Jul 31st, 2007 Archives

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I received two payments today from PSTraffic. There were several glitches in surfing system today but now everything seems to be ok and all members got their payments. Starting today I recommenced my strategy of putting 50% of withdrawal amount into the program before requesting cashout. I’m in profit already so I am able to play with my profit money. Though it’s not advisable for those of you not in profit put much money here. The situation is not very stable and highly unpredictable now in my opinion. Let’s just wait and see how PSTraffic is going before making conclusions.

As you know yesterday was the first cashout day in SwiftMoneySurf since the new cashout rules had been implemented. When logging into my account today I found out that I had allegedly received payment to e-gold. Checking the e-gold account I realized it’s not true and I haven’t actually been paid. I sent the support ticket to admin and he corrected it by putting my amount to pending status again. I still think that now it’s not the best momentum to upgrade more in SwiftMoneySurf. James’ new sites have not gained much popularity yet, and SwiftMoneySurf itself is somehow stalling. Only if payments continue as usual it will regain its bygone power.

I received another payment from IncomeStorm within minutes after request again. And I feel sorry for those of you still sitting on the fence as this program is really great. My overall opinion on IncomeStorm you can read here.

Also I have been paid by MInvestment today. This program is really good in my opinion but maybe it’s too risky already to join it now (online for 3 months and it will take you another 3 months to be in profit). So I decided to find a new program which will satisfy my demand for a good long-term HYIP. And I think I found it recently – it’s called eTradeClub. I’m making a review of it and it will be ready by tomorrow I hope. But you’re free to check it and maybe join it. Minimum investment is 20$ and eTradeClub pays you 2.1% for 90 days. I have not been paid yet as I have one pending withdrawal but I will notify you when I get my payment.

And one more thing: do you like my daily news and reviews? Then support me by subscribing to my RSS-feed which I have recently added. You will then get notified every time I update my blog. You will be literally the first to know. I also want to thank JohnnyQ from OnesInternet hosting company for correcting my feed. He’s a very nice and helpful person. You may know him as an admin of mysurflive.com website.

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