August 2007 Archives

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Wow, today is the first of August. It means that my blog is 1 month old. Not really one month to tell the truth, in June I tested my capability to provide you the latest news from HYIP and autosurf world and moreover do it on daily basis. It seems I did my best in achieving this goal and didn’t miss a day posting the news as I see it. I’m not afraid to tell what’s really on my mind in any given moment. But it seems to me that somebody doesn’t even understand that what is good today may not be good tomorrow. Please bear in mind that HYIPs and autosurfs listed on my blog are not stable programs, they are changing every day. So if a program is paying today I can only report about it and estimate its chance to pay tomorrow. It was a very unpleasant surprise for me when I received two notification letters from KostaGroup about referral commission made to my account one and two days later after I warned everyone that this program was not paying. I’m glad that my review of KostaGroup made many of you join this program, it means that you have made good profits if you deposited during the first four days of program’s existence. But if you read this review carefully you must have been noticed that I estimated its lifecycle for 7 days only and not mistaken much as it paid for 9 days. BUT it hurt me that somebody perhaps came across my review too late and made wrong investment decision. I repeat you MUST NOT read any given article on my blog without referring to the latest news about this specific program. Find out the latest news about the program you’re interested in the search section of my blog or better subscribe to my latest news via RSS-feed so you will be the first to know good or bad news which will help you make a better investment decision. Remember we are in this industry to make money not to lose it. So it’s always better to spend more time researching before depositing money. Thank you for reading my blog. I will continue to do anything possible to make it the best place to find out all the latest news about high yield investment opportunities.

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