Aug 19th, 2007 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


The next long update from Jamie, admin of PSTraffic and PSAdvertising (and my comments after that): “I’ve been busy busting my behind to get caught up with everything. PSAdvertising has finally been launched. PSAdvertising is a much more stable program (3%-8% daily ROA) especially for those who like to upgrade with really big amounts. PSTraffic payments are getting done. There is a delay in processing higher amounts. Lower amounts are being processed quicker. Nonetheless payments are being done. Trolls will be trolls. Haters will be haters. They always show up on queue. I’ve learned to ignore all forms of negativity. It’s all part of this industry. I will just continue to do the best I can regardless. I can say for a fact that out of all the admins around, I have shown the most progress out of all of them. I am probably the only admin who has given members a chance to get back any lost funds. Some may be angry at me because of the many changes I have made and I cannot stop you from voicing your opinions since you have every right to do so but at least I have given members a chance. Those who have transferred their owed amounts to PSAdvertising have broken even in PSTraffic and once they make their first cashouts from PSA they will be in profit already. I have been up front since the beginning with everyone and haven’t made a single excuse at all. I’d like to give a huge THANK YOU to all who have continued to show support“.
I agree with Jamie that he’s really from the type of admins that doesn’t give up and fights till the end. I hope he will manage to cope with two sites. And I wish him luck. But to join PSAdvertising you should really have big funds to upgrade with. One or even two units will be not enough. I’m preparing my review of PSAdvertising and it will be published later today. I’m going to compare those two sites and will show you the advantages and disadvantages of joining each of them. But one thing is for sure: with such low ROA and 50/50 and 65/35 rules implemented these programs have now the possibility of running for a very long time.

If you are the former member of 4NewbiesMarketing you might be interested to know that the program associated with now defunct CEP Trust are about to become “paid-to-viewing ads” program but without upgrading so you will get paid just for viewing ads. Yes, that’s true! The program will be restructured and admin will send another update to members so if you want to become a part of it why not join? You don’t risk anything but have a chance to earn just for looking at ads. As far as I know about the admin of 4NewbiesMarketing I cannot say anything wrong about him. So I think this site could be big again. Below is the update:
After much thought, we at 4NewbiesMarketing have decided to change the focus of our business. Effective immediately we will be paying all members every day when they qualify by viewing ads. We will no longer be accepting upgrades to pay rebates back on. Instead we will only pay members a daily amount for viewing ads. We have come into a partnership agreement that will allow for the successful existence of our company without the burden of having to pay out rebates for upgrades made. We will be updating the FAQ and Terms over the next several weeks, but for now most of the site text will remain the same. There will still be an option to purchase credits. To make things excruciantingly clear: WE WILL BE PAYING YOU FOR VIEWING COMMERCIALS ONLINE. FOR FREE. That is all for now. Once the complete transformation is made, we will send out another update“.

I received payments today from MInvestment, eTradeClub, PSTraffic and ProfitSwinger12DPClub.

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