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07/09/2016. RapidIncome Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! RapidIncome has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Barely a week into the autumn and already I think we can see a noticeable upturn in the HYIP industry. It’s been a busy seven days on MNO so far, with a lot more to come I hope. There’s a lot of news stories you might be interested in today to reflect that, however the single biggest story is the addition of RapidIncome to the MNO monitor’s Standard List as introduced in the last blog post. It’s no secret that some people are expecting big things from this program, despite it being a month online already. The rollout of the program was pretty low key before the admin bought listing on MNO, preferring to avoid paying for advertising and allowing paid promoters to spend their own money if they want in and letting word of mouth do the rest. Well, it’s gotten them this far! I hope this also sends out a strong message to other experienced admins that if high quality programs are going to launch this autumn (and they are) then serious investors know that MNO is the place to look for them. So before I get to the day’s main news stories let’s get started on RapidIncome and see what it’s all about.
There’s only one plan to choose from in RapidIncome, and every investment big and small is treated equally. At first glance it might look like a longer term HYIP (the interest rate would be in keeping with that style) however you do get a greater degree of autonomy over your account and can more or less set your own term. So, the first thing you will need before you can join is at least a $20 minimum to spare. It’s what I would call a “perpetual investment plan”, meaning RapidIncome offer daily interest payments either for how ever long you decide to remain a member, or until the program collapses. Which ever one comes first. The rate of interest made available to members then is 2.5% per calendar day. So if let’s say you made an investment of $100 with RapidIncome you would expect to see $2.50 paid back every day. Based on that it’s a matter of doing some simple calculations based on what your own goals are in the program to work out your potential earnings, and if these can realistically be achieved.

Beyond that it’s not that easy to give any further examples. It really is a case of being literally as many strategies as there are investors. Whether you want to stay for a day, a week, a month, or remain until the very end is entirely up to you. On the other hand you may have a specific financial target in mind, or maybe you just want to assess RapidIncome on a day-by-day basis and decide on the day when you think the best time to leave is. You just ask for your principal back and leave when you are ready.

I’ll just make one very strong suggestion when it comes to strategies however. You see, RapidIncome charge a 10% withdrawal fee for returning your principal (or any part of it). Remember that if you’re leaving the program too soon, because this can eat into a significant cut of your profits. Despite the outward appearance of daily profit payments then you really need to remain a member for five days at least just to break even. Consider the first 10% of your principal as gone (you will still earn interest from it mind) and you can only get out of RapidIncome with a profit after that period.

Payment options should you decide to join RapidIncome are a bit limited, though probably no worse than most average online HYIPs. At the time of writing investors can choose between PerfectMoney and Payeer if they like the traditional style payment handlers, or BitCoin if they want to deal directly using a digital e-currency. And after a month online I’d be surprised to see this improving. Changing, yes, but not really improving. By that I mean that AdvCash is being touted as a possible addition to the list though we’re still waiting. If it’s going ahead than it shouldn’t take too much longer, so if you are interested then keep an eye on MNO for news of this and any further developments in RapidIncome. For bigger spending investors however there is an alternative. These have never been particularly popular in the HYIP industry, indeed in ten years as a monitor I’m not sure if I’ve ever come across more than a handful of investors at most doing this, but you may also invest with RapidIncome using WesternUnion and MoneyGram. Typically values here would need to be between $500 and $5,000, though according to the admin these figures may be flexible according to the regulations applied to different countries. Contact him for more details if this is of any interest to you. Bank wires are also available, so again contact the RapidIncome admin directly for further information.

The withdrawal system from RapidIncome is straightforward enough, though sufficiently different from other online HYIPs to warrant paying closer attention to. The first thing we need to be clear about is this – payment processors do nothing for free. They are commercial profit making enterprises who charge fees for their services. Nothing new there you might think, I’m sure you all already knew this. In the case of RapidIncome however, they simply pass their own fees on to the customer. That means that all withdrawal requests are subject to a 2% fee. So for every $1 you take out of the program, expect $0.98 to hit your payment processor account. Not a big deal or anything, most admins will factor these things in when designing their plans in the first place, it’s just important that you know where the discrepancy comes from. Of course, you can always just allow your payments to accumulate and redeposit once they reach to the required $20 minimum again. Personally I wouldn’t recommend it myself because even though it will help your principal to grow, in the meantime you earn nothing and the 2% withdrawal fee is still there waiting for you regardless. Smaller investors take note that there’s a minimum withdrawal policy of $2 in place.

The payment schedule is another area where RapidIncome is unlike other programs. While your account with the program is credited with interest earnings an calendar days, seven days per week, withdrawals are only processed on business days, Monday to Friday. So yes, you will earn your 2.5% profit as usual on Saturday and Sunday, it just means you have to wait until Monday before making a withdrawal. There’s nothing to stop you from requesting it of course, you’re just not going to see it until the new business week kicks off on Monday. Withdrawals are then made manually and so will need to be requested from inside your RapidIncome members account area. The admin then reserves the right to take up to 48 hours to complete your transaction.

Just one final word on the investment plan, I think it’s probably worth explaining how to withdraw your principal when you do eventually think it’s the right time to leave RapidIncome for good. It’s not all that difficult to do or anything, it’s just that if you’re not familiar with the RapidIncome it might not be that easy to spot on your first visit. First of all (obviously) you need to log in to your members account area. Down the left side of the page you will see the various tabs allowing you to manage your profile, account history, and so on. Click the button marked “Withdraw”. This displays your payment processor account numbers, the amount you are owed at the time of your visit, and the section where you can now make a withdrawal request. It’s right there where you can see the line “For principal withdrawal with 10% fee, click here.” Click that to be redirected to a separate withdrawal page just for your principal.

You may if you prefer just withdraw a part of your principal by the way, and leave the rest in your account to continue earning. The amount you withdraw first has the 10% fee deducted and goes to your balance. You are then allowed to withdraw completely from there, however this is subject to the additional regular 2% withdrawal fee on top of the 10% you have already paid. You are given the option to cancel this transaction of course, and return this money to your main principal if you change your mind.

Moving on to some of the more technical aspects of the RapidIncome website such as their design and account security features, I’m pleased to see the admin didn’t cut any corners. There’s almost a sort of “double indemnity” when it comes to DDoS protection which is by CloudFlare and BlockDos who are keeping RapidIncome on a dedicated server with their tech support. For an extra layer of security you’ll find SSL encryption provided by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The script is probably going to be the main talking point about RapidIncome, particularly among investors who “enjoy” the pointless pursuit of speculation and rumors, which of course the HYIP industry is always rife with. It’s a custom made script, though certainly not unique. I’m open to correction here but I’m not aware of it being available for commercial sale to just anyone, however it has been used by a couple of very successful programs in the past. Some people will let that influence them to spend more money, others won’t care, it’s really up to you to read what you like into that. I can only say that from an investor’s point of view it’s very well organized and laid out, user friendly, and easy to navigate without compromising on security.

Any further questions for the RapidIncome admin that you think I may have missed in this review or account related issues you need to have dealt with can be passed on through a couple of different channels. The first thing you should be looking at of course is the website’s FAQ page, which is extensive and covers just about everything in detail. If this doesn’t help you avoid having to contact RapidIncome support then you can either fill in your details in the online customer support form and submit it through the contacts page, or else just write directly to the admin at the listed e-mail address. A postal address (actually a PO Box number) is listed in the UK, which is of course unlikely to lead you directly with anyone connected with the running of RapidIncome so is best ignored. Skype and phone support are promised “soon”, though honestly with the flood of so many online VoIP service providers these days I can’t tell you why something that takes five minutes still isn’t there after a month. So best just depend on e-mail support I think. Up until now I must say just about everything I had for the RapidIncome support team was dealt with with courtesy and efficiency, so kudos to them for that.

Just in case anyone is interested, the alleged business activities behind RapidIncome and how they fund the interest payments to their members are from BitCoin trading and mining. Fair enough, someone out there must be doing it, there’s just not much solid evidence to prove that it’s RapidIncome. And an important point for HYIP newbies to remember, even if it was true that doesn’t mean it always has to be profitable. So if you’re intent on taking the gamble and joining the program remember the two most basic fundamentals, which are staying well under a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose and earn back easily from other sources, and if joining RapidIncome at all then keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

With over a month online behind them now I’m guessing the name RapidIncome won’t be entirely brand new to all of you, and many may well have put a lot of thought into joining well before it was added to MNO. One way or another I’d really appreciate it guys if you wouldn’t mind taking a brief moment then to answer the following poll question on how you feel about RapidIncome and their chances for even further success. The poll is 100% anonymous of course, and could make for some interesting reading in the coming weeks and months as we observe the future performance of RapidIncome.

Will you make an active deposit in RapidIncome?

View Results

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Some really good news today from FxInc which will be particularly pleasing for anyone who likes instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The admin there has reported the successful implementation of instant payouts on his website, but noted that BitCoin withdrawals might be still take just a little longer due to special requirements from Coinpayments which handles the dispersal of BitCoin funds for them. In addition to that, the admin tells us in the latest newsletter re-posted below that AdvCash will be added as the fourth payment processor for the convenience of FxInc investors on Monday. If you haven’t read the review of the program published here, you might not know that FxInc has been totally revamped recently after flying well under the radar for a number of months. Since then the admin immediately went ahead and purchased Premium listing on MNO to get his program the highest level of exposure. FxInc accepts investments starting from a $20 minimum to a huge variety of plans that include three hourly paying plans with principal back on expiry – 0.09% for 360 hours, 0.1% for 768 hours, 0.12% for 1488 hours – and others paying once on expiry – 107%-110% after 7 days, 125% after 10 days, 340% after 18 days, 200% after 30 days, 500% after 60 days, 1800% after 110 days. By the way, the admin of FxInc Mark just answered my interview questions which I hope to publish on MNO by Friday, so stay tuned for that. Everything indicates that FxInc might just become quite a popular choice among investors within the next few weeks. Below is the latest newsletter from Mark:

New Upgrade in site : Instant Payouts & Advcash
Dear investors,
As you know we have revamped our brand FxInc short time ago and we are constantly upgrading site in terms of services, security, accessibility and other things.
We are happy to announce to you that we have enabled Instant Payments on our site. From now on, All the payments on site will be paid automatically however you may have to wait for BTC for some minutes as BTC requires 3 confirmations. Our BTC processing will be automatic but coinpayments will take it time to verify the payments.
For Advcash everything is done and it will be added on Monday.
Feel free to ask any question you have in your mind.
Regards. Mark Anthony, Chief Executive Officers. FxInc


A professionally translated German language version has now become the third on the VivaBusiness website after English and Russian were there right from the start. Now VivaBusiness reach a German speaking audience which can contribute greatly to its already explosive growth. The program came to prominence after being spotted by experienced investors from day one and was praised for its instantly processed payouts and a huge variety of accepted payment processors which not only included the traditional PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, and AdvCash, but also allowing investors to use Payza and SolidTrustPay funds. The investment plans offered by VivaBusiness from $10 provide an opportunity not only to earn from 2.5% to 5% (depending on the amount you spend) per day until you reach 150% of your investment, but also allows you gradually build your deposit and get to your ultimate target faster. All the features of VivaBusiness have been properly explained in the detailed review of the program you can read here. The admin also kindly shared the link to the MNO review in his latest newsletter where he can also announced the German version of the site as re-posted below:

German Language Added and VivaBusiness Review
We strive our best to make our website as convenient as possible to all participants from all around the world. That’s why our website is now available in German language, and the list of available languages will be extended soon.
We also would like to encourage you to read a professional review of VivaBusiness by Money-News-Online and NewHyip. Sincerely speaking, both are ultimately the best source of English and Russian fresh and unbiased industry news.
Here are the Review link: MNO Review
VIVA La Vida, VivaBusiness staff


LaraWithMe (reviewed here) is undoubtedly one of the most interesting investment programs online today. Its innovative nature is clear from the totally different management strategy – via the Telegram messenger. Who knows – maybe it’s the next big thing in the HYIP industry. The question of using a Telegram account simply requires you to enter your phone number to receive a one-time PIN to access the web version or download and install an application on your favorite mobile platform. Everything is encrypted there, you see, and LaraWithMe claims to be one of the safest online platforms. And it’s a profitable one too – you are promised 3% interest per day for an open ended term (principal withdrawals are not allowed). What’s more – the minimum to invest starts from only $10 and you’ll get paid instantly to your Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin accounts. There is no waiting time and you can even request your withdrawal to a different payment processor that the one you joined with. LaraWithMe is also very different from others due to a higher use of social networks and trying to broaden their horizons in terms of appealing to a wider audience not usually familiar with the HYIP industry. There are leaders in different countries that serve their own markets and promote LaraWithMe (which in itself is available in several different languages) among their own target audience. Such an extensive promo campaign will ensure that LaraWithMe will last longer than others and will grow exponentially, which is required to sustain the “eternal” 3% daily payments to already existing members. It will take them 34 days to break-even and reach the profit zone, but it won’t be enough unless they try to push LaraWithMe harder and promote it for the new level to ensure its longevity. The program has recently surpassed 7 million total deposits mark (at least that’s what the admin says) and claims its own ideology of sharing wealth among members surely sounds very enticing. Below is a couple of recently posted Facebook updates from LaraWithMe containing links to the new webinars on leadership, various positive feedback from current members, and some curious info on the program’s ideology. Take some time to check them out, guys, before making your final decision on whether you want to be part of the 21st century evolution of the HYIP industry:

Worldwide Start” Webinar series presents: Part 2 – BORN TO BE A LEADER
– Do you want to become true LARA leader?
– Do you want to build a great team of investors worldwide?
– Do you want to earn so much affiliate bonuses you can’t even carry?
Exclusive guide and useful technics from Lara top leader Alex Knipper83 (over 5K active investors and 600K> deposits)
Amazing free information for newbies and advanced team-builders in English & German
Be sure to watch our live webinar at 7 September, tomorrow 9AM.
During the webinar you will get all the information regarding our global EXCELLENCE Contest as well.
Add those links to your browser bookmarks and share it with your friends! More people in your team will see – stronger your team will be!

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Let’s take a look at the results of the poll that ran for the last week on the MNO TalkBack page. The question asked was:
Will the autumn bring more promising investment opportunities?
This is very much a time sensitive question connected with the start of the new season in the HYIP industry. No surprise that 74% of readers have some high hopes for this and replied “Yes, I’m pretty sure of it”. It is true that the seasonal patterns can be clearly seen in previous years with summer usually seen as a vacation period for both HYIP investors and admins alike, while autumn marks a return. 16% of readers noted that “It’s very possible, but not guaranteed” and I tend to agree with that to some extent – as every year is different the autumn HYIP season might start earlier or later, but there is always a point when we see bigger investments from new people and more growth. Could it be this year is different and the autumn worse than the summer? I highly doubt it, but that’s the opinion expressed by 10% of readers who feel less than optimistic. Well, I hope that they are wrong and we will see more activity among the players/investors pretty soon. Thanks to everyone who voted and I hope you will participate in the next one.

Now that we have so many great programs to choose from – RapidIncome, VivaBusiness, LaraWithMe, to name just a few – I believe autumn is well under way and it’s only a matter of time until growth is going to be more visible as more and more investors return to the industry. So I want to ask the following question:

Do you think a long-term leader in the HYIP industry is online now?

Possible answers are:
Yes, I’m sure of it.
No, I don’t see anything strong enough.
Maybe, some programs are OK but I’m really expecting better.

Thanks in advance to everyone who votes, and remember it only takes a second and is completely anonymous. As usual voting will stay open for at least another week, maybe ten days, long enough so that everyone who wants to vote has plenty of time to do so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFunds, BandeiraCorp, Capitaller, Edelweiss5, FxInc.
From MNO Standard list: LaraWithMe, VivaBusiness, RapidIncome (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A, BlockProfits, Dowerly (the first payment received).

That’s it for today guys. Thanks for reading and I hope you found something useful or at least interesting in today’s post. The next update will most likely be Friday when I have an interview with the admin of FxInc (reviewed here), a program that has re-invented itself just in time for the autumn season and itself subject to some high expectations from investors. Let’s see if they’re justified! Other than that I’ll also have all the news stories worth reporting over the weekend so make sure and stay tuned for that. Enjoy the rest of the week everyone, and see you all on Friday!

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