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16/09/2016. EmpireAdvertisement Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! EmpireAdvertisement has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! As we come to the end on another busy week in the HYIP industry, a refreshing change from much of the summer I might add, it occurs to me that there’s probably more (good) opportunities around at the moment than any time recently. With that in mind I’m going to give you something else to think about over the weekend, because today I’d like to discuss EmpireAdvertisement. This is a brand new program just added to the MNO monitor’s Premium List a couple of days ago, and it’s quite unlike almost anything else I can think of in the HYIP market at the moment. Granted EmpireAdvertisement follows a similar business model to regular HYIPs in the sense that you invest one sum of money hoping to withdraw a bigger one, but there’s a lot more to them than just that. It’s presented more as an advertising platform than an online HYIP but I’ll get to that in more detail in a moment. As the autumn season gathers pace then I guess most experienced players are probably looking to bolster their portfolios with good new programs. Let’s see if EmpireAdvertisement fits the bill.
We’ll get things moving then with the investment plans, and I suppose you might consider EmpireAdvertisement as a longer term program. The truth is though it’s what I would describe as a “target based” program rather than having a term measured in a fixed number of days. When you join EmpireAdvertisement for the first time you will have a particular financial target in mind, and you then remain a member for how ever long it takes you to reach that target. OK, that’s an oversimplified version, but it’s a good starting point. Ultimately your goal is going to be between 115% and 135% of your money back, it’s just how you get there is the thing.

If we begin then with the premise that EmpireAdvertisement is an advertising platform, you should in theory make sure that you have a website to advertise. You will need to enter a link for this website when creating your account. Don’t worry, you don’t really have to have your own personal website of course, you can enter whatever you like. It’s easy for me of course, I just entered MNO, but I suggest you keep in mind the type of audience EmpireAdvertisement is going for when deciding what to enter yourself. Readers will be mostly from the HYIP world, so if you don’t have your own related blog or monitor then you can always add your referral link from your favorite program. You might get lucky and get a couple of hits for yourself. But basically you can expect that most of the sites being advertised are somehow connected with making money online.

So, once you have established your account and the site you are advertising, you will now need to “create a campaign” for it. You will first need to add funds to your available balance in EmpireAdvertisement. The next step is to clicking the “Add New” button found on the tab marked “Campaign”. Now you are allowed to purchase adpacks, which are what you actually earn your interest payments from. These adpacks vary in price, but are all in multiples of five dollars and carry different privileges for members. There are five categories of adpack, priced respectively are $5, $10, $15, $20, and $25, so all your investments will need to be in these multiples. In other words you can spend $5, but not $4 or $6, you can can spend $10 but not $9 or $11, and so on. By the way, at the time of writing you don’t have to do anything in order to earn. Just make an active deposit and EmpireAdvertisement will pay interest on it. The program is still very much a work in progress however and the admin has hinted very strongly that he may soon be introducing a surfing rule whereby members are required to surf a certain number of ads in their members area in order to continue earning interest.

Inside your EmpireAdvertisement account you will find a comparison table demonstrating what each adpack can do for you. The bottom line is that all of them will earn you the same flat rate. Your account is credited every hour so you can literally watch it grow in front of your eyes (assuming you have nothing better to do that is!). The rate is 0.08333% per hour which come to 2% per day. The real question is for how long they are going to pay you this. Cheaper adpacks have a lower target and so will get less profit but do allow you to get out with it faster. It doesn’t necessarily matter how much money you spend on the adpacks (i.e. how many of them you buy), it’s the price of one individual unit that will determine the target for the entire batch. Confused? Don’t worry, I’ll explain it better below.

Here are the targets: $5 adpacks pay 115% in total earnings. $10 adpacks pay 120%. Adpacks priced at $15 each return 125% in total. Those valued at $20 each are offering a 130% return. And the most expensive adpacks of $25 each are offering a 135% return.

So, what’s the difference between buying five cheap adpacks for $5 each and buying just one expensive adpack for $25? You still pay $25, but it doesn’t matter how much money you spent, it depends on the type of adpack regardless of how many you own. Your $25 investment with the five cheap adpacks will bring you 115% back on your deposit, whereas your $25 investment with the single expensive adpack yields 135%. So despite making an equal investment the cheaper adpacks carry certain pros and cons. On one hand it’s a reduced risk because you can get out with your profits a lot faster, but on the other hand you’re earning less money.

Is it worth it? Well, that’s for the individual investor to decide. Do your own calculations and think about your own priorities for your investment. For example a $100 investment made up of twenty $5 adpacks will earn you 0.0833% interest every hour until you get back $115 in total, which takes around 58 days. Alternatively the same $100 spent on four $25 adpacks gets you the same hourly rate except you keep getting paid until you reach $135 back on your deposit.

At this point there’s probably a massive question going around the heads of some of the more experienced players reading this – if everyone gets the same rate of interest then everyone has the same break even point, so where is the extra risk in spending more money? Well, the thing is that EmpireAdvertisement have a compulsory re-purchase rule depending on the kind of adpack you purchase. Basically your account area has a sort of “dual balance” where your earnings are get paid into. Some of your profits are paid to a re-purchase balance which you are not allowed to withdraw. You can only use this money to buy more adpacks. The rest of your earnings goes into a regular style account main balance which you can withdraw at any time. The more expensive the adpack, the higher the percentage of your earnings must get plowed back into the the program. For instance the $25 adpacks carry a 50% re-purchase rate, while the $5 adpacks are exempt. This will keep a certain though ever decreasing amount of your money being recycled in EmpireAdvertisement over and over again for more cycles.

OK, you mightn’t like it at first, compulsory re-investments have always been a thorny subject in the HYIP industry and are definitely nowhere near as widespread as they were six or seven years ago. But the rule is definitely designed for smoother development and to prevent future cashflow issues, as well as keeping the hit-n-runners at bay and keeping the program financially stable for the foreseeable future. It’s not all bad though because the admin has made quite a clever move to soften the blow and actually give some incentive to make higher adpack purchases a lot more attractive despite the re-purchase rule. This is where we come to the concept of “multipliers”.

A multiplier, to put it simply, is an incentive that improves your daily interest rate if you buy more adpacks. For example, if you purchase up to 100 adpacks EmpireAdvertisement give you a multiplier of 1.05. What does that mean? It means that the 2% you were offered to join the program is now multiplied by 1.05, so 2%x1.05 = 2.1%, your new daily interest rate. The multiplier can be as high as 1.3 which will be for those buying upwards of 501 adpacks, so now 2%x1.3 = 2.6% interest per day. Check out the EmpireAdvertisement website for the exact rates for the various adpack packages.

One of the best features of EmpireAdvertisement in a more practical sense is the good range of payment options. Operating more as an advertising site than an investment program means it’s been a bit easier for them to get SolidTrustPay on board, something most HYIPs struggle to do these days and which will encourage a lot of confidence from bigger spending investors. Another verifiable option is available in the form of Payza, as well as anonymous providers such as PerfectMoney and Payeer. Of course if you prefer to avoid third party processors and work directly with your own e-currency then EmpireAdvertisement are working with BitCoin as well using the CoinPayments interface. For now the majority of withdrawals are processed instantly, something that won’t do their chances of success any harm. You will still need to log in to your EmpireAdvertisement account and submit a request, but once done you should have the money in under a minute. Please note that for now instant withdrawals only apply to the regular payment processors, i.e. STP, Payza, PerfectMoney, and Payeer. Anyone using BitCoin will have their withdrawals handled manually by the EmpireAdvertisement admin so allow him a reasonable amount of time for that, 24 hours.

There’s a couple of rules and regulations around the withdrawal process of EmpireAdvertisement, which is hardly a surprise I suppose given that it’s so different from the competition. On one hand I can understand why some folks will see this as some kind of imposition or a bit inconvenient, but ultimately I think it’s there to help the program. It’s all to do with keeping a healthy cash flow and careful management of the program’s finances. Experienced investors will recognize this and agree that in the longer term it’s going to help EmpireAdvertisement stay with us longer and pay a lot more money for a longer time. First of all then you will need at least $10 in your account before you can withdraw it. I mentioned instant withdrawals already, just be aware that these are only allowed for requests from $10 up to $100. Anything bigger than that will be reviewed by the EmpireAdvertisement admin and processed manually in due course. The maximum daily limit on withdrawals from your account is capped at $200. Another thing, and I realize this must sound so blatantly obvious but still, you’d be surprised at the number of people who forget, you have to specify all the payment accounts in the settings section first because otherwise nobody knows where to send your payouts. Don’t just assume that the script automatically knows to send payments to the same payment processor account you joined with I mean. Incidentally, strictly speaking you do not have to withdraw to the same processor you joined with, e.g if you invest using Payza there are ways to withdraw to other processors. I don’t want to say that this is exactly a selling point that makes EmpireAdvertisement more attractive, but it can be very convenient. You can use more than one processor to buy adpacks you see, but if you want to you can withdraw all of your money to the processor where you made the biggest single deposit. So for instance, let’s say you invested $100, with $60 in PerfectMoney and $40 through Payza. In this case you are now allowed to withdraw all of your money to PM if that’s easier for you. However as Payza in this example is only the minority processor, if you wish to withdraw there you can only take the earnings from your $40 Payza investment.

One other thing I should mention very briefly before we move on, you don’t have to have an investment in EmpireAdvertisement in order to earn. Obviously there’s the referral link which anyone can get, it’s also possible for “free members” to get paid just by viewing ads. Be warned though, this will only pay you $0.10¢ per day, so hardly worth getting excited about but just as long as you know that it’s there.

If everything is clear about the financial side of EmpireAdvertisement then let’s look at some of the more technical aspects. Between the time the program was first introduced on MNO and today I can see that some welcome improvements have already been made, something I hope will continue as the program begins to expand and grow. Hosting is on a dedicated server by GoDaddy who are of course household names in the “mainstream” internet world. A lot of you will I’m sure have seen their network television ads and they’re a popular resource for real businesses. This is complimented by an SSL encryption certificate, also provided by GoDaddy, to allow more secure transactions and safer web browsing. The EmpireAdvertisement website is running off a unique and custom-made script developed especially to meet the program’s unique needs. Despite what might look at first to be a somewhat labored way to participate in the program, it’s actually very neatly organized and relatively easy to navigate once you get past the initial ads when logging in. One helpful feature that first time visitors to EmpireAdvertisement should check out is the collection of tutorial videos that might give you a better understanding of how the program works. For your convenience you can also see them on the MNOVision page.

If you have any further questions for the EmpireAdvertisement admin that you think I might have missed in this review or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then there are a couple of ways to get in touch. As long as you stop to check out both the FAQ page and the tutorial videos first, you can then proceed to contact the admin either by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page, or else just write to him directly at the listed e-mail address. Fans of social media networks will be pleased to see the EmpireAdvertisement admin has also been very active on Facebook and keeps a visible presence there. He even puts himself in front of the camera sometimes to show what he’s up to with the program.

Something you rarely see in the HYIP industry anymore is programs keeping their own members forum. This has been revived by EmpireAdvertisement who have created just that inside your account area. It’s still very much in its infancy of course, with not much activity there just yet. I’m sure that will change in time, and if you are already a member of the program I suggest you take full advantage to use the forum as well. That’s what it’s there for. International readers will see this is also a multilingual platform with sections given over to many different languages. Again because it’s new there isn’t much to see just yet, so making it a successful discussion forum depends on the EmpireAdvertisement members.

As for a viable business plan to support payments to members, aside from keeping tighter control over the purse strings than most admins you can see that EmpireAdvertisement has positioned itself as an advertising website. Fair enough, that was sufficient to endear them to Payza and SolidTrustPay and I guess it does help the whole thing to keep ticking over to a certain degree. Having said that, remember there are still no long term guarantees to be found anywhere in this industry, least of all when it comes to something having to be profitable all the time. Like any business, online or off, EmpireAdvertisement have to get more money coming in than they need to pay out, simple as that, and that’s pretty much the only thing that will keep them afloat. Similar programs have seen some degree of success in the past, and with the HYIP industry slowing gaining momentum now as the autumn kicks in then fingers crossed EmpireAdvertisement will be another. Just remember to take care of your own personal safety first, which means always staying within a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and easily recoup from other sources if things don’t work out. And of course if joining EmpireAdvertisement at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

Like I said at the beginning, there’s quite a bit to think about in EmpireAdvertisement. A change in direction from many of the programs you might be more used to dealing with for sure, though also something you might wish to think about for diversification. You don’t have to decide right away, but when you do then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow readers by answering the following opinion poll. It’s not just about seeing what you think about EmpireAdvertisement right now, it’s also interesting to look at over the coming weeks and months as we see the program developing and what direction it takes. Think you can spot a winner? Then put your HYIP “sixth sense” to the test!

Will you make an active deposit in EmpireAdvertisement?

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Continuing on the subject of EmpireAdvertisement, I can confirm that cash links where even free members can earn money for manual surfing of the websites were introduced by the admin and will be a great earning opportunity for those short on cash, but still willing to try out the program. Of course, as the cash links can be priced as low as half a cent it may take quite some time before you reach the required $10 minimum to be able to withdraw, but it will be a good addition to your earnings, and you can purchase an adpack which starts from as low as $5 each and boost your earning this way. The admin of EmpireAdvertisement promises more new features soon, as the program has just started and might gradually grow in the coming weeks in line with its advertiser base. Here’s the latest newsletter from EmpireAdvertisement issued last night:

EmpireAdvertisement | Update 15/09/2016
Dear Empire Members
EmpireAdvertisement is growing day after day and this is because of you who believe in our project!!!
I would like to thank you for that .. All our members..
I think you understood we are here to stay for a long long time.
EmpireAdvertisement is for all budgets, from Free member, small advertiser to the biggest sponsor.
Cash Links will be more and more available!!!
And you have not see what we are able to!!! this is your Empire!!!
Don’t Forget, your video tutorials:
Your personal Landing Page:
To use it: replace “admin” by your username at the end of the link.
Stay tuned. Ea admin team


I must admit I wasn’t able to attend either of the two webinars held earlier this week by the administration of Edelweiss5, but I believe those who did were free to ask any questions about the program’s features and investment plans. If you missed it too then don’t worry, you can read the full review of Edelweiss5 on my blog (click here for that) which is a good starting point for more information. For those short on time though I’ll remind that Edelweiss5 offers one investment plan that you can join starting from a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash. You will then be tied to the percentage available on the website at the time of making your investment. Currently it’s around 1% daily paid on business days and 0.5% on Saturdays and Sundays. As Edelweiss5 is officially incorporated in Germany, the 1% daily offer which is running now is quite generous (it’s usually a bit smaller) and is offered for a limited period in conjunction with the world’s favorite holiday for beer drinkers – Oktoberfest. Note that if investing now you will get your daily profit of 1% on weekdays and 0.5% on weekends for a term of 365 calendar days, during which you cannot withdraw your main investment as your principal is already included in the daily profits. After the investment is made you may be able to sign a written contract or visit one of the physical locations in Ukraine and the other countries Edelweiss5 prides itself on having offices in. You can find more information on this unique program and below you will find two latest updates on the last webinars and the Oktoberfest related offers:

Dear friends!
We are glad to announce that we are launching a series of webinars that will take place every Tuesday and Thursday.
Today, 15 September at 21:00, we will hold a presentation of the company Edelweiss5, which will focus on marketing and investment programs of our company.
All invite to connect and participate in the webinars with our qualified experts!
Sincerely, The Edelweiss5

Dear user!
Oktoberfest – the biggest beer festival in the world, which takes place in the capital of Bavaria – Munich. It is the most ancient and colorful festival in Germany, which takes place every year since 1810.
This year the festival starts on September 17 and we, of course, do not leave it unattended.
In anticipation of the holiday, we decided to make our investors and provide a 1% profit for all new deposits.
Sincerely, The Edelweiss5.


Although I’m not a big fan of the new design of the Capitaller website (and especially I hate the awful soundtrack music which is set to default when you land on the main page which you have to disable to save your ears), it’s nice to see that the program is developing and that overall the site looks completely different now, possibly inspired by the more modern looking websites in the HYIP industry now. Unlike many other programs, when investing in Capitaller you don’t even need to create an account, as there are direct and automated payments sent to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, NixMoney, BitCoin, or AdvCash accounts daily and without any need for requesting them. The minimum to invest is only $5 and Capitaller is therefore pretty much affordable to all. There are three daily paying plans with a fixed 3% to 4% interest to your e-currency account over a term of 70 business days (depending on the amount you invest). Besides, there is another super-profitable plan paying a one-time on expiry 1,677% profit after the 70-business day term. The last plan is not really recommended of course, and you can find out why in my detailed review of Capitaller posted here which contains everything you need to know. So far, after about forty days on MNO the first investors of Capitaller should be close enough to breaking even and see the first profit in their accounts over the next week.

As you might know, Capitaller has a forum running separately from the main site on a different domain, and recently it was decided to encourage members to post payment proofs with a competition. I’m not really sure what kind of prizes will be assigned to the lucky winners of the contest, but you can ask the admin in the threads linked in the following update and let your fellow investors know about any positive experiences with Capitaller so far:

Capitaller Paid Post Thread Competition
We wish All Capitaller Members have nice day and enjoy good co operation with Us, on this stable financial project.
We know, lots of Members keep supporting Us, and have steady testimonial on “paid post” forum category, so, We think, Why We don’t give something which can boost activity and give more small contribution to forum.
Capitaller, have a running competition for the Member, each Week (previously We announce every 2 weeks/bi weekly). We will choose one selected forum thread and make it as winner.
We hope, other will visit and maybe reply on Winner paid post thread, and then get some inspiration for Their own “paid post thread”.
So, continue to post Your testimony, experience, or just Your journal, to: and let’s the world read it, about Your profits gained from stability of Capitaller Financial project.
Our thanks and Regards
Capitaller Support Team.


If you’re not yet in LaraWithMe be aware that you’re missing on a great money-making opportunity and a hugely popular program that’s growing everyday. Over its first three months online the incredibly smart management of the program has not only reached over 12 million dollars in total deposits, but also gave birth to a new trend in the HYIP industry inspiring other admins to launch their own Telegram-based programs. You see, LaraWithMe is not just any HYIP you’re used to dealing with, as it runs entirely on a type of instant messaging service called Telegram. So in order to take advantage of the 3% daily forever plan you can join with LaraWithMe you have to download and install the Telegram messenger and/or use its web-based version. In either case the only thing needed to access your Telegram account is your phone number, i.e. the PIN-code that will be sent there, making this platform a completely secure tool for HYIP investors. Once inside your Telegram account you’re required to get approval from the Lara bot with who you will communicate from now on and who will handle your deposits and payouts. All the deposits starting from $10 will bring you 3% daily for the lifetime of the program and all the withdrawals are usually handled instantly, whether it’s PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, or Payza. By the way, remember that with LaraWithMe you can invest via one payment processor and withdraw via a different one which might be a handy tool for some.

When we talk about the general development of LaraWithMe, the program already purchased several banners on MNO with more advertising on the way including a listing upgrade. So far, the program is enjoying a stable position on the Standard List with all its features explained in my detailed review posted here. Moreover, LaraWithMe is very friendly to non English speakers with a multi-lingual website and support operators. Facebook and other social networking is also playing a crucial role in its development and contributes greatly to its continuing growth. Those who like a visual explanation of how things work will be pleased to know that LaraWithMe puts huge emphasis on developing educational videos. You can find some of them on the MNOVision page as well as on the official Youtube channel of LaraWithMe that, by the way, has recently reached an amazing one million views. You can find more links to familiarize yourself with them via several different ways using the links given in the two following updates I’m reposting from their Facebook page. Believe me, whatever seems too difficult from the start due to its novelty might become a very pleasant experience at the end, so I heartily recommend trying out this new investment platform to anyone:

Many Congratulations! We are happy to note this moment as our first super viral one! Official LARA Channel hit first stunning 1M views on YouTube!
Over 520,000 views on the presentation video just in 30 days!
Nothing can stop it.
Nothing can be compared with.
Nothing can be more profitable than LARA…
See the buzz & Subscribe to LARA now!
Discover more at: LaraWithMe
What is LARA?
How does it work?
How to start?
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Check all the hundreds of live reviews, testimonials directly from active investors on YouTube!
Get all the quick notices from our Twitter!

With a latest $12M invested in just 90 days mark we decided to talk straight with all the users of our community.
It’s time to put some light on the Lara’s Team motivation and actual goal of our platform services.
People who stands behind the creation and lead development will share something they’ve always wanted to say.
Discover the power of Atomic Management at:
Don’t answer us. Answer yourself. Listen to how the soul responds to your desires. In order to reach true freedom your heart and mind have to be in harmony. If you are searching for your path, Lara can help you, untying your hands and breaking financial chains.
Feel the vibe.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFundsBandeiraCorp, Capitaller, Edelweiss5, EmpireAdvertisement.
From MNO Standard list: LaraWithMe, RapidIncomeZinc7.
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A, Dowerly.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Thanks a lot for reading and joining any of the programs here under me. It would not be worth doing anything without your continuous support and words of encouragement so thanks as always. As there are too many email requests to handle at the moment, please allow 24 hours to get a reply to any questions. You can always contact me on this page or send me an email directly to I’m always at your service and ready to answer your questions about the monitored programs. Have a nice weekend ahead, everyone, and see you all on the MNO blog in a couple of days!

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