24/02/2018. BitifyLimited Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! BitifyLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having a good weekend so far, but not so good that you can’t find time for MNO! Not because there’s a great deal of news to catch up on, though as always there’s a couple of items that should interest you, but more so because there’s two brand new listings on the MNO monitor I want to look at. I’ll be introducing the newest one in the news section coming up in a few moments, so keep reading for more info on that. But first, hot off the presses if you like, BitifyLimited launched just a couple of days ago with MNO as its first monitor. I know the admin has some experience in this field and has a pretty good track record when it comes to delivering results for as many investors as is reasonably possible. Let’s see if BitifyLimited can do the same. So to start today’s HYIP industry update I want to take a closer look at the program, what they have to offer and the other main features, and see if you think BitifyLimited might have a place in your portfolios.
The first thing some people might think about BitifyLimited is that it may not be quite the finished article at this point. Don’t worry about that, in this case it’s not a bad thing, but rather a deliberate strategy by the admin to keep things slow and under careful growth management for the moment. In time this will gradually start to change as the BitifyLimited admin begins to make the program more and more accessible to a wider audience. But for now let’s just look at the way things stand as of today. There are plenty of investment plans to choose from in BitifyLimited, eight in total actually, though these can be separated into two categories. Plans that make daily interest payments, and plans that pay you just once on expiry. Different options will suit different investors of every budget, so I’ll go through them all for you below.
So, we’ll start with what is the most (and for many investors possibly the only) affordable plan. It’s called The Daily Trial Plan and can be joined for just a $10 minimum deposit. It runs for a term of 15 calendar days, during which BitifyLimited offer a daily interest payment of 2.2% on all deposits up to a $2,499 maximum. This adds up to 33% in total by the end, nowhere even close to a profit obviously, that comes when BitifyLimited return your principal on top of that. So out of a 133% total payment you get your own money back plus 33% net profit.
To give you a simple example of how that might look in monetary terms then, let’s say you invested $100 with BitifyLimited in this plan. For the next fifteen days the admin will then pay you back $2.20 per day until you have amassed $33 in total. Your initial hundred is then added to that leaving you with $133, or 33% in total net profit.
Other daily payment plans work along similar lines, but will cost you a lot more to join. The Daily Commerce Plan for example which runs for 30 calendar days requires members to deposit between $2,500 and $14,999. During the term BitifyLimited offer a daily interest rate of 2.6%. That adds up to 78% which only becomes net profit once the BitifyLimited admin returns your principal on expiry as promised in the program’s terms & conditions.
The third daily payments option, known as The Daily Business Plan, runs for 45 calendar days. An entry level investment will set you back at least $15,000, and deposits up to a maximum of $50,000 are accepted. In return BitifyLimited are this time offering a daily payment of 3%, allowing you to reach 135% in net profits before then adding your original deposit on top of that again.
Moving on now to the second group of plans which only pay once on expiry, it’s fair to say these are unlikely to be as popular as the daily payment options, though I certainly wouldn’t rule out smaller investments in the shorter term plans making some profits either. The first of these is called The After Active Plan and it runs for 20 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is $100, and BitifyLimited will accept anything up to $4,999. On expiry of the term members are told they can expect one single payment of 160%, principal included, or their own money back plus 60% net profit. Or in other words were you to make the minimum $100 spend here BitifyLimited offer you $160 in return.
Next up is The After Optimal Plan which is going to cost any interested takers a $5,000 minimum to join. The investment term doubles in length to 40 calendar days, and the total return being offered by BitifyLimited increases to 240%, principal included. That’s your own money back plus 140% net profit on expiry. The maximum investment limit is capped at $24,999.
The After Imperial Plan then runs for 60 calendar days, costing BitifyLimited members a minimum of $25,000 to join (so obviously I’m just describing this for informational purposes). A single payment on expiry of 340% if offered to anyone brave enough to take the bait, or with principal included that would be 240% net profit. The maximum spend is $75,000.
Completing the list are two so called VIP Plans, ironically named because if anything they are perhaps the two that should be avoided most. But if you are interested, for a deposit in the range of $10,000 to $50,000 BitifyLimited have The VIP Special Plan offering 1,000% after 100 calendar days. For 200 calendar days you can join The VIP Individual Plan for a deposit between $1,000 and $100,000. The return on expiry being offered by BitifyLimited is 5,000%.
One of the main things the BitifyLimited admin will be doing to improve the profile of his program will be to expand his list of accepted payment methods. At the time of writing BitifyLimited seem to be more focused on digital e-currencies, with investors only able to use BitCoin, LiteCoin, and DogeCoin. These are supplemented by NixMoney as a more traditional style dollar based payment handler, though definitely nowhere near as widely used as the usual third party processors. I imagine all that will change in good time as the admin begins to slowly expand the program and draw in more and more investors. Something else about payments that you might like is that all withdrawals from BitifyLimited are made instantly. Just log into your private members account area as usual and place the request. As for withdrawals in USD you should have $0.10 accumulated in your account before being able to request a withdrawal for instant processing, BitCoin investors should take note that minimum withdrawal limits are currently at a prohibitively high amount, around the equivalent of 0.003 BTC, or $30 at the time of writing so smaller investors need to weigh up your options and consider the alternatives before proceeding. Also if depositing via BitCoin the script will wait for three confirmations before your deposit is added while deposits via USD are going to be credited instantly. And finally, before requesting a withdrawal make sure to specify your currency account details in the Wallet section of your account, so the script will know where to process your funds.
Moving on to some of the more technical aspects of the BitifyLimited website now such as design and security, the first thing I noticed was the script. It’s custom made and not on general sale, though despite most investors not using it before it still has a lot of user friendly features and an easy to use interface to make everything simple when navigating your account. For a hosting provider the admin has opted for DDoS-Guard who are keeping the BitifyLimited website on a dedicated server with their tech support and protection from malicious attacks. For an extra layer of security BitifyLimited also include an SSL certificate from Comodo to help provide safer browsing and more secure transactions. One other thing about BitifyLimited is that to create a better first impression and a certain air of respectability they have a certificate of incorporation in the UK. As always these things are easily done online and don’t necessarily mean anything with regards to your investment, but don’t underestimate the effect of good first impressions on the spending habits of some folks less experienced with the workings of the HYIP industry than most MNO readers either. All the latest live statistics from BitifyLimited are on display for you to check out on their website as well.
If you have any further questions for the BitifyLimited admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then there are a couple of ways to get in touch. The first thing you should look at is of course the FAQ section, so just check that to begin with as it might save you a lot of time and effort. It’s quite comprehensive and you should find a lot of what you need to know explained there. Otherwise you can either fill in your details on the online support form and submit it through the contacts page, or send an e-mail to the admin directly at the listed address. In line with being a registered company in the UK BitifyLimited have a postal address, which I would suggest you ignore as it’s only likely to be used for getting the documents processed by a third party service provider and not where BitifyLimited or anyone connected with them is physically located. Probably of a lot more use to many investors these days anyway are social media profiles, and you can find BitifyLimited on Facebook, Twitter, a YouTube channel, and Telegram which is probably going to be the most useful channel when it comes to Live Chat. If it helps explain the workings of the program any better you will also find a very professional video presentation as well, which you can view either on the BitifyLimited website or embedded on the MNOVision page.
Just in case anyone is interested the line of business we are told is allegedly supporting payouts to BitifyLimited investors is a very vaguely worded claim about the use of Blockchain technology in a variety of start-up enterprises. Entirely up to you guys if you want to believe that or not, I already know the reaction of experienced players, but for the sake of those new to the HYIP industry I’ll just remind you that even if something like this was true there is still no guarantee it always has to be profitable. So as with all other HYIPs you should proceed with caution. Stay well under a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and earn back from other income sources without any serious problems. And if joining BitifyLimited then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
So, there you have it. I can’t really think of much else that might be important enough to add so I’ll just go ahead and readers what their own thoughts on the program are. Do you like it enough to spend your own money on it? I hope you won’t mind taking a very brief moment to answer the following opinion poll on BitifyLimited, which as always if 100% anonymous and untraceable. It isn’t so much for just today or tomorrow, it’s in future weeks and months that we can look back at the responses and really analyse if people got it right or wrong when deciding to play or pass. So, the exact question is:

I’ll start by introducing a brand new Premium listed program on MNO called ETHMine. It officially launched yesterday and my monitor was the first to list it, so people who invest there stand a good chance to profit, especially considering its investment structure. So what’s on offer in ETHMine? Generally speaking it’s a perpetual style program where your principal is locked for the first 24 hours, and after that you can get it back at any time paying a 5% exit fee for the privilege. It’s going to have quite a lot of supporters this way, as many investors will love the level of flexibility provided, so ETHMine might grow into something big under smart management for sure. The daily profit is fixed and depending on the size of your principal (from a $10 minimum) you get from 2.6% to 3% credited to your account every 24 hours for one-year long period of time. Of course, with programs like ETHMine there is absolutely no need to wait for the whole year to be in profit, as you’re totally in control of your finances, and since all the BitCoin withdrawals are promised to be processed instantly you have the chance to make some money in just two days, taking into account the 5% exit fee when leaving. ETHMine is working exclusively with cryptocurrencies like BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, and BitcoinCash are all accepted starting from $10 converted from USD to the cryptocurrency of your choice once you click the Buy Hashing Power button after signing in. Just remember to specify your payment account details, otherwise the custom made script ETHMine is running off won’t know where to send payments. Note that by making deposits via BitCoin you will enjoy instant payouts, while for other options you wait for up to 24 hours to be paid manually. As I’ve been paid by ETHMine already and moved it to Paying status on the MNO monitor I can schedule posting the full review of the program which will definitely be highly anticipated in just a couple of days, stay tuned for more information on the investment plans and other features.
In a nutshell though my first impression when I checked it out was extremely positive with ETHMine looking like a solidly built website with minimalistic yet attractively made layout with lots of useful information throughout. A professional video introduction of ETHMine as well as a cryptocurrency mining guide can be also seen both on the website and embedded on the MNOVision page. A totally custom script made from scratch indicates higher start up costs, as well as the site’s security which is top notch with hosting on a dedicated server with DDoS protection from DDoSGuard and EV SSL encryption from GeoTrust. A comprehensive FAQ plus a handy Get Started page outlining the investment process in detail, Live chat support plus Telegram and a representative program all contribute too. The company behind ETHMine is incorporated in Hong Kong with a certificate on display to verify it. And it’s only a brief description with more information on ETHMine to follow on MNO on Tuesday, while you can check out the website yourself and make sure to read the admin’s welcome message posted on the site’s own blog for all the further updates:
“Grand opening!
Hey miners! Greeting from ETHMine’s Hong Kong headquarters. It’s our honor to finally announce that our services are available worldwide for any crypto enthusiast. From today on, cryptocurrency mining is no longer a complex thing to do; yes, that’s right, we have made things easy for you. The hardware is already set up and waiting for you to sign up for your first mining contracts and that’s it. Earn your first interest after just 24 hours. All you need is as little as $10 to sign up for a contract. Complicated hardware setup and studying the latest mining trends are things of the past; just sit back and relax while we do the work for you. Welcome to ETHMine!”
The admin of the current #1 ranked program on the MNO Premium List JSRentHouse decided to extend his banner spot on top of my monitor for another week last night. And I think it’s a very good sign, especially considering the fact that so many people have already profited from his short term investment offers where you could have made significant profits over the last month JSRentHouse was monitored on MNO. It’s been a spectacular result in itself already compared to so many fast scams now, and the admin of JSRentHouse should definitely be commended for his work. If you haven’t read my review of the program posted here, please note that all payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin are processed instantly, although BitCoin withdrawal minimums are significantly higher than to the traditional payment systems, so do make sure your investment via BitCoin is larger than $250 to justify the effort. Many other investment plans offered by JSRentHouse can be joined from as low as $20 minimum deposit and you may choose from 2.5% daily forever, 103% after 1 day, 120% after 5 days, 165% after 15 days, 260% after 30 days, 700% after 70 days. Responsible decisions are a must, as only shorter-term plans are recommended to join, especially considering the decent age of JSRentHouse.
Apparently in order to give the program more exposure and at the same time encourage members creative and promotional skills the admin of JSRentHouse has announced a video contest with three main cash prizes. They range from $50 to $150 with the winners announced by tomorrow, so make sure you hurry up if you wish to participate. Terms and conditions are given below in the latest newsletter:
“Contest from JSRentHouse
JSRentHouse – We are an investment company that deals in real estate investments, and also takes care of its investors and offers the best investment conditions.
We report on a new contest among active participants and bloggers. The rules are very simple and understandable, and the prize will be paid in cash.
The point of the contest is that the investor / blogger / monitoring should record his own video, in which he talks about JSRentHouse and the benefits of cooperation with it and all prospects.
You must upload the video on Youtube, then send a link to the video on e-mail review@jsrenthouse.com.
Requires the following data:
1. Link to the video.
2. Your login at JSRentHouse
The winner will be determined on the 25th of February.
The investor who win the contest will be chosen by JSRentHouse employees, after watching and study all the videos. There will be 3 winners will.
First prize: $ 150, Second prize: $ 100, Third prize: $ 50
Prize money will be credited to the balance and available for immediate withdrawal.
If you have any questions contact our 24/7 availible online support.
Your JSRentHouse.”
Following suit, JazzleGames is also having a video contest now, but instead of the winners you will get a certain percentage of your deposited amount credited as a bonus for making an effort of producing a nice educational video review. The guidelines of the video contest are posted below and you can upload your little video masterpiece on the main social content-sharing websites mentioned there. In another newsletter the admin of JazzleGames was bragging about reaching of a million dollars in deposits – something that hardly can be verified at all, but my wild guess would be it’s much farther from the truth than you might think. Even the 17,000 number shared in the newsletter looks well short of the truth, judging by the current state of things in the HYIP industry now (btw, remember to take a moment to vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page on that). Another update from JazzleGames posted yesterday focused on the 2.3% deposit bonus you would have gotten if you invested via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, Ethereum, Dash, YandexMoney, or Monero. One thing I find odd about the deposit bonus is the holiday it was honoring – Defender of the Fatherland Day. As far as I’m aware of, this holiday is celebrated exclusively in Russia plus a few CIS countries, so it’s weird for a UK incorporated program, but might just show its Russian origins despite assurances given on the website. Anyway, we all know that in the HYIP industry is much more fiction than fact, so it’s no surprise that JazzleGames is trying to maintain the image of established financial company while in reality it does tick all the boxes as a mere online HYIP. That is of course not a bad thing at all, providing investors will get a chance to be in profits from JazzleGames that has been monitored on MNO for about 11 days, meaning some people might have finished the cycle on the shortest test plan.
However, if you haven’t taken advantage of the deposit bonus which has ended by now you should not be disappointed, as the investment plans offered by JazzleGames originally (read my review here to see what they were) have been modified as of today. Instead of the previously available plans exclusively for large investors with principal paid on expiry (2.2% for 70 days, and 2% for 77 days) there are two more attractive offers that will suit those who can spend at least a $20 minimum and include your principal in the daily profits – 7% for 17 days (19% net profit at the end) and 5.2% for 27 days (40.4% net profit). The three other investment plans still remain intact – 107% after 7 days, 3.6% for 50 days (principal included), and 1.8% for 40 days (principal back). While some investors will take this change with a pinch of salt and might think it indicates cashflow issues, others will simply enjoy the offer and make an additional deposit in one of the newer plans. No one can deny the fact that JazzleGames investors are happy at the moment, as the program pays instantly on request, and many people are taking advantage The latest news from JazzleGames issues over the last three days is reposted below:
“We are updating our plans! It is now available to everyone! 7% and 5.2% daily for a deposit of $ 20!
Dear investors! Taking care of the interests of our partners and multiplying your well-being is a priority in the activities of Jazzle Finance Limited [GB]. We are making great efforts to improve the already achieved results and continue to actively conduct the market research.
Analyzing the profiles of our investors, we collected the data on your preferences, and we made some changes to the proposed package of investment plans on their basis. Now we are even closer to the wishes and opportunities of an ordinary investor.
The plans with high daily charges from this moment are available to partners with the most modest investment budget. We made a gradual graduation of plans and, with a significant increase in the percentage of daily accrual – 5.2% -7%, reduced the minimum entry amount to $ 20!
Instead of the plans:
– 2% for 77 days with the deposit amount of 3000-30000 $
– 2.2% for 70 days with the deposit amount of 10,000-50000 $
We have introduced the plans:
– 5.2% for 27 days with the deposit amount of 20-10000 $ with a total profit of 140% (the deposit is included in the charge)
– 7% for 17 days with the deposit amount of 20-50000 $ with a total profit of 119% (the deposit is included in the charge).”
“A video contest from the Jazzle Finance Limited [GB] Company
Now you have a great opportunity to get additional bonuses up to 14%!
It’s simple. Shoot a small video review, in which you share data about your deposits, funds on your balance sheet or withdrawal amount from $10. Make your video emotional, share your wonderful mood from the real profits received. The more original, charismatic, juicier and more interesting your video is the more percentage of bonuses will be for you.
The name of the video must contain the name of the company Jazzle Finance Limited [GB]. The text must contain the words: Jazzle, investments, innovations, invest money, profitably invest money, profitable investments, and high-yield investment projects. It’s also necessary to use the hash tag #Jazzle.
Place your video on one or more video hosting: https://youtube.com, https://vimeo.com/, https://rutube.ru/, or on your pages in the social networks: https://www.facebook.com, https://vk.com
You can send links to your video by contacting the administration: feedback on the website or send it in Telegram https://t.me/jazzlegames
During the day, you will get a pleasant bonus in the amount of 4% – up to 14%! from the amount of deposit or withdrawal. The crediting will be carried out on your balance or on a deposit at the discretion of the administration.
The start of the contest is on 02/22/2018
Share your emotions, connect your creative and earn even more!”
“The first million!
Dear investors! Now you are in the team of millionaires! We are happy to announce that we have passed the milestone of a million dollars of attracted investments for a record 23 days! 17 thousand investors became our partners and were able to withdraw more than 200 thousand dollars of their profits to their accounts.
And we are not going to stop. All this only stimulates us to apply even more efforts to conquer new frontiers and increase the prosperity of our partners.”
“Defender of the Fatherland Day! + 2.3% to each new deposit
Dear investors! Jazzle Finance Limited [GB] congratulates our partners with Defender of the Fatherland Day!
The real defender is not only one, who stands on the battlefield like a shield but one, who in everyday life erects a “stone wall” of well-being for his loved ones, and gives them confidence in the future.
In honor of this holiday, we are announcing the promotion: + 2.3% will be added to each deposit, made today.
The promotion is limited in time and is valid until 12:00 GMT.
Protect your future and the future of your family, and let your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and the heart is warmed by attention, love and care of relatives and friends! Accept sincere wishes of health, happiness, peace and prosperity!”
If you admire the activities of WikiLeaks and respect the likes of Julian Assange / Edward Snowden etc, then why not consider joining NobleDDoS? That way you will both support the good cause of DDoSing and blackmailing illegal websites and make a buck for yourselves by sponsoring what NobleDDoS is claiming to be involved with. Killing two birds with one stone – a perfect dream that can become a reality in case people profit from a program that has been monitored on MNO for 10 days now, meaning people who invested in one of NobleDDoS‘s plans (4.5%-5% for 30 days, or 120%-130% after 15 days) are getting closer to their break-even point with every passing day. It’s especially nice that payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, LiteCoin, and Ethereum are processed instantly, so you don’t wait long before funds are transferred to your wallet. Besides, the admin of NobleDDoS is working hard to attract a bigger international crowd to his website and with the newly added French translation he seems to be moving in the right direction. With six translations and more in the pipeline NobleDDoS (reviewed here) is a serious contender for your attention, so watch this space:
“French version of the site has been added!
We try to make it as easy as possible for investors to use our website and add new languages! Today we translated the site into French! In the near future, add Spanish!
Have a nice day, everyone!”
EnergyCarsRevolution (reviewed here) is also doing its best efforts to cater to an international HYIP market and the recently added Polish language version the admin reported in the latest newsletter might encourage European investors, as Vietnamese-speaking people were honoured to be the first. That makes EnergyCarsRevolution available in three languages now with more to come I hope. Stable payouts from offers include 2.1% for 30 days, 2.3% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days, 500% after 100 days (all with principal back on expiry). The variety of payment options available for investors include PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin. Dash, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and BitcoinCash. As EnergyCarsRevolution has been monitored on MNO for twenty days only the profit zone is still not reached by the first members, but hopefully we will see some smiling faces and bulging wallets in a couple of weeks. For the latest newsletter from EnergyCarsRevolution is below:
“EnergyCarsRevolution – Support of the Polish language !
Dear investor,
As we promised in the previous news, the company will continue to add new languages to the official website. Now the Polish language is available, which will allow investors from this region to feel more comfortable when working with the services of the site. In the near future we will integrate the following language into the site.
We thank investors from all regions for their active participation in the activities and development of EnergyCarsRevolution.”
While OctoinCoin – an Octoin owned cryptocurrency – seems to be a bit hit and miss at the moment after the price of one unit plummeted from $100 to about $10 on independent exchangers, the administration stays pretty active focused. At least they’re good at making videos rather than any other efforts to make OCC currency grow, as the new video presentation (seems to be expensive) has been presented and can embedded on the MNOVision page. Not much other news, apart from conference updates was posted on the Octoin website lately and I believe I’ll postpone the new review of Octoin that currently only works with OCC deposits until later, when its currency price is going to be higher than the current one (you can check out the old review here if interested). All the latest updates from Octoin issued over the last three days can be found below:
“About Octoin in 145 seconds! Watch the video!
The cryptocurrency market recovered from the shocks in early February and again moved up, albeit with corrections. In the meantime, we have prepared for all Octoin users a video about our team, our project and the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency, which is already entering major international markets! You can see it at the link: https://youtu.be/yHJ94Zpd04c
It will be especially useful for those who are still only thinking about joining our community. It briefly tells about the numerous advantages of our project and our OctoinCoin cryptocurrency. Especially important is a wide range of participants, leaders and users from all over the world.
But even if the information in the video is not new for you – you can always share it with your partners and friends who do not know about the project. In a world where every hour counts, do not waste time on long explanations – just look at this small video to understand what Octoin is like.
More interesting and informative videos can be found in the corresponding section on our website, at the link https://octoin.com/video/
Octoin – your reliable partner in the cryptoworld!”
“Recently in Bangi the Octoin conference was held!
February 10 – this day was the new conference, which was organized by our Indonesian team in Bangi. This is one of the first major conferences that took place in Malaysia.
During this event, the speaker Mrs Bella, talked about the technology of blockchain, about crypto-currencies and about our project Octoin. The conversation was about the development of this sphere, its prospects and the opportunities for earning money.
Each visitor had the opportunity to ask any question of interest to the speakers from our team. For us, it is very important to have feedback and open communication with people who are interested in self-development and improve their prosperity.
Our leaders from all over the world will continue to work as actively and develop together with us and our users! And if you suddenly did not get to this conference, then be sure to come to the next one!
Octoin – a new era of blockchain!”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: JSRentHouse, NobleDDoS, EnergyCarsRevolution, JazzleGames, ETHMine (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: BitifyLimited (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining.
That’s the news I have for today, guys. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and talk to you next week with a detailed look at ETHMine and, of course, all the latest news from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry – its current and future leaders. Make sure to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter for all live updates and subscribe for regular news articles delivered to your email address here. Stay active on the MNO ShoutBox, vote in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page, and contact me if you have any questions at abramsonp@gmail.com, or this contact form. I can also chat with you on Telegram @mnoblog when online, so if you have anything urgent you can contact me there too. Talk to you all on Tuesday on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Feb 24th, 2018.