29/03/2019. BullishInvestmentMood Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! BullishInvestmentMood has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all looking forward to a good weekend, but not so good that you can’t find time for MNO! Not because there’s a great deal of news to catch up on, though as always there’s a couple of items that should interest you, but more so because there’s a brand new listing on the MNO monitor I want to look at in more detail for you. So getting started, hot off the presses if you like, BullishInvestmentMood launched just a couple of days ago with MNO as its first monitor. I know the admin has some experience in this field and has a pretty good track record when it comes to delivering results for as many investors as is reasonably possible. Let’s see if BullishInvestmentMood can do the same. The first item then in today’s HYIP industry update I want to take a closer look at the program, what they have to offer and the other main features, and see if you think BullishInvestmentMood might have a place in your portfolios.
Plans are pretty simple, though you could on one hand say BullishInvestmentMood have three plans or on the other hand say they’ve only got one. How so? Well, basically it’s more of what I would call a “target based” program in the sense that every investor, big and small, gets the exact same return. The only difference is that bigger investors get there that little bit faster. Ultimately though BullishInvestmentMood aim to pay 240% back to all members, principal included, so your own money back plus 140% net profit. The actual mechanics of how you go about getting to that point depend on how much money you are prepared to spend on the program.
It doesn’t have to be a whole lot by the way, BullishInvestmentMood is quite affordable to all with just a $10 minimum needed to join The Basic Plan. For that, or anything up to a $599 limit so I guess that includes most investors, BullishInvestmentMood offer a basic 1% interest payment per calendar day for 240 calendar days (240% total return). Give or take a few days that’s about eight calendar months. In practical terms that would mean a $100 investment would get $1 back per day, allowing you to reach the break even point after 100 days and start earning a risk free income after that until you achieve your target of $240 after 240 days.
Medium range investors spending between $600 and $4,999 get The Standard Plan. Eventually as I said you get the same result, except you just just get rewarded for your bigger investment by getting placed in a faster lane to get there. BullishInvestmentMood offer members 1.5% interest per calendar day for 160 days, adding up to 240% in total by the end with your principal included but only taking 67 calendar days to break even and see your first net profit.
If you can afford it and are happy to take the risk, BullishInvestmentMood also have The Professional Plan for members spending between a $5,000 minimum and a $50,000 maximum. The term is 120 calendar days with a daily interest payment of 2% per day, yielding the same 240% return, principal included, with a break even point of 50 days.
Payment processors then should you wish to continue and make an active deposit in BullishInvestmentMood are the next thing you need to know about. It’s a fairly standard list for the HYIP industry at the moment, with PerfectMoney and Payeer both included if you prefer the more conventional third party payment handlers, and BitCoin or Ethereum for those favouring the more direct route of moving their own money in and out of BullishInvestmentMood with a more modern cryptocurrency. But that’s all you really need as those are about the most popular options serving the HYIP industry now anyway. What probably makes BullishInvestmentMood most unique in the HYIP industry at the moment is the payment schedule. Whereas your earnings themselves are clocked up on a daily basis, payouts are only processed twice per week. I can’t say exactly why this is, it’s not how it was when the program first started operations, it may change again in the future if the admin finds himself better positioned to do this more regularly. But for the time being payouts can only be requested on Mondays and Fridays. Depending on where you are in the world it’s worth noting that this is defined as the hours between 00:00 and 23:59 GMT. You’ll need to log into your BullishInvestmentMood account area and submit your request to be paid manually, after which the admin reserves anything up to a 72 hour maximum waiting time for all transactions to be completed. Personally though I’ve always been paid quite promptly. By the way, there is a third withdrawal window available on Wednesdays but this is only for additional bonus earnings such as referral commissions so won’t really apply to most members.
Moving on to some of the more technical aspects of BullishInvestmentMood as a website and investment program, overall I have to say it really is quite impressive when held up in comparison to a lot of what else is around at the moment. The first thing I know a lot of people take notice of is the script. In this case BullishInvestmentMood runs off a totally custom made script, developed especially for them from scratch to suit their individual requirements. It’s important that when not using one of the generic “off the peg” mass produced scripts used by the majority of programs that you still keep things simple from the investor’s point of view, easy to navigate and customer friendly, which BullishInvestmentMood have also done here superbly. What a lot of people may not always realize however is just how much control a custom script gives back to the admin, who is now in a stronger position to make changes and improvements to his program as the need arises and it grows and develops, all without the need to rely on outside support. For a hosting provider BullishInvestmentMood is on a dedicated and DDoS protected server with the tech support and protection from malicious attacks provided by OVH, whose own reputation is solid enough. For an added layer of security there is a superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL certificate provided by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions.
The program’s admin has made the effort to have BullishInvestmentMood registered as a company in the UK where most HYIPs do it because it’s a cheap online process without any questions or ID required. Whether this impresses enough newbies in the HYIP industry to significantly swell the numbers coming to join BullishInvestmentMood remains to be seen. Some professionally translated language versions of the site can also be accessed by the way, so if English isn’t your strong point you can switch to Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or Indonesian if that’s any help to you. You’ll just need to click on the appropriate flag at the top of the page in order to find the language buttons.
If you have any further questions for the BullishInvestmentMood admin that you think may not have been explained in this review, any account related issues that need to be dealt with, or any other reason to contact the program’s support then there are a couple of channels open to you. You should probably start with the FAQ page by the way, which is quite extensive. If you still need to contact them for something else, you can fill in your details on the customer support form and submit it online for a reply. The BullishInvestmentMood admin is very communicative, always a valued trait in any program, and has a news section on the website which is a hive of activity so keep an eye on that to be made aware of any new developments. Or if you prefer, everything posted there will follow soon after on the MNO news blog, just as long as you stay informed is all that’s really important.
There’s a wealth of social media networks, plus an interactive educational scheme called The Academy which aims to give investors more independence by posting occasional instructional videos on some of the day-to-day tasks one might encounter in trying to make money online. For example, and maybe a lot of the regular readers will know this but for the sake of newbies one of the first such videos was on how to establish an Ethereum wallet. Handy for BullishInvestmentMood for sure but also very useful for a whole lot else in the HYIP industry so kudos to the admin for that. Following on from this you can also check out the BullishInvestmentMood YouTube channel or the introductory video as linked to on the MNO monitor. For contact and support you have a built-in Live Chat widget on the BullishInvestmentMood website (not a 24 hour service so check for an operator first) plus Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, plus Telegram for further chat options.
If you are interested in the background story where BullishInvestmentMood are allegedly using investors money to generate a profit, we are told it’s the trading of ForEx and cryptocurrencies. Exactly how much of this you choose to believe is up to you, experienced HYIP players will most likely skip it, but if you think it’s feasible let me just remind you there is no guarantee it has to be profitable all the time. With this in mind you should take a sensible approach to the program, remembering to at all times stay well within spending limits you can afford to lose as well as earn back without any difficulty from other sources should things not work out for you. And if joining BullishInvestmentMood at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. Final thoughts on BullishInvestmentMood therefore are that I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect big things from the program eventually, but it’s also unlikely to be an overnight hit. Then again since the current trend in the HYIP industry seems to favour longer term plans maybe it will, but really the most important thing to consider in this early stage is how they combine what I like to think of as the twin pillars of any successful program – profitability and sustainability. Can they come up with the rates of interest paid to members in the short term? Yes. Can they sustain these rates over the longer term to make it a profitable investment for a significant number of investors? Under experienced management, which I believe they have, also yes. Don’t take this as a green light to spend crazy amounts of money, but BullishInvestmentMood is as good an online gamble as any other I remember in recent times.
Before I finish with the review of BullishInvestmentMood and move on to today’s news updates I would like to ask if anyone reading this has their own opinions on the program? I hope you won’t mind sharing them with your fellow readers. It takes literally a second to vote, is totally anonymous, and will make for more interesting reading once we are looking back at the program at the end rather than looking forward at the start. Please answer the following question:

I hope you have enjoyed the above review of BullishInvestmentMood on MNO and that it helped you draw your own conclusions one way or another as to whether it’s worth joining or not. Rather than just investing though you can simply join BullishInvestmentMood to take the opportunity to educate yourself with a range of free video tutorials they offer as part of their Academy campaign. You might remember that along with PerfectMoney and Payeer BullishInvestmentMood also works with the major cryptocurrencies, like BitCoin and Ethereum. And if the first video lesson taught you how to open a MyEtherWallet to start working with Ethereum, the second lesson in their Academy series informs HYIP investors how to familiarize themselves with opening a BlockChain BitCoin wallet. So feel free to take advantage if you are still new to this arena and not quite sure how to get started.
Another update from BullishInvestmentMood posted over the last few days is in regards to the so-called insurance fund. You can see this for yourself by watching the video showing the company’s trading assets which they allegedly use to trade in various markets. The video outlines some impressive amounts of money stored there and we all should agree that BullishInvestmentMood is a fully fledged operational program with the ability to deliver profits to their members. In my opinion, that doesn’t qualify to say that all the investments put into BullishInvestmentMood would be securely insured, but rather that they have some back up reserves that can continue paying investors much longer in comparison to programs with lower starting budgets and entirely dependent on new incoming funds to pay to existing members. And this is definitely the main advantage of BullishInvestmentMood over other similar programs as you can see from the video the link shared below:
“Insurance fund $250,000
Dear investors of the project “BIM” from the company “BULLISHINVESTMENTMOOD“! Our traders showed excellent results before the opening of the project and formed an insurance fund in the amount of $ 250,000, which are stored in profitable assets, thereby the insurance fund is constantly increasing against the dollar. We care about to each of our investors, and in case of force majeure, we will reimburse each of our investors losses from our fund.
Yours faithfully: the team “BULLISHINVESTMENTMOOD”
“BullishInvestmentMood | Lesson number 2
BullishInvestmentMood | Lesson number 2
How to create blockchain wallet. How it works https://www.blockchain.com/
Site: https://bullinvmod.com/videos
As usual, there were lot of news around the current #1 program on MNO and the undoubted leader of the HYIP industry at the moment – Weenzee. Since the program puts special emphasis on promotional efforts in Asian countries it’s no surprise that today and tomorrow sees new meetings being helld in the Chinese town of Wuxi and Indonesia’s Palembang. A couple of days ago a special lottery was held exclusively for Chinese members of Weenzee where they could win the 300 WNZ grand prize among others. You should really join and invest in Weenzee if you wish to use their internal currency WNZ which can be easily exchanged to USD or any major cryptocurrency within the member’s area as by converting your funds to WNZ you will also enjoy a 15% extra payment on top of the current daily rate and will have the option to withdraw your principal for a fee at anytime you like. For those unfamiliar with Weenzee and missed my detailed review of the program posted here let me refresh your memory and highlight the main advantages of joining the program now in its fifth month online. You may join starting from $30 via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, EthreumClassic. Dash, Zcash, Eos, Tether, or Ripple. There are plenty of investment terms to choose from, and on expiry of each you will get your principal back – 30, 60, 90, 180 or 360 calendar days. The variable daily rate that is credited to your account will accumulate on your balance, and can then be requested to any payment method you wish with a maximum processing time of 72 hours (usually the payments are done much faster than that). The daily rate is usually around 1% though might be marginally higher or lower depending on several factors which you should refer to on the Weenzee website for more information. All the latest news from the program is included below:
WEENZEE partners from China announce a large-scale lottery to be held on March 27th. The start of the draw will take place at 20:00 Beijing time. To participate in the draw, use the link with the QR code https://18655238-7.hd.faisco.cn/18655238/mk6BLm9NAqFWvSTsxw6fHA/xydzp.html?fromQrcode=true&appid=wx50775cad5d08d7ad
The following prizes will be drawn in the super lottery:
– one prize – 300 WNZ,
– three prizes of 100 WNZ,
– six prizes of 50 WNZ
– a special prize for the luckiest person of 490 WNZ!
The winners of the draw will immediately be able to use the funds won to open an investment portfolio. WEENZEE gives you a chance to increase your profit. Use it!
Hurry up, the number of participants is limited!
The WEENZEE team thanks the representatives of the company from China for organizing the draw!
WEENZEE is an opportunity for financial freedom and wealth!”
More events for China! We met great enthusiasm and optimism from Chinese investors and traders. Every day new people join WEENZEE, ready to work for the benefit of the whole project and its participants. This motivates team members to organize even more activities and trainings.
The meeting will be held in Wuxi, Nanchang district. Project participants, investors and leaders will discuss in detail all the most important issues about business in the blockchain market. New members of the community will also be able to ask questions about the project and its features. If you are with us recently, our leaders will be happy to tell you how to use the WEENZEE business platform and advise investment portfolios that are right for you.
The seminar will last about three hours, all participants will be provided with drinks and snacks. Use the unique opportunity to discover the crypto market and become a professional in this field. With WEENZEE you will earn real money and become financially independent!
Brief information:
Date: March 30, Time: from 15:00 to 18:00, Location: Nanchang District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province (check the exact location with the organizers), WeChat: wujieqi507
We look forward to your participation!”
Professional and expert Deni Aryanto invites you to a seminar on the development of the cryptosphere: innovative sector of the economy, which becomes larger every year. Be one of the pioneers – start working with Weenzee!
You can explore our robotic trading system, which is based on the most innovative technologies of our time: artificial intelligence, by using which system WEENZEE can instantly process terabytes of data using an advanced analytic algorithm.
The event will take several hours, during which time will be given to both the WEENZEE presentation and live communication with the speaker. Of course, everyone will have the opportunity to ask any question to our representatives. For your convenience and comfort you will be provided with drinks and snacks.
Date: March 29, Location: R. M. Sri Melayu, Palembang, Time: 19:30 to 22:00 UTC + 07, Speaker: Deni Aryanto, Contacts: 081348215878
Weenzee – we give new opportunities”.
Who would have thought that what first looked a rather forgettable and uninspiring program called InstantMiningLimited would achieve the status of the oldest monitored program on MNO and scam after 263 days online? I guess very few people. And nevertheless, InstantMiningLimited has managed to demonstrate good results for an extremely low-ROI program paying only 0.62% daily for the smaller investors. If you joined InstantMiningLimited on the first day online when it was first listed on MNO and hadn’t reinvested anything you could have potentially earned a 163% return from which 63% is net profit. The program though worked exclusively with BitCoin and had to be moved to Problem and then back to Paying status on the MNO monitor occasionally when the payments didn’t go through. However, the admin always proved me wrong and processed pending withdrawals eventually. Not this time though, as a couple of days ago InstantMiningLimited finally pulled the plug on usually instant withdrawals and the admin has decided that was enough for him. Frankly speaking, the program was not popular among readers at all and I was surprised myself it stayed online and paying for almost nine months. In any case we cannot really complain as the chance to earn was there for anyone who wanted to take it. Please note though that InstantMiningLimited has stopped paying and has been moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor now!
Time now to analyse the results of the latest poll from the MNO TalkBack page over the last seven days. I asked about the size of your investment portfolio, specifically “How many programs do you have in your current HYIP portfolio?” It appears that most of my readers are pretty selective when it comes to where to invest with 45% responding that they invest in “one to three programs” only, with 22% usually pick “three to seven”. As you can see two thirds have no more than seven programs in their portfolios at the moment, with only another third having responded otherwise. 22% say they’ve invested in “seven to twelve” programs with only 11% having “more than that” in their portfolio at this particular time. The poll shows that the vast majority of HYIP investors are now pretty selective with their picks and that the admins have to go the extra mile in order to attract the right crowd for their projects. That has always been true of course in the HYIP industry, but it’s particularly so right at this moment, meaning admins should really study carefully what people want and offer them something that would satisfy their exquisite tastes.
For the next question that will run on the MNO TalkBack page for another week or so I’ve decided to discuss a totally different matter. As you may know, over the last week quite a few programs from the MNO monitor have stopped working and were moved to Scam. While that sometimes happens with good paying programs that close their doors after so many investors are already in good profit it was especially worrying for me that a handful of Basic Listed programs on the MNO monitor scammed without any members in profit. I should remind you that Basic listed programs are NOT mentioned on the MNO blog, the programs are not reviewed or interviewed and their news updates are not covered, so it’s quite understandable why the programs listed on Basic Status on the MNO monitor don’t usually gett much attention from my readers. I keep this policy to get rid of the fast scams and have only the best programs covered on the MNO blog. Readers can do their own research before joining and investing into the much lower budget Basic List programs on the MNO monitor. So, the question I’m asking today on the MNO TalkBack page will reflect the latest shifts in attitudes towards the Basic listed programs and help us all understand (readers and HYIP admins alike) whether it’s worth it to save on reviews and avoid more comprehensive coverage on MNO in favour of cheaper alternatives. So, the new TalkBack question and possible answers which can be voted on here is as follows:
Do you ever invest in the programs from MNO’s Basic List?
– Yes, I may invest in all programs regardless of their listing type
– Only in rare cases, if such a program is of truly outstanding quality
– Never, I only invest in higher-budget HYIPs from Premium List
As usual the TalkBack poll will stay open for at least the next seven days, so everyone interested will have ample time to speak their mind and show HYIP admins the right direction for their advertising efforts. All the votes will be counted and analysed by the end of the next week, so please say what you think here. Thanks in advance to everyone for their active participation in the poll!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Weenzee, BitAeon, BitBoots, InstantMiningLimited, BullishInvestmentMood.
From MNO Standard list: Hooplex.
From MNO Basic list: Aria1AISolutions.
That’s it for today, guys. I hope you make the most of the weekend ahead and will be back to MNO next week for all the latest updates from the best programs in the HYIP industry. It’s very important to stay in the loop in this ever changing HYIP industry, so please do yourself a favour and get the latest news straight to your mailbox by subscribing to the MNO blog articles here and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter for more streamlined updates in real-time. As soon as a new program arrives on the MNO monitor you’ll be notified if you follow MNO channels, so you won’t miss any new earning opportunities. If you ever have any questions, suggestions or advertising requests please keep in touch by emailing me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com, submitting your request via the online form here or chatting with me live on Telegram messenger @mnoblog. I’ll be pleased to hear what you think on the MNO ShoutBox and also please vote on the MNO TalkBack poll to say what you think about the cheaper Basic listed programs. I will be back with more news from the HYIP industry for you next week, guys. Thanks for reading and for staying with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 29th, 2019.