06/02/2018. BitXGroup Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! BitXGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! I guess winter is finally giving way to spring for the most part for many MNO readers by now as the first week of February is behind us. I still have a lot to occupy my time here on MNO as my vacation time takes me to Cambodia today for my first ever visit here, and there’s no shortage of news stories either. I’ll be introducing another brand new addition to my monitor a bit later on in the news section so keep reading for more info on that. If you prefer to check out some older programs by the way don’t forget to have a look at the most recent article on the MNO Top Five programs posted here. The main point of today’s article however will be BitXGroup. That’s the name of a brand new medium term program that joined the MNO Premium List just a few days after opening. So let’s take a closer look at what they are all about and whether you think BitXGroup is a HYIP worth having in your portfolio.
I suppose we’ll get started as usual then with the investment plan, the main reason most people will be interested in BitXGroup in the first place. There’s three of them in total, though despite being relatively few in number you couldn’t hope for a more diverse selection, with something that will appeal to a wide cross section of HYIP investors. I’ll start with the longest term plan because it also happens to be the most affordable option. It’s called The Standard Plan and it runs for a term of 50 calendar days. BitXGroup require a $20 minimum deposit if you would like to join. In return for this the admin offers investors a daily interest payment of 3.5%. The same rate applies to all deposits, big and small, regardless of the amount you spend. BitXGroup include your principal as part of the payments so it won’t be returned on expiry in a separate payment. That means that your final return which adds up to 175% is your own money back plus 75% net profit for yourself.
If we take a simple example then of how that might work out in monetary terms, let’s say you join BitXGroup under this plan with a $100 deposit. BitXGroup should then pay you back at a rate of $3.50 every day for the following fifty days. You reach the break even point, that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to your principal and therefore making it impossible for you to lose money, after 29 days. Everything you withdraw from BitXGroup from that point on is pure net profit. All things going according to plan you should eventually be able to walk away with $175, your own initial hundred plus $75 in net profit.
The second option changes direction completely and is organized along some very different lines. It’s called The Business Plan and is measured in terms of hours not days this time. You will need at least a $300 deposit to make a minimum investment. In total it runs for 540 hours which adds up to 22 ½ days in total. During this time BitXGroup is offering members an hourly interest rate of 0.25%. That adds up to 6% over the course of a full 24 hour day, and 135% in total by the end of the term. As BitXGroup are again including your principal as part of the payouts that leaves you with your own money back plus 35% as your net profit. You reach the break even point after 400 payments (in other words 400 hours, or just under 17 full days) so the remaining 140 payments (hours) make up your profit.
The third and final plan sees BitXGroup reduce the minimum required to join to $50, though just one single payment on expiry is offered this time. It’s called The Traders Plan and it runs for a term of 10 calendar days. It’s quite simple really, make a deposit here and ten days later BitXGroup offer to pay you back 115%, principal included. So that’s your own money back plus 15% net profit.
So if you like any of the plans enough to join them (there’s also a handy profit calculator which might help you make a choice) then the next thing you’ll want to hear about is what exactly are your payment options. Personally I think the choice is pretty good, and focused more on crypto currencies. You can join BitXGroup by using any of PerfectMoney, Payeer, or AdvCash if you prefer the more traditional style payment processors, or BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and BitcoinCash if you favour the more modern style crypto-currencies. A nice extra is the fact that all payouts are made instantly. Just log in to your BitXGroup account as usual and make the request, and you should see the money in your payment processor in under a minute.
On the subject of BitCoin by the way, please be aware that for now there is a slightly higher minimum withdrawal requirement here compared to the other options in BitXGroup. It’s nothing major, but could cause some confusion for smaller investors if you aren’t aware of the policy. So basically for most payment handlers BitXGroup require that you request $2 or more in order for the transaction to be processed by the script. In the case of BitCoin this request will need to be $3 or more.
Moving on to the more technical, design, and security aspects of the program, despite a deceptively simple design BitXGroup is actually up to quite a high standard. And personally I don’t see anything wrong with keeping things uncomplicated anyway. The hosting provider is OVH, who I think are widely accepted as a decent standard service provider, and they are keeping BitXGroup on a dedicated server with their support and protection from DDoS attacks. For an added layer of protection the BitXGroup website features a superior Green Bar SSL Extended Validation certificate for encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. As for the script that the BitXGroup website is running off, I think even most of the regular players may not recognize it straight away as it isn’t used very often, although over the years I’ve still seen a number of decent programs using it. It’s called DQScript and it’s licensed from Devquill Developers. Like most of the HYI programs that I remember using this product BitXGroup is just as easy to navigate and user friendly as any of the others. Also included is a short video about BitXGroup. Partially promotional and partially instructional, it’s already been embedded on the MNOVision page so you can view it here if you like.
If you still have any unanswered questions about the program, just looking for further info, or have any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s a couple of ways you can get in touch with the admin or his support team. For members with general enquiries about the program you can either fill in your details on the customer support form and submit it via the contacts page, or else just write to the admin directly at the e-mail address listed. A postal address is included in the UK which as usual I suggest you ignore as being very unlikely to be anything other than a virtual hosted office used for correspondence only. There’s a certificate of incorporation there too. Fans of social media sites will find BitXGroup with an active profile on and Facebook. For Live Chat support the program lists a Skype account, plus the website has a built-in Live Chat widget you can find in the bottom right hand corner, so check to see if you can find an operator there first before sending off any e-mails.
As for a business plan (that is, alleged business plan) supposedly supporting the payments to investors, BitXGroup tell us they are involved “bitcoin mining and trading”. No further specific details are mentioned and nothing you can research and verify for yourself. Not that I’m suggesting you waste your time by doing so, because even if any of that was the truth you still need to remember it doesn’t do a thing to guarantee the safety of your investment which can be lost at any time without warning. So as with everything you find in the online HYIP industry, remember to behave responsibly because nobody else will cover your mistakes for you. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining BitXGroup at all then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with BitXGroup, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on BitXGroup and see how it has developed by then:

We’ll start with the introduction of a new program on MNO’s Premium List called EnergyCarsRevolution. Actually, if you know that the program first launched back in June 2017 you would probably think that it’s just way too old now to join and try your luck. That is not entirely true though. You see, EnergyCarsRevolution first started with a very different set of plans created deliberately to make it last and not attract unwanted attention right from the start. Only a few days ago the admin has made the investment offers more appealing to a general investment audience and listed it on MNO after issuing a newsletter celebrating the first eight months online:
“EnergyCarsRevolution – 240 DAYS ONLINE!
It has been 240 days since launch our investment project that brings together hundreds of participants who invest their own capital in the market of electric cars. We are pleased to announce that for this anniversary we have prepared some innovations. And very soon the information on the website will be duplicated in 5 languages in order that people from different countries could participate in the project. Any questions can be discussed with professional technical support, working 7/24 in the chat right at the website or by phone. We we will create promo pages on social networks FaceBook, Twitter, Telegram, Youtube, where you can follow company news and communicate with other project participants. Stay with us.”
So what are the plans that EnergyCarsRevolution offers now? There are three plans paying on calendar days, returning your principal on expiry – 2.1% for 30 days, 2.3% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days – and one plan with an unlikely once off return of 500% on expiry of a 100 calendar day term. Deposits in EnergyCarsRevolution are accepted starting from $10 via the four most popular payment processors – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash. As the site is running off a licensed GoldCoders script withdrawals have to be requested from your account area and are paid manually by the admin within 24 hours. Technically EnergyCarsRevolution is prepared quite well with no corners cut when it comes to safety and security of members’ funds and the website itself. The domain name is registered for five years in advance, there is a superior Green Bar SSL from GeoTrust, and support and protection against possible malicious attacks provided by DDoSGuard who keep the website on a dedicated server. As I have already received the first payments from EnergyCarsRevolution I’m going to review the program on my blog in a couple of days, so stay tuned if you wish to know more about them!
More news from Crypteiro today which despite its relative newness grows quite rapidly with many investors praising its Telegram based custom made script and instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and BitcoinCash. Today Monero and Ripple have been added to the list as announced in the frequently updated news section on the website. Among other updates worth mentioning are the translation of Crypteiro into Portuguese language, joining the already available English, Russian, German, Ukrainian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese versions. I bet more will come soon, and MNO will report it in due course. Finally, tomorrow the first webinar for English speaking members of Crypteiro has been scheduled for tomorrow and the admin invites everyone to participate. If you wish to find more about Crypteiro‘s features please tune in and if you want to read about the site in more detail refer to my review posted here. In a nutshell, Crypteiro will accept deposits starting from $50 and you can choose between two investment plans which are quite different from what the rest of the industry tends to offer. For the first plan, you will get paid 1% every three hours (8% daily) for the duration of 15 calendar days reaching 20% net profit on expiry. For the second plan you will get paid hourly (variable monthly 5% to 15% interest), but in return for lower interest you enjoy an opportunity to withdraw your original investment at any time you like. It’s up to you to decide where to invest and possibly you might even split your investment into two parts and invest in both plans, like I know some investors tend to do. All the latest updates from Crypteiro can be found below for your convenience:
“Investing in Monero!
To please you with new, wonderful events has already become a tradition for our team. We hasten to inform you that, according to numerous requests, the opening of a deposit in the Montero crypto currency has now become possible! The limits are as follows: Monero account replenishment (XRM) – minimum 0.02, maximum 100. Deposit opening – minimum 0.25, maximum 100. Withdrawal of funds – minimum 0.05, maximum 5. The number of active investments is unlimited. Crypteiro – for you we are getting better every day!”
“We have connected Ripple payment system!
Hooray, just great news for our investors! From today, the platform “Crypteiro” begins an active investment in the Ripple crypto currency! The limits of the system are as follows: to open a deposit in Ripple (XRP) – a minimum of 50, a maximum of 20 000, for the withdrawal – a minimum of 1, a maximum of 2,500. For you, dear investors, we are continuously developing, doing what others can not do and hope , you are not disappointed!
Crypteiro – we care about you!”
“The latest update – Portuguese!
Dear partners and investors, in the very near future the platform will start functioning also in Portuguese. The number of available languages has already reached nine. After all, each language version allows participants of more and more countries to become a partner of Crypteiro and to develop together with us!”
“The first webinar in English!
On February 7, a thematic webinar in English will be held for the company’s partners: “Crypteiro – Getting Started with the Platform”. Lead: Partner of the project – Daria Kravchenko. Having visited this event, you will learn a lot of interesting things, for example:
• The subtlety of working with the platform
• Detailed analysis of marketing
• Affiliate program and its features
• Goals and plans of the company for its further development
The time and reference to the room will be provided shortly. Follow the updates of the news feed!”
TudorGames diligently keeps following a policy of gradual growth and thus the admin increases the maximum limits for investments from one account on a weekly basis. This week was no exception and the maximum to invest is now $3,000 which is $500 higher than last week. TudorGames is still paying consistently to lucky investors who joined either of their investment plans – 1% for 11 business days (with principal back on expiry) and 4.4% for 35 business days (principal included). It’s been listed on MNO for exactly three weeks now, and accepts investments starting from a $10 minimum. For more information on TudorGames investment plans and other main features please refer to the detailed review posted here. As for the last news update regarding the increased investment maximum please read it below:
“Raising the limits up to $3000!
The TG investment project takes a course towards smooth development. Initially, we established strict limits on the maximum amount of the deposit from one account in order to make the system more stable. But in connection with the active demand for investment services, the TG project administration extends the limits! Now the maximum deposit amount for each user is raised up to $3000.
Please follow the project rules and do not try to increase the permissible deposit amount by creating multiple accounts. Such attempts will be stopped, and all additional accounts will be blocked.
Subscribe to the TG Telegram-channel and be the first to find out about all the news and updates of the project!”
After the first week online the admin of the above reviewed BitXGroup issued three updates at once. The first was dedicated to the overall general success and popularity among investors this relatively new program is currently enjoying. The second shorter update featured the EV SSL certificate at the core of the website security, which is essential especially if we consider instant payouts. And the third and final newsletter gave some tips and ideas on how to start earning with BitXGroup with some links to the program’s introduction in three different languages. So if after the review you still have any unanswered questions or prefer to consume the information in the more visual manner you’re welcome to check out the video presentations (the one in English has been added to the MNOVision page already):
“The First Week Is Over!
Dear investors and guests!
We would like to thank you for your valuable relationship with us and We are thankful to you for your support and faith with us.
The first week of BitXGroup has end and we appreciation to every single investor who continues to stand with us. We have received very good response since the start, we are very thankful to our investors. Our main focus is to provide satisfaction with our result to our investors and build a great relationship with you by providing you top quality service.
Already 1000+ investors make profit every day!
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for help in live chat or via email! We’ll be happy to answer all your queries!
Skype :- live:bitxgroup
Facebook Group :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/bitxgroup/
Email :- support@bitxgroup.trade
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards, BitXGroup Limited”.
“Secure Payments!
The site has an EV SSL certificate and all payments made on the BitXgroup are 2048-bit, highest secure, which at the moment is the most reliable. Your data is secure.”
“How to start working with us?
Dear investors and guests!
We would like to thank you for your valuable relationship with us and We are thankful to you for your support and faith with us.
How to start earning on the BitXGroup Ltd.?
There are 3 simple steps:
Registration takes only a minute, it is absolutely free. After registration, you will have a personal account.
Choose the convenient plan for you and write the amount of investment, then open the deposit.
Daily you will receive up to 175% of the profit from your deposit.
And we have make 3 videos in 3 different languages, How to start earning with us
ENGLISH VERSION https://vimeo.com/254506905
RUSSIAN VERSION https://vimeo.com/254507312
VIETNAMESE VERSION https://vimeo.com/254507619
Hope, You will not have any problem accessing the site after watching this video.
Your opinion is very important for us, Please give your opinion here.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for help in live chat or via email! We’ll be happy to answer all your queries!
Skype :- live:bitxgroup
Facebook Group :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/bitxgroup/
Email :- support@bitxgroup.trade
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards, BitXGroup Limited”
Octoin is still on Waiting status on the MNO monitor after people’s money was forcibly converted to their own OctoinCoin (OCC) currency. There were quite a few issues since then with nobody actually wanting to buy this worthless currency which saw it plummet to about $1, or a hundred times (!) cheaper than its original value. Many issues have been reported with Octoin wallets and the lack of exchangers willing to deal with it. The last move of resuming p2p-exchange between members inside of the Octoin account area didn’t help matters, as everyone only wants to sell OCC and no one wanting to buy. With that in mind we will most likely see the value of OCC totally evaporate, meaning that even the luckier investors who manage to sell their OCC will be able to recover only about 1% of what they originally invested in Octoin. Of course, that doesn’t concern some lucky investors who managed to get profits from the program when it was still working fine. With its current incarnation though I do not see any light at the end of the tunnel and no future for the program whose administration seems to have not fully realized the sheer scale of the disaster they put the program’s members in and keep issuing countless updates despite the investors outcry. We should see what the outcome for Octoin and its own crypto-currency OCC is going to be within the next few days, and meanwhile please keep voting in the question asked on the MNO TalkBack page regarding the subject “Do you believe an online HYIP can establish its own cryptocurrency and have success with it?”:
“The update is successfully completed!
Congratulations to all users of Octoin! A serious upgrade of the Octoin wallets have been completed. Now the wallets became more convenient to use. Transactions started to go faster. This is an important step in the development of our crypto community.
Attention! In order to avoid any possible problems, everyone who have downloaded the wallets and who have got the coins: you need to make a backup of your wallet in order not to lose the coins. Those of you who still have got zero at their balance can simply wait for the next update. Instructions as to how to make a backup of your wallet you can see here:
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/backup_wallet.pdf
For Mac: https://youtu.be/JbmoZ4U5XyA
The users who have done the backup earlier should once again make sure that they saved a copy on their computer. After that, you can delete the old version of the wallet.
For Windows: http://octoin.com/wallet/02d.pdf
For Mac: https://youtu.be/Qt8gAxL0MR4
Next, install the updated version of the wallet and import into it your backup copy that you created earlier. How to do it (link to the instruction):
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/restore_wallet.pdf
For Mac: https://youtu.be/07TVWkXyX-s
Users who downloaded their wallets before the upgrade, but who have zero balance can remove the wallets according to the instructions above and simply install the updated version.
There are available versions of instructions for Windows, Mac and Linux. Please use the links below to download, start and use your wallets:
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/octoin_win_32_64_1.2.1.zip
For Mac: https://octoin.com/wallet/octoincoin-qt-1.2.1.dmg
For Linux: https://octoin.com/wallet/octoin_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_1.2.1.zip
Thank you for your patience and support! We will continue to improve our platform. Follow the news and wait for new announcements.
Octoin is a new era of blockchain!”
“P2P-Exchange is ON – You really asked … we did it!
By the numerous requests of users for our resource is returned the opportunity to use the P2P-exchange. We were able to resolve technical and legal issues and now we are reopening this section on our website.For us, the opinion of the participants and users of Octoin is very important, so we simply could not leave your requests without attention.
To replenish both OctoinCoin and USD, and such crypto-currencies as: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, ETC, BCH, ZEC are available for you.
Thus, we renewed direct and fair exchange between the users and stopped unscrupulous attempts to use other, less reliable methods of translation.
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“Wallets for OctoinCoin are available – download faster!
The team of our programmers reports on the completion of work on the creation of cryptowallets for storing OCC – our cryptocurrency. Using wallets, you can store, use and enumerate OctoinCoins. You can also do OCC mining right inside the wallet. Tokens in the wallet are calculated according to the general mining formula in the system and by the second distribution formula of the mining between the users’ computers. Full information will be set out in white paper, which will soon be available on our website.
Versions for Windows, Mac and Linux are available for you. By these links you can download, run and use your wallet.
For Windows: https://octoin.com/wallet/octoin_win_32_64_1.2.1.zip
For Mac: https://octoin.com/wallet/octoincoin-qt-1.2.1.dmg
For Linux: https://octoin.com/wallet/octoin_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_1.2.1.zip
Each participant to support the stability of the OCC network at its start should download the appropriate version of the wallet appropriate to its operating system, place on it absolutely any number of OCC and provide the maximum continuous connection with the Internet network.We urge all participants to download and use OctoinCoin wallets – this expands the network, and therefore increases the profit that you can get in the future.
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!”
“Octoin will hold a marathon of meetings with businessmen in the ACEAN countries!
The release of the new OctoinCoin cryptocurrency has caused a very high of interest of business representatives of the countries of Southeast Asia. We received so many proposals for cooperation that the Leaders of Octoin decided to hold a series of conferences for large businessmen and financiers from the ASEAN countries.
Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam… These are only a small part of the countries in which live conferences Octoin will be held in February 2018. The purpose of the conferences is to discuss the technical issues of the release of OctoinCoin to the markets of ASEAN countries. Negotiations on cooperation and the signing of partnership agreements ar going on with the representatives of business. The discussion of cooperation has already reached the final stage. Also during the conferences you will be able to find out the latest information about Octoin‘s plans to promote the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency, the OCC’s mining program, the specail characteristics of working with the Octoin team and others.
Financial analytics highly appreciate the potential of OctoinCoin and believe that this cryptocurrency can become a universal monetary unit for making transactions in the ASEAN countries in the near future. OctoinCoin is a modern cryptocurrency that operates on the PoS-algorithm of mining and also uses SegWit and Lightning Network technologies, which means fast transactions and increased block size. The frequency of block formation per minute allows applying this cryptocurrency as a means for implementing micropayments!
The first conference in the framework of the Octoin marathon will be held in Brunei from 5 to 8 February 2018 in Bandar Sri Begawan. Speaker is Mr. Asep Susanto, the Indonesian top Leader of Octoin.
Address: TIMES SQUARE HOTELS 2nd Floor, Times Square Shopping Center,
Simpang 13-29, Jalan Berakas, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Muara, Brunei,
BS2713. Whatups / Telegram +6281944225595.
Follow the schedule of conferences on our website and join the project Octoin!”
“Conference in Balikpapan! on February 6
We are pleased to announce the next conference in Indonesia. It will be held on February 6 at 14:00 – 17:00 UTC + 08 in the city of Balikpapan in the Novotel Hotel (Jl.brigjen Ery Suparjan No.2 Balikpapan).
The topic of the conference will be blockchain and various cryptocurrencies. The leader from our team will talk about how you can make money in this area, and also share his thoughts and forecasts for the future.
Everyone will be able to know in detail about the innovative project Octoin and about the features of the work. You can see how on our resource you can do the mining of OctoinCoin and then trade it on trading floors. Speaker Mr. Imran (082199809998) will not bypass our cooperation with large international exchanges.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations, and ways to earn money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it – come and ask questions: we will gladly answer them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“The conference in Manado is over! January 23
Our representatives from Indonesia continue to share their successes! Not so long ago (January 23) a conference was held in the city of Manado.
At the conference, led by our speaker Mr.Hilmi visitors could learn about the basics of blockchain, about cryptocurrencies and about our resource Octoin. All interested persons received a lot of new information about the sphere of cryptobusiness.
It is also worth mentioning the importance of feedback. Each visitor had the opportunity to ask any question of interest to the speakers from our team, than many used. As in the heart of the blockchain, teamwork and communication with people are more important than ever in our business.We are sure, many left that conference with the idea of investing in our prospective Octoin platform and the new OctoinCoin (OCC) cryptocurrency.
Our leaders from around the world will continue to work as actively as possible, to develop together with us and our investors
Octoin – new era of blockchain!”
“The Media portal Koranmemo.com wrote about the Big Conference in Kediri (Indonesia)!
The Indonesian portal Koranmemo.com published an article about Big Business Cryptocurrency Conference which took place in Kediri on February 3, 2018. The event was devoted to the launch of the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency.
The journalists of the publication noted the great interest of the participants in the new cryptocurrency. In the conference hall of the fashionable Hotel Grand Surya Kediri have gathered more than 500 people: businessmen, finance experts and everybody who are interested in the market of electronic money.
Specially invited speaker of the conference was Indonesian Octoin Top Leader Mr. Yayang Agung Sundawa. He told the guests about the advantages of OctoinCoin. In particular, he noted that the cryptocurrency works on the PoS-algorithm of mining and also uses SegWit and Lightning Network technologies. It means fast transactions and increased block size during the process.
Another feature of OctoinCoin, as experts of Koranmemo.com say, is the possibility of group hash mining. Users who do not have the opportunity to mine themselves can put their coins into a special program on the website and receive a profit from the common profit account.
Full article of Koranmemo.com can be found here http://koranmemo.com”
I must admit that I haven’t even noticed this myself but the last payout from RenaissanceInvest allegedly paid to my AdvCash account on Saturday was actually a fake one which never arrived in my wallet. Only Monday morning I realized that and seeing that my issue was not an isolated incident (there was quite a lot of complaints on forums) I moved the program to Problem status on the MNO monitor and contacted the admin on Telegram. To my surprise, he hasn’t even tried to deny the obvious and simply told me that the program is finished. That just confirmed its Scam Status which is where it was then moved to. Less than three months on MNO, the first investors could have reached the profit zone, but again, even for them it would be just a waste of time. RenaissanceInvest generally failed to attract much attention and came and went almost unnoticed. I wonder that after surviving the winter holidays unscathed the admin may have hoped for the best come February but alas, it didn’t happen. The interest from investors was minimal with the majority ignoring it in favour of newer, flashier ones. Those who did so actually got it right and avoided losing money there. For those still unaware of the current situation with payouts please note that RenaissanceInvest is not paying anymore so stop investing there!
Automatix seems to have become another problematic program as the admin simply abandoned the website. I suspect that over the last few days the payouts have been paid in automated mode. There was no live support available anywhere and I suspect that all the payouts were made from the remaining funds left just for that purpose on Automatix‘s accounts. Once these funds were depleted there was nothing left and Automatix finished. Although it’s not recommended to invest there any longer, overall Automatix was still a huge success. With almost two months of stable instant payouts it’s really surprising that the admin managed to do such an excellent job, coming through the holiday season as he did. For the shortest daily plans starting from 7 days and the on expiry plans from 15 days it was not only possible to make a decent profit with Automatix, but also finish a number of cycles. While so many programs failed to meet its commitments during December and January Automatix was like a breath of fresh air and kept paying on and on. Of course, no program lasts forever, but Automatix‘s lifetime was quite incredible and a bright example to other admins. For now the program has been moved to Problem status, and even if you’re still getting paid please stay away as the end is very near!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CurrencyGlobal, TatWex, JSRentHouse, Crypteiro, TudorGames, BitXGroup, EnergyCarsRevolution (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: BISTInvest.
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining.
That’s all the news for today guys. As always I really appreciate your time in reading MNO and staying in the loop on the current state of things in the HYIP industry. You should do yourself a favour and subscribe for the regular news and reviews from my blog sent straight to your mailbox here. Alternatively please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter for the most up-to-date news and monitor status changes. I’ll be back on Thursday with a detailed look at EnergyCarsRevolution plus what ever news from the HYIP industry is worth reporting. Stay tuned and talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 6th, 2018.