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29/03/2014. AssuredAssets Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! AssuredAssets has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well this Saturday and are enjoying the weekend. Before the news section for today I want to take a closer look at a brand new long term program called AssuredAssets. I meant to do this yesterday of course as mentioned in another post, but I had to postpone due to other commitments not related to MNO. And that’s why I’ve been posting much earlier than usual this past couple of days. However as we shall see with the plans, one day isn’t going to make much of a difference to anything as AssuredAssets is very very much aimed at slow burning, sustainable, longer term growth. You’re possibly familiar with the style of program by now, something that perhaps doesn’t put you in profit for a number of months, but before you know it if it’s managed correctly becomes a program everyone is talking about and found on most investor’s portfolios. We have a long way to go before that happens of course, and AssuredAssets have a lot of work in front of them it they’re to achieve such a status, but the first step starts here and judging from the interest expressed by readers it would seem that a lot of people are at least keeping the program in mind and thinking it over as to whether it’s worth joining. The potential of AssuredAssets of course is huge, and even if that by itself guarantees you nothing it’s still at least always worth a look (which is the only free thing you’ll ever get in the HYIP industry!). So let’s see what AssuredAssets is all about and what they bring to the industry.

At first glance it looks as if there are three investment plans in AssuredAssets, though they’re basically much the same and simply pay more attractive rates of interest should you opt to spend more money. The option that will appeal most to the majority of readers however is the most conservative. Taking deposits from a $50 minimum up to as much as $499, The Basic Plan runs for 190 business days and pays members 0.8% interest per day from Monday to Friday only. The term is 38 weeks in total, about nine months or so give or take a few days, and returns you principal on expiry. That means the individual payments come to 152% which is net profit on return of your deposit.

To put that into simple monetary terms, we’ll say you join with $100. That would result in AssuredAssets paying you $0.80¢ per day, Monday to Friday, until such a time as you receive $152 in total. Your own initial hundred should then be returned, leaving that as your net profit. You break even – that is earn back an amount equivalent to your principal and so therefore make it impossible to lose any of your own money, after receiving 125 of the 190 interest payments.

For larger investors AssuredAssets of course have somewhat more attractive rates such as those in The Classic Plan. Members spending from at least $500 up to $4,999 can receive 1% interest per business day, also for the same 190 business day term, with principal back on expiry. This results in 190% net profit on top of your own investment.

Lastly then for the really serious players, AssuredAssets have The Advanced Plan. This is only open to anyone with a $5,000 minimum to spare and has no stated maximum. The term remains 190 business days, and interest rates are 1.4% paid Monday to Friday. The total comes to 266% and your principal is then added to that on expiry making it your final net profit.

I just want to point out that for fans of compounding, AssuredAssets make this feature available in their two more expensive plans, but not for the average investor joining The Basic Plan.

If you like any of the investment plans then and believe they can be sustainable enough to not just make you a profit but also to allow the program to grow at a sufficient level to make it a better longer term profit, you’ll need to know what your payment options are. This is arguably one aspect of AssuredAssets that could probably be improved upon, and eventually it most likely will need to be done, but for now given the low ROI nature of the investment plans isn’t that big of an obstacle. Indeed two of the most popular industry payment processors are already included, with EgoPay and PerfectMoney available to use.

The problem there of course is that neither of these two service providers are prepared to deal with US based investors anymore. That’s a whole other story I don’t need to go into here (it’s covered elsewhere on my blog) but for now the admin has to acknowledge the single biggest market in the HYIP industry is the US. Maybe not in terms of the actual number of individual investors, I really don’t know about that, but definitely in terms of finances and the sheer amount of money being spent. Therefore if any program is going to grow so far as to be considered an industry giant, it simply must accommodate American investors, no two ways about it. AssuredAssets have gone some way towards doing this I’m glad to say with the pending addition of Payeer as a payment option. Please note that at the time of writing isn’t working just yet but it will be a good start once it starts. However I just don’t know how popular they’d be with US investors not given any other choice. The ideal solution would of course be SolidTrustPay however they’ve been extremely selective with the programs they allow these days so I wouldn’t really be holding out for them to be added any time soon. An easier more practical option is of course BitCoin which the admin could integrate very easily. Hopefully he takes this on board and considers some other options soon. Otherwise in the mean time I can tell you that all payouts from AssuredAssets are currently being processed instantly. You will still be required to log into your private AssuredAssets member’s account and place the request, however once done you should see the money in your preferred processor account in under a minute.

Moving on then to the more technical, design, and security features of the program, AssuredAssets is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by BlackLotus. Even if at the moment it still looks like one or two of the features look as if maybe they could still do with a finishing touch, overall the AssuredAssets website looks as if it was put together by a professional designer. So a good effort was made as it should be if the intention is to help keep the program running as long as possible. This will be helped I’m sure by the superior security that comes with the SSL encryption provided by Thawte which will also provide you with safer browsing and mere secure transactions. The program is also running of a unique and custom developed script, but having much the same basic features of most of the popular programs members will still find it quite user friendly and easy to navigate.

Should you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues then you have a wide variety of channels open to you in this regard. You can first of all write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed. You may also simply fill out your details on the feedback form on the contacts page and submit it. Before taking either of these options however you might want to first have a quick look at the Live Chat feature which has been integrated into the AssuredAssets website. It’s not a 24 hour feature, in fact there isn’t a published work schedule to go with it, but take a look before submitting a ticket anyway just to be sure. Other features you could find useful include the inclusion of profiles on the main social networking sites. Users of the likes of Twitter and Facebook will find AssuredAssets keeping profiles there. There hasn’t been much activity just yet, but do keep in mind the program is still very new so I guess there hasn’t been that much to say. Hopefully over time the admin will make better use of these outlets than most of his competitors. Perhaps less useful finally are the postal address in the UK which while entirely genuine in the sense that it does exist, is most likely a virtual serviced office used only for registration or correspondence purposes. You can also try your luck with the telephone number listed on the website if you believe someone will be able to speak with your personally.

Apart from the design which I already mentioned, the actual content itself seems original and professionally written as well. As with all other HYIPs I’m not suggesting you believe what it tells you for a second, but it shows some time, effort, and expense on the admin’s behalf at least. For the record AssuredAssets claim to be involved with, as the name would suggest, asset management. There’s lots of interesting texts to read and quite a cover story has been built up around it, but ultimately there’s very little you can go out and prove for yourself. I mean it looks well, but at the end of the day the same risks that apply to every other online HYIP still exist in AssuredAssets as well. Maybe to a lesser extent, time will tell, but they are still most definitely there. That means the same rules should be followed, including never ever going past a sensible spending limit that you are prepared to lose, and if joining AssuredAssets at all then keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I suppose we’ll start the news section for today with at a quick look at a very promising new program called Exellers which I’m sure many readers might like. Since launching just four days ago Exellers quickly became a very popular choice among experienced investors who enjoy those programs that put them in total control of their funds. And it’s being in total control of your own funds with your principal available for return at anytime that’s the main attraction here. Just note that a 3% withdrawal fee applies to every withdrawal in the program to discourage the fast hit-and-runners. All that is hugely compensated for with a very attractive 5.5% to 6.5% daily return available as long as you stay a member of Exellers. That’s not all though as some incentives are offered to those who stay members for longer, with daily rates increasing by 0.1% to 0.2% per day for as long as you keep your original deposit in tact. It’s a very original way to protect the cash flow and will hopefully make Exellers run for much longer than similar programs.

I’ll discuss that in more detail in tomorrow’s review. For now I just want to say the program usually pays instantly when it comes to interest withdrawals, but when you wish to withdraw your principal it usually takes about 24 hours, so that’s another incentive to remain a member. There are only three payment processors accepted by Exellers – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer – and your deposit can start from as low as $10 or up to a $5,000 maximum. Note that in order to increase your daily interest you may top up your current deposit instead of creating a new one and this is yet another unique feature offered by Exellers. The program runs off a totally unique and custom-made script and shows the latest deposits and withdrawals in live mode. It’s fully SSL-secured by Comodo, translated to three languages (with Russian seemingly the native language of the admin) and hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS-protection provided by DDoS-Guard. Exellers has Live Chat support available for most of the day, different support groups on popular social networks (both international like Facebook, Google+ and Skype and Russian based like Vkontakte), and other incentives which I’ll describe in more detail in my review. Plus, you can now see how your account in Exellers would look in a demo-office which was just opened very recently as explained by the admin below:

Successful Start
Welcome to Exellers – an investment project on the basis of a piggy bank, where you can effortlessly earn a lot of money. in this project incorporated everything you need, your investments only increased and smoothly flows to a new level of percentage.

Dear partners, every hour we confidently strive upward, the number of deposits and new participants grows, everything suggests about the positive dynamics.
For the convenience of our future investors, we have implemented a function as a “Demo-office.” Before registering, anyone can clearly see how the office, get acquainted with the functionality.
Link to enter demo account


I believe LuckSeven can be safely considered as one of the most popular new short-term programs now, even if it did just launch this week. After four days online it managed to obtain hundreds of new investors joining the 18.7%-25.7% for 7 days plan or one of the others providing profits on expiry – 137.7%-217.7% after 7 days, 187.7%-477.7% after 14 days, 377.7%-1,177.7% after 28 days, 777.7%-2,777.7% after 56 days. Although we have yet to see the first investors in profit from LuckySeven (as the first investment cycle won’t be completed for a few days yet), within the promised 12-hour timeframe. Hopefully LuckSeven will be a lucky program and we will see the first investors in profit soon. You can read a more detailed review published here and perhaps soon an interview with the admin of as well because I’ll be sending some questions tonight. The review on MNO was the subject of the latest update from LuckSeven which the admin shared with members in the newsletter below:

Review from MNO blog
Hello, all members,
I’m glad to see that many persons like our site and trust us, let us have a great growth these 3 days, we’ll do better in future.
And thank MNO admin write a review for our site,here is the link to it:
Luck day everyone.
Matthew Daigle.
Admin of LuckSeven


ApexBinary was a stone in the shoe of some competitors yesterday when the site fell victim to a huge attack on their servers. This was mitigated by their hosting provider BlackLotus over several hours during which the site was offline with only a short message about this was displayed. However I can now fully confirm that ApexBinary is back online (despite the skepticism of some critics) and, most importantly, the instant payouts to PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PexPay have resumed. During nearly four months online ApexBinary (reviewed here) managed to become a really successful long-term project paying 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days for a $10 minimum. Although the first principals on expiry are yet to be processed (when the first investment cycle is over) ApexBinary managed to put the first investors in profit. The admin Mark (interviewed here) recently changed the design of the program and on recovering from the DDoS attack sent the following newsletter issued last night stating ApexBinary is stronger than ever:

Setting Standards for DDOS Attacks
As we already announced on our website home page that today the 28th of March we have been facing technical issues because of DDOS attacks against ApexBinary.
Therefore our technical team in corporation with Blacklotus had set filters against any further DDOS attack that would be attempted by hackers.
We hope that our website won’t face such problems in future and we will make sure you are rest assured to invest with us.
Regards. ApexBinary LTD – Trust Through Transparency


With the latest profit report posted in the Results page of BTCArbs last night the admin discussed the latest news in the BitCoin market and fluctuations in its value for the last 24 hours. Highly volatile rates reported by the admin resulted in a reasonable 1.36% profit for members yesterday. I remind you that in BTCArbs your variable daily profits which can vary from 0.1% to 10% become part of your principal if you do not request a withdrawal. On the following day you then earn interest on this new increased amount. A $50 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, or PerfectMoney is required to join and many investors have taken a significant profit from the program since it first came to MNO 39 days ago (read the full review here). The latest profit report from BTCArbs dated last night stated the following:

Friday 28th March 2014 – 1.36%
After yesterday’s fake news about China implementing new legislation to prevent the sale of Bitcoin, the general consensus in the Bitcoin industry was that the price would recover, seeing as the drop was believed to be artificially caused by fake news. Around midnight GMT, the price started heading upwards, but quickly turned around and dropped far lower than anyone had expected. This seemed particularly strange, given the fact that the majority of the verifiable news in the Bitcoin industry was positive. Today has been a bit of a roller coaster, with the price bouncing up and down, creating a great deal of arbitrage opportunities in the process. The biggest opportunity for us today was caused by the fact that we had moved funds from BTCe to Bitstamp yesterday, leaving those funds available for the unusual situation that has existed throughout the day where BTCe is priced more than 1% higher than Bitstamp. The total result for today is 1.36%.


I would like to follow up on the last news story about GoldenOakFund and warn against investing there due to delayed payouts. Apparently the admin decided this time not to bother replying to my email and despite my warnings chose to ignore my ultimatum. I have no other choice then but to move GoldenOakFund to Problem status on MNO, as apparently the admin has it on auto-pilot by sometimes funding his e-currency accounts for processing instant payouts, but mostly he seems to have forgotten about his site as GoldenOakFund looks totally abandoned with no support whatsoever. Unfortunately it seems to be finished after only six weeks online which was a horrendous result for a program paying just 1.2% interest daily. Please note that GoldenOakFund has been moved to Problem status on MNO and no further investments are recommended!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, LuckSeven, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, GramStock, Eblone, ForexStructure, AssuredAssets, Exellers (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: GrandForexLimited.
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, TurgidInvest, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all for this morning, guys. Enjoy your weekend, but remember MNO is still working as usual and you can be sure that you will see the most up-to-date status of all the listed programs on my monitor and timely warnings (as with GoldenOakFund) on my blog about problematic programs, so you can avoid investing and save money. I remind you that only the best most elite programs are listed on MNO and Exellers will join them when reviewed tomorrow. This is a very original program winning a lot of attention already, so tune in tomorrow for more. All the latest news and the results of the current poll on MNO TalkBack will be drawn as well (please take your time to vote here). Remember to follow me on Facebook and Twitter and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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