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18/10/2017. Bitcy Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! Bitcy has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well today. There’s a few news stories to catch up with as the business week progresses, and I’m pleased to say it’s getting better since the start of the week as I have two brand new programs from the MNO monitor to introduce this evening. More on that in the news section, but first I want to talk about another new addition to the MNO monitor earlier in the week that I think some of you might enjoy. It’s called Bitcy which as the name might imply works exclusively with BitCoin. But just to be clear about something, when I describe Bitcy as new I just mean it’s new to MNO, the program actually first came online at the end of September. Long enough for a cycle of it’s first plan to be completed and put the first members into profit. So let’s take a look at what exactly Bitcy are bringing to the online investments industry and if you think you have room for them in your HYIP portfolios.

Basically what you have in front of you if you decide to sign-up with Bitcy is a series of investment plans organised along some very different lines. They vary greatly with regard to term length, going from shorter to more long term. I have to say from the outset though, and I know this will be stating the obvious for experienced players, but most of them are really not feasible. They will serve only to separate newbies from their cash, but don’t let that put regular players off the more genuinely workable options.

The minimum deposit required to join each individual plan varies and I should warn you that some are quite expensive so won’t be suitable for all of you. On the other hand you will only need a 0.005 BTC minimum spend to get involved at all so you’ll all find something in Bitcy no matter what your budget. However the program does not follow official BitCoin to dollar exchange rates. Instead they have their own fixed rate where they give a rate of one BitCoin to $4,000. So please remember to base all your calculations according to that.

The first option is called The Casual Plan and this is what requires the minimum 0.005 BTC. At the exchange rate offered by Bitcy this is $20. The term runs for 15 calendar days. During that time Bitcy will pay you 2.3% interest per day on your deposit. By the end of the term that will have added up to 34.5% at which point Bitcy return your principal, meaning the 34.5% remains as your net profit. The maximum amount you are allowed to deposit in this plan is 0.25 BTC by the way, or $1,000. Granted there are more profitable plans out there in the industry, indeed there are more profitable plans within this very program, but it’s not a bad place to start if you think this might be a stable performer but really don’t want to wait for the other longer term options to mature. But this could comfortably be sustained for a pretty good number of cycles, whereas I can’t say the same for all of the others.

If you don’t mind a substantially bigger financial gamble then take a look at Bitcy‘s second option, called The Optimal Plan. It offers better daily payments but requires a much higher minimum than the previous plan. Bitcy require at least 0.25 BTC to join, and you may spend anything up to a 2.5 BTC maximum limit. The term runs for 25 calendar days during which you should expect a daily interest payment of 2.6% on your deposit. That would add up to 57.5% net profit by the time of expiry when Bitcy will return your principal.

Your third choice changes direction somewhat, and might have actually been the most popular plan were it not for the prohibitive cost of joining. It’s called The Ultimate Plan and it makes hourly payments. The rate is 0.13% paid every hour for 1440 hours. This is 60 calendar days in total, adding up to 187.2% by the end. This then becomes your total net profit once Bitcy add your principal on top of that in a separate payment. Sounds good but unfortunately it will set you back at least 2.5 BTC to find out if it’s any good, too rich for most investors I’m afraid. Though if you can afford it, Bitcy accept anything up to a maximum limit of 25 BTC.

Bitcy‘s remaining plans are all single payment on expiry of fixed length terms, and with the exception of the next one better suited for the big spending players, so if that includes you then I hope you know what you’re doing. We continue then with The Deluxe Plan which runs for 15 business days, not the same as the first option described above which is calendar days. The difference this time is that Bitcy only make one payment, a return of 155% which includes your principal made after the final day is complete. So that’s your own money back plus 55% net profit. The minimum cost of joining is 0.025 BTC, or you can spend as much as 1.25 BTC. To be honest if I was absolutely forced into joining any of the on expiry plans this would be the only one I would even think about, and even then with the minimum deposit only.

I’ll go through all the details of the remaining plans for you here anyway, though to be blunt this is purely for information purposes only as few people with a working knowledge of the HYIP industry are going to take them seriously. Bitcy continue with what’s called The Professional Plan. It runs for 60 business days and offers one payment on expiry, principal included, of 1,200%. And please note I did stress the word “offers” a payment, not “makes” one. The spending limit is from a 1 BTC minimum to a 10 BTC maximum.

The Premium Plan runs for 100 business days. Bitcy accept a minimum deposit of 0.5 BTC, anything up to a maximum of 5 BTC, and offer 7,000% back on expiry, principal included.

Next is The VIP Plan which runs for a much shorter term of 20 business days. Bitcy ask for between 5 BTC and 12.5 BTC to join, and offer a return of 550%, principal included, on expiry.

And finally we come to The Luxury Plan with a running term of 40 business days. Bitcy require an investment between 2.5 BTC and 10 BTC in order to join. On expiry of the term they offer members a single payment of 1,700%, principal included.

Incidentally, there is another way to make a little extra cash from Bitcy apart from investing with them. They recently introduced the so-called Bounty program which rewards members for posting their positive experiences with the program on various social media platforms and the like, and also includes things like video reviews, forum signatures, etc. it’s probably the only distinguishing feature about them by the way, setting them apart from 99% of the other run-of-the-mill HYIPs out there. If you feel that’s something you’re adept at and don’t mind some promotional work – and why not, you’re getting paid for it after all – then check out the Bounty page on the Bitcy website for more details.

As for the payment options, well, I think I covered that already when I said Bitcy works exclusively with BitCoin. Payment requests are made manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your member’s account area. Just log-in and submit it as usual it and the admin will take it from there. According to the official terms and conditions the admin reserves the right to take as long as 72 hours. In reality my own admittedly brief experience with them has been they tend to be much faster than that. A more pertinent observation here however is that anything other than instant payouts tends to make the hourly payment plan rather useless, which is probably a moot point anyway given that few could afford to join it to begin with. However you should also make allowances for the payment confirmations needed when working with digital e-currencies.

The Bitcy website is designed to an acceptable standard, nothing out of the ordinary but certainly has what you should expect as basic minimum requirements from any program you join. It’s running off a licensed GoldCoders script which most regular investors being familiar with its operation. Bitcy is hosted on a dedicated server by CloudFlare with their tech support and protection from malicious attacks. For an extra layer of protection Bitcy also has a superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL encryption certificate by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. There’s a handy “get started” guide included on the website too, good for newbies I suppose but really there’s nothing complicated here at all for regular industry players.

Communication between admin and investors is also taken care of. As always though make sure the first thing you look at is the Bitcy FAQ section if anything is unclear to you. Should you need to get in contact directly if you have any further questions or account related issues then you will need to fill in your details on the support form found on the contacts page and submit it. Alternatively you can also write directly to the admin at the listed e-mail address. You’ll notice a built-in Live Chat widget on the bottom right hand side of the Bitcy website as well. Click on it first to see if an operator is is available, it might save everyone a lot of time and effort if you can get your queries dealt with in real time there.Bitcy are also well connected with the most popular social media sites, keeping profiles on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and a Telegram account.

First impressions would lead me to think that Bitcy has on one hand a certain amount of potential while on the other hand some obvious limitations. Using the funds raised from the more unrealistic plans to pay the members in the only seriously viable plan is a common enough tactic but will only get them so far when there’s only one payment handler for example. As for the alleged business activities of Bitcy, it’s claimed that they are involved with crypto currency trading, though as always I’d suggest you not take it too seriously as there’s nothing there to actually prove it. So even if it looks good to start with, remember that the risks are still great so it’s essential that you at all times stay within a sensible spending limit, and always try and diversify your portfolios.

So what do you guys think? If you’ve already come to a decision about whether Bitcy is suitable for you or not then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with the other readers and answering the following poll. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable, and will eventually tell us how many people were right to go with their first impressions of the program either for better or worse. It can also indicate what standards people expect from a HYI website before they are prepared to part with their money.

Will you make an active deposit in Bitcy?

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The first program I would like to introduce is called GMTForex and was added to the Premium List on MNO yesterday, immediately on its official launch. I must admit this is going to be a difficult one to explain due to some extremely complicated investment plans, but I will try to simplify them here and hope to have a better idea of how they all work by the time the program’s review is going to be published in a few days. So, before making an investment into the chosen plan/s you must fund your account with GMTForex with at least $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash. Then you will see two categories of investment offers available in your GMTForex account area, coming under the headings Packages and PAMM.

The first group of plans have no expiry date, so once you join you remain a member for how ever long GMTForex remains online. But rather than express the possible earnings in terms as percentages like regular HYIPs do, GMTForex just put a dollar amount on it. Six different plans can cost anything from $150 to as much as a $7,200 minimum to join. What happens next is that you, allegedly now that you are part of a ForEx trading group, get sent a series of “trading signals” to your account every day from professional traders advising you to buy or sell. Don’t worry, these are just flashing buttons you need to click in your members area in order to complete the trade. Every so called signal you are sent is worth a certain amount of money. This can be as low as $0.20 for small investors or as much as $9.60 for the bigger spenders. You get 15 such signals per day, which you need to click in order to be paid.

The second group, or PAMM plans, are a bit more traditional in HYIP terms though still not so straight forward. Rather than operate for a fixed term length they are more target based, i.e. you can earn a different amount every day, but will continue to be paid for how ever many days and weeks it takes you to reach that goal. You can join for as little as $10 this time which is a lot more affordable, and depending on the size of your principal GMTForex pay out final amounts of between 140% for smaller investors to 170% for the biggest. I’ll try and explain these in a bit more detail in the review later, though to be perfectly honest with you for the moment I am still trying to figure them out myself and will need to play around with them during the next few days to get it right.

As for the withdrawal requests they are processed once weekly and can be requested once you have a $10 minimum credited to your available balance. All withdrawals are subject to a 3% fee and should be processed within a 5 business day maximum timeframe for payments to be sent to your e-currency accounts.

I believe the overall complexity of the investment plans are due to the admin’s wish to be associated more with genuine ForEx trading platforms than with the HYIP world. As everything about the website looks like we’re on a genuine trading site with trading signals and currency exchange pairs seen everywhere on the GMTForex website. Just don’t let this fool you – we’re still talking HYIP here, though an extremely well-made one. GMTForex is running off a custom made script, the site is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by DDoSGuard with a domain registered for two years in advance. The site is also translated into three other languages, has a UK certificate of incorporation and a PDF-presentation for a better understanding of the investment offers. Like on many trading company websites there is a Risk Disclosure and Member Agreement which you should consent to. So everything has been done first-class and judging by GMTForex coming to MNO on day one I hope we will have many months of stable work in front of us. I will be looking at the program’s multiple features in the upcoming review, so don’t miss it if you wish to learn more about GMTForex and their plans.


The second program I would like to introduce to you today is called LifeBit, is a brand-new program that was only mentioned on the main online forums today, although on the website itself there are claims of working for the last two weeks shown. Perhaps it was just a testing period by the admin before the introduction of LifeBit to the general public. Apart from purchasing a Standard Listing on MNO for his program the admin has also made a prior arrangements to grab the only available top spot on all the MNO pages away from LaserOnline which seems to have ceased their advertising campaign on MNO. This starts on Friday when I also plan on reviewing LifeBit on my blog, so it will be perfect timing for the admin, I guess, to showcase the program’s main features.

The program’s website looks well-designed and a custom-made script is used to run it. I believe all the withdrawals are supposed to be processed instantly, but cannot actually confirm that as I haven’t made any myself yet. LifeBit works exclusively with BitCoin which can be joined from 0.001 BTC which is currently around $5, so it will be affordable to all. Once investing note that there is no expiry date and you will be in LifeBit for its entire duration. Depending on your principal your account will be credited with 1.5% to 7% on every calendar day with the rates to be discussed in more detail in the upcoming review. On the program’s technicalities I see that the LifeBit website is SSL encrypted by Let’s Encrypt Authority, and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from BlazingFast. There is a UK-issued certificate of incorporation (safe to be ignored) displayed and a Facebook page just launched. Moreover, some translations of the website into various languages are also planned soon so the admin is hiring the right people as mentioned in LifeBit‘s news page with the latest updates also reposted below for your convenience:

LifeBit launches today – the start!
We are proud to announce the launch of LifeBit; a new bitcoin investment platform dedicated to bitcoin mining with renewable energy. Our mission is to provide a unique investment platform where ROI, with maximum profit, is in your wallet in the shortest amount of time possible. To ensure this, all withdraws are instantly executed.

Official Facebook site
Today we launched our official Facebook page. We will post there frequently so all of our investors are up to date with the newest information. If there are any maintenance or other problems, we will post it there as soon as we can, so make sure to follow us and keep an eye open: here.

We are hiring!
You have the skills in multiple languages like English, German, French, Spanish and Russian? You want to work in a pleasant environment and have direct contact to the customers? We are looking for someone like you! Right now we have one free position at our office in London. If you are interested please mail us your job application to:


As LifeBit takes the very top banner spot on all the MNO pages away from LaserOnline on Friday, I believe the latest update which can be found on LaserOnline‘s official Facebook page explains their new strategy. I think in his attempts to extend the program’s lifespan the admin is turning to the rapidly growing online resources dedicated to the hot topic of crypto-currencies. The latest update regarding the new advertising budget goal will be allocated to such websites as Coinmarketcap and Cryptocoinsnews, and you can check them out to see those latest LaserOnline banner purchases. I must say that LaserOnline (reviewed here) is still doing extremely well here on MNO as more and more readers give them a vote of confidence and continue trying their luck with the only available 12% for 12 business days plan despite its more than 100 days online. The poll asking MNO readers to give their estimation on how much longer LaserOnline can last showed quite a positive attitude overall with currently 80% of voters believing the program will last at least one more cycle, so it would be enough to make 44% profits from them and fill their wallets in Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, Dash, or Ethereum. Only 20% of my readers believe that LaserOnline is approaching its end and it not worth the risk anymore, possibly basing their judgment on the fact that it stops its banner advertising campaign on MNO with their last spot going to LifeBit on Friday. Well, I guess now we know where the new funds to advertise LaserOnline are going and hopefully it will work for them, and will make more people confident in their future:

There is only one way to the Everest – straight UP! Increasing demands always seek for a broader audience!
Today LaserOnline Platform obtained probably the best advertising banner at the whole online investment community.
With a staggering amount of targeted traffic, we are here to break all the boundaries!
Advertising budget goal of $1M is yet to be hit, however, now we’ve spent over $300,000 for our new weekly campaign which shows a perfect sign of ambitions backed up with professionalism.
L.O.P. advertise only at trusted websites with an impressive activity and a great idea behind it.
Go to and feel free to enjoy the power of TRUE opportunity, here at LaserOnline!
$1M WEEKLY GOAL #4thWeek spending’s: $300,000
Key partners:,
Have an impressive, known and trusted traffic source? Contact us now with your unique offer!
Get started with LaserOnline today!
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section:
Join TELEGRAM WORLDWIDE community at:
Encrypted chat with investors powered by:


MedusaCapital (reviewed here) was listed on MNO monitor for less than two weeks now, but it was enough for many to profit from its 110% after 10 days plan. Those in the more profitable daily paying 5% for 30 days plan are still on the way to reaching the break-even point, and hope that the tireless work of the admin and team in further improving the website of which the latest newsletter is posted below will help them find more fans along the way. Among the latest updates worth mentioning is the ability to finally use the MedusaCapital‘s own Telegram bot to withdraw available funds and be paid instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin accounts, exactly like on the website and its own Android app. A demo account where you can play around with MedusaCapital‘s main features without the need to share your email address is also available on the website now. A webinar for Russian speaking investors of MedusaCapital was held last week as well and was a success according to the admin. Many more improvements are included as you can see in the newsletter I’m reposting below for your convenience:

Updates 10.09 – 10.17
Dear Investors!
We are realizing an up to date news release, which is dedicated to the last week’s events.
Overall, the week was way calmer than the previous one, and we surely have something to show off. Something new. Here it is!
For newcomers, who are still thinking about using the MedusaCapital investment platform we have prepared the possibility to use demo-account. The main feature of this update – is the possibility of signing into the demonstration account, and testing the system with using virtual balance, without making any financial operations previously.
Also, the withdrawal system via the Telegram bot added. Now, to withdraw funds you only need to type /withdrawal command to our bot and choose a payment method.
All vacant funds will be immediately sent due to the props filled in your account.
About errors and malfunctions.
On the previous weekend, we were working hard on the database and CMS (site control system) optimisation.
It gave us following results:
– Site loading speed increased up to 30%-50%.
– Log in issues investors experienced the week before eliminated.
– Withdrawals delays caused by the incorrect operation of our previous provider ApiBTC eliminated
This is a list of the major updated, we also applied a number of minor changes influencing the stability of functioning.
About our partners
This week was not less lucky then the previous one.
Also: in Thursday, 12.10.2017 our partner Andrey Timchenko (Timinvest) has performed a conference for the Russian-speaking investors about current results and the following development
You can watch it HERE
Now conferences will be guided automatically. We will inform you beforehand.
Congratulations to our partners, keep it up!
About deposits and income
Amount of completed deposits on the Syntomi plan has overcome 100, which is more than the week before.
Also, since the beginning of the previous week our first partners using the Makri plan has reached zero income, and now getting pure income.
Congratulations to our investors!
So that’s all news for the last week.
Thank you for standing with us
Sincerely, MedusaCapital Team.


In my previous post about Bitcoin5 I noted that my readers recently ignored any new developments from the admin and were not convinced enough to make new deposits. The program pays interest gradually increasing from 1% to 5% over a period of 20 calendar days. As Bitcoin5 has been monitored on MNO for over a month it was entirely possible for many investors to finish one full investment cycle with 54.45% plus get their principals back on expiry. After yesterday’s addition of PerfectMoney as the third payment processor however (joining BitCoin and Payeer) I’ve noticed some warning signs on other blogs and monitors reporting delayed withdrawals. While I have no delayed payouts in my own account with Bitcoin5 and have not received any confirmed complaints from my referrals I cannot change the status of Bitcoin5 on my own monitor yet. I can issue a strong warning though, as there is no smoke without fire in such issues, and Bitcoin5 might be in trouble. I would ask you to stay away for now, not to invest there, and report any issues with payments (Bitcoin5 must pay within 48 hours since your withdrawal request has been submitted) so I could take appropriate measures if they arise. Their latest and possibly last newsletter can be found below:

Bitcoin5 is rapidly gaining momentum, with the number of participants growing daily. Every day hundreds of people use this source of reliable income and withdraw the earnings to their electronic wallets. As announced earlier, we have added yet another popular payment system for USD transactions.
The project’s worldwide popularity grows, and more and more participants recommend our website to friends and colleagues. We thank everyone for using our system and making money with us. In the near future we are going to introduce even more useful and exciting features on the website and the personal Dashboard. Stay tuned for our announcements!
Thank you for your business!
Best regards, Bitcoin5 Technical Administrator


As you might know from the review of FCTAcademy posted here, the withdrawal button is only active twice a month – on the 1st and the 15th day. During this narrow window you may withdraw on the variable profits of 15% to 30% monthly credited over a one calendar year term. Only listed on MNO for seven weeks now, FCTAcademy failed to impress my readers and no one actually made an active investment yet. For that reason my warning might fall on deaf ears, but I’ll still tell you that with the recent update from the admin on increasing the withdrawal processing time from three to seven days looks like FCTAcademy might have some cashflow issues. If a program like that tries to delay payouts even on such modest returns then there’s a high chance of it being moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor soon. Anyway, please be aware of this and stay away from FCTAcademy until further notice:

Changing the withdrawal rules.
Dear partners, the financial department of the company has made changes to the withdrawal rules, from three days from the moment of the deadline for accepting applications to seven days from the moment of the deadline for applications.
1. Due to the rapid growth of Btc and the congestion of the network, the miners confirm the transactions for a long time, and the transfers take a very long time.
2. In the company every day, more and more assets on exchanges that have withdrawal limits and the higher the Btc rate to the dollar, the fewer Btc withdrawal limits per day.
3. With each passing day, more and more new partners, processing of applications go in manual mode.


Regular readers of MNO know perfectly well that I will always go above and beyond to protect the interests of my referrals in any program and won’t tolerate any attempts to scam them. The admin of TripleTheDaxx tried exactly this and recently blocked the account of my referral who invested via BitCoin. After the complaint was made and I was informed by the admin that he couldn’t (wouldn’t) do anything to restore my referral’s account or refund him I have no choice but to move the program to Problem status. If the admin doesn’t refund him within the next 24 hours it will go to Scam, and deservedly so. I truly dislike this attitude and, moreover, trying to threaten me with legal action (lol!) like the admin of TripleTheDaxx did in his last email to me.

Well, he’s not the first to blackmail me or do threaten harm to MNO. I’ve always stood my ground and am not intending to succumb to TripleTheDaxx whose admin uses his program simply to fund his personal purchase of BitCoins and LiteCoins and paying you back with so-called DaxxCoin. This currency started back in July 2017 and most probably is backed and supported by the same people who are behind running of TripleTheDaxx. The admin claimed the DaxxCoin crypto-currency would be skyrocketing by now. possibly a hundred times more expensive than it is valued at the moment. Well, actually the opposite happened and the value of DaxxCoin has plummeted. We can call it a failed currency already, but the admin of TripleTheDaxx stubbornly refuses to create the internal exchange mechanism he promised to allow investors a way to be paid with BTC and LTC – crypto-currencies with real value and not the failure that DaxxCoin is. I could go on about the subject, of course, but let’s leave it at that. Stay away from both TripleTheDaxx and DaxxCoin as they are most likely connected and one scam will lead to the collapse of the other sooner or later!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky listCoinreumChainGroupService.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, OscarBitBitcoin5, MedusaCapital, AlpexTradeBiostryBitcy (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Raizex, OrigamiCapital.
From MNO Basic list: DobroFatherBitcoinInvestClubCryptoosa.

That will be all the news for today, guys. I hope to see you all back on my blog on Friday when I’m planning to publish a full review of LifeBit. All the important news and updates from the HYIP industry will be covered as well, so make sure you check back later by bookmarking MNO in your browser or just subscribing for the daily news to be delivered directly to your email address on this page. You can always follow MNO for live updates on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter and also can contact me if you have any questions on this page or via Telegram messenger @mnoblog. I’m always here for you and remember that MNO is For Money Lovers!

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