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16/05/2013. SilverOz Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! SilverOz has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Before we get to the news section for today, you may remember in the most recent post here I introduced a brand new longer term HYI program with some decent potential called SilverOz. They just launched yesterday and went straight to Premium Listing on MNO, still “hot off the presses” if you like. So to start things off with for this evening’s update I want to give a more detailed description of what they are offering members in terms of investment plans, plus the other main features that make up SilverOz and see if any of you think they might be worth signing up for.

There’s only one investment plan for you to think about, though it’s not a bad one as long as you’re already a fan of longer term programs. But even if that’s not usually the case but you’re just looking for a little diversity in your portfolios then SilverOz mightn’t be a bad place to start. I mean we all now that all HYIPs are going to carry a degree of risk, usually high, but in this case the minimum requirement for joining is a bargain basement $1, so in financial terms the risk to you is only as high as you make it yourself. The term then runs for 150 calendar days, during which SilverOz’s members are paid a daily interest rate of 2% on their deposits. The same rate applies to all members regardless of how much you spent. On expiry of the term these payments will add up to 300% of your initial investment, which then becomes your net profit once SilverOz return your principal as promised.

To give one possible example of how that might play out in monetary terms, let’s say we invested $100 in the program. A nice easy number. For the next 150 days then SilverOz promise to pay you back $2, seven days per week, until such a time as you have taken back $300. This then becomes profit once your original hundred is added to that. You reach the break-even point fifty days into the cycle, meaning you have earned back as much as you spent and can’t possibly be at a loss from that point on and will only be counting pure passive profit. SilverOz’s maximum investment allowed is capped at $25,000.

So it’s a pretty simple and uncomplicated plan as you can see, but one that’s complimented by a good range of payment processors. Or at least the minimum of what you should be expecting from any new program these days anyway. SilverOz are taking deposits and making payouts for members through any of your choice from SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payments to members were originally announced as instant to all members. Now that I have finally gotten the chance to put this to the test I can confirm that this is indeed the case, but only for LR and PM. STP was done manually though was still very fast, and I can’t comment on EgoPay yet as I’m not currently owed a payment there. You will still need to log in to your SilverOz private members account area and make the request, but once done there’s a good chance that you might have the money in your preferred e-currency account in under a minute. This is not explicitly guaranteed by the admin by the way, and there are some perfectly valid reasons for needing to switch these off from time to time, such as account replenishment, security, and so on. In the event of this happening you are still promised a manual payment within 24 hours at most.

Just one other thing to keep in mind about SilverOz’s investment plan is that they have made compounding available. I was never a fan myself mind, though neither would I say it reflects either good or bad on the program offering it, it’s just not an option I would go for purely as a matter of personal choice. If you choose to take them up on it then you can set the rate at anything up to 100%. Come to think of it they don’t even call it compounding, preferring to call it “reinvestment”. I can assure you though that they are both the same thing. You should also be aware that there is no provision for early principal withdrawals in SilverOz, so once you’re in you’re committed to the full 150 day term. That means don’t commit money that you might find yourself in trouble for if you needed it back in a hurry, though do remember that you will have earned your own money back anyway after 50 days into the cycle and not the full 150.

Moving on then to the more tech based features like design and security, SilverOz’s hosting provider is LeaseWeb. They can I guess be considered a pretty well known name in the world of real business, but are no strangers to the HYIP industry either and one you’ll see in use from time to time. DDoS protection is a separate matter and for that SilverOz have decided to go with CloudFlare. The website is SSL-secured by Thawte for more secure transactions and is running off a unique customized version of the H-Script. At first I have to admit I didn’t really like it all that much, but after a while it kinda grew on me. Like most things you see for the first time you need to take a few minutes to navigate and see where everything laid out. Once I did that I started to like it a bit more. In fact now that I’ve a little time to play around with it I would have to say that if anything the admin here has in fact made a substantial improvement on H-Script’s original version.

If you have any further questions for the admin you don’t think are explained in this review of have any account related issues you need him to deal with for you then SilverOz’s support team (which for all I know is made up of one single person as is usually the case) can be found through a variety of ways. The main one is as always the online customer support form which you need to fill out and submit, or else just write directly to the e-mail address listed. Chances are both methods go to the same inbox anyway. Otherwise if something is a bit more urgent (and the admin happens to be online at the time) the SilverOz website comes with a built-in Live Chat feature. There’s no timetable there as to when you can expect to find someone there, but it won’t hurt to have a quick look before you start writing your ticket. As well as the integrated chat, SilverOz are also including their Skype ID so you can try them on that as well. And finally if you think someone is going to pick up and speak to you personally you can try the telephone number, though if there’s nobody on Live Chat and no one on Skype either then you’re unlikely to get an answer.

With just one investment plan to chose from – you either like it or you don’t – then there’s really not a whole lot more I can add to what I’ve already said above. I can only say that the content and texts appear original in the sense that it’s not copy/pasted, but at the same time is predictably vague. For the record SilverOz’s claim to a business plan backing the whole thing up is something to do with silver mining and production, though as always with online HYIPs the finer details as regards proving any of this seems to have been skipped. So in that sense there’s really nothing new here. Aside from that I can only remind you of the importance of staying well under a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if you are joining SilverOz then try at least to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



In a short newsletter from BriscoFund today the admin Amanda tells us a little bit about the first webinar which was held yesterday and which I already announced about on my blog earlier. She promised to upload a recorded version of the event on the website soon. I must admit I didn’t attend the webinar myself so am curious to see what it was all about as well. I’ll post more about it here as soon as I have an opportunity to see it.

Other welcome developments recently added to accounts in BriscoFund include an Internal Transfer option that you can use in your account with the program to instantly transfer funds to any member of the program which I believe will be convenient for some. BriscoFund (reviewed here) has been online for two and a half months already paying investors in a 1.6%-3.5% for 250 business days plan with principal back on expiry to EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and SolidTrustPay. Although the first investors will only break even in the next few days, I hope the admin continues paying fast as has always been the case up to now. Here’s the latest update from BriscoFund:

First webinar and new feature added
Today we had our first webinar. For anybody that couldn’t attend it we will post it recorded on our site soon (as soon as we process it). Got a lots of new great ideas from our members questions and one of them we already added as a new feature on our site. We added the option of “Internal Transfer” in members area. It’s kind of PIF (Pay It Forward) feature but a little different. From now on any member can transfer from their Account Balance any amount they want to their referrals or friends inside BriscoFund. After that their referrals or friends can use those amounts (that will appear in their own Account balances) to invest with us (make new deposits). I really hope you will enjoy this as it came from your ideas.
Amanda. BriscoFund.


There was a very brief newsletter sent by the admin of AdroCapital today. In it he emphasized that the program had been online for over three weeks now which made it quite popular among investors. Also he reminded about the investment plans all with the principals returned on expiry – 1.6% for 30 business days, 1.8%-2.2% for 60 business days, 2.7%-3% for 90 business days, 4% for 120 business days. The payments to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve have been processed instantly so far which I believe is one of the most attractive points to joining AdroCapital (reviewed here). As the admin says, what are you waiting for, lol:

AdroCapital News Update
How are you today?
Thank you for joining AdroCapital.
AdroCapital has been running for 23 days with a good and growing rapidly.
AdroCapital now has become a favorite choice of investments around the world so what are you waiting for? Trust your investment to our company. 1.6% to 4% daily. AdroCapital.


Two programs were moved to Problem status on MNO today – they are AlphaGains and CapitalPartnersInvest. Please remember that and stop investing!

CapitalPartnersInvest has been online for three and a half months and I think has really just run its course after bringing some good profits to those who got in at the right time. As for AlphaGains, the admin was such a talentless scammer that he failed to run his project even for one full 13-day cycle and scammed after 12 days. Nothing helped – neither the abundance of emails issued daily, nor the constant changes to his withdrawal policy. I guess tweaking the investing rules whilst a program was already running just speaks volumes about the lack of professionalism or any remaining ethics towards the investors. Obviously, not many people liked such changes an it was perfectly clear the admin was making the whole thing up as he went along. Such decisions were a huge mistake and killed AlphaGains prematurely, while only the very first investors who joined on the first couple of days managed to get anything out of it. Late last night the desperate admin of AlphaGains made one last attempt to steal more money from investors and avoid paying them at the same time. For that he constructed a very silly plan to return money to investors’ accounts by pretending there was double payouts processed to STP (mine wasn’t processed twice, if you are curious!). Anyway, after that email was released it was very clear to everyone that AphaGains is done, and I have moved it to Problem status on MNO where it belongs:

AlphaGains News
Dear AlphaGains members,
I have just sent the remaining pending withdrawals back to your account. For some reason STP clients were receiving double payments. Before you ask, it was not a early Christmas gift. Thank You to all those who sent back, i think all of you have been, it was only a few anyway. We also had a few missing LR withdrawals.
Now i have sent the pending withdrawals back, so we can try again, you can request them straight away, then everything will be back to normal.
Thanks everyone, Michael

You might be wondering what happened with TetraFunds (reviewed here) which the admin of AlphaGains so heartily recommended as being run by one of “his closest friends”. Well, experienced investors will know that old trick as well and should be aware that the two programs are run by the same admin. TetraFunds is still paying fine as far as I know, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for a successful run, considering the unfortunate fate of AlphaGains which appeared to be a fast scam. Of course, it’s up to you if you wish to invest in TetraFunds after what happened to AlphaGains, as TetraFunds might be different in terms of longevity, though I doubt it very much. At least those who lost money in AlphaGains know whom to ask for a refund – his “buddy” from TetraFunds. It has been a very bad and stupid strategy to link those two programs together, but it’s the admin of AlphaGains was the one who did it, nobody else. I only reported the facts and put two and two together.


WeltexTrust is the newest addition to my Premium listing today. The program just started yesterday and offers three investment plans, each returning your principal on expiry – 1.5% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, 2.3% for 50 days. The minimum to invest is different for each plan, but the shortest running plan only requires $10 which can be done via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. The withdrawals can be requested every day from your member’s area in WeltexTrust and the admin promises to process them manually within a 24 hour maximum. What I like about WeltexTrust so much is that the program is running off a unique script which I have never seen before and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from attacks by the HYIP industry leader BlockDos. The WeltexTrust website is also properly SSL-secured by Comodo. For more on that please read my blog tomorrow. Below you can read the welcome message from the admin posted yesterday:

WeltexTrust Inc. officially opened
We are very excited to present you the launch of our investing platform WeltexTrust. We want to make you confident that all our efforts, experience and due diligence acquired for years will give good results in vast ocean of internet projects. Please feel free to read about the investment plans we have to offer you, and explore our site unique features.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After100Days, LuxuryLife, AbsoluteGainFenix.
From MNO Premium list: Money&Credit, RewardsWeekly, MalaysianINC, NEOMutual, XProfit, BriscoFund, MoneyInSports, RFIGroup, Jango, EmpireFinanceGroup, EuroStar, SecureAssets, RouletteGURU, JLBCO, AuroraUnion, AdroCapital, BlackGold, SilverOz (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: 12DailyFund, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, SloansLoans, TheInvestmentBank, FiamaCorp, ForexShare, SanderaGroup, 40DaysForex (the first payments received).

That is all I have for you tonight, guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow with the review of WeltexTrust along with the latest news from the HYIP industry. Have a nice evening, everyone!

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