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29/07/2013. InstaBank Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! InstaBank has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Not a great deal of news today which is kinda the norm for this time of the year I suppose. But before I get to what stories I do have to report, I want to look at a recent addition to the MNO monitoring page called InstaBank. It’s only new to MNO by the way, and I know a lot of you are well familiar with the program already given that it’s been online for just short of four weeks now. Not a bad result for a short-term HYI game of the style of InstaBank no matter what happens them next. As experienced readers will all know anyway this type of program is quite high risk, but there have been numerous cases where programs almost identical to InstaBank have for whatever reason proved widely popular, so you never really know what can happen next. Then again that’s half the fun of playing the HYIP industry for you I suppose.

Once you sign up with InstaBank what you’re going to be presented with is a selection of five plans. Some are pretty good and are worth a gamble, others are a bit unfeasible to say the least, but if you use the right strategy then it’s totally achievable to get InstaBank to work in your favor. The first of them runs for a term of just 1 single day so it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to verify that it is indeed paying. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10 and for anything up to a sum of $500 InstaBank are returning 105% on expiry, principal included. If you’re prepared to spend a little extra then you can expect the rates to increase as follows: From $501 to $1,000 will earn you 106%, and deposits between $1,001 to $3,000 will get 107%. Higher rates are available for larger deposits which you can see in the InstaBank members area. There is no maximum spending limit and the highest rate they offer is 130%.

Similar in style to the first plan, InstaBank‘s second plan makes a single on expiry payment and runs for 3 calendar days. The rates, when broken down to a per day basis, are only marginally better than the first plan. In fact by reinvesting in either of the previous plans for consecutive cycles would give you a return of only a few cents less than this one for most small to medium investors, so all you really gain is the convenience of not having to withdraw every 24 hours. But anyway, the plan works like this – for a $10 minimum deposit up to a $500 maximum you get paid 116% interest, principal included, on expiry. For a larger deposit you can expect to earn 119% on deposits from $501 to $1,000, and 122% for anything from $1,001 to $3,000. Higher rates up to a 220% maximum are available to larger deposits which you can check from inside your InstaBank member’s area.

The third plan then in turn runs for 7 calendar days, working along the same lines as the previous ones paying interest with your principal included on expiry. So for a $10 minimum investment you are offered a payout of 136.5%. This applies to anything up to a $500 maximum. Other rates include 143.5% on deposits from $501 to $1,000 and 150.5% for anything from $1,001 to $3,000. Higher rates up to a 600% maximum are available to larger deposits which can also be viewed from inside your InstaBank member’s area.

So your next option runs for 14 calendar days at the end of which InstaBank are offering one single payment that includes your principal. It costs $10 to join and for anything up to $500 you are offered 174% interest on expiry. Larger deposits are offered larger payouts with 187% offered to between $501 and $1,000, or 220% for amounts between $1,001 and $3,000. You can see the higher rates which go up to 950% in your InstaBank account area if you’re interested.

Also included purely for your information is InstaBank‘s final plan which runs for 30 calendar days. It costs a $100 minimum to join, and offers an on expiry payment of 360% for anything up to $500. For deposits between $501 and $3,000 you are offered 1,300%, though by now you can see things are clearly getting silly. You can check your InstaBank members area for any further offers over and above that if you’re genuinely interested.

Your choice of payment methods include all the main popular processors with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney in use at the moment, which is unlikely to expand. One of the strongest features to the program however, and I’d imagine the most popular with investors, is their payment schedule. InstaBank are, as the name kinda hints, making instant payouts which have to be requested from inside your members account area. Once you’ve made the request you should have the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. This only applies to withdrawals of $500 or less by the way, though I doubt very much that many of you would be spending the kind of money required to generate an interest payment that big. But just in case you are, then the InstaBank admin asks you allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for it to be processed manually.

I have to say InstaBank‘s design and security features are up to a fair enough industry standard. The program have an SSL-secured connection by Comodo for instance for safer more secure transactions and is running off a script under license from GoldCoders. Best of all though is the hosting which is done by BlockDos. Few will argue that they are the best provider catering to the HYIP industry these days and are keeping InstaBank on a dedicated server, so downtime isn’t really going to be a major concern. Customer support if you have any questions for the admin is available by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it, or else by just writing directly to one of the e-mail addresses listed on the contacts page. You may also find an operator either on the Live Chat feature or on the telephone number if you think this will help you get things done any faster.

Texts are copy/pasted and can be seen used word-for-word by several other websites that are older than this one. Needless to say the rates being offered are not realistically going to be found anywhere else outside of online HYIP based gambling games anyway, so don’t waste your time looking for alleged business interests which are unlikely to exist. That’s as you know always how I suggest you approach any program if you do decide to get onboard. But if you do decide to not be put off by the program’s age and to take a chance, then know your spending limits and stick to them rigorously. And of course try to protect yourself by keeping any investment with InstaBank (or anybody else) as a smaller part of a wider portfolio.



The above reviewed InstaBank reported enormous growth experienced whilst paying for about four weeks now. Of course 13,500 members with 10,000 active accounts is quite an exaggeration and probably wishful thinking on behalf of the admin, but despite this I believe the figures might be still very good and show healthy growth which is necessary for this type of program. In today’s newsletter the admin of InstaBank Brandon also replied to some frequently asked questions investors had about his program including the exact server time which might be handy for you to trace the time left until expiry of your deposit. He also went on to explain the investment plans and their on-expiry nature which has been already discussed in my review above. Finally some Internet Explorer accessibility issues were addressed and self-referring doubts were dismantled. In addition to that a new phone support number with English speaking support was introduced and you can find it in the newsletter which I re-post in its entirety below:

InstaBank Newsletter: $500K Invested, Frequent Questions & More
We would like to announce a significant milestone and some important system upgrades we have recently performed.
We are proud and excited to announce that our investment program now has a total of 13,500 registered members whereas almost 10,000 have already deposited, at least once. We have been online only for three and half weeks but we have attracted a magnificent attention among online investors and potential ones. Currently we hold an total investment amount mark of $500,000 US (Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). Our clients are truly enjoying the smooth investing and automatic withdrawal procedure our investment program offers.
Numerous clients have asked us about the exact server time. Recently we have installed one for your convenience, just login to your account and you will see the clock above members’ navigation.
Second most commonly asked question we get is whether the earnings will be added to account balance daily or upon plan expiration. The answer is: your earnings will appear and be available for withdrawal only upon expiration of the specific plan – after 1 calendar day, after 3 calendar days, etc. All our plans are designed to work on calendar days; so if you go for 14 Days Plan, you will get earnings exactly after two weeks (14 calendar days).
Now, you and your family can share fun and profit altogether. Your family can register using the same PC/IP without any problems, they can become your referrals as well (as long as each account has individual data). Share everything together and enjoy investing with InstaBank.
We have recently opened the phone support line, you can call us anytime and talk to our English operator. Talk to us now: +44 20 7048 6526
We have heard that some members are having difficulties with accessing their InstaBank accounts with couple of Internet Explorer versions. If this happens to you, we recommend you to switch from IE to more stable browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera.
At the end, InstaBank wishes to thank all investors and promoters for their trust in our program as we aim to grow our business in the effort to continue to serve you better all the time.
Should you have any questions or doubts, feel free to respond to this e-mail directly. Your feedback and suggestions are much appreciated!
Best Regards, Brandon Hayden


As I already discussed on my blog last night, it was highly unlikely that Stable6 would resume payouts. And I was right, the miracle didn’t happen. The admin remained silent and the program died without any chance of recovery. Please note that Stable6 has been moved to Scam status on MNO monitoring as of tonight, so please do not invest there anymore!

Sometimes the admins get even uglier and instead of just closing their programs without any hassle they try to do everything possible to inflict even further damage on their victims by stealing their personal information. Such a despicable attempt was made today by the admin of FreshWindInvestmentTrust whose program stopped payouts today and obviously won’t be resuming them. FreshWindInvestmentTrust has been moved to Problem status on MNO already today, but please be aware of the following email in circulation trying to solicit passport details (probably with the purpose to verify accounts in payment systems or even for something worse). In any case, please do not invest in FreshWindInvestmentTrust anymore and, most importantly, do not send any personal documentation to that scammer. It will only lead to more trouble for you:

Verification request!
Hello dear FreshWindInvestmentTrust members,
Starting from today, FreshWindInvestmentTrust requests account verification to avoid fake accounts. In order to prove your identity you must email your id proof (passport or car licence) to If you don’t do so, your account will be blocked and forwarded to police department for further investigation.
Best Regards, FreshWindInvestmentTrust.


SolomonHit is a new program that was launched just a couple of days ago and was added to Premium Listing on MNO this morning. The program offers a range of investment plans accepted via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay and the minimum starts from as low as $5. They all pay on calendar days and return the original investment on expiry, including 1.2% for 25 days, 1.6% for 45 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.2% for 90 days. As SolomonHit is running off a licensed version of GoldCoders script and familiar to the majority of investors, the withdrawals have to be requested from your account manually. Once done the admin processes them within half an hour maximum and only in some cases reserves the right to process them within 24 hours maximum. My first withdrawal in SolomonHit today was processed instantly so I tend to believe the practice might be maintained. The site itself has a simplistic design with an overall comprehensive main feature overview where everything is explained properly well. SolomonHit is an SSL-secured website with Thawte certification and is employing the services of CloudFlare who have the program currently hosted on a dedicated server. I’ll have more details on SolomonHit in the review scheduled to be published by Wednesday, but you’re free to check the website by yourself and see if you like it. The welcome message was issued by the admin on the program’s launch three days ago which you can read below:

Grand open
This wonderful day we are glad to inform you that SolomonHit is launched Worldwide!
If you are looking for the guaranteed payments every day, if you are waiting for the responsive support – then you are at the right site because we have the skilled and responsible team.
Begin our work with us and start earning daily!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: MalaysianINC, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, BlackGold, InstaBank, ArgoMoney, Stanford&Goldstein (the first payment received), SolomonHit (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GrandCapital, OneDollarInvest, TheInvestmentBank, GetInstantWithdraw, StrongInvestment.

Thanks for reading, guys, and see you tomorrow with the full review of Stanford&Goldstein which was moved to Paying status on MNO tonight. And of course expect to find the latest news from the HYIP industry on my blog as well. Bye for now and see you all then!

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