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30/08/2015. Nuggetz Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! Nuggetz has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! As we come to the end of another weekend and get ready for the new business week I have to say I was surprised at the amount of news stories I need to catch up on for you today. Then again I guess I haven’t published anything since Thursday. Anyway, the main focus of today’s article is Nuggetz, a widely anticipated and discussed brand new HYIP that finally launched this week after so long in the planning stages. Nuggetz is a long term program which is, with few exceptions, what seems to be the most dominant at the moment. It’s also probably a good time to be starting a program like this, with September (almost on us) and autumn in general traditionally being a fruitful time for investors and admins who are prepared to work on something a little better than “just average”. In this case the Nuggetz website looks impressive and is executed to a highly professional level with a top-notch design. Is that enough to turn your investment into profit? Well, let’s take a look at the program’s main features and you can decide for yourselves if you think it’s worth taking a chance on or not.
Starting things off with the program’s investment plans as usual then, Nuggetz are offering three for you to choose from, though the size of your budget will more or less make the choice for you. It is as I said a long term HYIP and will definitely require a long term commitment from you. That being said, Nuggetz do incorporate a certain degree of flexibility after a point which I will explain. To join at all however you will first need a $20 minimum to spare. This gets you into what’s called The Basic Portfolio. There’s no fixed investment term, you may request your principal back and leave at will, but the catch is that you first find yourself in a pretty lengthy lock-in period. As an investment program Nuggetz themselves work on business days only, so interest payments to members are made between Monday and Friday only. For this plan the rate is 1.8%. What you eventually earn from your investment is essentially down to how long you chose to remain a member, though you will not be able to leave until at least 100 calendar days (yes, that’s calendar days and not business days) have passed. That lock in period should contain something like 70 payment days. The exact number would depend on when you join, however as Nuggetz also don’t work on public holidays I’m just going to round it down to 70. With everything going according to plan you should have received 126% in interest payments before you are allowed to leave. If you want to take your principal back now then do so, or if you want to continue earning the 1.8% per business day then leave it in place until you are ready. You can do own calculations from there, I’ll just tell you that you should expect to break even after 56 payments, of just over eleven weeks. No matter what your strategy is in Nuggetz after that you can’t possibly lose money. The maximum deposit for this plan is $500.

If money is less of a worry to you and you can comfortably afford to play with the required $501 minimum, then Nuggetz have The Smart Portfolio. It’s pretty much the same as the first plan in terms of organization, i.e. your principal is locked in for 100 calendar days, you collect interest payments on business days, and once the waiting period is up you can either stay or go as you please. The main difference this time is the interest rate goes up to a more generous 2.1% per business day, allowing members reach the break even point a lot faster (after 48 payment days) and see a return of approximately 147% before the option to collect your principal is offered. Maximum deposit here is $150,000.

Nuggetz change things around a bit with their third plan. Called The Expert Portfolio, this one is definitely aimed at the bigger spending more serious players out there. There’s a $3,000 minimum requirement to join, however there’s a fixed investment term of 90 business days this time (18 weeks) and your principal is returned at the end. There’s no option to voluntarily stay on in the plan after that, unless of course you want to make a new deposit for the full term all over again. While you have an active deposit here Nuggetz are offering 2.8% interest per business day. You should complete the term with 252% in interest payments, and then have your principal added to that. You should reach the break even point after 36 payments (just over 7 weeks), at which point you can’t possibly lose any of your own money no matter what might happen the Nuggetz website after that.

In HYIP terms at least the Nuggetz investment plans might be sustainable to an extent, but the current choice of payment processor leaves a lot to be desired. At the time of writing the only functioning options are PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, though I would hope that can be improved before too long. Otherwise it will only hold the program back and hamper its development. On the plus side I can see that payments to members are at least made instantly. You will still need to log in to your Nuggetz members area and make a withdrawal request of course, but once done you should have the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. Payza, who we are told are currently examining whether to allow Nuggetz use their services or not, are listed but not actually working yet. They would really need to be on board if the program is ever going to have any success worth talking about so I’ll keep you informed about that on the MNO blog if or when Nuggetz passes the verification process. Incidentally, not a practice that I ever cared much for myself, but if you must then compounding is available. You can select your own rate from zero, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 percent. Also you should expect to see your account credited with your daily earnings 24 hours after you join. So in other words if you join Nuggetz at 10 o’clock then from that point on you should start getting your interest payments at 10 o’clock (on business days) as well.

You’ll get a much stronger first impression of Nuggetz when looking at the more technical aspects of the website, such as design and security. Nuggets is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from malicious attacks by DDoSGuard, by now undoubtedly one of the leading providers in this area. It’s the script however where we see most of the work was done on bringing Nuggetz to life, as it’s a totally custom made model created from scratch uniquely for this program. You can feel pretty confident that it’s going to be secure enough, though it’s also user friendly and easy to navigate your way around the private member’s account area. Unlike a lot of other HYIPs you won’t be getting a confirmation e-mail with your password when you first sign up with Nuggetz by the way, so do remember to write it down or store it someplace safe. Not a big deal or anything as you can easily reset it again and again if you forget it, it’s just easier this way. Also included on the Nuggetz website as an additional safety feature for investors is a Green Bar SSL-certificate from Comodo for more secure browsing and safer transactions.

For any further questions, support related matters, or account issues there are several channels of communication open to you. I guess the first thing you should do is make yourself familiar with the fairly extensive FAQ section which will cover a lot of what you need to know. After that you can check out the Live Chat feature where you might be able to get your questions answered in real time if an operator is on hand. I don’t believe this service works at the weekend right now, so business days only for that one. Nuggetz list a series of e-mail addresses if you have something more substantial to discuss with them, with each address dedicated to separate issues, such as one for tech support, one for current investors, and so on. You can either write to them directly or else just post your queries in the online support form and submit them online. There’s a postal address in the UK (weirdly accompanied by a map of New York for some odd reason) though most of you will know to ignore that as a virtual hosted office and not somewhere you’ll find anyone connected with Nuggetz physically located. The address comes with a phone number, so you might have a bit more luck finding a Nuggetz support operator that way.

As for any alleged business activities, Nuggetz try to revive what was once a more widespread claim in the HYIP industry – sports betting. Despite numerous websites using this angle in the past, things have always played out the same way, and with nothing that individual members can research and prove for themselves. And anyway, even if it was the case that Nuggetz are genuinely doing something with members money there’s still no such thing as a rock solid guarantee that any business has to be profitable, so something that allegedly revolves around gambling is the last place you should start looking for it. So remember to treat Nuggetz as you would anything else in the HYIP industry – it can be fun as long as you don’t start taking it too seriously and getting yourself into difficult financial situations by playing with more money than you can afford to lose. So if you do decide to join Nuggetz, enjoy the experience but stay within your spending limits, keep your expectations realistic, and try to keep the program as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As HonorForTheBrave launched more than two weeks ago, the admin seemed to be keeping things a bit low key and only issued one introductory newsletter until yesterday, when another full-size newsletter was sent to members and broke that silence. Some positive improvements were announced along with a Facebook Group aimed at raising investors’ awareness towards the program and the release of their first one-minute long introduction video which one can find in both HonorForTheBrave‘s own YouTube channel which was just launched as well, and the MNOVision Page containing several educational and promotional videos from the programs monitored on MNO. I believe HonorForTheBrave is taking just the right steps to become gradually more exposed on social networks and the first video introduction which you can watch here is just stunning, in my opinion. However if you really want to take a closer look at the program’s investment offers I would reading the full review of HonorForTheBrave available here for more details of the project paying 3% to 5% interest for the duration of 60 calendar days and accepting deposits from a $30 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and Neteller. Below is the latest newsletter from HonorForTheBrave in its entirety:

Facebook Group and YouTube Channel Added
Good day to all of you. I would like to wish everyone a great weekend. The weekend in our office has been a busy one. And being busy in business is a very positive sign. Busy means we are taking care of so many things in our business which equates to meaning having to handle a lot of transactions and deals.
We have set up a Facebook group account And Youtube Channel where now you can discuses with members and follow the latest updates of the program in addition to our Facebook and Twitter page.
Facebook Group –
YouTube –
Thank you again for being part of our company. We wish you a pleasant weekend and happy earnings.
Best Regards. HonorForTheBrave Team


Did you know that PokerAutomatics is now one of the most popular 8,000 websites in the world according to Alexa? Well, that’s exactly what happened thanks to the admin’s hard work with prompt payouts and great customer support for over a year now. PokerAutomatics joined the Premium List on MNO exactly six months ago and that means that even those investors who joined the program the longest 180 calendar day plan should have some nice profits by now. Anyone still sitting on the fence should really make a decision, as PokerAutomatics is truly a one of a kind program with skilled management and a believable background cover story of pokerbot networks making money from online poker tournaments, hence the name. By joining PokerAutomatics with at least $30 you can go with SolidTrustPay, OkPay, PerectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and many other lesser known payment options. Then you make 40% to 80% daily profit from the reported variable daily returns that usually float around the 1% mark (see the latest reports in the updates below). The investment term is from 30 to 180 calendar days one expiry of which your initial investment with PokerAutomatics is returned to your account available for withdrawal or re-depositing. If that sounds complicated then please refer to my detailed review posted here. By the way, according to one of the latest updates posted on the PokerAutomatics‘ website, their script has been upgraded again and has become more convenient to use while more new dedicated servers have been added to meet the increased capacity requirements. Whether it’s true or not, it’s only up to you to judge. I’ll just re-post all the latest news from PokerAutomatics regarding this and other news you can read below:

PokerAutomatics website is one of 8,000 most visited websites in the world!

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 2 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
28.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.89%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
29.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%

PokerAutomatics Script Upgrade
We’ve upgraded our PokerAutomatics Script in connection with the increasing number of clients and Deposits.
Old virtual operations were deleted.
My Operations page and My Deposits page are working much faster now.
We continue to improve the performance and usability of PokerAutomatics.


The sudden demise of ElegantTrading earlier this week left more questions than answers as the admin of the formerly best program of 2014 RockwellPartners failed to live up to the high expectations of hopeful investors, surviving for a bit over three weeks. Mind you, that was still more than enough time to get into serious profits with the program that was listed on MNO from day one, as there were absolutely no restrictions imposed on the ability of investors to withdraw principals at any time, and many of them seized this opportunity and did very well from it. Sadly, as always happens in this business, the less fortunate investors of ElegantTrading suffered some losses and were really let down by an admin supposedly hoping to work for many months to come. That also made the results of the recent MNO poll on the choice of top program from the latest Top Five list obsolete, but I will still have a look at the remaining four options and see the results.

As expected the now departed ElegantTrading scored 51% of the votes submitted by readers on the MNO TalkBack poll. As the program is not active anymore, the top spot passes to USDBusinessLimited (reviewed here) whose stability and first investors now in profit won them a 23% share of the vote. Yesterday an interview was sent to the admin of USDBusinessLimited Gary so hopefully we’ll see his answers sometime next week. As for the third and the fourth positions, they were shared by PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) and RollNRich (reviewed here) with both programs taking 13% of the vote each. Although these programs are very different in terms of rates of interest and the whole concept behind them, they have something in common – both have been on MNO for many months and put lots of investors well into profit. And finally, as expected, AtrexTrade (reviewed here) didn’t score a single vote in the poll for good reason. The program returned to Paying status just a couple of weeks ago with instant payouts still processed to members’ e-currency accounts, however, principal withdrawals are still not possible for some reason. That means that AtrexTrade will 99% collapse before the New Year, and those people investing right now will almost certainly lose money – so no new investments in that program can be recommended at this point in time. The situation might change in the future, but I doubt that AtrexTrade will manage to get back to normal at all.

For the next question on the MNO TalkBack poll I would suggest you ponder on the following issue. I believe many investors are coming back from summer holidays now and are looking forward on to what activities the HYIP industry will bring in September and later in autumn. You see, the autumn months have traditionally been an active time in the HYIP industry, but this year everything went kind of upside down and actually, it was the summer when I saw most activity from my readers and some new promising programs coming in with new appealing offers and attractive layouts. The question is whether September will open new windows of opportunity for investors and will surpass the summer, or whether we will be facing another crisis due to too many scams. The exact question then is:
Do you believe autumn will bring more activity in the HYIP industry?
1) Yes, I am convinced there will be better programs and more money invested.
2) Although it’s possible, I think it will be hard for admins to offer something new and attract more investors.
3) No, I reckon summer was the peak and autumn will see a decline.

Thanks in advance for voting, guys, and the results will be drawn sometime next weekend. Your active participation on the MNO TalkBack is therefore highly appreciated.


As AtrexTrade is not really interesting to anyone on MNO anymore with the program in decline, I will simply repost the latest news on the additional day off when trading will not take place, meaning there wouldn’t be any interest credited on the following day. If you haven’t read the full review of AtrexTrade (published here), I’ll just briefly remind you that the program pays variable daily returns for an unlimited term on business days only. Take note that the interest is credited to your balance in AtrexTrade available for instant withdrawal to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin accounts from Tuesday to Saturday. AtrexTrade reports their results Monday to Friday and then credits members’ accounts with a 50% to 75% share from that amount on the following day. So, in the news section there was an announcement of Friday, September 7 being a holiday, meaning the members’ accounts will not be credited on the following day – Saturday, September 8:

List of holidays/non-working days in September
Dear investors,
We would like to inform you that interest will not be added to your deposits on September 7 due to official holidays.
Deposits and withdrawals will be fully available.
Thank you for your attention.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRichUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics,  4FinanceAtrexTradeHonorForTheBraveBellRoi, TradingAssets, Nuggetz.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: D3Limited (the first instant payments received).

That’s all for tonight guys, thanks for reading and I do believe my next post will already be in September. So enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in autumn! If you like to support MNO please be more active on the ShoutBox, bookmark my site in your browser, subscribe to the daily news to be delivered straight to your email, follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and check out the MNO monitor frequently to find the new entries to my listing. Bye for now!

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