13/08/2013. Gesmie Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! Gesmie has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi guys! Before this evening’s news section which I’ll be betting to in a few moments, I want to take a closer look at one of the latest HYIPs joining the MNO monitor, which is a short term program with the somewhat unusual name of Gesmie. The name itself for what it’s worth is actually an abbreviation and stands for Global Electronic System of Mass Instant Earnings, which is bit of a mouthful so best shorten it to Gesmie I suppose. I have to say though that it’s been a while since I saw a program like this generate so much hype and excitement among investors, and create just a general level of enthusiasm for it. I mean I know this is true from the feedback I’m getting from my own readers so there’s really no point in denying that the program is gradually turning into one of the biggest short-term hits we’ve seen for a while now. So let’s take a closer look at the investment plans and the other important features to Gesmie and see if it’s really worth the almost fever pitch delirium that’s going with it.
There are three investment plans to choose from in Gesmie, with the first one being the simplest and really the only one that looks like a more traditional HYIP. You can join for a very basic $1 minimum, and the plan expires after 1 single calendar day. Gesmie offer you a single on expiry payment of 105% to be made available 24 hours after you join. This includes your own money of course, so it’s your principal back plus an extra 5% net profit. So for example if you deposited $100 today then Gesmie would give you back $105 tomorrow, though keep in mind that the maximum deposit allowed for this particular plan is capped at quite a conservative $150. It’s probably seen more as a kind of test plan then I imagine, though this would be highly unusual for what’s basically a short term HYIP in the first place.
It’s really only with the second plan that we begin to see what Gesmie is truly all about and where all this excitement about them is coming from. The plan runs for a term lasting for 5 calendar days. You can join for pretty much any amount you like, with a $1 minimum and a $10,000 maximum. Over the course of the 5 day term you can earn 150% in total, a figure which includes your principal so it’s your own money back plus an extra 50% net profit for yourself. OK, so far so good, but nothing to set Gesmie apart from pretty much any other online HYIP you might think. The real difference here you see turns out to be the payment schedule. Unlike other programs that pay you either by the day or just once on expiry, Gesmie will in fact pay you every single hour which you are free to withdraw at any time.
Here’s how it might work. Let’s say you have an active deposit of $100. There are 120 hours in the five day term, and so Gesmie will pay you 1.25% interest, in this case $1.25, every single hour for the duration. This eventually allows you to break even after 80 hours (just over three days) and complete the term with $150, or your own initial hundred plus an extra fifty for taking the gamble. And of course remember that you don’t necessarily have to sit up in front of your computer around the clock drowning in coffee to make the withdrawals. Your account gets credited by the hour, you are free to withdraw your payment every hour, realistically in a high risk game like this I would strongly urge that you withdraw as often as you can, though you are free to do so whenever you wish.
The third plan from Gesmie is if anything even more of a surprise, running for a term lasting for 10 calendar days and with an even more ambitious payment schedule. But first let me just give you the basics. You can still join for a basic $1 minimum so in financial terms the risk really only need be negligible unless you start spending more than you should. The maximum spend is $10,000. Over the course of the ten days investment term, Gesmie are offering you interest payments that will eventually come to 240% in total. This includes your principal, so it’s your own money back plus 140% net profit.
Sounds deceptively simple again, but here’s the twist – Gesmie spend the entire ten days crediting your account with tiny interest payments every single second! That’s right, sixty times per minute, around the clock for ten full days. And you can withdraw this any time you like, literally every second were it possible for you to do so fast enough. In reality of course the only real limit here is placed by the payment processors themselves, as most of them do have a minimum transaction limit. EgoPay for example won’t handle anything under a dollar, while STP and PerfectMoney require a minimum transaction of $0.50. So I’d say for most members these by-the-second interest payments will be way too small to be withdrawn anyway.
So despite your account getting credited every second of every minute, and you being allowed to withdraw every second of every minute, you still have to leave payments accumulate to your payment processor’s required minimum before doing anything with it. Also please consider payment processor fees which could eat into a sizable chunk of your profits if you’re too eager to withdraw them too early.
As we can see the investment plans are definitely a little bit unusual and a bit out of the ordinary, but I think that’s maybe one of the reasons that has so many people excited about Gesmie. Maybe it’s not so much that the plans themselves are any more profitable than any of the other short term HYIPs that have been around over the last year, but rather it’s the structure of the plans that gives investors more of a fighting chance of getting into profit with Gesmie than might happen with most of the alternative short term options out there for you now. As any experienced player will tell you, timing is everything in this industry. Getting in at the right time is important no matter what line of business you are talking about, but what’s arguably just as important in the HYIP industry is knowing when the right time to get back out again is. And so what Gesmie have done with these unique investment plans is to vastly improve the average member’s chances of at least reaching the break-even point. It doesn’t guarantee it, but it does tilt the odds somewhat in your favor.
Anyway, a couple of other things you might like to know about the investment plans, if you like what Gesmie are offering then you’ll probably appreciate the list of payment options that go with them. All the popular industry handlers are included, so you can deposit and withdraw using any of some of the better known name like SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay, as well as the less widely used but still well established OkPay. STP users should take note of the fact that deposits to Gesmie aren’t currently automated for you and will to be made manually from within your STP account. Don’t worry though, there’s detailed instructions complete with screenshots available on how to do so.
Payments to members will have to be requested by them by logging into their private account areas. Though as you might imagine, the very concept of a program like Gesmie depends very heavily on payments to members being instant. I mean you simply cannot tell people they can make withdrawals by the hour or by the second, only to then say they have to wait 24 hours before receiving it. It just wouldn’t work, but don’t worry, no one is trying it. All payments to Gesmie members are instant, so you should have them in your payment processor account in under a minute of being requested. If there’s any technical fault with the payment processor preventing this from happening then you’re asked to allow maybe three hours or so to see if the problem sorts itself out, and if not then contact the admin then.
Just to finish with the financial side of the program so, something you will need to make extra allowances for when joining Gesmie is the addition of a 2% deposit fee. I imagine this is to get members to cover the admin’s expenses for him, though most of the others would factor that into the plans they offer in the first place and just go about recouping it in a slightly more subtle manner. Anyway, if you invested let’s say $100 in Gesmie only $98 will turn up in an active investment earning you interest. Something to keep in mind when making your calculations. Of course one way some of you might choose to try and make that money back is via compounding, a feature allowed by Gesmie. Most of you will know I’m no real fan of the practice myself, but I also don’t think it reflects badly on the programs that allow it just because I prefer not to. But as it’s your money we are talking about here and not mine, you are free to take the compounding option up to 30% in the second plan or up to 50% in the third one. Gesmie do not allow compounding in their first plan, though that much should have been pretty obvious given that it only runs for a day.
On the security, technical, and design side of the program, the first thing I noticed was that Gesmie is bilingual, available in both English and Russian. Given that that’s one of the strongest HYIP markets out there now it’s good to see more good quality programs waking up to that fact and catering more to them. Because it’s not just the Russian speaking members who benefit from a strong program, ultimately it’s all the members who do so. The Gesmie website is SSL encrypted by Thawte for an extra layer of protection and to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by Koddos.
One of the more impressive and eye-catching aspects to the program however was the script. Totally unique and custom made just for them, it’s also remarkably uncomplicated and user friendly despite being so well developed. I’m guessing a lot of work went into it, or a lot of expense if it had to be outsourced. Some things you may notice in the member’s area for instance include a list of real time statistics mapping all the current movement going on there. Gesmie has also been made more user friendly for people “on the go” as they say, with recent developments to make it more accessible to those who prefer to work from mobile devices, iPhones, tablets, and the like. And if what I see around me here on the trains everyday is anything to go by that’s a lot of people!
If you have any further questions to take up with the admin then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch with the admin, though the most reliable is most likely to be by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it. Gesmie do have profiles on both Facebook and Twitter, though there’s been a woeful lack of activity on either site since the program’s launch. A bit more lively if the VK profile, though this will really only be of any use to Russian speakers. Gesmie are also maintaining a couple of Skype accounts so you might be able to contact someone there if you give it a try.
As for the texts and website content of Gesmie, well, in some ways this is kinda what I like the best. No nonsense from the admin, it’s stated quite explicitly that this is entirely a Ponzi (and that is the exact word used by the way). No imaginary ForEx trades, no imaginary stock exchange deals, and no lies. You’re all adults, you’re all aware of the risks, do what you like with the information, and be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions as easily if they turn out to be bad or good. That’s the game Gesmie are offering, if this bothers you then don’t play, but there’s no excuse for not knowing exactly what you are doing here before you ever part company with a single cent. Of course the fact that they are so open with the truth doesn’t mean you need to treat Gesmie any differently from any other online HYIP. It’s still entirely dependent on cash flow which needs to be carefully managed, so only an experienced admin will take the program to it’s full potential. Is that what we have in Gesmie? Don’t ask me, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough! So as always try to establish a fair spending limit that you can afford to lose (because you might!) and if you do decide to join Gesmie then only use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. And don’t forget to have fun along the way, OK?
By the way, the above reviewed Gesmie broke all records in popularity and showed the fastest growth among my referrals registered in the program for the first 24 hours it was monitored. I guess there is no wonder as Gesmie is one of very few programs that don’t lie about investment activities in stocks and bonds, but more importantly, Gesmie looks well and pays well and always instantly which many investors will appreciate. Today another short update was posted on the website in which the technical savvy admin told members about improvements in using the website on mobile and touch devices and certain operational systems. It’s good to see an admin striving to make such improvements. Let’s hope it attracts new investors meaning the longer life for Gesmie. Here’s the latest news in full:
“Improved touch devices support
We have updated touch devices support (iOS, Android and Windows Phone). Using Gesmie on such devices is much easier now. By the way at iOS devices you can add Gesmie on your Home screen by clicking an appropriate button in Safari browser.”
Today the admin of After90Days who was just interviewed on MNO blog last night (click here if you haven’t read it yet) posted an extensive newsletter highlighting the latest public recognition of his program from the popular blogs and monitors. It was good to see MNO featured so prominently and including the links to the program’s interview and review (click here to read the review of After90Days). It’s a good thing that the admin who only listed his program on MNO a few days ago while claiming to have been running it for over a year already is taking criticism as well as praise for their longevity. That’s a sign of total professionalism and a down to earth realistic approach towards the potential investors of After90Days and the HYIP industry as whole which the program remains an integral part of. The recent continuous exposure on different blogs and monitors is definitely a part of the advertising strategy. Instant payouts to all payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – definitely help. For those of you who haven’t read my review and the interview with the admin I’ll remind that they include the following options with the possibility of compounding on each – 2.6%-3% for 90 days, 900% after 90 days, 600% after 60 days, 300% after 30 days, 10% for 30-90 days. Joining some of the above-mentioned plans of course depends on the amount of money you’re willing to spend and the investment term you wish to commit to, but just for your information, the very minimum to invest in After90Days starts from $25 which might be a bit much for some. Here’s the latest newsletter posted on After90Days‘ website tonight:
“After90Days Public Recognition.
We are glad to inform you that the efforts towards our site quality improvement, as well as our stable work for 400 days led to our company being the leader in a complex field called high yield online investments. After90Days got in the Best List of HYIP Explorer high yield investment monitor, and also took the first places in ratings, assessing the quality of work with our company, the regularity of payments and its investment result.
Besides, we have given several interviews, where we have answered a number of questions regarding our company work, its investment offer and the future:
Many professional investors, who are opinion trendsetters in the high yield investment community, have done a detailed and skeptical study of our project and have published their analysis on their sites. Their authority opinion, we are sure, will help everyone to get more acquainted with our company, to understand the specifics of working in it better, as well as to decide on the choice of a specific investment plan.
After90Days management, in turn, has received valuable feedback as a result of this work, took into account the comments, and made corrections into the development strategy and After90Days public announcement.
This success allows us to talk about the opportunities that open up for our company, that has become the leader in this highly competitive field, and we are expecting even more. We thank all of our investors and authorities of the high yield industry for the interest and support shown.”
ArgoMoney (reviewed here) seems to be off on a good start with hundreds of investors joining the program and depositing into one of its 2.8%-3.5% for 95 business days plans with principal return on expiry via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. And you should consider that ArgoMoney has been online for slightly over three weeks now, but managed to get a lot of attention with its heavy advertising campaign launched right from then start which the admin promised to extend in September which promises to be a busy month in the industry I think. Well, I guess the admin of ArgoMoney chose not a bad strategy to follow and according to his latest newsletter, everything is on course. In reality I noticed some glitches in the instant payout system last week when investors sometimes waiting for up to 24 hours to get paid, but this week it seems the payouts are back to normal and are processed instantly as usual which inspired some cautious optimism in the program’s bright future once the new investment season starts this autumn. Meanwhile watch ArgoMoney grow and you can join and try out the program as well, provided you have at least $20 in one of your e-currency accounts which is the absolute minimum needed to join. Below is the latest newsletter from ArgoMoney issued last night:
“ArgoMoney Newsletter
Hello, Today there is 21th day since the time when we have started our online business. Our investment fund for these three weeks had gained recognition for nearly 800 people. At this point in our investment fund is more than 300 active accounts that have at least one active deposit. Many of our investors also participate in our affiliate program that allows them to earn extra money. Since the start of our program we have learned a lot from you and we have received many valuable comments and feedback.
In conclusion I can say that everything is moving in the right direction. Until now we had no technical problems. Our security systems work impeccably. We invite new investors to familiarize themselves with our offer. Those who have already registered in our program, we invite to start investing.
Following the remarks of our investors, within one week we will run Live Chat, where you will have the opportunity to talk to our consultants live. In September, you can enjoy the news – we go out of our new advertising campaign.
Thank you for your trust and welcome new customers to start investing with us.
Best Regards, Richard Blunt
ArgoMoney Chief Financial Officer”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: InstaBank, PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, AlliexFinancial, CatenaFinance, ArgoMoney, After90Days, SolomonHit, SeedFunding, LocomotiveTrade, Gesmie (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, OneDollarInvest, InvestAge, GetInstantWithdraw, LoanClicks, TheInvestmentBank, StrongInvestment, GirlsProfit.
That’s about all I can think of for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and for your continuous emails. Please keep it going, and in order not to miss anything important posted on my blog please subscribe to receive the full version of MNO daily news straight to your mailbox. For that simply submit your email address in the form which you will find on top of my blog and confirm to be automatically subscribed by the Google based service Feedburner who will manage your subscription from that point on. It’s easy to unsubscribe as well, because you will find a link at the end of every newsletter to make sure you will never get spammed. See you all again tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Aug 13th, 2013.