, though I can’t say for the second which is to introduce a withdrawal fee of 1% to 3% depending what payment processor you’re using. I’m sure that the admin of TetraFunds is the same guy running AlphaGains which also introduced withdrawal fees just a few days ago. Let’s see for how long we are going to wait until more restrictions for investors will be introduced in TetraFunds, but for now the program is doing well and hopefully, it will become more stable with time with no drastic and unnecessary changes made by the admin again. Here’s the latest newsletter from TetraFunds in full:

Message from Admin
Welcome to TetraFunds
I want to thank you all for joining our online program and showing trust towards us by investing your money. Tetra Financial Services Pvt Ltd assures you all that we will help you to achieve ‘financial freedom’ and that we are going to build a strong business relation with you.
The launch is excellent and we are extremely happy with our steady growth.
Almost all the monitors are showing TetraFunds in paying status, hopefully the remaining two monitors will update soon and confirm us.
Improvement plan : The minimum withdrawal limit for LR & PM has been removed and now you can withdraw your profits whenever you want without any limit. For Solidtrustpay & Egopay the withdrawal limit has been reduced to $1.
Fees : 1% withdrawal fees applies for LR & PM whereas 3% applies for STP & Egopay.
I really hope that this improvement will fulfill your needs, and i am sure that our performance will satisfy every investor interested in our program. That’s our goal and definitely we will achieve that.


EarningAlliance has been online for almost seven weeks now, and still the admin Richard (interviewed here) sends a newsletter marking a successful term of six weeks online. I guess the draft of this email was ready to be sent out to investors already a few days ago, and he just added all the necessary information to it over the last few days – hence the contradiction in time. Anyway, despite EarningAlliance not yet being a popular choice among MNO readers (the program is currently only at #17 spot in the Premium listing), the admin still reports about 1800 investors with over $100K in investments, and even sets a new goal of achieving more within a few days. Richard goes on to explain the expansion of their advertising campaign and welcomes the new representatives that joined the board of EarningAlliance‘s employees to help promote the program around the world. I remind you that EarningAlliance accepts all the popular payment processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney and investments in the 1.25%-2.15% for 180 business days with the principal return on expiry start from a $10 minimum. Of course for the six-seven weeks online and with such relatively low returns even the first investors of EarningAlliance are yet to reach their break-even point, but hopefully in a few weeks we’ll have the first reports on that. We should always be aware that all the HYIPs advertised on MNO are ponzi related games which have nothing to do with real investments, but to persuade other investors the admin of EarningAlliances goes as far as to provide you with trading reports that allegedly help them fund the profits paid to investors. You can read more on that in the newsletter below along with the rest of the news from EarningAlliance (reviewed here):

EarningAlliance six weeks online
Dear partners,
After a great week for EarningAlliance and its investors, we are sending you our 6th newsletter full of great topics!
Goals completed
Our last week’s goals were not directly for our investors but for our traders and marketing department. As promised, our traders managed to make over $10k in profit in the DAX 30 (Germany’s top 30 companies) as you can see in the trading activity section below and our marketing department bought wider advertisements on top forums like MMG, TalkGold and in over 15 online investments monitors.
New goals
This week’s goals are to have 2200 registered members and $120k in total investments. We currently have about 1800 registered investors and a little over $100k in investments so I think these goals will be completed in a matter of days!
Market News
Germany’s positive balance of trade announcement increased the value of most European funds at the beginning of week and the up trend continued for pretty much the whole week. Germany announced a growth of 1.2% on their industrial production in March, the biggest of the past 12 months and the market was actually waiting for decrease of 0.1%. Since our goals for the past week were to have $10k in profits from a german fund, our goals were easily achieved!
Trading Activity
The page below show most of our moves in the past week, we also included a few stock trades this week and will try to include more in the upcoming weeks to give you a wider idea of our trading activity.
Some of you may not know but our Facebook page is managed my me, administrator of Earning Alliance and not by our support operators so if you need a quick answer, don’t hesitate to write on our Facebook page and I’ll do my best to answer all your requests!
Accepting new representatives
This week, we would like to welcome to new representatives to EarningAlliance: Fernando from the French Guiana and Nick from Kenya, welcome aboard! Also, don’t forget that you can still apply to become a representative, we don’t have a fixed goal of how many representatives will be a part of our team but since our selection process is not easy, we are constantly accepting new applications!
Best regards, Richard Hayden


The admin of BlackGold sent a short newsletter today covering three days for a Chinese holiday during which interest will not be credited. As you might remember from my recent review of BlackGold published here, the program accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum via EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve (WebMoney is expected to be added soon). You can invest in any of the following plans each of them returning your original principal on expiry and with daily payouts – 1% for 30 business days, 1.4% for 50 business days, 1.6% for 60 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days. So what’s so special about the latest newsletter? It’s that it was sent out so far in advance, as the holiday in question doesn’t happen until June. Well, I guess the admin wants everyone to know about it well in advance and avoid any misunderstanding later. Details are in the short newsletter below:

Site BlackGold / news posting
Dear Investors! From the 10th – 12th June in our country we celebrate the dragon boat festival (???) and will not carry out any oil trading or pay any interest during this period. Please also note that, in June, we will be adding WebMoney as an additional payment system for your convenience.


Please beware of making any investments in PrimeInvest as the program seems to have stopped payouts as of yesterday. The program only managed to last for about six weeks, but the advantage of using it was that an investor himself was in charge for the final result to some extent. Although the interest was credited daily in PrimeInvest, one could withdraw the original principal either fully or partially at any time. Although with 0.5% to 1.5% daily return six weeks online is not really an impressive result, but with a bit of luck you could still profit provided you withdrew the principal before yesterday. Anyway, please note that PrimeInvest is not paying anymore, so there is no way you should invest there, guys! You’ve been warned!


I would like to introduce a brand-new program called SilverOz that just started today and went straight to MNO Premium Listing. The program looks interesting enough, running off an original and I believe custom-made script, and promising instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. The minimum to invest starts from only $1, so investing in SilverOz is affordable to all. There’s only one investment plan that offers you a 2% return every day during the 150 calendar day term with the original principal returned on expiry. The SilverOz website looks decent enough, being properly SSL-secured by Thawte and hosted on a dedicated server by the well-known company LeaseWeb but using DDoS protection by CloudFlare. I hope that by tomorrow I’ll be able to review SilverOz in more detail and confirm if the payouts are really instant. Stay tuned for that and meanwhile please read the welcome message from the admin below:

The project SilverOz started its online work
Dear Partners! The SilverOz’s administration announces about the project functioning on the WEB. You can start looking through the information, register in the project and make profitable investments on the interesting conditions. You can address to support with any question concerning to our project.
We hope that prevalent partnership will take long-term and invariably beneficial disposition for both parts. All information about project’s activity is presented on an easy access for all participants, that confirms safety if our partners’ investments.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After100Days, LuxuryLife, AbsoluteGainFenix.
From MNO Premium list: Money&Credit, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOppsMalaysianINC, NEOMutual,  XProfit, BriscoFund, MoneyInSports, RonWards, AlphaGains, RFIGroup, Jango, EmpireFinanceGroup, EuroStar, SecureAssets, EarningAlliance, RouletteGURU, JLBCO, AuroraUnion, CapitalPartnersInvest, AdroCapital, TetraFunds, BlackGold.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: 12DailyFund, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, KabooForex, SloansLoans, TheInvestmentBank, FiamaCorp, SanderaGroup, WealthBlast (the first payments received).

I hope you enjoy the daily news reports from the HYIP industry posted here on MNO and hope to see you all tomorrow with more updates and the review of SilverOz. That’s all for the moment guys, so bye for now and see you all then!

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