Oct 3rd, 2007 Archives

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Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello, world! As you know I’m trying now to move away from various types of investments to more stable type of business. And therefore there would be links to free books and reports available in all my posts from now on.

And first I would like to introduce to you one report called “Internet Marketing: A Lamborghini on a Dead End Road” which is written by Russell Branson, an experienced internet marketer and the owner of DotComSecrets website. Grab it for free here and you will find out much valued info about his entrepreneurial experience. It is 44 pages of strategy and marketing insights.
Once you go to the site and register, you will be taken to a one time offer. If you want your free report only, simply scroll down to the bottom and click on the “no, thanks” text. Then you will be taken directly to the PDF report.
Use this link for downloading! I am reading it now and it’s interesting and inspiring to have this advice at your disposal.

I’m also in the process of reading and implementing the strategies that are described in MLP (MoneyListProfits). I have platinum membership and already accomplished one sale as an affiliate partner. And it’s only after 2 days of promoting in autosurf sites I’m in. I remind you that not only will you have $10 on every sale made through your referral link but also you will be provided with a lot of precious info and tips about making money in Paid-to-Read industry. In addition you will get a list of proven paying sites which is only available for MLP members. So if you considered changing your course to a different field this is your chance to do so. I will put a more detailed report about my experience in MLP later but studying MoneyMail series I’m quite impressed so far by MLP and I suggest you to check out this site.

Now onto my investment news.

I joined another of Charles’ sites MultiStreamOnline and have already upgraded. This is the surfing site which is based on the same script as SurfMargin. The difference is you will get 130% instead of 136% when your upgrade expires and the price of one unit is $25 (compare with $50 in SurfMargin). If you have not much money to start with SurfMargin you can first try MultiStreamOnline which is more than a year online already and it’s still paying. I’m continuing to say that Charles is a superb admin and always keeps his promises. So I guarantee that you will not be disappointed with his sites. For both sites you can make an upgrade using SolidTrustPay or e-Gold.

I was scared with recent hacker’s attacks on PSTraffic and SurfMax12 which occurred on Monday but Jamie and Paul did everything possible to restore the database and prevent the hacker from future attempts of blackmailing. I hope they made the necessary conclusions and improved the security of the sites. I was paid by PSTraffic but I’m still awaiting my payout from SurfMax12. Hope to get it soon!

IncomeStorm is paying regularly. It though had some script issues and was unavailable for the most part of the day and even now you can’t generate income properly. But admin promised: “We are currently doing server optimization and maintenance. Please do not generate your income. The server has been programmed to generate your income for you automatically. A script will generate your income for you today in the next few hours. Kind regards“. I have a tiny sum in IncomeStorm because I believe the program is too old now to join.

The most stable HYIP that has been paying me since May is MInvestment. I recommend you to check my blog regularly for more news and updates. Hope you will like to come here!

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